HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-OR-1577 /jif ORDINANCE NO.__~ .- An Ordinance Amending Ordinance NOD 1556, entitled an Ordinance Establishing a Housing Code for the City of jeffersonville, Indiana. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE C~T¥ OF jEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA: S_ect i on ~ That Section 8, paragraph 8.1, 8.2~ 8.3 and 8.7 be revised to read as ~i~ 8.1 Every dwelling unit shall, within ~ after the effective date of this ordinance, contain s KITCHEN SINK AND A FLUSH WATER CLOSET. · · ll within tw_.~9_o years after the effective 8.2 Every dwelling unit sh~:_,: ~ ATORY BASIN in good working con- date of this Ordinance cont-,- ~ ~V and sewer system or septic dition and properly connected to a water tank. ~ 8.3 Every Dwelling unit shall, within two Y~ after the effective date of this Ordinance contain, within~ro~m which affords privacy to a person within said room, a BATHTUB OR SHOWER in good working condition and properly connected to a water and sewer system or /m~F ~.~septlC tank.o years after the effective date of this ~ 8.7 Every dwelling shal. 1.,,~t~w~-~N~ FACILITIES WHICH are properly have suppl~e~ w~ - ...... under'the ~ovisions of Ordinance, connected with the hot water lines required Sub-Section 8.5 of this Ordinance. Section ~ ._~ That Section 9, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 9.~ be revised to read as follows: l, After t~wo year~s followlng the effective date of this Ordinance no person shall occupy as owner-Occupant or let or sub-let to another for occupancy any dwelling, d~elling unit or rooming unit, for the purpose of llving therein, which does not comply with the following requlrements: 9.~ Where there is ELECTRIC sERVICE available from power lines which are not more than 300 feet away from a dwelling, every habitable room of such dwelling shall contain at least two separate floor or wall-type electric convenience outlets, or tw_~p_o such conven~enc outlet and one supplied ceiling type electric light fixtures; Sect i on 1~00 That Section 10, Paragraph lO.1 should be revised to read as follows: lO.l, Every facility, piece of equipment, or utility, which is requir~i under this Ordinance, shall be constructed or installed under the pertinent Building, Plumbing, Electrical or Heating and Ventilation Code, SectlO~ ]0-~ That Section IO-B be inserted as follows: BE~UIREMENTS RELATING TO THE sAFE AND SANITARY MAINTENANCE OF AND DWELLING UNITS. No person shall occupy, or let to another for occupancy, any dwelli"! Page 2 (Section 10-B Cont.) or dwelling unit, for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with the following requirementS, and which have been declared in violation by an inspector upon ins~ectlon and based upon a written order: All foundation walls shall be structurally sound, reasonably rodent-prOOf, and maintained in good repair, Foundation walls shall be considered to be so if they are capable of bearing imposed loadS and are not deteriorated- Every dwelling unit shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight, Is, ceilings, and roofs shall be capable of affording adequate shelter and privacy and shall be and rodent-proof. Floors, wal be kept in good repair. WindOws and exterior doors shall and shall reasonably weathertlght, watertight, and rodent-proOf, b be maintained in good working condition° All parts of the structures that shOw evidence of rot or other deterioration shall be repaired or replaced° Every inside and outside stairway, porch, and every appurtenance theretO, shall be maintained in a safe condition and be capable of supporting loads which normal use may impose. Water shall not be allowed to stand on any roof for co~ling purposes, Every chimney and smoke pipe, and all flue and vent attachments theretO, shall be maintained in such condition that there will be no leakage or backing up of smoke and noxious gases intO the dwelling. · . m the ~lementS by paint or other AI~ exterior surfaces subject to deterioration shall be properly maQntalned and p[otect~%%°~nnlied in a workman-like fash,ono gpproved protective co~,-~ Every plumbing fixture, water pipe, waste pipe~ and drain shall be maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defectS, leaks, and obstructions- The floor surface of every water closet compartment, bathroom, and shower room shall be maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition. · · .~ nf eouiDment, or utility req ..... lled facility, P~= .... . ~ -~ ~d satisfact°r~wOrkl~ Every ~5~ ~ be maintained In a s=~o ~- ~.,:~ !acility in this booe s~,t ...... ant shall cause any s~,~,~' condition. No owner or u~ Code to be removed ~-om or equipment, or utility required ~n this discontinued for any occupied dwelling or dwelllng unit-exc~pt for such temporary interruption as may be necessary while a~tuat repairs, replacements, or alterations are in process. Se.__ction~ll That Section 11, Paragraph llol be revised to read as follows: 11.1 Every currently existing dwelllng unit shall, within five years after~ the effective date of this Ordinance, if one room only, contain at least ~ (square ~eet) of FLOOR SPACE for the first one or two occupants thereof, and if more than one room, at least ~_oo ~eet additional floor space for every additional occupant thereof, Page 3 SEction 13 ~hat Section 13~ Paragraph 13.5 be revised to read as follows: 13.5 On and after tw__o years from the effective date of this Ordinance at least one bathtub or shower, properly connected to a water and sewer system shall be supPlied for each eight persons or fraction thereof residing within a rooming house. Section 18 That Section 18 should have this paragraph added: HardShip cases. Where the literal application of the requ rements of Section 8-1 through 13-5 of the General Ordinances of the City of Jeffersonville, as reglsed~ would cause undue hardship, an exception may be granted upon written application therefor by a written Order approved and signed by both the Health Officer and the Housing Director. Such orders of exception shall be made only when it is Clearly evident that reasonable safety and sanitation is assqr~d, and such orders may be conditioned in ~ch a manner as to achieve that end. Such conditions may include restrictions not generally specified by this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville Indiana, the ~th day of December, 1961' MaCoCr Cha;:l~es W'[ Hoodenp¥1 $'~ " this PRESENTED by me a~ Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffers .. day of December~ 1961. Carl J. Br~ti~ity Clerk T~e~O~ APPROVED AND SIGNED BY ME this 4th day of December~ 1961. M~o~r~Charl~-~(. ~f6odenpyt ~/'~t/ ~