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hereafb~P be ~ e~ect~
~ -,,~i~,~ ~ac, t of !~.nd whieb so,~spli~s with ,'r~ !ef'i~_%ion of a
SU~JLB!ON: The division of any p~rcel of l&nd shown as a unlt~ as part of
a unit, or as contiguous unit~ on t~e last preceding transfer of ownership
thereof, into two or more parcels, sites, or lots, any one of which is Less
than five acres in area, for the purpose, ~hether i~m~diate or future, of
transfer of ownership, provided, however, t~at the division or partition of
land into parcels of more th~n five acres not involving any n~w streets or
easements of access, and t~ sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining
lot o~ners, where such sale o~' exchange does not create additional building
sites~ shall not be considered a subdivision; or~
The t ~mprovement of one or mora parcels of land for residential, co~w~er¢ial or
industrial ztr~tures or groups of structures involving the subdivision a~nd
allomation of larx~ as streets or other open spaces for common use by owners,
occu~pants ~r lease holders or as easements for the extension and maintenance
of p~ublie sewer, weter, storm drainage, or other public utilities and facilities.
ZONING OEDI~NCE: The part of the Master Plar~, now or hereafter adopted, which
inclmdes an ordinance and zone map w~ich divides the j~rtsdiction of t~he
Ce~m~Sion into districts, with regulations and requirements and proced~re~
fer the establishment ef lar~ use controls°
A subdivider desiring approval of a plat of a subdivision of any land l)~Lug
vitamin tb~ j~isdiction of the Commission, shall submit a written application
therefor to +J~e Commission. Such ~p~plication s~ball ~,e accompanied by the
information, r~uirements and plans set forth in Figure 1., all in accordance
With t2o. e requir~ments set forth in this Ordin~uceo
Figure 1.
St~p I. Preliminary P%at for ;u~xtivision
The owner or subdivider shall pmovide a preliminary plan
of the s~bclivts ion which shall show the manner in which
t~he proposed subdivision is coordinated wi~h the gaster
Plan and its provisions; specifically, with relation to
the requirements of the Official Thoroughfare ~rzan; school
and recreational st+~ea$ shoppin~ centers; comm~nity
facilities; sanitation~ water smpply and drainage; and
other developments existing and proposed, in the vicinity;
provided, h~w~ver, that no land shall be subdivided for
residential uSe unless adequate access to the land over
improved atreets or thoroug~hfare~ exists or will be pro-
vided by t~e subdivider~ or if such land is cor~idered by
the Commission to be uns~nitable for such use by reason ~f
fl~odimg ~r i~roper drainage, *bjectionable earth and
rock formati~n~ ~opography, or any or.her feathers harmful
~ t~ heal~Ja m~d safety of p~esible residents and ~he
~omm~ty as a whole.
B~ Th~ subdivider snail provide the follovdm~g:
1. Loca~lon ~ap (which ~y be prepared by i3~dicatf-ug t~e
data by no%atior~ on available ~p$) showizug:
a. Subdiwision na~ and l~cation.
b~ Ar~ thoro~ghf~res r~tating to th~ subdi~siono
Existi~ elen~ntary a~d b~gh schools~ parks and
playgrounds, servir~ the area proposed to be sub-
divided~ and cthem comm~uuity faci!itiSeo
d~ Title~ scale~ north point and date~
Preliminary Flat showlr~:
a. P~o~osed n~me of the subdivision.
Names ~ud addresses of the owner~ subdivider
the city plann~, land p!a~aing consultant~ engLuee~
or surveyor, who prepared the p]mn~
Streets ~ud rights-of-%~ay~ on and adjoining %~he site
of the proposed subdivision, sl~d~g the name~ (which
shall r~t duplicate other names of ztreets in the
com~u~ity) and ihcl~dir~ roadway widths, approxtnmte
Eradients, typic ~ud w~dth~ of pavement~ c'~z'bs~ ~ide-
walks, cross-walk~, tree-plantin~ and o~,er p~rtinent
Ease~nt~ Locatform~ wid~s and purposes.
Statement canc~rnin5 the lo~at~on and approximate
size or c~eity of utilities to be installed.
f. Layout of lots, ahoY. nE dime~mlonm and
Parcels of t~nd proposed +~0 be d~dicate ~r-.~e~arved
for schools, p~rks~ play, roundS or ot~h~r puBl.c,
eeml-public or co~mity purpose.
