HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-OR-10 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2005-OR- 10 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF SURVEY NO. 4 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, JEFFERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, CONTAINING 2.302 ACRES MORE OR LESS, FROM PR:UP-OL (PARKS & RECREATION-UTICA PIKE OVERLAY DISTRICT) TO RI. LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Whereas, Cherokee Rivers LLC has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A from. PR:Up-OL (Parks & Recreation-Utica P~ke Overlay D~stnct) to RI: Low Density Residential; and, Whereas, on February 22, 2005 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the >roposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, the proposed change of 2 February 28, 2005 at 7:3 Whereas, this C()mmon Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider :oning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for 0 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all int. :rested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Co~ [ncil and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREI 'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiam;, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached ,'Exhibit A" is t~ereby changed from PR: UP-OL-(Parks & Recreation-Utica Pike Overlay District) tc IT IS FURTHE shall be amended to incl This ordinance s SO ORDAINEI RI' Low Density Residential; and ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville ~de such change. tall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. this 9~_...__~~--. day ofFebmary 2005. C O MM Olfl,'~'~'~~fi~ O F THE CI7~¥ OF JE,~JERSONVILLE, INDIANA.7 By' ~ ~_ · Robert ~. Waiz, Jr. Presidi~g Officer ATTEST: e~g'~ ~l~eL) Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this ~day of~ 2005. This reggy WIlOtgT' Clerk-Treasurer / Ordinance approved and signed by rn .~ ' of Eetaeeu~ 2005. Robert L. Jr., Mayor 0i/24/05 PAU. I-'PRIMAYE~ &, ASSOCIATES ' 'R.EGI~iTli;;R"EID E~'NCiilNEIERt AND, LAND ~U'RVII~YOR~ ', .. · ,Cherokee River, .LLC from' Th,O Perrin Family Park Fo~dation, Ino, The.following isa.legal description prepared this 22"~ day ofganuary, 2005,' of real property being a part of Survey'#4 of tho Illinois Grant, Jeffersonvillo Township,' Clark County, Indiana, more particularly described as'follows' O . . · 'C mmoncmg at the. Westerly. comer of said Survey.'#4; thence along tho lin~ dividing 8urv,¥ #4 ~rid S~e7 #3 South 35' .57.' 19': Ea,t 5628.91 feet to'the Northerly fight-of, way -of Utica Piko; thence along ' ' ' ' '' ' sa~d right-of-way North 65 37~ 26" East 649,85 feet to a st~,l'pin and cap as set by' Victor M¢Cauley and the point orb,ginning; rhone, leaving 8aid right-of-way'~long the .line~ ~of that property . ~onv,y,d to Th, P,rrin Family' Pa~k Foundation, Inc., in Deed Drawer 2 I, ' Instrument #12120, in th~ offi% of,h~ R, corder ofCl~rk County, Indlar~a, a~.. follow~: North 35' $4"59' W,~t 403,~ 1 f,~ ~o a ~t¢~l pin'in con~r~t~; th, n,~ ' ' 'South 55' 48, 05" .W,~t 139.71. f, et m a ~teel pin in eon,r~te; thence NOrth :t6' 2t3" 28"' W~t 61.71 f~t top ~t?l Pil~ in ~ncrot*; thence South 54' 04' 10" West ' 1.1'7.02 f, ot to a steel p~p~ tn ¢oncrete;.tl~enc, North 35' 56"38" lh~n¢~.l~a~ing ~aid lines North 56' 53' 32" East 383.50 feet to the SouthWest,dy .. ' lin, of'that property ¢onv,¥ed't, Cherokee PdVer, LL¢, in 35' 55' 13" East 565.96 feet to a'~m,~ pipe on ~ho No~efly.right-of-way .Pike; ~neo ~ong s~id rift-of-way Somh~65' 37' 26" west 128;'27~f, et to th, "' .point ofbe~iming, containing 2.302 Acr, s, more or less. ""' . Being a part of that property conveyed to The Perrin Family Park'Found~ti .on, Inc., in Deed Drawer :21 ~ lnstrum,nt # I2120, in' the office of the Recorder of Clark .Co~~, Indiana. . ' ' .' Being subject t.o all easements, restrictions, land fights-of-way of record. T:klocummt~U.on~oriptioa\9413de~o.wpd 301 E. Chestnut Strset, RO.'Box 123, Corydon, IN 47112 Phone; (812) 7a8-4124 F~: (81~) 71t8,8740 ~-mall: pprim~v~m~pr!mawr~.wtn, net. EXHIBIT "A" .. .o STEEL PIN IN CONCRETE STE£L PIPE IN CONCRETE FENCE PIN AND CAP AS SET aY MoCAULEY ~ . '. ... LINE DIVIDING SURVEY 1~3 &~ ' . .. SURVEY ~ ' .. · . , PROPERTY IN_ THE~ ~.AM~ O~L--' THE Pi[REIN FAMILY PARK FOUNDATION~ INC. ' ~URC~, DEED DRAWER 21,-INSTRUMENT 12120. Completed= N/A .Client:. chERoKEE RI~ '- ' ~ '-- a ~ '- a ~ ~ II ~ ' ~ PROPOSED FOR NEAL HARDING I! ~ · UTICA PIKE ]1 .PERRIN' JEFFERSONVILLE INDIANA 47130 ..... L ...... -o~as'~ s'~ e~ ~'" The E3toplnal Group LLC L, ARCHITECTURE + I~IGINiERING + ~IiE'P.10R'~ ~mo Ill C:) C:) EI:'FERSONVI LI C l"t E RO K E E RIVER. Lk C~TO;R EzO t~EING A PART OF SURVEY NO, .4 0. pR:Ui~¢Ot. ~ARKS &,RECREATION.UT r:le sClib:ed ;i~h.'a[~t~.cj~e cl'.~, EXh:bit ;-'~. ~'~ (the Property from;'P Bt~'P~:'O L rlecreatiO:fi-UtiOa Pi~e':o~Vertay. . Distric0 ~b RI: LoW Density~R ... ~..- ,~ :,~ w.t~erel~s,,.::..a:fter: }l~oper .hO:[i~,b~:by?,~ubiiCa ffersonville Plan bomrn.jssion:v~'ted~by'~a:m~Jarity vote of ifs.me t~ i,~colnmenda.li-.on~. ~66n~rni;rig tt~e.propoSed .change ~ don at tne IT IS jeffersonville Plan: ~:~:b~abi ..rnlng the JefrorSonville con~rl~on CounCit..er~actment. ~5y. ordinanee of th~':'~p~oPoSed zoni.n g.,: de:~igi~atidi~:f::..C:ha~gb~b,[~th~ ~1~ r~Pe~tY~frOm; pR:u p:o L::(parks :'& Recreation- .LJtica..,. Pike ~ O.~.e~la:Y,~Dietrict)~tO:~R1;:: ~L~:~W~,~Den:Sity 'al :~-~.,~ ~? .,~: ..'the-' ~~'':'. ...~ :.,. :~. .. . ,. ..... - ..... :- ,.~..'-,,L....')' ......, : ... '01/24/03 PAU. L' PRIMAYE~ &. AssOCIATES ' RI~GIIITI~R~ED E'N~ilNEEIIt8 AND. LAND ~URVEYORg · ' :Cherokee River, LLC ..from 'Th, Pcrrin F.amil7 Park Foundation, InC, The following is a~ legal d,~,ription' prepared this 22~a day of January, 2005,' of real property b~ng a part of Survey'#4 of tho lllinoi~ Grant, J,ffersonvill, Township, Clark County~ Indiana, more particularly, described ~s followS' ' Commencing at the Westerly comer of said Survey' #4; thence along th~ lin~ dividing Survey #4 and Survey #3 South 35' 57' 19, Bast 5628,91 feet to the Northerly right-of, way of Utica Piko; thence along said right'of-way North 65' 37' 26" East 649.85 feet to a steel pin and cap as set by Victor McCauley and the point of beginning; thenc~ leaving said right-of-waY'along the lin,s.of that property .conveyed to The Perrin Family Park Foundation, Inc,, in Deed Drawer 21, "-Instrument #12120, in the office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana, as · follows: North 35' 54' 59" West 403,51 feet to a steel pin in concrete; thence. 