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RESOLUTION NO. 2005-R- // A RESOLUTIO'N OPPOSING THE EXPANSION OF ALCOHOL OUTLETS Whereas, the Jeffersonville Common Council ("City Council") recognizes that the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission has specific powers and duties pursuant to Indiana Code Section 7.1.2-3,4; and Whereas, the City Council further acknowledges that the Alcohol Beverage BOard of Clark County, pursuant to Indiana Code Section, 7.1.2-4,1, is regulated by the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission as to its procedures and investigations; and Whereas, the Cit3, Council believes that a local policy prohibiting the ¥ sale of alcoholic beverages at locations commonly referred to as gas stations and convenience stores is essential in preserving the quality of life in the Cit7 of . / Jeffersonville neighborhoods; and Whereas, the City Council is concerned by attempts to legalize alcohol sales in gas stations and convenience stores; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLED, that: SECTION 1. The City Council acknowledges that the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission and the Alcohol Beverage Board of Clark County. have specific powers and duties granted to it by State legislation. SECTION 2. The City Council believes that the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission and the Alcohol Beverage Board of Clark County should adopt policies prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages in retail oudets commonly referred to as gas stations and convenience stores. SECTION 3. The Jeffersonville Cit-y Council asks the Indiana General Assembly to address this issue by defining, a "Grocery Store" in a manner that is consistent and provides for common understanding of criteria that clearly di'fferentiates between those retail outlets that can and cannot legally sell alcoholic beverages in the State of Indiana based on the definition of grocery. SECTION 4. The Jeffersonville 'City Council supports the neighborhoods' efforts to protect their quality of life. Peggy Wi~~'--) Clerk-Treasurer 2005. Robert L. Wa,tz, Jr. Presiding officer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to th Indiana at o'clock .m., this day of March 2005. · Peggy Clerk-Tre~as~e% /q This ResolutiOn approved and signed by , k .m. day of March 2005. ~ Robert L. Wa , Jr., Mayor City of Jeffer~onville Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville, CITY OF EVANSVILLE.COMMON COUNCIL ONE N.W. NI.-\RTI.N Lu'rlIER KING, JR.. BLVD., ROO,! 314 EVANSVILLE. [NDt.-kNA 47708 {$12) 436-4996 (S 12) 436-4999 F:'~x OFFICE OF "I'}-~.E PRESIDEN't' STEVE BAGBEY Febn. tary t t, 2005 Cot. tncitmar~ Rot'~ Grooms' As elected ot'lScials and leaders in our cort'trnt, tnities, v,'orkirt~-z., to keep yot. tr'tg people sate is one of'our most basic responsibilities. As the Safety and S.ecuritv Coordinator for' the E,.'ans,.'iile Area Catholic Schools and the President of' the Evansville Cit.,,' Council. [ believe in no greater obligation to rny cot't'tt'nutxity. Certainly one of the oreatest problems ttweatet'tirt~, the safety of our youn~ people is urtderage drit'~king. Irt ,,,,'hat has becot't,~e art all too l:hmitiar occun'ence'it't outr high._ schools and universities, tl~e rrtixture or' alcohol arid youth is resulting in tragic cot~sequertces. In fact. eve%' year irt the United States over 3.200 teenagers cite from alcohol-related fatalities. It is a tragic phenornenort that is alt too preventable. ' ,,. In mv currer~t position and as a fotnner lax,.' ert[orcen~ent official, I have spent over half of' my li(e educating yot. lrtg men and women on the dangers they face when tb. ey decide to consume alcohol iltegall?'. Unfortunatel~y, stet'tm'ting the demand tot' alcohol by .,,'oung people is only haig of' the solution. To entirely solve the problem of' underage drinking, v.'e must also control, the availability of' alcohol.. It is paramount, therefore, that we ensure that alcohol in our con'tmunitie, s is sold irt a stringent and responsible manner. Despite my work to increase awareness tbr' underage drinking. [ ,.,.'as distnayed to find a growing nu. rnber of ,.zas stations and conver~iertce stores it't rt"tv, comt'r,,unity that were already in possession or' or actively seekin2 alcohol pet-mits. [ saw the prolit'eratiort' or' these under-regulated outlets t'or alcohol as a direct tt'~reat to the safety of' the ',,'ot. ttlu people I had worked so lon~, to protect Gas stations and convenience stores do not t'oltow the sarne strict rules for seltin7 alcohol that restaurants and packa,.ze stores do. Alcohol is available it't unrestricted areas next to sodas and chips where it is easily shoplifted." Clerks do not have to be licensed or_ ~ 1 .','ears or' a,,e: and are tar more prone to sell to their friends. Gas stations and convenience stores are [°urtd on eveo' other comer in a comrnuni, t.'.'. Conveniet'tce stores are a popular han~,-out=, for tcerta~zers... Do v,,'e really want alcohol to be that readily available to our children? Alcohol is a product that should be sold' to adults bx_..Z adults.. It is irresponsible t'or lawmakers, parents, and all those wi'to are concerned with the v.-cll-bcirtg or'our young people to atto,,,.' alcohol to be sold as easily as milk on eve©' street comer. That is why last ,,'ear'. [ ,,.vcrtt to our City. Cout'~cil at'id intr'oduced a resolution to stop tine profit'oration alcohol permits ir't=,,as stations and co. nvertiertce stores, it passed urmnirnously. Since then. there have been several similar resolutions passed in communities throughout the state. However, there remains much left to be done to convince our state legislators to act on this important issue. That is v,'hy today I am asking you to consider introducing and' passing a similar resolution. Because the legislature is currently in session, I am also urging you to call your legislator and ask them to close the loop-hole in the law that allows gas stations to get permits under the guise of being grocery stores. Control the availability of alcohol and make your community safer our kids. Sincerely', Steve Bagbey