0onto~a at vertical i~tervals of two (2) feet if
the ger~ral ~lop~ of th~ site is less ~han ~ per
cent (10%) and at vertical int~r~d.~ of fiv~
fe~t if t~ genial a!cge is ~eat~r than
j. ~ilding se~.uac~ or front yard
k. Lei]end ~,n~ notes.
..... Ytn feat~'{s or corJitio~s which ~-o~J.d af'£ec~
su~l_~ ...... favorably' or adversely.
Scale *, north poLnt and date.
A description of the protective covenants or private
rss~rictions to b~ ~ncorporated ~ n the plat of
s ubdivLe ion.
The application ab, all be accompanied by a certified check
or money order in the amount of ten dollars ($10.CO) plus
twen~y-l]~ve eent~ (2~) for each lot iu the proposed sub-
division with a minim,~m total charge of fifteen dollars
($!5o00) to cover the cost of che~k!o~ and vertft~nE the
proposed plat~ and such amount s~'~ll be deposited in the
C~neral Fund.
The Preliminary Flat of the subdivision shall be drs~vn to
a scale of fl.ft~ (~O) feet to one (1) ~nch, cr one hundred
(1OO) feet to one. (1) inch; provided, ho~er~ ~at if tls
resting ~awin~ ~uld be over th!rty-s~ (~6) inches in
s~rtest dim~msion~ a scale as recc~ed by the Co~dssion
~y ~ used.
Step 2. Preliminary Plat Approval
A. After mu appllcabion for approval of a plat of a sui~dfv~sion,
to~'ethar with t~o (2} copies of all ~ps mud dat~,, has be~
filed~ the Oo~m~ssion snail review ~e Prel~J.n~'y Plat
accept ~ apQtfcation a~ plat~ or return thsm ~ ~e
divider ~th suggestions for changes. No app!i~a~on will
be consid~ at a ~et~g ~ess it has b~en f~ied ~th
Con~m~ioz} a% least ten (10) days ~fore the date of such
B. ~ter ~ne Co. salon h~ acc~ted an ~pplication and
Plat, It ~ set a date f~ a ~r~g, n~ify the applicant
in ~t~ng, ~d notify by general publication ~ othe~se~
~rson ~ gevern~nt~ ~tt having a probable in--rest in
~o?osed plat. T~ cost of publica~on of t~ ~ >~otice of
sh~ll be m~t ~/ the applicant.
C. Foll~ ~e he~ing on t~ ~el~nary ~-at, ~e Co.salon
~]~ ~mttfy ~e applic~t in ~iting that it h~ ap~o~ the
~linin~y Plat and ~ ready to receive ~e ~n~ ~a%~ or
~ll advise t~ aMglicant of any ~er changes lu t~ ~
l~tna~' ~at whtc~ ~e required or sho~d ~ve consideration
~fore ~p~v~ ~ll ~ ~v~n.
Step 3. F~al Plat
The Final Plat shall :~et ~e fo].i ¢~J~g s~eci£icarJ~oRs:
The Final Plat may inalude a!2 </ only a part of the Pre-
liminar%~ Plat welch has received a~rova! ~
Tk~ origir~! crawing of ~ie FJ hal Plat of the
shell be %~a~m ~ a soge of f~i'~y (~]O) re~t ~ one (i)
inch~ provided tPmt if ~e resulting ~awing ~o~d le over
%}~rty-s~ ()6) inches in shor%est dimension~ a
one hmn~ed {ICO) f~et to one (1) inch may be used~
bi,ok oF blue 'tlne pre, ts sh~l he s~omitted ~i~ the
original Final Plg%~ ~ in or~e~ %0 conform to
~aftLng and reor~uc%ion meth~s~ three black iir~
and a reproducible pr~% shall b~ submit~d~ CPs ~opy of
Final Pla$ for recording sh~l ~ eigh~en (18) i~hes by
t~enty-fo~ (2~} inches~
C~ The foil. owLng basic ln£orm~tion s~mil be shown.,:
Agcurate ~undary iines~ wish dJ~neions and angte~
~hich provide a s~vey of %~ ~act~ closing ~h ~
~ror of' not :~re than one (1) foot ~ ~n thousm~
(tO~) feet.
biished street co.ers or offioia! ~n~aents~ ~e or
~re sucL corners shall ~ ao~ately des~ri~ on the
Accura~ iocatio~ts of all existing mhd recorded streets
intersecting the bo,.mdaries of the ~act to be suiwlivided.
