HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-OR-1572 AN 0RDI~ANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFER$ON~ILLE, iNDIANA, DEBENTURES OR OTHER EVIDENCES OF INDEBTEDNESS BY THE HOUSING A~JTHORITY OF THE CiTY of JEFFER$0I~VI~LE~ i~EREA$, THE Housing AuthOrity of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, (herein called the 'Authorityu) is e body copporate and poJitic, organized and existing under and by virtue of [he Housing Authorttles Act of Indiana ~herein called the 'Act~), and ~"dE~EAS, the Authority is desirous of issuing Bonds, Motes, Interim CertJflaetes, Debentures and othe~ evidences of inde~tedness (herein collectively referred to es "Bonds'~) for the purpose of obtainieg funds for the financing of publlc projectS, and WHEEEA$, the Cornmon Councit Of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, believing end having fox, nd that the issuance of such evidences of indebtedness aforesaid would be in the best public tnter~st, wishes and ~esures to the issuance of Bonds, Notes, iflte~im Certificates, Debentures ~nd other evidences of indebtedness by said ~b~thority. ~W, THEREFORE, BE iT ORDAINED Jeffersonvilte, i~d~ana, as follows. Section ~o ~net the issuance, sale a~d delivery by th~ Houstn~ Authority of the City of Jefferson¥tlIe, indiana, of bonds, notes, l~terim certificates, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness, for the purpose of financing the corporate purposes of said Authority, including but not limited to~ the construction and oper~tlen of low-rent housing projects, Is hereby a~thorlzed and approved. Sueh obligations and evidences of Indebtedness shall be in such ~mounts as may be from time to time authori2e~ by resolution of said Authorlt¥o $.eCtlOn 2. This Ordinance shall be in futl force and effect from and after Its passage, signing and attestation. DA?ED¥ Page 2 ADOPTED by the C~mmon Council of the City of ~m_._~fer~sonvi)te, Indiana, thls ~ day of November~1961 , at 7:~0 o~clock ~, N. / ATTEST: FRESENTED by me to the Hayer of the City of Jefferson,< ~,~, Indiana, this 6t~h. day of flovember_ i~, at 7:~ o*cl~k ~ M. APPROVED by me this ~ ~a~ of ~_~oyD~.b~er 1961, at ~_~. o'clock A.m. .t CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATIGN This will certify that the above and forego;rig Ordinance No. _ _ of the City of Jefferson~llie, Indiana, was duly pubtlc~zed tn the~ Ney4~s~, a newspaper of gener~ circulation in the C~ty of J~effarsonv~ll~, Indiana, on the ~day of , t96t, ~'~ich publicetion called ~he attention ~f the pubilc to the fact ~f ~he Public Hesring scheduled fo~ the consideration of said etd{hence in the Council Chanibers at the Court House, Jeffersonvill~, Indiana, on the .... day of ~-. , 196I, at ~o'clock _M, local time. CITY CLERk? (S~L) TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC HEARING HELD O~ OCTOSEH2~, 1~61, Jn the Co~t Room of the Clark County Court House, This Public Hearing ls bain9 held on October 25. )96t, in the Court Room of Hearing in the Evening Ne~s on October t3, ID6~. Th~a notice of Publlc He~rtng ~'A Public Hearing ~ii] be held by the Housing ~Jthority of the City o~ JeffersOnville c~d the Coan~n ~ of Jeffersonviile, o~ ~ednesday, October 25, )96~, at in the Court o~ the County Court House for the issuance of bon~s, notes, interim certificates, other ~vidences of indebtedness by the H~s~g Authority of the City publ~ To p~t this into leyden's terms, this Public Ne~rin~ iS for the p~rpose of discussing and lnfo~ing the citizens of the Cityof Jefferso~vii~e the ~y )n v~Jch the ~ousi~g units to be bui]~ by the Jeffersonvi)le H~Jslng AuthOrity a~ to be financed. This is the stated purpose of th~ ~et~ng. bYe ~viil n~xt regularly schedu)ed meeting. This Resolution w{t} re~d as fo.lc~s. 