HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-R-03RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COb~CiL OF THE CITY_ OF JEFPERSONV!LLE, iNDIANA, AMEND- lNG AND CONFIRMING A PRIOR i~LSOLUTiON DA~mE o~T~I.B~R 13, 1~65, ~hI~TL~D SQLUTI~ON OF THE COMMON CO~;NCIL OF CI~Z OM: JE~FE?£ONVZLLE APPROVING THE URBAN REN~AL PLAN AND THE FEASIBILITY_ OF RB- LOCATION FOR THE RIVERSIDE C~--NTRAL URBA~ R~E~fAL AREA PROJECT NO. IND. WHerRieS, on the day of September, 1965, the Common Council of the City of Jeffe~sonv~lle adopted a Resolution sbove described aporoving an Urban Renewa~ Plan and the ~easibilitv of Relocation for the Riverside Central Urban ~ene~al ~rea in s~id City, and, ,:l / Clause thereof, reference was erroneously m~de ~o the d~te of A~gust 2~, 1965, whleb reference Is as fo2!ows: WHEREAS, there has been prepared 8nd referred to t~e Commo~ Council of the Locality (herein called the Goverulng Body) fo~ review and aooroval an Urba~ Renewal Plan for the Pro)act Area, dated Aum~s~ 25, 1965, and consisting of 28 pales; and WHEREAS, said Sixth (6th) WHEREAS clause of said Resolution should be amended by deleting therefrom any reference to the date of August 25,~ 1965, and that after such amendment, said Sixth (6th) WHEREAS clause should read as follows: WHEREAS, there has beau prepared and referred ye the Co~mon Coumcll of the Locality [herein called the "GovernlnE BodM") for review ~nd ~pproval an Urban Renewal Plan for the Pro~ect Area, amd consisting of 28 psges~ and and that after such amendment as se~ forth above, said Resolution herein referred to sho~ld be ratified, confirmed and a~proved i~ all respects. NO~, THEREFORE, be it reso!~ed by the Common Council of the City of Jefferso~v!!le, Imdlama, that a certain Resolution heretofore adopted by this Council ou the 13th day of September, 1965, and as set ~orth by name in the heading hereof be, and the same hereby is, a~ended as follows: I~ the Sixth (6th) WHEREAS e!ause thereof, delet!n~ the referemee ~o the date of Aum~st 25, 1965, in order that on an8 after this date said clause shall re~d as follows: WHm~REAS there has beau prepared au~ referred ye the Cowmen Co~nc!! of the Locality (herein called the "GovernluE Body") for review and approval an Urba~ Renewal Plam for the Prelect Area, and ooms!st!m~ of 28 pages; and and said Resolution, as amended, is hereby in all things approved, ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED at e, fersonvtlle, Indiana, this d~y of 1966. ATTEST: Richard L. Vlssing, Mayor City of Jeffersonvi!le, Indlan8 Carl J. Braun, Clerk-Treasurer City of Jeffersonville, Indiana