· 4. Accurate l;~tes and ~ends description of the boun~ary bf
th~ tract~ [nclud~ tf~a ~ource of be. aring data~
5, 8eurce of title to the land +~o l>e aubdivim~d as shown by
+~he book~ of t~e County Racorder~
7~ Co~ptete cu~rv~ notes for all curves include~d ~=~ *~ie plan,
8tree% lJ~es ~Ith acclimate dimer~ions in feet mud imndredths
of feet, with angl~ bo str~et~ alley c~nd lei lines,
Lot numbers and dimensions:
Aga~rat~ loo~.tions of ease~mts f~ ut~ities and ~y
l~ti~ on such ~e~nts~
~ontJ, n~*d
and size
Plans m'..d smeci.l'~.sations for the i~srovements req'ai-~ed
1~o Restrictions ,f all tj~p. es w}~ich wili r%m ~ith the i~md
and becc.~ cozenants in ~.~e deeds for ' ~
16. N~ae of the subd~ivision~
North polnt~ scale and date,
~9. Ce,rti£~c ...... on ~ a registezced professional ¢, ~
re§is%areal land s ~.~rveyor.
20. Cer~i/%catlon of d~ication of streets aaa ¢~he. u. ub!~c
pr opar ~y.
21o Cea'tilth;ate for apnPsval by
Plat Ap ~r o~al
When ti~e ?i~ml Flat LS m~,Maitted 'to ti-m Co~i:,:s!on, it shall
be acco~¢;~anied by a notioe from the City ~ard off ~orks ar~
S~'ety~ ~:~ting that :.~e:'~ has be~n filed with ar~ appr~ed
by that ~3~y a ~nd ~i. ch shali~
Run to ~ahe C!t>o
~ in ~m amotm~ equal to one h~s, ired per cant (100%)
th~ conduction cost of ~treets~ sewers,
c'~b8, gu~ters~ and ~ai~ge fac~!ities as
against fatty ~r~ns~d.~ or materials for
one (1) ~ aft~¢ final ~itten approval of consr~uction
by ~ne Ciby F~Ln. eer~
for t~e completion -'" the improvements a;~
Wi%kin a reasonable ti~ after application for ~pr~¢~ of th~
Y%~al Yla%, the Oo~i~i~ sh~ll approv~ or dis~pprov~ 2%~ If
the ~.ssion appro~s ~e Fin~ I~.at~ the a~rtt~ing
~roves~ it s~ll met forth the reaso~ for much
~ i%~ ~*o ~cord~ a~ ~ovide %he appti~t ~.%h a o~y. ~"
The Fins! Plat of t. he s ubcNvis!on s!m:.l ,: r~'r::~ %o N:e foi!:~v~ug ?rinc!~!e$ and
s%andard~ of desiL~
OilNt7~t~. The s'~bdivJeion plan ;h~] ] conform to the pr~ncip!es
and standards ~hieZn are ger:era!ly e×!ibite~ in v?~? ~aster Fkan.
Sec%ion 2. SiZ~T$
i'he street, and a.il~y iayoat aaai! provide azcess to all, let~
a~ p~oe!s of t~ withla the subdSvJsion~ ~d ~here streets
cross o'~q~ ~eets~ jogs ~hail not ~ oreat~,
I. t¥opoeed ~treets sha].t i~g adju~+md ~x~ ~ae conto:zr of tlm
la~d so as +~ produce '~ea'ol~ lots a~d s~eets of reasonable
2. No half-s~eet shall be per~.tted Jn any sub2~vJs:on~
Certain ~ropoaed s treets~ ~bsre apprcpr~.~te~ shall b~ ~×tend~d
to t::~ boundary line of ~A~ tract 'to be subdivided so as ~o
provide f~ ~ormal circular!on of traffic '~bi~ tl~e v'lcini~y,
~?ierevar tlmre ~mts a iedieat~i or pla'tt~d p~rtion of a
street or alley ~jacent +~ ~e proposed su~:iit ~on~ the
r~=~ind~Jr of ~ s~eet or allay to the prescrJt~m width
~ platted ~+~in ~he ~rol~se~ su~iv~s'lon~ with a
width for s~eets of f~fty (~M~) feet and a ~rJ. nim'~a '~%dth for
alt+~ys of twant2, {20) i'eet~
W~dths of 2rt~rfiat Streets amd Feeder Streets atoll co~'orm
the widtb~ specif~etl in the Official T?~roughfa~ Flan~
The Pdnt.m~m right-of-way of Residential Streets~
Accees S+~eets or :3u!-de-Sacs~ sh~i be fifty (~) feet~
C~-de-Sacs shall ~ermi~ in a ciroul~' right-of-way '~th
~n~m diameter of one h~red (1~} feet~ or o~r
~n% f~ ~ t~nin~ of ~11 vehicles convenient~ ~.thin
righ~o f~y~
2. The ~un,~ length of a ~l-de-Sac, J.~e~ from the int~-
section ef the cen{~er lines ef the nearest side or el-o,~e
strew% te +~ center o~ the radius of the Cul.,-de-Sac~ shall
~ fot~~ h~re~ (4~0) fee%~
~l~y~ she!% be dj.~i in residential di~trict~ but
~o~d. be ~lud~ in ~m~ercial ~ ind-~ial ~ where
~ fo~ loadir~ a~ ~oa~p~ or access p~e~
pl~ sh~t be ~% least twenty ~
· ~.~e tester liP. s of =t~"e~'ts ~noc!d intersect as nearly at
At %ntersect:ions o! s~ree~.s fh~ ~t.ys~ ~, or_~ ~y limm cur~.~e.~ ~
shall be ro~d ~ arcs of at least twenty (20) fe~t r~!
