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Prescribed by Department of Locat Government Finance Budget Form 4 (Rev. 2002) 2004-OR-52 ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS and TAX RATES Be it ordained by the Common Council of Jeffersonville City, Indiana: That for the expenses of Jeffersonville City and its institutions for the year ending December 31, 2005, the sums of money shown on the Budget Form 4-A are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named, and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. in addition, for the purpose of raising revenue to meat the necessary expense of Jeffersonvilte City government, tax rates are shown on the Budget Form 4-B and included herein. Two (2) copies of Budget 4-A and 4-B for all funds and departments are made part of the budget report and submitted herewith. APPROVED BY: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Common Council and the Mayor. Adopted by the fcilowing vote on Monday, September 20, 2004. NAY Council Member Courlci[ Member Approved by the Mayor on , year eg gy~.~w~m ', lerk Treasurer For the Probation User Fund Fund, the rate of 0 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation probation User Fund 0.0000 TOTAL TAX RATE 1.2972 Respectfully submitted this Monday, September 20, 2004: Jeffersonville City, Clark, County, Indiana v ~ggyWitder, ClerkTrea Parle2 of 2 presmibed by Derartmeat of Local Government Finance Budget Form No. 5 (Rev. 2002) Approved I)y State Bea~l of Accounts BUDGET SUBMISSION LETTER AND CERTIFICATE To the Auditor of Clark County, Indiana From the Fiscal Officer Jeffersonville City The undersigned herewith submits two copies of the budget adopted by Jeffersonville City, for the year ending December 31, 2005 , for filing and presentation to the County Board of Tax Adjustment. I certify that said copies are true and exact copies of the budget approved and adopted by the Appropriating Body Monday, September 20, 2004, fixing the appropriations and the tax levies for the year of 2005. -- -- ~)~ggy Wilder, Clerk Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF TAX RATES I hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Appropriating Body of jeffersonville City Taxing Unit, Clark County, Indiana. On Monday, September 20, 2004, the following rates of taxes were levied upon each one hundred dollam of assessed valuation of taxable property of the above named Taxing Unit for the year 2004 to be collected in the year 2005 For the Polioe Pension Fund, the rate of 0.028 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assssead Valuation Police Pension 0.0280 For the Parks and Recreation Fund, the rate of 0.tl 6 Dol~am per One Hundred Doilers of Assessed Valuation Parks and Recreation 0.1160 For the Cumulative Capital Development Fund, the rate o~ 0.055 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Cumuletive Capital Development 0.0550 For the Fire Pension Fund. the rate of 0.028 Dollers per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Fire Pension 0.0280 For the General Fund. the rate of 0.988 Dollars I~er One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Vatu~ion General 0.9880 For the Local Road & Street Fund. the rate of 0.0065 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Local Road & Street 0.0065 For the Sanitation Fund the rate of 0.0709 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Sanitation 0.0709 For the City-County Buitding Rental Fund. the rate of 0 Det~ars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation City-County Building Re~tal 0.0000 For the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund, the rate of 0.0048 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Ass~sssd Valuetion Motor Vehicle Highway 0.0048 Page 1 of 2 0 0 C C C Z Z Z o o o o o. 0 0 C C C: C Z Z Z ~ 0000 -- -- 0000 Z 0 m r Z Z C m "o .Ti Z z ~ o ~_. Z _.9_ O~g Z g o o 0 ITl ~ m Z Z ,~. rn ~: > ~ o z rn ~t m Z 0 0 0 0 > rn '3;, z > m o --I Z ~ W W W W Z Z W LIJ LLI Z Oo~ IJJ 1.1.1 © $ Om W n w Z W LIJ W z ~0 Om UJ W Iii 0 Z Z I.l.l I-- Z LLI 0 Z Z I.L 0 u.I -- I O0