HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-OR-1561 ~E ~T O~DAINED BY THE C02f2~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF J~FFERSONYILLE~ ZNDIANA~ THaT THE FOLLOWII~G DESCRIBED RE~L ESTATE ~WD TErrITOrY ~E ~ND T~IE S~HE IS ~E~ETO ~WNEXED ~ND DEOL~ED TO ~E ~ P~RT OF THE O~ITY OF JEFFERSONTILLE~ ~NDI~N. TO -WIT: 1~0S. o ANO 11, O? THE It~I~¥OIS GRANT TO Ct~R~ GOU~TY, SURVEYS _%~OS. i0 ~mm 11, 35~.5k FEET TO A STONE~ rN THE [~ESTERN RIGHT OF W~Y LIITE OF STATE .~IG~ItY ~Y OF S~ID STATE _~IGH~$~Y l~[O. ~ TO ~ POINT ~IOHT OF ~Y~ THENCE FOLLOWING S~ID ~ESTE~N RIGHT OF W~Y LINE ~LON~ ~ ~0 ~0~ CURVE TO T~E LEFT~ 10' E., 11~.0 FEET~ (CROSSING THE PSEST LANE) TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE ~SZ L~TE OF S~ID STmTE ~I~DLY ~LONG THE CENTE~ LINE OF S~ID ~ST L~i~E~ 1781.5 FEET TO ~ POINT. THENCE ~]. ~$0 ~, ~.~ 113.9~ FEET TO ~ STONE ON THE ~TEST mIGHT OF W~Y ~C~ES. ~D~4SSED AND ADOPTE~ BY T~E CO]~?~ON COUNCIL OF THE ~ITY OF JEFFE~SONVILLE~ ~TTEST$ THIS ~ BY ~fE TO THE ~/i~ YOR O~ THIS _-~ DAY OF ENPYL, CITY ENGINEER 700 East llth Street CITY OF JEFi~ERSONVILLE, INDIANA ~V1LL1AM GOYNE, City Englnea~ DESCRIPTION FOR ANNEXATION OF PART OF STATE HIGHWAY NO · 62, HEING 4.578 ACRES I~ SURVEY NO. 1~ OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT TO CLARK, COUNTY, INDIANA. Being a part of Survey No. 10 and beginning at a stone at the co~on corner of Surveys Nos. 20,10 a~d ll, of the Illinois Grant to Clark CountS, Indiana. Thence S.35°2~'E., along the line dividing said Surveys Nos. l0 and ll, 3~[~6.~2 feet to a stone, in the Western right of way line of State Highway No. 62, ~T~he T~r,u.e,, Place of B~eginning. Thence S.28°38'Wo, 131[~.[.~ ft. along the Western right of way of said State Highway No. 62, to a point in said riE ht of Way, J Thence following said Western ri~oht of way line along a l°30' curve to the left, whose chord bears S.24°50'W., 515.3 feet to the intersection of Reed's Lane and said State Highway right of way, to a point, Thence S35°10'E., 119.0 feet,(crossing the West lane,) to the center line of the East lane of said State Highway No. 62, to a point, Thence Northeastwardly along the center line of said East lane, 1781.5 feet to a point, Thence N.35°25'W., 113.9~4 feet to a stone on the West right of way line of said State Highway No. 62, The Sro% Plac? Of Beginning. Situated in Survey No. Clark County, 10 of the Illinois Grant to Indiana and containing 4.57~ Actress.