HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-R-14 ~ES OLUTION d~~ O~ ~OVE~NING BODY APPROVING AMENDMENT IN UEBAN RENEWAL PLAN WltEBEAS~ under the Provisions of Title I of the Housing ~ct of 1~9, as amended, the HousiuE and Home Pl~nce ~dmiulstrator is authorized to provide financial assistance to Local Public Agencies for undertaking and carrying out Urban WHEREAS~ it ia provided iu such Act that contracts for financial assistance thereunder ~hall requira that ~h~ Urban Beuewsl Pl~u for their respective Project Ares be approvad by the governing body of the locality iu which the project is situated and that ~uch approval include fiudi~g~ by the governing body that: (1) The financial aid to be provided in the co~tract is necessary to enable the project to ~e unCertak~n in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plans (2) The Urba~ Renewal Plan will afford maximum opportunity~ consistent with the sound need~ of the locality as a whole~ for the rehabilitation or the redevelopment of the Urban Renewal Are~ by private enterprise~ (B) The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for the develop- meut of the locality as a wholes a~d (~) The Urban Renewal Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adeGu~te park and recreational areas and facilities, as ~ay be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with specisl consideration for the. health, safety, and w~lfmre of children residing iu the general vicinity of the site covered b~ the pls~$ and, WHEREAS~ the Jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment (herein celled ~he ~Local Public Ag~nc~~) has entered into s plan~ing fe~ financial assistance under such Act with the United Stat.es of America, a¢~iug by and through the Housing and Home ~in~nce Administ- ~ter, p-~rsu~n~ to which Federal Funds were provided for ~he ~rb~ Be~wml ~eJect (herein c~lled the ~ProJect~) identified as ~Port ~lte~ ~oject Area IuO, E-~" encompassing the area housed by ~t~eet on ~he West, the B~lti~ & Ohio ~tlroad on the East~ ~rket Street on the South and Enrigh~ Ave~ue on the North in ~he City of Jeffersonville, in the State of Indiana, and, WP~REAS, the Local Public ~geucy has obtained the concurrence of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in the commencement and preparation, without Fed,-ra~ Financial Assistance, of surveys and plans for the Port Fulton Urban Renewal Project (ind, WEEREAS~ the Local ~Gblic Agency has made detailed studies of the location, physical condition of structures, land use, environ- mental influences, and social, cultu~al~ and econou~ic conditions of the project area and P~s determined t~t s~id s rea is a blighted ares and that it is detri~nentel and a menance to the ssfety, health and welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof ~nd of ~he locality large, because of the lack of development, cessation of growth, detioratiou of improvements 8nd character of occupancy, age~ oseisanc~ sub-standard buildings and other factors which D~2ve impaired values and prevent a noz~asl development of the propert~ and the ~embers of the governing body ~mve been fully apprized by the Local Public Agency and are aware of these facts and conditions~ and, ~HEP~EAS, there hms been prepared and referred to the governing body of the locality (herein c~lled the "governing body") for review and approval and Urban Renewal Plan for said project ar~, dated ~he 6th day Of August~_, 196L, consisting of L page~ and N_3__ ~xhibits and supported by additional supplen~entsry material as setforth in said Urban Renewal PIsn~ but which supplementary material is not a part of said Urban Renewal Plan, and, WHEREAS, th~ Project Area, which is predominantly reside~tial and ch~racter~ is to be redeveloped for predominantly residential us~s under said Urban Renewal Plan~ and, WHEREAS, said Urban Renewal Plan b~s heretofore been approved by the g~veruing body of the Local ?Gblic Agency, as ~vidanced by a copy of said bod'y's duly certified resolution approving said Urban Renewal Plan, which is attached thereto; ~nd~ -3- T~{E~EAS, a general plan has been prepared and is recognized and used as a ~ide for the general development of the locality as s whole, and, WH~$, the Local Public Agency, which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the loca!it~ i~ms submitted to the governing body its report ant recommendetlons respecting said Urban ~enewal Plan for the Project Area and h~s certified that said Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the said general D18n for the locality as 8 whole, and the governing body b~a ~ul? considered recommendations, and certification of the planning body~ ~nd~ Wq~E~W~S~ said Urban certain land uses for the things, changes in zoning, Renewal Plan for the Project arc~, prescribes Project Area and will require, among other v~catiug and removal of street~, alleys, snd other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer s~%d water ~ins sud other public facilities, and other public action, and~ WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted a program for the relocation of families that ~n~y be displaced ss a result of c~rrying out the project in accordance with said Urban Renewsi Plan, and~ WHEREAS~ there have been also presented to the governing bcdF information and data reapectin~ the re-location program which has been prepared by the Local Public Agenc~ as a result of studies~ s,J~ve~s and inspections in the project ere~ and the assembling and analysis of the data and information obtained from such studies, surveys and i~spections, and, WI{EREAS, the members of the governing body have general knowledge of the conditions prevailing in the Project Area and have heretofore approved the U~ban Renewal Ptsn as a whole in the light of such knowledge and h~ve c~refully considered and reviewed the proposals for re-location, and~ -4- WHEREAS, it has been called to the attention of the governing body of the )ocallty that certain a~endments to the original Urban Renewal Plan, as approved, are necessary in order to further protect the safety, health, and welfare of the inhabitants and users of the Urban Renewal Plan and of the !ocallty et large, and, WHEREAS it is necessary that the governlng bo~]y of the locn!lty take appropriate official action respecting the amendment to the original Urban Renewal Plan, in conformity with the contracts for financial assistance entered into between the Local Public Agency and the U~ited States of ~merlca, acttng by and through the Housing and Hc~me F!nance Admlnlstrator, and WHEREAS the governlng body ls cogn!zant of the conditions that are imposed in the undert.~klng a~d carryin9 out of Urban Renewal Projects with Feder~t ass)stanc~ under Title ) including those pro- hiblting dlscr.m~nation because of race, color creed or nat orlgin with respect to housing, facilltles related to restdentlet use, . and alt public facilities within a Project Area; public faciIitles proposed as non-cash tocat grant-tn-aids; ~nd employment; and, WHEREAS the ~mendments to the or)gtnal Urban Renewal Plan are found by the govern!n§ body of tile locality be necessary in order to effectuate the Urban Renewal P!an as a whole ~vhich ~mendments are as follows: (al Plan Ch, a,p,~ -- Amending the Urban Renewal Plan to permit the use of Block 28, Pa~ce! 2, for Cor~nerclal Use es opposed to Residentla Use. s~!d brban Renewal P~an no~ providlng that B~ock 28, P~rcel ~. shall be ~Jsed for Residential use. (bi ~)a~ ChaoJ~ N~,..~2 -- Said L!rb~p Renewal P~an to b~ amended in order that Parcel I through Parcel 6 In ~lock 26 be comb)ned into One (Ii D!sposl~ion PaKcel end P~rcel 2 through Parcel 6 In Block ~8 ~e combined Into One Disposition Parcel and that sat~ Two (ti Disposition Parcels be combined and disposed of concurrently. (c) P),~.~ '' Said Urban Renewal Plan to be amended by deleting Parcel 7 in ~lock 28 from Acquistclon in view of the fact that said Parcel 7 In Block 28 has here- tofore been redeveloped by the Ph~)iips Petrolatum C~pany. (d) ~ -- Sald Urban Renewal Plan to be amended by deleting the dad;cation o~ a 20) stri~ for the widening of ~arket Street. NOd, TNEREFORE~ BE )T RE~VE~ BY THE ~ITY COUNSEL in and for the City of Jeffersonvl!le (~diana~ tMe governing brady of the -5- ef Jeffersouville, ss follows~ 1. That in order to implement ~d facilitate the effeetu~tiou of the Urban Renewal Plan heretofore approved by the governing body of the locality, it is found and determined that certain official ac$ion must be taken by this body with reference among other things to the amendment of the ori~inal Urban Benewsl Plan es aforesaid. 2. That it is hereby found and determined that~ in addition to the liminstion of slums and blight fro~ the Urban Benewal Area, the undertaking of the Project as amended in suc~ ares will further promote the public welfare and the proper 6evelopment of the commuaity~ ~. That it is hereby found and determined tbst the above mentione~ amendments of the Urban Eeuewal Plan for the Urban ~euewal Ares will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole~ for the Urban Renewal of such areas by private enterprise. ~. That it is here~y found and determined that said Urban Eenew~l Plan as amended for the Project Area continues to conform to said General Plan of the Locality. 5. That it is hereby found and ~etermined that th~ Urban P~newsl ~lsn ~s Amended For the Urban Renewal Area continues to give due consideration to the provision of adequate park a~ recreation areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvameu~ with special consideration for the health, safetd, and welfare of children residing in th~ general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. 6. That it is hereby fouu~ a~ determined that ti~i~ Body he~e- ~y (~) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out such Urban ~enew~l Flan a~d the amended Urban Renewal Plan~ (b) requasts the various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the locali~y having sdministratlve responsibilities in the premises likewise tc cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and -6- powers in s msnner consistent with said Urban Renewal P!sn and said Urban Renewal Ptsn as Ame~ded; and (c) stands ready to consider and take sppr. opri~te actioi~ upon proposals ~Dd mess~lr.~s ~Igued effectuate sai~ Urbaa Renewal Plan and said Urban Renewal Plan Amended. 7~ That financial assistsnce ~inder the Provisions of Title of the Housing Act of 19~9, ~ Amended, is nec~Gsary to ensble the land in the Pro,eot Are?~ to be renewed in aocordance w!~h the Urban Renews! Plan and the Amended Urb~n Renewsl Plsn for the ProJec~ Ares, and, accordingly, the fllinE b~ the Loc~l Public AEency of an appllcotion or applications to ~mend such Urban Eenewsi P!a~l is here- by approved. Duly adopted at the City of Jeffersoavitle, C!nrk County~ On this ~. day of Wmy, 1965. ATTEST: CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned hereby Certifies that: I. He is the duly qualified and acting City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Jeffersonvllie, Indiana (hereinafter called the "Locality~'), and the custodian of the records of the Locality, including the minutes of the proceedings of the Common Council (hereinafter called the "Governing Body"); and is duly authorized to execute this certificate. 2. Attached hereto is a true and correct copy of a resolution, including the WHEREAS clauses, adopted at a meeting of the Governing Body held on the day of ~,/ .... 196 , (hereinafter called the ~:Eesolution of the Governing Body"). / " 3. Also attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the Amended Urban Renewal Plan, which has been previously approved by the Clty of Jeffersonville Redevelopment Ccx~mission as evidenced by a duly certified resolution of that Body attached to said Plan, presented at said meeting, and approved by the Resolution of the Gov- erning Body. 4. The Resolution of the Governing Body has been duly recorded in the minutes of said meeting and is no~ in full force and effect. 5- Said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and the by-laws of the Locality. To the extent required by law or said by-laws, due and proper notice of said meeting was given. A legal quorum of members of the Governing Body was present throughout said meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution of the Governing Body. All other requirements and proceedings under law, said by-laws, or otber~tse, incident to proper adoption of the Resolution of the Governing Body, including any publication, if required by law, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed. 6. If the seal appears below, it constitutes the official seal of the Locality and was duty affixed by the undersigned at the time this certificate was signed, if no seal appears belch, the Locality does not have and is not legally required to have an official seal. I1~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this . (- day of . ,~'-,~ 19 City of Je~ersonvlile, indiana R 302