HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-OR-1625ORDINANCE NO. /~ 5~
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the City of Jeffersonville,
Indiana, after petition, legal notice, hearing and being fully
advised in the premises has recommended a change in zoning
classification to the real estate hereimafter described from
a R-1 classification to that of R-2.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED'~by the ~ommon Council of
the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that Ordinance No. 1527
(Zoning Ordinance) be amended as to the following described
real estate situated in the C~ty of Jeffersonville, County
of Clark, State of Indiana,~o-wlt.~ ·
Lo~ Numbere~ 238'in the ~rst Addition to Brighton, ~s recorded
in the Recorder'S Office 'of Clark County, Indiana, in Plat Book
Also~ all of ~o6 ~237 and ~ feet off the Eastern side of Lot 236
in Brighton First Addition as described as follows: Beginning
at the corner~f Surveys Nos. 2, 3 and 10 of the Illinois Grants
to Clark County~ .... Indiana, and running thence along the Grant line
South 37 Deg. 3W Yin. East 2399 feet to a point, same point being
the Northeast corner of Brighton First Addition, and shown in Plat
Book 4,~page 5h, in the Recprder's Office of Clark County, Indiana;
thence ~outh 52 Deg. 30 Mind. West 1~0 feet to a stake, t~e True
P~ace of Beginning; thence continuing South 52 Deg. 30 Min. West
57 feet ~o a stake; thence ~So~th 37 Deg. 30 Min. East 127 feet to
a stake; t~e~ce Nor'th 52Deg. 30 Min. East 57 feet to a sta~e;
thence North 37 Deg. 30 Min. West 127 feet to a stake, the True
Pla~e of Beginning.
Also, t~e West 43 feet of Lo~ 236 and the East 3 1/2 feet of Lot
23~ i~ the First Addition =o Brighton, the plat of which ~s of
recor~ in the office o£ ~he ~ecorder ~f Clark County, Indi~ns,
in Plat Book 4, page ~.
Also, the East 1/2 of Lot 223 and all of Lot 224 as shown on the
plat of the First Addition to Brighton, which plat wa~ filed in
the office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana, on the 2nd
day of October, 1906, and recorded on page 54 of Plat Book ~, in
said office.
Also, Lot 222 and the West 1/2 (25~feet) of Lot 223 as shown on
the plat of the First Addition to 'Brighton, which plat was filed
in the office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana, on ~he
2nd day of October, 1906, and recorded on pa~e 54 of Plat Book ~
in said office.
Also, Lot 194 of the First Addition t'o Brighton as the same
of record in Plat Book No. 4, page 54, in the office of the
Recorder of Clark County, Indiana.-
Also, being a part of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 in William T. Ingram's
Subdivision of part of Out Lots Numbers 10 and 12 of the Town of
Port Fulton~ which said subdi%ision is recorded in Plat Book 4,
page 16, in the Recorder's Office, Clark County, Indiana, and more
particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner
of Lot 11 at the intersection of Main Street and Hendricks Avenue;
thence Eastwardly along the North 'i~ne of Lot il a~nd Sou~ line of
Hendricks Avenue, 177.3 feet to a stake at the Northeast corner of
Lot 11; thence Southwardly ~iong the East line of .Lot 11 'and 10, ~nd
the West line of an alley, 60 feet to a stake, the True place of
Beginning; thence continuing Southwardly along the East line of Lots
i0, 9, ~, 7, and 6, and the West line of an alley, 167 fast to a
stake; thence at right angles Wsstwardly and parallel with the line
dividing Lots 5 and 6, 73 feet to a stake; thence at right angles
Northwardly 90.feet to a stake;-thenoe ab right angles Eastwardly
and parallel Wi%h Hendricks Avenue, 5 feet to a stake; thence at
right angles Northwardly 77 feet to a stake; thence at ~ight angles
Eastwardly 66'feet to ~ sta~e, the True Place of Beg ir~'z~g.
