HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-OR-492004-OR-49 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT 1564 E. TENTH STREET IN THE iC2: MEDIUM TO LARGE SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO CI: S~IA~L TO MEDIUM sCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL Whereas, David J. Reinhardt has filed:a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map d~signa~tion of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from C2: Medmm to Large Scale General Commercml to C1 Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and, ' ' · ~l '1 ~'I C m~ss~on has cemfied to Whereas, on July 27, 2004 the Jeffers~nville t' an om ' ' ' the Council a favorable recommendation ~onc~rning the ProPosed change to the City's zoning map; and, let !c°m On' Council at its regular meeting Whereas, this matter ~s now befo h m after certification of the proposed change ?f zq?ng map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(I3(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map desighatiob at the regular meeting scheduled for August 16, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regkrding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORD~NED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffers,,o, nville, In,diana, that the zoningidesi~nati0n of the real property described in the attached Exhibit A is hereby changed from ~2: Medium to Large Scale General Commercial to CI: Small to Medium Scale G~neral Commermal; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change This ordinance shall be in full forge anal effect upon its adoPtiOn. SO ORDAINED this ~k4~ clay OI'August 2004. Robert L. ~ Jr. Presiding Officer ATTEST: ~ggy WSl~v~ Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to' ~e Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this [-~ day of August 2004. ~ e~ggy-XX~ild~~) C~erk-Treasurer /~ This Ordinance approved and signed bi me !~ ~,~. ~Just 2004. l~obert ~. Waiz,/Jr., Mayor QUIT CLAI~ D~ED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That ~ALPH RUSS, DUL~ ENTERED FOR TAXATION ,~gBJECl TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE ; (lg ;'?ANSFER ' FEB lggg of Clark County, in the State of Indiana, the so~e surviving partner of a Partnership consisting of ~LPH ~;U d HARVEY RUSS, RELEASES and QUIT CLAIMS to RALPH RUSS, whos~l ma ing address is 1562 E~ 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) an~ other good and Valuable · ' ' , t hereby acknowledged, all of considerations the receipt whereof estate in the his interest in and to the following..described real county o£ Clark, in the State cf I~nd.[ na, to-wit: .... : REOE VED ' t FOR REOORDi Lot Number Th~e,e (3) in t~e Southern Realty and BuildLng Con,pany'~ 8ubdivisLon of Lot No. 2 of Commissioner'[: Plat.~ No, 2 in Partition cause of Evan Stotmen)u~, ': et al., Stotsenburg, and being part~ of Lot No. .yon's map of ~eH, petter~o6~s estate and being in No. 18 of Illinois drant~ Clark County, Indiana, a plat of ~aid Subd~ivtmton was recorded In the Office of ~he Reeord'%r of Cla~k County, Indiana, I Pla~ Book No. 4,; page 108~ except 4 feet off the north Bide o{ ,a~lid lot, Gran%ee agrees to assume the~balance d~Je mor~gaQe ~o the ~lrst ~eder~] Saving~ and Loan A~ociatlon ef JeffersonvLlle, which mortgage recorded In Mortgage Record ~ 235 at page 368 in the Office of the Recorder of C 1,%rk County~ Indiana. TRACT I Being a part of Survey No. 10 of Grsnt described as Beginning st the east cor~er of SUrvey No, running thence north 40 deg, west along the of said Survey 34.2 fe~' ~o the - east mar~ln of the rlght-of-wa~ line of Indiana St~ Nighw~y NO, 62~ thence south 7 ~ ' ~, of 48,7 :eetl thence nO,th 50 deg, east a the line of ' lohg said Surve~ 34;,81 f~et to ~he place o~ beginning, Such real estate: l~ sometimes described fol lows: the Illinois Part of Survey Nc,. 2 of 'he Illinois Grant in Clark County,.- Indiana, d ~strlbed as follows, to-witi Beginning at the southeast corner of said Survey No. 2; running thence north 40 deg~ west 'with the line dividing Surveys N,os, 2 and 3, 374 to a. point in s'aid dividi6~ lin-. ~L ..... t beg~n~z~gl thence continuing south 50 ~eg, 34.81 feet to the east Fight-of-way line State Highway 621 thence n,orth 7 deg. 10' with said right-of-way l[n~ 48,37 fee¢l south 40 deg. east 32.13 f~et to the tr~e Place of b~g ln~lng. z Part of Suruey ~10 of the~ Illinois Grant, more Particular.ly described as f611ow~; Seglnnlng at a limestone onument corner of, 4s a~ " . the west, 23 ?r~t.;. thence? .n.orth 35 deg, 57' ......... , soUt~ 11 Ge 1 ~ ROad g. 37 west on tbs Said e,~st line ]04,5 