'A~ etd{henCe or reso)utIon of the City of Jeffersonville, Ind}ana, app/~ovlnij the Issuance of bonds, no[es, interim fertJf)cetes, debentures, WHEREAS, the ~ouSin? AuthOrity Of the City of Jeffers~nvJtle,.lndlane, (herein caii,~ the Author{ty) ~s a body corpo[at~ a~ polit{C organized. and existing by.virtue Of ~he Housin~ Au~horities Act of {nd{ann (her~tn called the Act), and ~tiEREA$, The Authority ~s des~r0us Of issu)n9 bonds, notes, {nterim certificates, debenture~ a~d o~her evidences of indebtedne?,(herein collectively referred to as Bm~ds) for the purpose oF'bStc(ning funds for th~ f~nancing of the development an~ operation of iow-rent public hOuSJ~ t project , and ~HEREA9, The Con~i~n Council of the City of Jeffersonvi{le, Indiana, b~llevin~ and havlng found ~hct the Jssu~nc~ of such evidences of indebt~ edness aforesaid, ~ould be in the best pu~{)c {nte~s~, ~(s~es a~ d~sJres ~ObY,THEREFORE, BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Cc~mnton Council of the City of Jeffersonv{ {a, India~a, as follov~: Section I. Thct the issuance,o~le and de)tvery by the Housin9 Author)ty of the ~ty of Jeffersonv ~]e, lnd{ana, o¢ bonds, notes, for the purpose of f{nancing %he corporate purposes of scid Authority, including but not limited to, the construction end operation of Iow-rent housing projectS, is hereby authorized and approved. Such obt{gation a~d evidences of indebtedness ~hal] be {n s~ch ~nts as ~y be fr~ t)~ to t)m~ authorized ~y A~O)~t)On of ~J)~ A~r)[y. SectiO~ 2. This etd)hence shell be in full force and effect fro~ and and then the s}~qatures ~ll{ be there for the 8ouncilmen and ~or the ~ayer. Page 2 I would i)ke to ~exp)atn to you tha~ tht$ is not 8 Public I~earin9 to ~pprove ~e creation of a H~s~n~ ~hort~y ~or the C~ty o~ je~erso~v~e, ~s a~ready ~ne a~ a romar Pub}ic ~ea~Ing. There ,~re ~o objections at Publ lc H~r~ng, ,which ~as he~d s~ver~ ~onths ego. an~ ~u~y a~ert~sed Jn ~he l~ ~o reed to you~ %he best exp/ana~ion of thts fact, of ~ans, o~ f~nenc~n~ fr~ the [ndlana 5tenures. ~ect~on ;48-81~4; on, tiled "Bonds, ~thortty ~o City Cou~tt; ~n ~oard. or C~ty Hearth held pursuant to ~OtiC~ of th~ tiaa, place a~d pur~e e ~bl)c g , . ' ' ' flor to the ~ Authority may issue s~c . yP. , ~ .... . =~ ,~av I : ~ Exclusively bends on ~hl~ the principal ano ~n~. ...... ~_ysb_e. ( ) nc~e and reve~ues Of the h~slng project financed. ,with, the rrm the }f such ~nds, 6~ With sbch p~bbeeds; (b) exclusively fr~ the proceeds ' ether or not )n~ and revenue of certain designated housing proj.ect[ ~ ~ . . they ~te.f)nan~d tn ~ole~or i~ part by the pr~eeds of suc, ~noss, t revenues ~e~etally. My of such bonds may be (c) fr~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ..... ~r~ a ~rtqa e of any ~uslng project, projects or other p~op~y of the Authority." Skipping d~n to the .next paragraph into [he sec~ Septe~ce of the next paragraph, this ls ~oted. and other obligations o~ a~ authority (and such b0~ds and . the to~, t te or an e~ ~he Cltv~ the t~ or th~ county, ~Or the.sta _Y . ~, then thee ot Sa~O authority, ~ --"T- -', ' ..... ~-+.~Jr';, debt l ~mltation or restr J ct)On.' ~e ~eanln9 of thls )s simply that the financing of h~slng unl[s to be built by the Public Housing Authority is in no way affecting the bonded oK the liability for such ~nds ~ the city, the county, or the state. N~ that vm have informed those present of the means by ~ich Public units are financed. ~ ~uld like to open the Flor up n~ for, ~}r~ of all, those ~o here any discusSlOn in regard to this matter. '~ould ~u c~ up slr and gtve -~ur n~ and ad~r~5t · f onvtlle, ~nd have ~ve ~ ~ yee~s. The ~Jn ~drpo~e of Jeffers _ ~ ~ .,._ ~j tO withhold t~e passing of the hat ~ld set up mOneS'~,J(~e unt~l the ~t~6}e ~f ~rban ~en wa n ~ot')a~,s a~d Cent~ ft~ures c)tlzens of jeff~sonvll . Lenn I think tl~at ymt have ~nfuse~ the ~us)ng Auth°?)tY Public ~ous 9 .. u __ - ~'~c ~s~n O~ the Housing h~n to say ~nc~rn~n~ ~he Pub ~ , DO you have anyt _g .... .~,,i~la..~ a~'_~ rah ~ans by which t will ~t~ance constr ~ . , ~ -~-t~... ~e either {brough their o~ purchase of s~h h~e or lhrm~ tne~ r p ~ a~artment?' L nn s caking. ' I have lived tn Clark CoUnty, Clarksvill~ and ~e veer and at the eno ~/ ~f*~ ~-.~ ~ ._ i~ -~ n and ~t the end of the other ~ mu~ n~ve ,r s~} . .... t s eaklng, nMr. kenny, this is apubl)c 'hearing f~ the purpose M[r.?¢t I. p ~,-~ ~ of f~nan~in~ of houstng ~or d~sp~aced families, particularly those displaced by the bridge. Mr. kenny speaking, ~We are ?e'ekl~g of thB~gs here that se~ 'to be a 1 re a~ed. Those .~at ~ill be d[splaced by the 'brl~9e there little We I p P ~ ' - f ef~erSonv)tl~ is ,plenty o~ housing at the pre~S~nt t~me In the (tyo J a~e of them at least t~po~rlly, I have ~o~tCed qu~te a number to tak~ c ': .. ',, ,'- ' · '- ,- ~:- ~,-~ that a'~e still fo~~rent, If ~u ~)l) pick up ~ur cvem~g ~Z,rl~ht 20 ~ous~e~ f~r ¢~n=~ )~ the ~ h~ ~ le bul!dmg ~etween touiS~l,~)~, n ~ , '=-~a. '~ I state~ before, was until Urban adequately aho Wet l~ . la? only [~*[l_-i~-.f~,r t~e d~le, exactly ' n tO COs~ them, the re~s~ ~b ~'o ~,,~ th~ p ..... in the me~ns of "Mr. Lenn ~ are still only dlscuss , g : ar. ~GiII speaking. . ~t ,,- ~ ..... a~-du had a ~ubllc hearing to financing the public housing units., we .:v~ ~-~.( _. ns~o the ced for such unitS, the're ~re nO O~Jec%l,o determine the n n ~thorit Of the ' the Cou'nc~t subsequently created the ~ou~. ~ ~. ?~ this time an.d,~ .~ -~ ~,~,.- ~ ...... - ~nts ~bOut the ~inancin9 or bug loin9 puu~lc nu~-...~ "Herin lived ~n a Gove~nt HOuS)~ project, for Mr. ~enny speaking. . 9 .... ~ ...... n ~ah ~n~al ~n Washington, years and having ~ught into that ann nav,n~ *~ .... ~ .... ~nd having seen ~rban Annevel in jef'ferso~Vlll~, o¢ In Lou~sv~ll~ ).hav~ no ,, , CounCt~ for ~a~s~ng the ~tttng Up Of ~he housing quarrel wlth the ~)~y --_ - .-~ - ) ~lnk )t is eve~y: C~tl~ens &Jty to ' ~//e ~ dO Se~ t~ up, ........ politics 9~s- That the ~hole Or ~n= M- ~altl speaking. 'Mr.-, Len~y, this ordinance mdSt be passed before the plans are begun and the plans ~ ~1 sta~e the Cost Of such ~nSiPUction at for ~ur c~en~s. later tl~. Thank y~ very much' ' ~ .... ~' dt scuSs~ ~r. acGtll speaki ~. "Are there other c~nts or ~hls is E. K. ~nny. ~ Earl9ht spiking a9~In. At the Mr. kenny speaking.. .- ~i. ,,' a tltlon move in th~ first ' r he e)s a c~)zen= group plannln9 ~. , present t)~e, t r ,,, ¢[~t~ '~ vie~ and their o~n ~houghts Urban Ee~e~. p~nt test mg o~...~ .... ::. _ s, 11 1 be aF{'ee'ted, h~ tach be affected~ h~* they ~ ~hat are actually to . ' nd ~he ~ole people t , . ' · ' w~li et beck snto a cost to the people thyselves. I nave ~ P~ge ~ deve)opn~nt tn the C~:¥ Of Louisville :hat is setllng th~!~s Iow-cost. housing $13,900 to $17,90~o ! don'.t k~ov~hat this,lo-Trent l~cost h~sln9 project is golng ~o cost mn Jeffersonv[)l~ et ,~t :t.~)ll S~11 for tn but I ~utd object to thls ~oney c~ng from ?e Outs)de to the ~rlv~ts of bthers v~lle they take ~ay fr~ the v)~.~ Hr, Mcg!ll Speaking: ~There seems to be a m~'sunderstanding due to the fact that this housing wiS1 not be sold but will be rented belov~ the market ~ent normally charged, The cost tO the CIty~ Je~fer~6n~]i~)~ ~tt') be ~0thi~ng es stated tn the previous quotation 6rom ~he State Ia, ~nd fr°m the ~esolution ~hi~ wo~)d be requested of the Council.~' speaking: ~Are there any other con--ants?~ Hr. Lenny Speaking: ))Thls is E. K. Lan,y, of 2h Enright, replyln~ tO the remark that was just made. i have never kno~vn in my lifetime anybody that ever received anything for noth)ng. Sooner or later ¥o~'ve got to pay the flddler. !~S as old as e~¥ ~an tn this room. The thing has been approach(rd and )ts be)n9 d°neoth&rv~)se other places ~):h government mo~i.~¥. I thin~k free enter~r[ze, I think freed~ of thought and freed~ o6 right a~ freedom of o~ersh~p still reStS ;)n ~er)ca end I do ~t th~nk ~ have that m~ny p~Ople )n the City of Jeffersonv)l)~ that n~eds this k(nd o~ housing.' [ir. ftgGill speaking: ~'Are ther~e an)' ~other comments?~' 'Any other disc~)Sslon?' If not, then I dec,are the meeting ~qdjot~b(.:d.~