Al~o, Lot Number 8 in Block Number 2 in the subdivision of Out Lots
10 and 12 in'the Town of Port Fulton, made by Eliza A. Read,
Wilhe!mina Zulauf, John C~ Zulauf and Agnes Zulauf, a par~ of which
was filed in the office of the Recordertof Clark County, Indians,
November 12, 1903, and is recorded a't page 47 of Plat Book 3, in
said office.
AlsO, Lo~ Number 5 in Block Number 2 in Read & Zulauf Subdivision
of Out Lots l0 and 12 in the Town of Por~ Fulton, now Jeffersonville,
as shown on page 47 of Plat Book Number 3, in the office of the
Recorder of Clark County, Indiana.
~ 12 and 1 Number 3 ~ ~d & Zulauf
Subdivision ~of Out Lots 10 of Port Fu~o~
~1~o~ (now City of JefferSonvilie), a~s ~reco~r~d~ 6~ ~a~e~ 47 o~~
Plat ~ook N~ber 3, on November 12, 1~O3, in the office of the
Recorder of Clark County, Indies.
A'lso~ Lot N~ber~ 8 in BlOck N~W 3 in Read & Zulauf Subdivision
~.f ~ ~t~ I0 a~d ]~ o~ t~e To~ of Po~. Fulton (now City
Jeffersonvil~e), aa the $~e a~pea~s on' $~e pzat of s~x
filed in~ the office ~f ~t~e ~ecorde~ .o~ Clark County, Indiana, on
the 12t~ day ~f Movem~m~ ~'i~b~,~ i'n Pi~t '~ok N~ber 3, P~ge 47.
Also, being Lots N~ber$~5'~ 6 in Block N~ber 3 tF Bead.~ Zulauf
5u~ivi~ion of Out Lots 10 ~ 12 of'the ToE of Port Mutt0~, as
the same appears ~f record on the plat of said suEi,zisi~
in the office of ~he Recorder of Olark'Co~ty, Indies, on the
Alao, ~t M~ber 9 in Block N-~ber 3 of Read & Zuiauf
of ~t Lots 10 ~d 12 of the To~ of.Por~ Fulton, according ~o
plat of said s~ivision file~ on ~e~e~ 12~ 1903, md recorded
at pa~e ~7 of Plat ~ok N~be~ 3 in the orifice, of the Reco~der~.~ ~ . ~,,~'6~
Cl~k Cowry, Indiana.
Also, all of Lot N~be~ 28 of Crestview Smbdivision, of the To~
of Port Fulton, ~ the City of Jeffersonville. .
· ~t Lots N~be~ 6 ~d 5 of the Tc~. o[ for~ ~A~n, ~ ~?
Survey No. 2 of the Illinois
A%so, bezng the West half of ~t N~b~r 21, all of Lot N~ber 22
~d the East half of Lot N~ber 23 in ~0bloch.~u~d~v~i°~ ~0f
of Letter "D" in Survey No. 2, Illinois Gr~t, Clark uo~y, Indiana,
as sho~ on plat of said subdivis~0n, r6eorded In the office of the
Recorder of Clare Co~ty, Indi~ai
Also, Lot N~ber 30 and 31 of the plat of Sally E. Pritchard and
Clarence Pritch~d's Subdivision of Out Lots N~bers 1 ~and~ 2 &f~the
To~ of Port ~lton (now part of the City of J6fferSonville) as the
s~e appears on the plat of such subdivision on file in. the of~ige
of the Recorder of Clar~ Co~ty, Indi~a, in Plat Book N~bgF
at page 25.