feet; then%e south 35 deg. 04~ east, 162.6 feet to the sou~tb line of said Gra~t ~10, thence no~th 55 dec. ~1' east 79 7 feet the point of beginning, c~ ntaining 0.36 more or less. Part of Survey No. 2 of the Illinois Grant~ more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a limestone monumen~ at the north corner of said Grant No. 2; thenc~ south 35 deg. 57' east 370.5 feet al3ng the Girant line to a stone; thence south 54 deg. 07~ w~est 190.7 feet; thence north 50 deg. 26' west 3104.0 feet to a limestone monument; thence north 78 deg. 23' west 50.0 feet to a limestone ~onument on the east R/W line of State Road 162; thence north 11 deg. 37' east along the east R/W line and 40 feet from the center line of said State Road #62, 68.6 feet to the northwest Gr~nt line of said Grant No. 2; thence north 5'5 deg. 41' eas~ 249.9 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.06 acres. · Also the right to use a 20 roost strip for a roadway on the south side of this 2.06 acre tract, which is more particularly described as follows. Beginning at the limestone monument on the east R/W line of State Road ~62 whic~ is mentioned above; thence south 78 deg. 23' east 50.0 feet to a limestone monument; thence ~south 50 deg. 26' east 42.7 feet; thence north 78 deg. 23~ west 87.7 feet to the east R/W line of 8tare Road #6~; thence north 11 deg. 37' east 20.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing .03 acr~ more or less, with the improvements theceon. ' Part of Su~¢ey ~10 of the Illinois Grant more particularly described as follows~ Conm~encing at a limestone monument at the south corner of said Grant #10~ thence~ north 55 deg. 4[' east along the Grant line, 172.2 feet to the true point of beginning; thence ~north 35 deg. 04' west 26.0 feet to {h, ,asr right Of way line of ~tate Road 162; thence north 249.9 feet to , 2.06 acres, the point of be~ihning,' containing A'lso tbs right to uss a 20 'foot strip for s roadway on the south side of this 2.06 acre tract, which is more particularly described as follows~ Beginning at the limestone monH R/W line of State ~ent on the east Road ~62 w~lch is mentioned above; thence south 78 deg. 23' ease 50.0 feet to a limestone monument; thence south 50 deg. 26~ east 42.7 face! thence north 78 deg, 23~ west 87,7 feet to the east R/W line o~ State Road 162; thenc~ north ll de~. 37' east 20.0 feet to the point of beginnin'g, containing ,03 ac.r~ more or less, with the improvements thereon. ' Part of Sutcey #10 of the Illinois Grant more Particularly described as follows; Conm~encing at a limestone monu~eht at the so,th corner of said Grant #10; thegce north 55 deg. 41' east along the Gra~t line, 172.2 feet to the true po,int of beginning; thenc9 north 35 deg, 04' west 26.0 feet to ~he eas~ right Of way line of ~tate Road J621 thence north ll deg. 37' east along said east right of way line and 40 feet from the center line of said State Road #62, -3- -196.5 feet; thence south 35'".~e~"b4' east,""162,6.1 feet to the grant line (at a point which 'is' south 55 dca. 41' wes%, 79.7 fee% from a [lmestone monument at th~ north corner of Q~ant #2); thence south 55 deq. 41' west, 143.0 feet to the point of beginni~g, containing 0.31 acre Tho Grantor herein states ~hat Harvey Russ died on December 29th, 1992, and the Estate of Harvey Russ is now pending in the Clark Circuit Court under Cause Number 10C01-9301-EU-009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Ralph Russ, the sole surviving partner of a partnership consisting of Ralph RUSS and Harvey Russ, has hereunto set his hand ~nd seal this / RALPH RUSS day of STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF CLARK ~. Before the undersigned and State, this ~ ~'~ day appeare6 Ralph Russ, the sole consisting of Ralph Russ and - 9xecution Notary Public in and for said county surviving partner of a partnership }{arvey Russ, and acknowledged the of the foregoing Quit~Claim Deed. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal. ~' ~ ;,~,,O; Notary Public A ~",e'~ident of Clark County, Indiana My Commission Expires: THiS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY MAGNUS HEUBI Aug-09-04 1~:]9 Fr0m-C1TYOFJeffers0nville T-B~3 PO~/03 F-~?