WHERF~tS~ Spring Street has long been one of the main business
streets in the City of Jeffersonville~ Indisna~ therefore~ be it
ordained by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville~ In-
SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to placer
display~ or permit used merchandise to be placed or displayed on
the exterior~ in front of~ on the side of~ or in the rear of any
building which is on a lot that abuts on Spring Street in the City
of Jeffersonville~ Indiana.
S~CTION 2. It shall be unlawful for the owner of s_ny building
which is on a lot that abuts on Spring Street in the City of Jeffer-
sonville~ Indiana~ to permit any tenant or other person to place~
display~ or permit used merchandise to be placed or displayed on
the exterior~ in front of~ on the side of~ or in the rear of said
building ·
SECTION 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply
to any dealer in used motor vehicles who is licensed by the State
of Indiena and who holds a dealer's license issued by the State
of Indiana.
SECTION 4. Any person convicted of a violation of this ordi-
nance shall be fined in a sum not less than $2~.OO (twenty-five
dollars) nor more than $100.OO (one hundred dollars).
SECTION ~. Each day that Section 1 and/or Section 2 of this
ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense.
S~TION 6. This ordinance
immediately after its adoption~
the City of Jeffersonville,
shall be in full force and effect
approval by the mayor, and legal
publication thereof.
The foregoing ordinance was passed by the Common Council of
Indiana, on the j~ d@y of October,
Cle-rk-T~/~sur e~
City of ~Jeffersonville,
The foregoing ordinance was approved by me on the ~. day
of October, 1963.
Jeffersonville ~ indisna