~ by chords of such arcs.
At intersections of streets the oro~%y line oorners shall
he raumded by ares ~ith radii of not less than twenty
feet~ or ~ chords of such arcs°
If th~ smaller angle of int~rseet!on ~
~ two streets is less
than sixty (60) degrees, the radius of t~e arc at the inter-
section of property lines st'mll be increased as deemed
advisable by. the Cor~ssion.
',- (2) s
L~ Intersections of more tr~n two treats at one po~t shall
~er~ p~rkwaye or special t2~)es of streats
Oommi~ion tomy apply special standards t~ be followed in
~h~ir design.
~enever t~s p~oposed subdivision contains or l~ adjacent tO
a rai~o~ riEht-of-way or a ~hw~y desi~ated as a ~Li~i~
~c~ss H~~ ~ the ap~ria~ h~;hway au~orities, pro-
vision sh~! ~ ~de far a ~r~in~ Access Str~t~ ~ a
par~.lai street at a ~.istance aoc~tab!e for ~e appro~iat~
:mss of the ia~ between ~le ~ghway ~r rai~oad and such s~
Horizontal visibility on curved streets and Yertical visibility
on ali str~b~ mu~t be ~airfbained along the center lines as
~. ArLerial Streets~ ~ive hundred (500~ feet.
Feeder Straet~ and Parkways: ~ hm~ired (3,00) fes~.
}~ k~simential Streets~ One hur~dr~d ~d fifty [19Jj feet.
Ou~wat~r~ measured alon~ the can%er line sb~!! have
-radius as follows:
1o Art~ial Streets: Five hundred (9~t3) feet.
[o Fe~er Streets mud P~rkw~ys: Three h,mudr~d (300} feet.
}. Ee~idential Street~ ~o hu~red (200) feet°
' 4~ Intersections of ~identi~ $~eets ~ith ~her
., ~,- ~e h~ed a~ ,~'~nty-five (17 feet
a ~gent of -~o% less ~, .~ · ~e h~J~2'ed (~0) feet ~%d on
less %hah fer%y (hf>) f~t~
R. ~imu~ Orsdes for streets !ki al!ers ~ha~,.1 be ~3proved 'by
The ~ir~u~ ~ade of any street <u~ter shall ~ not less
,.than ~2~ree-tenths (0°3) per cent,
A. Plock~ should not exceedem~,~'~ hundred ..,330) feet tn length.
~ook~ shall b~. of sufficient -~_dth to permit two tiers of
appropriate depth~ ~xcept ~hsre an interior street p~railels
e Limited Access H~hway or an Arterial Street or a
A. All lots shall abut on a street or a place.
Sid~ lin~s of lots s!~4h ~ at approximately right armies to
straight streets ~d on radial lines on curved streets~
Some variation from tlnJs r~e is permissible~ but pointed
or very iz'magular lots should be avoided°
~oubie frontage lots sh~id not be platted~ except tJ~at ~e
desired along krteriat Streets~ lo~s may face on ~ inter,or
sv~reet a~ cask on such thoro~.¥~hfares: In that event a
planting strip~ or a screen~ at least tmenty (2(3) feet In
width sha]_i ce provided along the back of the lot.