~ STATE ~FINDIANA BEFORE THEJEFFERSO~VILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF DAVID J. REINHARDT TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS 1564 E. TENETH STREET IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE FROM M2: MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL~. TO PD-M2: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT- MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE,,,.R. ECOMMENDATION M.ADE CONCERNING PROPOSED,' ORDINANCE CHANGE Whereas, David J. Reinhardt has fil~d a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zomng de,s~gnabon of the property desc ~bed ~n attached Exhibit "A" (the "Property"), from ~2: Medium to Large Scale General Commercia to C1 Sma to Medium ScaleiGeneral Commercial, and; Whereas, after proper notice by pu~lication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the i~etition on July 27, 2004 and; Whereas, at the conclusion of the h~aring the Jeffersonvilte Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of itS~t'membership to make a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed! change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonville Common CoUncil. IT I$ THEREFORE CERTIFIED thaI on July 27, 2004, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the Jeffersonville COmmon Council enactmen~ by ordinance of the proposed zoning designation change of the property from C~: Medium to Large Scale General Commercial to C1: Small to Medium Scale~ General Commercial as requested in the petition Realty Equities, LLC. So certified this 27~h day of July 200'4, / Hal KO. rt RUG 09 2B04 16:30 +8~.22855468 PRGE. 03 DUL~ ENTERED FOR TAXATtON SUBJECT TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE ~ (1R [PANSFER FEB 2 1993 QUIT CLAII~ DEED ~ ' THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That RALPH RUSS, of Clark County, in the State of Indiana, the sole surviving partner of a Partnership consisting of ~LPH ~;USS Bnd HARVEY RUSS, RELEASES and QUIT CLAIMS to RALPH RUSS, whos~ mailing address is 1562 E0 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) a~d other good and Valuable consideratiohs, the receipt whereof i~s hereby acknowledged, all of his interest in and to the followingidescribed real estate in the County of Clark, in the State of Indiana, to-wit: REOEIVED] FOR REOORDI TRACT I Lot Number Three (3) in ~he Southern Realty and Building Company's Subdivision NO. 2 of Commissioner'~ Plat No. 2 in Partition cause o~ Evan StotsenQurg,! et al,~ rs. Alice Stotsenburg, and being par~ o~ Lot No. 16 of Lyon's map of S, H. Patterson's estate and being in No, 18 of the Illinois iGra~t, Clark County, Indiana, a plat of said Sub~ivision was recorded in the Off[ce of the R,~cor~er of Clark County, Indiana, in Plat Book No. ~, page 108t except 4 feet off the north side of slaid lot. Grantee agrees to mortgage to A~sociation recorded in Mortgage the Office of the Recorder of Indiana. ~ assume th9 balance due under a the First Federal savlng~ and Loan of Jeffersonv!.l~e, which mortgage is Record 235 at page 368 in C l~rk County, Being a part o~ Survey NO. Grant desorl0ed as 10 of the IllinoiS' Beginning at the east corner of Survey No. 10; running thence north 40 d~g. west along the line of said Survey 34.2 feet to the east margin of the right-of-way line of .Indiana State Highway No. 62; thence south 7 deg. 10' west along the line of Indiana State Highway No. 62 a dista~oe. of 48.7 feet; thenc~ no~h 50 deg, east aloh~ the line of said Survey ~4.81 f~et to %h~ true plaoe of be~lnning. Such real esta%.:~ l~ sometimes desoribed es follows~ .. Part of Survey Nc,, 2 of the Illinois Grant in Clark County,--- Indiana, ~escribed as follows, to-wlt~ Beginning at the southeast corner of said Survey No. 2; running thence north 40 deg. west with the line dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and 3, 374 feet to a point in said dividing line; thenoe South 50 deg. wes~ 215.62 feet to the true plaoe of beginning; themce continuing south 50 ~eg, WeSt 34.81 feet to the east right-of-way line of State Highway 62; thence north 7 deg, i0' east with said right-of-way line 48,37 feet; so~th 40 deg. east 32.13 'feet to the true of beginning. Part of Survey #10 of thee Illinois Grant, particularly described as [follows; Beginning at a limestone monument at the east corner of sai~ Grant; thence north 35 deg. 57' west, 235.4 feet to the east line of State Road ~62; thence, sou~h ll deg. 37' west on the said east line 10~.5 fee~; thence south 35 deg. 04' east, 162.6 fegt to the south line of said Grant ~10, thence north 55 deq.~ 41' east 79.7 feet to the point of begin~;lng, Containing 0.36 acres, morm or less. -2- Also Part of Survey No. 2 of the Illinois Grant, more particularly described as followsl Beginning at a limestone monument at the north corner of said Grant No. 2; thence south 35 deg. 57' east 370.5 feet along the Grant line to a stone; thence south 54 deg. 07' west 190.7 lest; thence north 50 deg. 26' west 304.0 feet to a limestone monumentl thence north 78 deg. 23' west 50.0 feet to a limestone monument on the east R/W line of Stats Road 162; thence north 11 deg. 37' east along the east R/W line and 40 feet from the center line of 'said State Road #62, 68.6 feet to the northwest Gr6nt line of said Grant No, 2; thence north 55 deg~ 41' eas~ 249.9 feet to the point of beginlning, containin9 2.06 acres. Also the right to use a 20 foQt strip for a roadway on the south side of this 2.06 acre tract, %;hich is more particulariy described as follows: Beginning st the limestone monument on the east R/w line of State Road ~62 which is mentioned above; thence south 78 deg. 23~ east 50,0 'feet to a limestone monumentt thence~ south 50 deg, 26' east 42.7 feet; thence norlth 78 deg, 23' west 87,7 feet to the east R/W line of State Road ~62; thence north ll deg. 37' east 20.0 feet to the point of beginning,! containing ,03 acre more or le~s, with t~e improvemsnts there.on. ' Part of Survey ~10 of the Illi'nois Grant more particularly described as followsil Commencing at s limestone monum*'nt at the south "corner of said Grant #10~ thenc~ north 55 deg. 4l' east along the Grant line, 172.2 feet to the true point of beginning~ thenc~ north 35 deg. 04' west 26,0 feet to ~h. east right of way line of ~ate Road ~62; thence north 11 249.9 feet -2.06 acres. .... ~.,,~ce nor¢~n 55 de~3t 41' eas~_ to the point of be~inning' oontainin9 A'lso the right to use a 20 'foot strip for a roadway on the south side of this 2.06 aore tract, which is more particularly described as followsl Beginning at the limestone monument on the east R/W line of State Road ~62 wlhich is mentioned above; thence south 78 deg. 2'3' east 50.0 feet to a limestone monument; thence south 50 deg. 26' east 42.7 feet; thence north 78 deg. 23' west 87,7 feet to the east R/W line o~ Stste Road ~62; thence north ll deg. 37' east 20.0 feet to the point of beginni0g, containing .03 acre more or less, with the improvements thereon. _Also Part of Suz,ey #i0 of the Illinois Gran~ more Particularly described as follows~ Commencing at a limestone mon~men~ at the south " corner of said Grant #10; thence north 55 deg. 4[' east along the Grant line, 172.2 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 35 doG, 04' west 26.0 feet to ~h, e~st right Of way line of ~tate Road ~62; thence north 1] deg. 37' east along said east right o£ way ~line and 40 feet from the center line of said State Road #62, -3- -196.5 feet; thence southI 35"'de~'~b4'. feet to tbs grant line (at a point whi~h''is' south 55 deo, 41' west, 79,7 fe~t from a lime~tone monument at the north corner of Grant ~2); thence south 55 deq, 41' wes%, · 143.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0,31 Thn Grantor herein states that Harvey Russ died on December 29th, 1992, and the Estate of ~arvey Russ is now pending in the Clark Circuit Court under Cause[ Number 10C01-9301-EU-009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Ralph Russ, the sole surviving partner of a partnership consisting of Ralph Russ and Harvey Russ, has hereunto set his hand ~and seal this ~ day of RALPH RUSS STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF CLARK ~. Before the and State, this appeared Ralph Russ, the sole consisting of Ralph Russ and undersigned Notary Public in and for said county surviving partner of a partnership }{arvey Russ, and acknowledged the ..gxecution of the foregoing Quit Claim Deed. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal. ;~',,'~,n~Q¥ 1'~; 1'~0; Notary Public A ~.'.esident of Clark County, Indiana My Commission Expires: THIS iNSTRUMENT PREPARED BY ~I.A_GNUS HEUBI NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on August ~6, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi- Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City,County :Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the CommoniCouncil of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance; which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from C2: Medium to Large Scale General Commercial to C 1: Small to Mediun}., Scale General Commercial. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY!OF JEFFERSONVILLE pROp~gRTy ADDRI=$$: ~1554 E. ~0t" $treot. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission/nade a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on JulY 27, 2004. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter, iThis Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time? found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at'ithe conclUsion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this ](~f day of August 2004. i peggy Wilder ~ Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer