HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-R-08TO T~his Amendatory Agreement entered into this ~ day of 196~, by and between The Housing Authority of the City.of Joffersonville,.Ind~ana, (herein called the "Local Autdaor~ty ) aha The City of Jeffersonville, Inclar~ (herein called the ,,Municipality"), witnesseth: %5~ereas, the Municipality and the Local Authority have entered into certain Cooperation Agreement dated Septsr£eer 12~ 1961, providing i'or aic coooeration in respect to l~-rent housing projects to be developed and opera~e~ by %he Local Authority ~th the fJ_uancial assistance of the Public Housing Administration (herein called the ~PF~"); and %[nereas, the Municipality and the Local Authority have aeter~dned that would be advantageous and in the beet intsres~ of the con,unity to unaertake the development of an additional 2~0 ~_nits of such low-rent house%g; h~ow, Therefore, the Mu~nicioality and the Local Authority have deterro--~nsd that Section 2 of the azor=me~tzonea Cooperation Agre~menu shall be aha is hereby amended to read as follows: '~he Local Authority shall endeavor (a) ~o secure a contract or contracts with the PP~ for loans and annual contribu%ions cov- ering one or more Projecss comorising approximately ~0 ~aits of low-rent housing and (b) to de~eioo ~ud ad_minister such Project or Projects, each of which shall b~ located within the corporate 1Lmits of the ymr~icipality. The obligations of the pa~ties beret's shall apply to each such Projsct~'- IN ~.{ITNESS ~3P~OF ~ flue Municipality and the Local .~:~thority have resp~ctzvoL~: signed this Amendatory Agreement ~ud caused their ssals to be affixed 8iad aVtesv~ as of the day and year first above written. CiTY OF J,~F~P~9Oh~TL~, iNDi~NA Attest: ' ~ Clerk Treasurer Tiie HOUSZNG AUTHO~TY OF TkE CiTY OF J~FERSONViILE, I~DIANA Attest: By Chairman Executive Secretary