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2004-OR-59 (FAILED)
STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2004-OR-59 P. 82/'03 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY WITH THE ADDRESS OF 2TI1 H'WY. 62E,JEFFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FROM RI TO CL Whereas, Kenrucldana Laserwash, LLC andJolm Smith,Jr., has fried a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property from RI: Low Density Residential to CI: Small m Medium Scale General Commercial and the same i.s described as follows, to-wit: A PART oF SURVEY #12 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN ALUMINUM MONUMENT AT THE WEST CORNER OF SAID SURVEY ~12. THENCE SOUTH 39 DEG. 15 MIN. 00 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 747.90 FEET TO A NAIL WITH A COLLAR ~'ISGRIGG" IN THOMPSON LANE THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 39 DEG. 15 MIN. 00 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 493.62 FEET TO A NAIL WITH A COLLAR "ISGRIGG~ IN THOMPSON LANE AND ALSO ON THE NORTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 62, THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 33 MIN. O0 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 26.34 FEET ALONG SAID S.R. 62 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT, THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 35 MIN. O0 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 100.07 FEET ALONG SAID S.R. 62 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT, THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 39 MIN. 00 SEC. EAST. A DISTANCE OF 100.07 FEET ALONG SAID S.R. 62 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A 1 INCH PIPE, THENCE NORTH 15 DEC. 43 MIN. 00 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10008 FEET ALONG SAID &R. 62 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT, THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 47 MIN. 00 SEC. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 56.89 FEET ALONG SAID SR. 62 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A 5/8 INCH REBAR, THENCE NORTH 52 DEG. 20 MIN. 00 SEC. WEST, A DISTANCE OF 281.61 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH REBAR, THENCE SOUTH 50 DEG. 30 MIN. O0 SEC. WEST, A DISTANCE OF 250.02 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.565 ACRES. Whereas, on a/~/n~/~ /~ ,2004 theJeffersonvflle Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favo3al~fe~'ecommendation concerning the proposed change to the City s zoning map; and, STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVlLLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF KENTUCKIANA LASERWASH, LLC TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2711 HIGHWAY 62 FROM R1: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO C1: SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL. CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION MADE CONCERNING PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGE Whereas, Kentuckiana Laserwash, LLC has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit "A" (the "Property"), from R1: Low Density Residential to C1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial, and; Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on September 28, 2004 and; Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its membership to make a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on September 28, 2004, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the Jeffersonville Common Council enactment by ordinance of the proposed zoning designation change of the property from R1: Low Density Residential to C1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial as requested in the petition of Kentuckiana Laserwash, LLC. So certified this 28th day of September 2004. H~tl/Kovert NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on October 4, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi- Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from R1: Low Density Residential to C 1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2711 Highway 62. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on September 28, 2004. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted t~his 29th day of September 2004. Peggy Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer J© INTRODUCTION This report presents a Comprehensive Plan to guide the future development of the City of Jeffersonville and its planning area. As a basis for supporting the recommendations of the Plan, the report also contains: an analysis of land capability within the Planning Area; an analysi~ of existing development patterns; a description of utilities, and public facilities; trends in population and economy; and projections of future land' use needs. The Comprehensive Plan was prepared through ~ process of active review and participation by the Jeffersonville Planning and Zoning Commission, the Common Council, citizens at public participation meetings and other forums, and through extensive work se.ssiqns with the Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan Committee. It reflects, therefore, the opinions and desires of a wide range of individuals and groups interested in the future of Jeffersonville. The Comprehensive Plan should be viewed as the beginning of a continuing planning process and not as a final document. It recommends broad policy guidelines for transportation and land use and should serve as a guide for: the formulation of detailed plans for smaller areas; for the preparation of plans for utilities and community facilities; for amendments to the City's zoning ordinance; and for other similar purposes. At regular intervals the Comprehensive Plan should be reviewed and amended, as necessary, to reflect unanticipated conditions or desired changes in policy orientation. If the Comprehensive Plan is to prove beneficial, it must serve as a continuously changing guide to assist the City of Jeffersonville in making decisions related to development in a comprehensive, consistent and coordinated manner. The proposals should also serve as a guide for department heads and other publiE and private entities and persons responsible for making decisions. The land use proposal should be especially helpful to those responsible for making zoning decisions. The responsibility of public officials to adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the Planning Area is a difficult task. The difficulty is to meet the need to encourage economic growth while putting into place policies that will provide for orderly development in a manner which will not be detrimental to the area~s environment and its neighborhoods.