HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-OR-07 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2001-OR- r/ AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF SURVEY NO. 12 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT FROM C-1 (SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL) AND M2 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO PD-C1 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL) AND PD-M2 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) Whereas, Robert Lynn filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from Cl-(Small to Medium Scale General Commemial) and M2 (Multi- Family Residential) to PD-C 1 (Planned Development Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and PD-M2 (Planned Development Multi-Family Residential); and Whereas, on January 30, 2001 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its first regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(1)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for February 5, 2001 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from C-1 (Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and M2 (Multi-Family Residential) to PD-C1 (Planned Development Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and PD-M2 (Planned Development Multi-Family Residential); and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this ~_(a> day of February, 2001. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFEP~SO.~IVILLE, INDIANA B Thomas R. Gallig~ln/ Presiding Officer ATTEST: P~g~ Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this 2-~1 day of Febmary 2001. Peggy W h'~ge r Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me th~ ~ day of February 2001. { /~l'ho[-nas R. Galligan,rMa OE,gCRIPTION OF TRACT SHOWN Being a part of Survey 1~12 of the IIEnols Grant to Clark County, Indlana and being further descHb.~d o$ B~inn;ng ~ ~ conc~te monument on the com~n Corner Of Su~e~ the I;ne of Su~ey ~4; Thence N. 4~O4'OB'E., along the line dividing said Su~ ~4 cnw ~12, ~.72 f~ to ~he original nodh~esf R~hf-of-Way I;n~ ~ ~;ddle R~d: ~enc~ N. 14'31'II"E., along sa;d R[ght-of-W~ hne, 1~.4Z f~f: Then~ N. 1~JI'01 E., along said Right-of-Way llne, 928.~9 f~t; Thence N. 4CF., ~s;s of ~J. 6~ f~t) ~4.52 f~t to an iron pipe, THE ~UE P~f OF BEGINNING. Thenc~ N. 4~28'5~.. 1462.2 f~t W~llw~d Sub~ision as shown in Pl~ B~k 6, Page 173 of said county ~ords: Thence N. 44'41'4~E., a/ong fh~ southeast llne of ~aid SubdNision, 918.51 feet to the 3oufh~e3~ Right-of-~ I[~ of Wli~n Lane; ~ence S.~J~ 1~E.. along ~[d Right-of-W~ I[~, 62~.02 feet: Thence S.~12'5~W., 297.61 Thence S, 2~26'24"E., 564.55 f~; Thence S. 6~02'4~E., 448. 16 feet ~o the no~hwest Right-of-Way line of Middle Rood; Thence along scid Right-of-Way I[ne, 54,01 f~t clang the crc of ~ 2479.43 foot radius cu~e fo the Hgh~ {con~ no~hwester~), ~ng subtend~ by ~ chord b~ring S.~4~'2~W., 54.01 fee~ to a sf~l p~n; Thence S. 6~'W., 64~.93 f~t ~o ~E TRUE P~CE OF BEGINNING. 02/06/01 TUE 12:02 FAX 8122829171 KOVERT_HAWKINS [~002 ,Fsb-06-o.1 l!'.Na~ , From-C1T¥OL~effsrsonvills +812~8~64~ T-874 P.O2/O2 ~-101 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION O,F ROBERT LYNN COMPANY, INC. TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEINO PART OF SURVEY NO. 12 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT FROM C-1 (SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COM/ViERCIAL) AND M2 (MU LTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO PD-C 1 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SMAt.r. TO MEDIUM SCALE GENE~L COMMERCIAL) AND PD.M2 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ..C.,ERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION MADE CONCERNING PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGE Whereas, Robert Lynn filed a petition before r&e Jcffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning desigrmtion of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), from C-1 (Small m Medium Scale General Commercial) and 1VL2 (Multi- Family Residential) to PD-Ci (Planned Developmenx Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and PD-M2 (Planned Developmem Multi-Family Residential) and; Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on January 30, 2001 and; Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vo~e of its membership to make a f~vorable recommendation concerning the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to ~e leffersonville Common Council. IT tS TItEREFORE CERTIFIED that on Janum'y 30: 2001, the Jefferson¥ille Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the Jeffersonville Common Council enactment by ordinance of the proposed zoning designation change of the property fi:om Cq (Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and M2 (Multi- Family Residential) to PD-C1 (plarmed Development Small to Medlum Scale General Commercial) and PD-M2 (Planned Development Multi-Family Residentla~ as requested in the peri, ion of Robert Lynm So certified dais 30m day of January 2001 ~ /~f'/~l~?/~~ M;\L~gllI~ZOI~ NOLq[0bcrt Lynn Compnay. DESCRIPTION OF TRACT SHOWN Being c p~rf of Survey il2 of the Illinois Grant to Clark County, Indiana and being further de~c~ib, ed c~s follows: Beqlnnlng of ~ concrete monument on the common corner Of Survey~ ,~11 and ~12 ond in the Erie of Su~ey t4: Thence N. 4~O4'OS'E.. along the llne dlvldlng sold Su~ ~4 and ~I2. ~.72 f~ to ~h~ orlg~l no~hwcs~ R~ht-of-Way fi~ of M~'ddl~ R~d; ~enc~ N. 1~'~1'I1'E., ~long ~oid R~ht-of-W~ fi~e. 1~.47 f~t; Th~n~ N. ~31'01'E., along ~id Right-of-Way llne, 928.69 f~t: Thence N. 4~W., ~s[s of 8~ng~, ~[ng fhrough ~ concrete ~nument at ~.68 f~O ~4.52 f~t to on iron pipe, THE ~UE P~E OF BEGINNING. Thence N. 40*28'56'W., 1462.2 feet to c steel pin on the south corner of Lot 12 in Me#wood Subd~yi:~ion os shown in PI~ 8~k 6. Pq¢e 173 of ~aid county ~ords: Thence N. 44'41'4~E., ~/on~ fh~ =oufh¢a=t Eric of sold Subd~vi=[on, 918.51 feet ~o ~hm 3oufhwe~f Right-of-W~ Ii~ of Wli~n Lane; Thence S.~12'5~W., 297.61 Thence S. 2~26'24"E., 564.55 Thence S. 6~02'4~.. 448. 16 feet fo the no~hwes~ Right-of-Way llne of Middle Rood; Thence clon~ ~qid Right-of-Way llne, 54.0~ f~t clang the crc of o 2479.4~ foo~ rqdlus cu~e to th~ r/~h~ ~con~ no~hwester~). ~;n~ subt~nd~ by o chord b~ring S.~4~'2~W., 54.01 feet to o ~f~l Thence S. 8~*W.. 844.9~ f~t to ~E ~RUE P~CE OF BEGINNING, Confolnlng 25.5~ acres and being subject to all easements of record. 0 0 NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on February 26, 2001 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from C-1 (Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and M2 (Multi-Family Residential) to PD-C 1 (Planned Development Small to Medium Scale General Commercial) and PD-M2 (Planned Development Multi-Family Residential) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: Survey No. 12 of the Illinois Grant, and having a street address of 2005 Allison Lane, Jeffersonville, IN. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on January 31,2001. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonvilte Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Je£fersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 6th day of February 2001. M:\LegalkZONING\Robert Lynn February 5, 2001 Notice.doc Peggy Wilder' Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer