HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-OR-15402u¥ uRDIi~2l~ CE Xi~i~XI!~G CERTXI~/ iER~ITORY TO T/~E CITY OF JE£FE~_~SO2~FI_.,L~, Zi~/D£X2{~ ~E IT ORDAI~IEi~ BY THE ~07~0~$ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFE.~SO~IVILLE~ _~NDIAW~4~ T£iAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED DECLARED TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF JEFFE~SONYILLE~ INDIANA TO -WIT: ~EING A PART OF THE ~/~. C. OHILDPtESS SUBDIYISIO~I OF ~7OODL~iVD COUNT I~ SURVEY ]~0. 10 OF THE ILLI~OIS ~NT~ DESCRIBED ~S FOLLOWS: OF STATE ~OUTE ~'0. ~k INTERSECTS T~E SOUTHWEST LINE OF SU~V.EY ]~0. 10 OF THE ILLINOIS SZID POINT BEINO ALSO TEE ~/EST CO~NER OF LOT DELL~ ~L~INS SUBDIYISION~ T~E ~RUE .?L~CE OF StaID DIVIDING LINE~ ~77. 7~ FEET TO ~N IRON PIPE~ ~T THE SOU~WEST CORNE~ OF S~ID LOT ~[0. ~ OF LESS ~ ~HIS OPtDIIVANCE SH~-LL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FRO]~I A~ ITS PASS, GE A~VD PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO L_4W~ ~DMSSED A~ZD ~mOPTED BY THE CO~]~ON O~OUNCIL OF THE OITY OF JEFFEPtSONVILLE~ IA~DIANA THIS 1ST DAY OF /~UGUST~ l~O. OF JEFFERSO~VIt~LE~ FED AND I~T~-N~, THIS lS~ O~Y Or A~SZ, 1960. SIGNED BY HE THIS IST DAY OF iUGUST i ~GO. OFFICE p~IONE: BU 2-166~ IA M E S E. F U S T CLARK COUNTY SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER CLARK COUNTY COURT HOUSE J E FFER'SONVILLE, INDIAI~ A DESCRIPTION OF LOTS ~5 THRU 234 INCLUSIVE OF "SOUTHAVEN" FOR PRENTICE & PHELPS Being a Part of Surveys No. 10 and 11 of the Illinois Grant, and more particularly described as follows:- That Part of Survey No. 10; also being a part of Lot #24 of "Bella Plains Farm", bounded thus:- Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Lot Thence, North 79° 36t West, 634.21 feet to a point; Thence, South l0° 24' ~est, 261.2 feet to a point; Thence, South 79° 36t East, 907.06 feet to a point in the line dividing Surveys No. l0 and ll of the Illinois Grant; Thence, North 35° 51' West, along said dividing line, 577.72 feet to the place of beginning, containing 4.621 Acres, more or less. Also, that part of Survey No. ll, bounded thus: Beginning at a point where the line dividing Surveys No. l0 and ll intersects the North- east corner of said Lot ~24 of "Della Plains Thence, South35° 51' East, along the line dividing Surveys No. l0 and ll, 377.V2 feet to a point; Thence, North l0° 24' East, 261.2 feet to a point; ~nence, North 79° 36' West, 272.85 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.818 Acres, ~ore or less. James. E. Fust V/25/1960