aa follows: Beginnin~ at the Northeas~ co~ of the intersection
~f ~aln Street ~d 'Charleato~ Avenue ia the City of Je~fersonviile;
~hence ~stwardly alo~ the North ri~t~Z0f'way line of Charlesto~
Avenue a distance of 200 feet to a point, the t~e place of begi~ing;
thence continuing ~stwardly along the North right-of-way line of
Charles~oE Avenue ~8.7 feet to a point, the, ~utheast corner of the
parcel herein described; thence Morthw~ly 200 f~et, more or_less.,
to a point; thence E~S~w~dlY parallel with the. ~orth right-ox'-way
line of Charlesto~ Avenue a dist~ce of !~6[~L~e~, mor~ or.less,
a point; thence Northwardly 329.4 feet, more or ~ess, ~o a point;
the Northeast corner of the t~ac~ ner~in ~es~r~d; thence WeStwardly
and par~il~].~'with the South ri~ht-0fi~ay line~bf'Knobloch~Avenue's
distance of 754.9 feet, more or less, to a point; %hence'S~uthwardly
~ 'rigst angles and paraliel with the East fight-ofUway line of Main
Stree{ 100~7 feet, more or les~, to a point; thence Northwee~wardly
~56.5 feet to a point in the 'East right-of-way line of Main Str&et;
thence South and along tt~e East right-of-way line of Main S~reet 75
feet, m6re or less, ~o a ~oint; thence Eastwardly 156.5 feet ~o a
point; thence Southwardly and parallel with the~Eas% right-of-way line
~f Main Street a distance pf 299.0 feet, more or less, to a poinn in
he North r{ghtYo~-w~y l'imn~"0f charlestown Avenue, the True Place of
Also, being that'part of the Southwest Quarter of Block 11 in the
Eastern Enlargement of the City of Jeffersonville in ea%d Cgun}Y and
bounded thus: Beginning at.a stake on French Street, the Southwes5
corner of saidBlo~k No. ~l, thence with the~Southern line of said
bloc~, 210 feet to th'e 'a~iley; thence at right angles Nor~w~ardly
q: ~./12 feet; thence a~ ri~ht.~ngles210 feet ro French Street: thence
with ~'rench Street Sou~h~arG~y 09 ~ lee~ ~ un~ ~_a~ ~, ~ .... ~.
Also, the fo'llowing described tract in. the City of Jeffereonville,
Clar~ County, Ihdiana, beginning a~ the ~ortneast corner of Jac~sgn
~Street where said street intersects with Charles~own Avenue; thence
Southwardly albng the East right~0f-wa~'i~'h~'~k~6~ ~t 2UO .................
feet, more or less, to a point in the Northeast line of High Alley;
thence Eastwardly along the North right-of-way line of High Alley a
distance of 360 feet, more or less, to a point in the West.right-of-
way line of an alQey, the Southeast corner of the tract ~erein
described; thence Northwardly along the'w~s% rig~t~-~f2'~ line of
said Alley a distance of 202 feet, more or less, to a point in th~
· South right-of-way line of Charle~town Avenue; the Northeasterly
corner of the tract herein described; thence Wes~wardly with the-
South right-of-Way line of C'h~rlestow-n Avenue, a distance of 347
feet, more or less, to the place of beginning said tract containing~.
70,'?00 square feet, more or less.
AL~o. Lets Numbers 73 and Th'as 9how~ on the plat of Brighton which
plat was filed in the office of the Recorder of Clar~ County, indiana
on the 26th day of April, i906'~d r~aed 0npage 50 of P~ar Boo~
Number ~, in said office.
Also, all of LOt Number 28 and parc of Lots Numbers 25, 26 and 27
in Brighton, in Survey No. 2 of the Illinois Gra~t, a plat of which
s~bdivision was filed in the office~ ~co~ o~
indiana, on the 26th day ~f A~~, i~'~'~'~J~ ~H ~ge ~o of
PLat Book Number h in said o£fice, described as follows: Beginning
a~ the Southwest corner of Lot ~umber 2~ at the i~terseq~ion o~
Brighton Avenue and an al~e~i~ ~ NorthWardly al0~g Brighton
Avenue 7~ feet tea point; thence a~ right angles Eastwardly
feet ~o a point in the East line of Lot Number 27; ~hence Southwardly
with the Eas~ line ~f Lot Nu~nber 27, ~ feet to the Southeas~ corner
of ~ot Number 27; thence Westwardly with the line of the ~alley
fee~ ~o the place of begi:sning.
Passed and adopted at a meeting of the Co~on Council of
the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, this .~ day of November,
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said
City of Jeffersonville, this ~ day of Novem~.er, 1964.
Approved by me this
day of November, 1964.
/ ~YO~ ~ '