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BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE IN THE STATE OF INDIANA ORDINANCE NO. 2004-OR- 46 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 98~OR-26 ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE CITY OF JEFFE RS©NVILLE WHEREAS, the City of Jeffersonville (hereinafter ~he City") has heretofore constructed and has in operation a sewage Works for the' purpose of collecting and' disposing of sewage in a sanitary manner;, and WHEREAS~ the City has not ihcreased its sewer rates in the past six (6) years; and WHEREAS, the City's COst of Operating the .sewage works has increased significantly in the past six (6) years; and WHEREAS, the existing sewer rates are inadequate to provide the neCessary capital for future repair and replacement and expansion of the sewage works; and WHEREAS, the cOmmon Council of the City of Jeffersonvi!le (hereinafter "the Council") believes that it is in the best interest of the City's residents to faii'ly spread the cost of capital repairs and replacement of the sewage works among those who use the sewage works' capacity; and WHEREAS, the City intends to borrow funds to finance repairs to the sewage works; and WHEREAS, an examination of the existing schedule of rates and charges heretofore fixed by ordinances of the City ~ails to meet the requirements, for retirement of the City's proposed debt. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED that the existing provisions of ORDNANCE No. 98-OR-26 Section 3 (a) and (b) are hereby repealed and replaced by the following provisions: (a) Metered Water Usprs: The sewage rates and charges shall be based on the quantity of water used on Or in the property or premises subject to such rates and charges, as the same is measured by the water meter'there in use subject to a minimum charge, except as tierein othenNise orov~ded. For the purpo_ ._~:....,h, e' er monthly u~ =u,~ ...... r . r ters shall be reaa penuu~,~,,~, _ith water.me ' The water usage schedule on which the amount of said rates by the Board of Public Works. and charges shall be determined is as follows: · "(1) Inside the City limits of the City of Jeffersonville: (i) Metered Ra~.es: Average QUantity of Water Used Per Month First 1,000 cubic feet 1001~ toll ,000 cubic.feet Over t 1,000 cubic feet ' (ii) Minimum Charge Monthly Rate Per 100 Cubic Feet $ 3.36 $ 3.13 $ 2.89 Rate Per Month Per month $ 11.66. (2) Outside the City timits of'the City of jeffersonville (i) Metered Rates: ' Average Quantity of Water U ed Per Month (ii) First 1,000 cubic feet 1,001 to 11,000 cubic feet Over 11,000 cubic feet Minimum charge. Monthly Rate Per 100 CubicFeet $ 5.04 $ 4.71 $ 4.58 Rate Per Month _ Per month $ 17.48 (b) Unmetered Water Users: For single family residential users of the sewage works that are unmetered water users or for whom accurate meter readings are not available, the monthly charge shall be determined as an average of single family dwelling units, except as herein provided. Sewage service bills shall be rehdered once eaCh month. The rate shall · be as follows: (1) Inside the City limits of the City of Jeffersonville: (2) char.qe Per month $ 24.35 Outside the C ty limits of the City of Jefferson~ville: Char.qe Per month ~ $ 36.48 ,. (a) NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED that the existing provisions of · ORDINANCE No. 98-OR-26 Section 5(a) are hereby repealed and replaced by the following provisions: Normal domestic waste strength'sewage should not exceed a biochemical oxygen demand of 244 milligrams per liter of fluid, suspended solids in excess of 233 milligrams per liter of.fluid or ammonia nitrogen in excess of 20 milligrams per'liter of fluid. Additional charges for treating stronger-than-normal domestiC waste shall be. made On the following basis: (1) Rate Surchar.qe Based Upon Suspended Solids There shall be an additional charge of 30 cents per pound of suspended solids for suspended soilds' received in excess of 233.milligrams per liter of fluid. (2) Rate Surchar.qe Based 'Upon BOD There shall be an additional charge of 30 cents"per pound of biochemical oxygen demand for BOD received in excess of 244 milligrams per liter of fluid. (3) . RateSurcharqe Based Upon NH3.N.. 3 There shall be aa additional charge of $1,01 per pound of ammonia for NH3N recewed m excess of 20 m[!l grams per liter of fluid *NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED that the rates and charges as herein set forth shall become effective On the .first full bil!ing period occurring after the Passed th ~ day of ~'~-"~,~ ~ ~ Presiding Office~/ 'ATTEST: Peggy ~ - Clerk and Treasurer .PreSented 13y me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville, Indiana this ~ dayot""~(~0~-~ ~"~ ^ ,2004. Peggy V~lle~; - - Clerk and Treasurer signed 2004. This Ordinance approved and ~' ~Jr. Mayor Prepared by: Leslie D. Merkley, tit7 Attorney