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WHEREAS, it is the Policy of this localityto eliminate subst~dard
and other inadequate houSi~E, to prevent the spread Of slums and blight,
and to realize as soon as feasible the goal of a decent home in a s~ta-
ble living envi~o~aent for all its cmtm~ens, ~d
~TERF~&S, ~der the provisionsOf the United States Housing Act of
1937, as amended, the Public HOusing Administration is authorized to
provide fin~cial assist~ce to local pUbliC housing agencies for ~der-
taking ~d Carrying out preliminary pla~ng of low-rent housi~ projects
that will assist in meet_ng this goal; and
~AS, the Act prbVideS that the~e~ shall be local det~ination
off,need for low-rent hoUsing to meet heeds not being adequately met by
private ente~rise ~d that the Public HOusing Administration shall not
make any contract with a pUbliC hbusing agency for preliminary lo~s for
surveys ~d planning in respect~to ~y low-rent housing projects ~less
the gove~ing body of the locality involved has by resolution approved
the application of the public housing agency for such preliminary lo~;
~ ~REAS, ~e Housing Aut~0rity of. the City of Jeffersonville, I~i~a,
(here~n called the ~cal AUthority") zs a public housing agency ~d is
~Plying to the Public HOusing Administration for a Preliminary lo~ to
cover the costs of surveys ~d planning in co~ection with the develop-
ment of low-rent housing;
NOW, T~O~, be it resolved by the City Co~cil of the City of
Jsffer~onville, Indiana, as follows:
1. ~ere exists in the city of Jeffersonville, Indi~a, a need for
such low-rent housing at rents within the means of low-income families;
2, The application of the Local A~th0rity to the Public Housing
Administration f0r'~elimina~y lO~ in ~ amo~t'n0t to exceed $3~,000
for s~veYs and planning in co~ection With low-rent housing projects of
not to exceed approximately 200 dwelling ~its is hereby approved.