Widths smd area~ of lots shg~l b~ not less than that provided
in the Zoning Or~ir~nce far single-family d~llings for the
distri~ dn w~ch ~e sul~vision is located~ ~oept that
w~n a ~at~ :~In s'~ply syst~ or a saintly sewer system
~e not available, the lot ares nscess~ to i~tall a priva~
water supply or pvivate sews~p ~sposal on the lot in accord--
~ce w~3~u ~ S~ate ~a~ of ',ealth radiations zhail ~co~
the req~ed mini:~ lot area.
~herever possibke~ ~it shopping centers~ based upon so,~nd
development stand~rds~ should be designed in ccn~ast to the
plattir~g of lots for ~nd~¥zdu 1 commercial use.
Cc~'ner residential lot~ shall be wider than normal in order
t~ ~it appropriate setbacks from both streets.
'~%~e a3~±~is are ~ot ~rov~de~ ~,as~.euts for utilities shall
be provided,, Such eas:~r~nta s~a!i ~av~ ~f~.n~num w~dths of
twelve (12) feet~ and w:.ere l~cate~.~ alosg lot iLues~ one-
half the width sb~il be taken from (3ac~ lot. ]~£ore det~r-
r{~aing the location o£' easements t2~e plan sha]& bs discussed
~ith ti!e lacal public utility co~p~!nies to assur~ their
profit placing for the installation of such service$~
Bo No build~ugs~ 'ences~ ~'ees or s~mubs sha]~ b~ plac~d witb~
Eeetion 6~ BUILDZ~.% S~ BACK LIN~
Shall be as provided in the ~oning Ordinance~ or as provided by
tb~ Cor~mis sicno
Section 7. PUBL[C OPE.%~ SPAC~
~i~re site:~ for ps~ks~ s~hou!s~ pia~'gro~_s or ot/~er publi0
are l~ated ~thin t~ s~sion ~ea a~ sho~ on the ]~s'~r
~an, the Co,~izsion ~my r~q.~st ~e~r ~dicatlon for
p~posss~ or ~Ir reservation for a ~eriod of one y~ follo~i~
~.e dat~ of th~ approval of ~e glna!~P!a%~ In %he e,~nt a
~v~n~l a~y concern~ passes a res~ut~ on ~ress~< its
in.hi to acqu~e ~as laP~ so re~erved~ the reservation p~i~
~hatl ~.~ ~te~ for ~: a~itlonal s~x (6)
g~ction 8~
The Piton C~mmdssi. on shall reserve the ri~<ht to consider preservation
of known or discovered scendc and historic laai~rks.
The Plan Co~issio~ shall also reserve the ri~t to refu~e c~an~ng
hat. al watercourses~ wat~rs~d~ ravinas~ et~
The Flu~] ~_at ~f the m~bdivision saa~i confor~n to th~ fo!lowin6 sta~rd~ of
Sh~!t be placed so that tAe center of t~e pipe a~ marked poin%
shall coincide exactly with the intersection~ of line~ to be
m~rk~d~ and shall b~ set so ~hat ~lm top of th~ monmment or
marker lm level ~th the finlsh~d .gTada~
B,, ~onumen~s shall he
1~ At %he inters~ion of all ltn~ forming a~ies in the ~ ~ary of +2~,~ ~bdivi~ion~
Co ~kers shmll bese~.~.
1o At ~he beo~n~umr~g ~l ending of ali c~rves alo~ stalest
property lines.
2. At all points wi.e~, "e lot line~ intersect curves~ either
front or r~ar~
3. At ~ll angles in prope~rty lines of lo~o
4. At all other lot corners not established by a monument~
Nonuments e~halt he of stone, pre-cast concrete, or eo~crete
poured in ~ace~ ~ ~m~ ~r~io~ of fo~ (4) ~ch~
~ fo~ (L)incnes ~ ~ty (30) inc~, set vertically
pla~ They sh~l be ~d on ~ wi~ ~ iron ~ co. er
~t set on. eighth (1/8) i~h a~e *~e t~ of ~ ~n~t~
~ d~oly scor~ ~ ~p ~th a creme. ~rs sh~l co~i~
of ~en pi~ or ste~ ~s at le~t ~ (30) inches long~
~d not less ~n ~igh~ (5/8) in~ in
~ec%i~u ~ STRE~I~
Streetm (mhd slley~ ~bere provided) shall be co~pleted
~r~s ~m~ on plan~, ~ofilss~ a~d cross-seetions~ pr~
~y the subdivider, ~d prepared by a re?~istered pro£essior~l
engineer or la~d ~Veyor and approved ~y the
The $~ree~s shmlt b~ grad~ surfaced and i~proved to the
d~iG~ required by *~e cross-mss%ions and the werk s~All
be performed in the m~ner prescribed by the specifications
of the City of Jeffersonv~ll®.
