HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-OR-1599A_u Ordlna~ce of the of Seffersonville apprepri-
to be appliea on the cost of acq~sitlon of ~e~ eS~at~
fire-fl~hting apParatus, together with the fncidenlml
WHEREAS, the Board of l~ublic Works and Safety has re-
quested an apgroprtation in th~ amount of Fi/W Thous~d Dol!ar~
($50, 000) to be apphed on ~e cost of acq~si~On of real e~tate lo-
cated in ~d Ci~ to be u~ed a~ a ~tte for ~e constr~ction an~ equip-
sent oi a new/ire station, and to be apglied on the ~urchase of a new
/ire en~ne and 5~e-fi~tin~ appara~S, znclu~ ~ the inciden~l
· ' such rojects
penses necessary to be incurred t~ co~ec~on W~ P
WHEI~EA$, the Council now finds tMt it is necessary to pro-
- ~ed nro'ects as requested by the Board of l~ub-
vide for the above ~--- ,- J
lic Works and ~fe~y~.that ~e Ci~ has no i~d~ availab!e for ~such
to au~oriZe the issuance o~ bond~ to proc~re the r~q~red f~ds; and
WHE~.EAS, a pefl~on ~s been fi!;ed by o~ers of ~ble
real es~te in the City requesting ~e Common C0~cil to au~Ori~e
the issuance of ~nds of ~e Ci~ for ~e purpose of procu~ng f~d~
to be applied on the cost of acq~i~on of real estate located ~ said
City to be used as a site for the construct~ ~o?.~nd equipraent of a new
fire s~ation, and to be applied on the purchase of a new fire engine
and fire-fighting apparatus, together with the incidental expenses in
connection therewith~ which pe~tion ~e Council finds to be in due
~orm. properly verifie~ by s~ers thereof, and certified by ~e
A~tor of Clark Coun~ as ~in~ ~igned by more t~ fifty o~ers
of ~a~ble re~l estate in the City ~f Jeffersonvilte~ ~at ~id peri, on
in a~ ~y~ c~or~s to ~e req~re~ents of ~e pro~sions of Sec.
~4-1910 Burns S~tutes. t961 ~eplacement; and
W~E~AS. the Co~cil no~ finds that the City has no
available or prodded ~or in ~e ex~stin~ budget and ~x le~ which
may be applied on said projects, makin~ it nec~ssa~ to au~ori~e
issuance of ~nds of the City in order to pro,re such funds; and
~ extraor~n~ry emergen~ e~sts for the ~kin~ of the addi~onal
appropriation hereinafter s~t out~ now
Sec~on 1. T~t the s~% of F~i~Y Thous~d D~lars ($50, 000)
be ~d ~e same is hereby appropriated out of ~e proceeds of the bonds
desisted as '~unicipal Bonds of 1963," heretofore au~orized to be
issued, to be applied on ~e cost of acq~sition of real estate located
of a new fire s~flon, and to be applied on ~e purchase of a new fire
en~ne and fire-fighting apparatus, requested by ~e Board of ~ublic
Works ~nd S~e~, and ~e incident1 expenses necessary to be
cuffed in connection ~th such projects and the i~s~nce of ~nds
account thereof.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shalt be in £ui1 force and effect from
and after its passage and signing by the Mayor.
Passed and adopted by the Common Cotmcil o£ the City oX
Jeffersonville on the . .~ J~ day of .O~J~ , 1963.
P~e~i~lin~Officer - ~ ~ k
on the
lmresented by me to the Mayor of the City of Jeffereonville
day of ~ , 1963, at the hour of
?.M. " !
Cler~f~re~u~ r
d~y of
This ordinance approved and signed by me on the