'South 55' 48'. 05" West 139.71 re. et to a steel p~n in concrete; thence North 36' 33" 28" W~St 61.71 feet to a steel.pipe in cbncrete; thence South 54' 04' 10"'West · 117.02 feet to a steel pipe in concrete; thence North 35' 56"38" West 89.72 feet; thence, l~aving said lines North 56' 53-' 32" East 383.50 feet ,t.o the SoUthwesterly line ~ofthat property conveyed'to Cherokee River, LLC, in Instrument. ~200!23041, ~n said Recorder's.office; thence.along said Soiathwester!¥ line South 35' 55' 13" East 565.96 feet t° a ~tee~ pipe on the Northerly.right-of-way of Utica. .Pike; thence along said.right-of-way South.65' 37' 26" West 128;27: .feet to the .point of beginning, containing 2.302 Acres, more or less. " Being a part of that property conveyed to The Perfin Family Park'Foundat[ .crt, Inc., in Deed Drawer 2 I, Instrument #12120, in t13. e office, of'the Recorder of Clark .County, Indiana. . ' . . ~ · , Being subject to all easements, restricttons,"and fights-Of-way of record. . , · , , . · · . · . · · · . · 7:Mocummt~3~on~hn~ioa\9413de~o.wp4 301 E. Chestnut Street, RO. Box 133, Corydon, IN 47.112 Phone; (812) 738-412,~ Fax: (812) 738-6740 e-mall; pprlm~vem@.prim~vem,wtn,net EXHIBI~'"A" . ' , t ,o 383,5~ 2,302 ACRES MIL S5§'48'OS"W 139.71 LEGEND ,,- .._ O - STEEL PIN IN CONCRET~ 0 - STEEL PIPE IN CONCRETE - ~--~-- ~+-,, FENCE · -PIN AND CAP AS :SET BY MoCAULEY · o · LINE DIVIDINO SURVEy SURVEY R/~/LINE PRO.pERTY IN THE~AME OF':_-' THE PERRIN FAMILY PARK FOUNDATION, INC. ' Si3URCE DEleD: DEED DRAWER 21, INSTRUMENT 12120 . _ , .i i L .. ..- oran IBx: AJ~D A$SOCIATg'E FI.Id Work ' Complet,d: N/A Client: CHEROKEE RI~.R., LL'~' ' I P.O. Box 12'3 Townahlp: ' JEFFER$ONNILLE Corydon,. Indlom3 4.711. Count~ . CLARK 812-738-4124 Prop. D.~c. PT OF SURVEY ............ OF_._ TH.F,,..ILLINOIS. P-~RANT. . · . EXHIBIT "B" j- ~NOTICE OF IN.TENT TO CONSIDER P.R. OPOSE._.D CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on February 28, 2005 at 7'30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville~ Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from PR:UP-OL (PARKS & RECREATION-UTICA PIKE OVERLAY DISTRICT) TO RI' LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS' Being part of Survey No. 4 of the Illinois Grant, Jeffersonville Township,' Clark-County, Indiana, containing 2.302 Acres, more or less The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an' ordinance, enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on February-22, 2005. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. ' Such notice given and posted this 24th day of February 2005 Peggy Wilder J. effersonville Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: Leslie D. Merkley City Attorney Sharon King Paralegal