In a subdivision propo~ to contain mn
~ ~ (2) lo~ p~ ~ss ~e~ ~ ~ ~ suniCe!on
~s~ ~ hmve ~ s~t or s~et~ w~ch ~e ~nsions
of ~s~ng paved s~ets which ~e s~fac~
of at ~t ~y ~) feet~ t~ s~e~t sh~l ~ ~fac~
~ a ~ ~d~ of th~ty (~0) ~eet~ ~le~sb~ll be
In a subdivision proposed to contain a~ average of tree (2)
or l~a lot~ p~ ~ose a~e~ t~ $~ sh~l ~ s,~faoed
~ a ~ ~d~ of ~ty (~3) feet. ~I~ ~I ~
The stress s~rfac~ sh~ll be of portland e~t conceders
~ ~%~isti~s at least e~ ~ ~se given
Ki~d of P~vement
~'terial Feeder lies dential Alleys
Streets Streets S~ ets
PortlAnd Cement Concrete-
Bal~uc~d Design Thlc~ess* i0"-7~-10~
Uniform D~sign Thick,mss 8~'~
*Interseetio~ to be of uniform ~!esign usin~ edge thic!~ess~
Asphaltic Concrete er Cold :?dx 2
Bittumfnct~ Coated Aggregate ~
Water Bound ~cadam 6
Totml Thickr~ss (~nimum) 12
2 2 2
**For in~rs~tions on Residential Streets~ use Feede~r Street design chs~acterist!cs.
[~rior bo placing ti~ street m~d alley surfaces~ adequate sub~murface
drainage for t~ s~e~: sh~l ~ ~rovided by the subdivider.
s~face ~aim~ge pipe, ~hea req~'ed, sh~l ~ coated co~ugated
pipe or a si~ils~ t~ not less than twelve (12) inches in dia~ter
approved by +~e go~ssion. Upon the completion of ~ street and
alley i~?rove~nts~ plans a~d profess as built shall '~ filed with
the Co.'v/ss ion.
The subdivi.mer s?~ali provide the sablivision with ~ complete
sa~tt~ sew~ ~'st~, w~ch s~]i connect wi~ a sa~t~y s~
outlet aporoved by the Clty ~eer~
A conplete sanitary sewer s~tem to convey the sewage to a
treatment 'Dlant~ to be prowlded by ~e su~ivi~r in
acc~nce ~th ~n,~ req~a~r~nts of the City Er~in~
The plans for t?~ installation of a sanitary sewer system s?mll
be provided by the subdivider and approved by ~h~ City Engineer°
Upon the completion of tlc sanit~y sewer in~tatlation~ the
for such system as built sha] 1 be filed with the Commission.
In this Section 3, ~E~A~-RS, and -~e next Section ~ WAT~
p~a~e "tlne subdivider sb~l! [,rovide~ shall be interpreted to
m~an that the eubdi~der ~all install the facility referred to.
subdivider ~hail provide the subdivision wit& a co~la~
~ ~.n supply ~s~m~ which s~l be com~ect~ ~ a m~eip~
a co~%~ty wa~r s~ply ap~ k~ the He~th Offic~ ~t.
~,,~$ ~n ~h m-~cip~ or ~ty wat~~ su~],y is ~ ~~
tee subdivider s~i.i provide ~n ~ivid~ml water supply on
each lot in the suodivieie~
requir~nts of the Healt~ Ogficer.
The plans for the installation of a water :~,in supply, syst~
sh~fal be pro~_med bM tr~ sub~tividsr and ~roved ~ tD~ Health
Office. Upon the completion of th~ water sv, pply ir~t~llatlon,
t~he plans for such ~stem as ~ilt shall be filed ~ith the
Co~z~i ssion ~
The subdivider sbx~il premeds th~ subdivision with an ad~te
storm wat~ s~sr s~t~ Ehenev~ c~b ~ gutter is i~
a~ ~he~v~ tbs ~idence availablm to t~ Cor:m~ ssion in~ca~s
t~at t~ ~t~al s~facs ~r~g~ i~ inadeq~ ~h~n th~
s~face ~air~ge i~ ~equate~ e~n~ f~ such s~fac~
~a~age ~a!l be pro~lded~ ~n d~tche~ for ~aiuage ~ rmt
perm!t~ in ~e st~t.
In a subdivision where street drai:~ge is not sttffioie~t to
carry off s+~orm wa+~er~ open ditch crainage tomy b~ approved
w~n a fifty-fouu~ (~h) inch cooduit cannot contain thru e, xce~m
&. ~a~ Com,~ission snell require curb s~ gutter t~ be in~tall~,
~ ~h sid$ of the s,erect s~ac~ i!~ every sub~iwisiOno
curb mad gutter ~hail b~ of oo, e of th~ cons~mtion t}~ee
~hc~n in Figure 2 and shall be co~strueted
followir{ specifioatious~ subject t~ approval of t~e C~Issi~r~:
The basra for the c~b ar~ ~tter si~l! be ~el!-co~9~*~d
on the sxisting b~ or grade,
The mi~d. mu~ specifications sbzil be sho~ for the t~hre~
~ of cross-sections in Pig~J~e 2.
$I1 ooncr®+~ used in. the curb and ~tt~r shall me, et tb~
Stats F~i~hway ~peclfications for Class D co~cn~ete~
Valley g~atters shall bs six (6} feet in width.
~d~.es shsli be ~ (9) inches t~aick ~r~l slope to
~u~ one-~.alz (7-~} i~S in the center of ti~ gutter,
Curb and Gutter Detail-Types A., B. andC.
Using Port]amd Cement Concrefe
Wire Fabric
or Expanded
Z .,,, ~i/4~* Deformed tie bors
b-~ 5'- O" tong , 5'-0" C, to C.
= ,NOTE: Tic bars to be
~ omitted for Rock Asphalt
GUTTER or ~it.minous Co.crete
Section ~ S iD~4~LES
each sidc~ of ~!e street~
Sidewalks shalJ. ~ constructed o~ Eortl~, ~ ~a .~t Cc~,crete~
at least four (~) inches ~'
~ ~,~% and four (;~) f~3at wide and
placed one (1) foot from tLe street property llne.
Section 8, STR ~T
~ub~iv~der shall ~,_ ovide the sobdivis leu ',-;*' '
street si~' s at tiqe i.nters~cticn of ~Ji.h stree%s~
AP. TiCLE o. i~LAT CFf~TlY!CATE~ '= DE?D ..... ~7( .~'pr
The foZle~in¢ forms shall be used in final plats:
Section t. Ct,~[£Sb.,.~ C~TiFIC&TE
~ ':~ 3~4~ ~SE~ OF 'nrE STA~ t,F 7f~¢DL~}~, ~D 3LL ACTS
A~SDATORY TH~ttETO, ~E,'.D ~Y ~iE!~CE M>LF~Ei~ Bf ~E CO~Z~CN
COU~tL OF Tile CiTY OF ~'F/~ONV~E~ IIS)i'ANA~ THIS ~T ',?~
G~rEN ~'g~ ~f T:~ CITY OF JEf'F~SOIOZ2LLE A~ FOr~]~:
~dopt~d by vhe City Plan Cost,isa:ion at a meeting:; ::eld
~ 19 o
Sectioa 3~
~Amch L!nal 'o!at su~aitted O~ ~ 6o~mi~s'~on f~,r approwai shall
c~ a aee~ of d~ca~on ih ::;~bstanmjaliy tN~. folAo~inC fora:
~%~ the un{~e~skgned _~'~':_'il~ .... ~ o~mers of 'N;~ real
es~te show, ~nd desc~bec n~rs n~ do hereby ce~fy that we
laid off~ platted a~. suelivided~ ar~ do h~eby !ay ofi'~ plat and
su~ivfde, said real estale in a~:cordauoe with the ~it~.n plat.
Thi~ s~divisiou shall be kn~n anl described as (Name)
an addition to . f~il s~eets a~ ~ shown
and not heretoi'~r$~cated~ are hereby dedicabad to the puol!c.
Front a~ side yart bu:L!d~n~ setback lines are h~reby
as ~own on ~is eiat, ~)etween wni. cn l~es a~ the property i{nes
of ~e street, +~}re shall ~} erected or ma:httained no b~.zflding
Thee ~e strips of ~::rou~ (N~) ~ feet In ~_dth as shown
'}~S ~va~~ser'~ed far the ~e of public
on this plat m~ mst .........
utilities f~ e~e inshsllati, on oJ ~a~er and se'~er mains~ poles,
ducts~ lines and ~es~ subject at all tiP. s to %,he proper authorities
and to the easement herein reserved. :,0 peP~nent or obner struct~es
are ~ be emected or maintained ~poa sai~ strips of !a~ ~t
of !o~s in ~;iis su~d?~sion sh~i take t2~ir tit~es st~bj~c~ to the
righ%~ of ~he public uti!ities~
(Additior~l dedications and .... ~ cower~nts~ cr p.rl~ ~e res~ic-
~ t at'~ve the
tions ~o'~d be :}n:.~:rt~i here upon the oucw~i~.a~ s
recom~ndatio~ oY the Co~issio4 tmport~zt provisioa:~ sre those
speciff:~r~ ~ae u:;e to b~ ~de of the propez'ty andt in the cas~
residential '~e~ tm' ndri~'~ habi~b].e floor
The foregoing covena~ts~ ~gr restrict!ons)~ s~e to r~] with Lbs land
and sh~l be bin~ an all ~ti~s end ali p~,so~ claimtag
tb.e~ tmtil Ja~y I~ 19 , (a t~,~niy.-fiwe (25) ye~ period
s%~ges~d)~ at ~ich tizm 'g'aid cow~s~ (}r restrictions), shall
be autoF~%ically extended for suceessive perlc~.s of ten (!0)
,=~r~tv of ~ie then owners of th~
~.m~ss cha~d ~ vo~ sf a ~..~. - ~ '- ,
b~lS~ng si~s covered by ~ese sovena~ta~ or restr~ctions~ in
or in ~t, in~alida~on ~f a~~ one of Ihs fore~of~?; core,nfs or
res~ictions~ ~ J~nt or co~t order snell In no way affect
off t~ ether covenants or res~iction% ~bieh shall remain In
f~ca ~d effect,
Hands had '",,~ls t dis
day ,'}f ~
State of i;tdiaf~ )
) ss
Co=lty ef Clerk )
~- '' an:i for ~e Co,~ity and Sf~t~¢ person-
ally ap~az~d -- --~ ~'~ o~q e~ :~' ~l~e execution of the foregoing
a~ each s~¢amately ~e severa.~y ~ i
...... ' ' v~,.~ act and deed, for ~2~e pupposss Ca~erein
Wi~e~s ~¢ hmei a~ rmt~ial sea! e~is dec of ,
~iTiCLE 7o V~t';iiaNCE
~l~ere the sn~iivider eau show th.t a ~rovis .on ,.,f this orihna.'~ce -~u].~i cause
u~meoessary h~-dsh~ ~ s~ic'b!iy a~daered to and where~ :h~ the opinion cf Lhe
Corca~ssi~ because''.,;' ~aph~.caI or other oondit!ons peculiar to IAe site~
a ,=ep~t~ m~ b~~ wit}lo~l% JesCrc/'l [~({ the ~.I ~., it o~. suoa 3roviaio:l~
~. a . , ,q .
Oo~Ssion may aue~orize a variance. .~.
to ~ entered in r~it~n~~ in t}~e minut~>s ef the Commiss!oa and the reason';mf on
wkich e~e deputize was justified shall ~ set forth.
~TIC~ 8. My~,OL~.F, NT~ V~!DiTY A~D ~OP'fiO~,'~
Ali Araent{meu./o to t~'~is ordinance ~na~l be ~ col~'c,r~l,l~ce '~!.~h ,4;,~..* ~S ;},/ tJ'~C~6~
Section ]~O, inclusive~ and Section ;:2 ~ ~,ha~.t ~ '~ the A:~t.s of the indiana
~ner~ ~sembly ol 19l;7, ar~J all Acts ~r~atory ~.m ~
Sec&ion 2. VA_L£D iTY
t.~%~e~ ~r'tic!e~ seotion~ clause~ para~aph~ pro-¢~s:o~, or' pz ~o of thais
tf ar~ ~ ' ~
ordinance sh~l ~ F~id to oe invalid or ~tnco:tst~tutions! ~)y ~* co~t of compeLen%
jtTi~dlction~ such d~ision s~ll no% '~= ~- any ~ %b~r ~ticte,
cla~e~ p~a~aph~ provision or portion of t~s ord~aaec,~
~i ty C i~'k-%~'easur ~~
Chm~lem ~edee~! ~
~It~ C le~k-Trea~r e~
March 1966o
~ .TTT.~T t
Ci~v C let k-Tre~r ~