HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-R-02OF GOVERNING BODY APPROVING A~N~ENT IN UR~N R~ ~ WHEREAS, under lhe Provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended~ the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to provide financial assistance to Local. Public Agencies for undertaking and carryinG out Urban Renewal Projects; and, WHEREAS~ it is provided in such Act that contracts for financial .assistance thereunder shall require that the Urban Renewal Plan for their respective Project Area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated and that such approval include findings by the governing body that: (1) The financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan; (2) The Urban Renewal Plan will afford maximum opportunity~ consistent with the ~ound needs of the locallty as a whole, for the rehabilitation or the redevelopment of the tlrban Renewal Area by private enierprise; (3) The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a General plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (4) The Urban Renewal Plan Gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities~ as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residinG in the General vicinity of the site covered by the plan; and, WHEREAS, the jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment (herein called the "Local Public AGency") has entered into a planning contract for financial assistance under such Act with the United States of America~ acting by and through the Housing and Home Finance Administlator, pursuant to which Federal Funds were provided for the Urban Renewal Project (herein ca. lied the ,,Project") identified as "Port Fulton Project Area Ind. R-34" encompass- inG the area bounded by Graham Street on the West, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad on the Bast, Market Street on the South and BnriGht Avenue on the NOrth in the City of jeffersonville~ in the State of Indiana~ and~ -2- WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has obtained the concurrence of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in the commencement and preparat- ion, without Federal Financial Assistance, of surveys and plans for ~he Por~ Fulton ~3rban Renewal Projec~ (Ind. R-34) and, ~ER~5~ ~he ~cal ~ublic Aoency has made detailed ~%udJes of ~he loca~ion~ physical condi~iom of 5%~'uc~ures~ land use, env~rommen~al 2nfluences~ amd ~ocial, cultural~ and economic condi%ions of ~he projec~ area and has de~erm[med %ha% ~aid area i~ a blighted area and %ha% i'~ detrimental and a menace %o ~he safe%y, hea]%h and we]fare of inhab(~ant% and users the~e~,f and Df the locality at large, be4~use of the lack of ~.t~-%,el(~ptnent~ cessa~:, ~ (~f 9r~w~h, deti,~ iati~n of imp~-o%emen~s character of occupancy, age, -)b~ole~cence~ sub-~tamdard buildin9~ and other fac~or~ which have ~mpaired v.*lues and }~resent a normal develo[)ment of the property, and ~he members of the governing body have been fully appri~ed bs, the Local F~ublic Agency ar)d are aware of the~e fac'~b and c:3ndi/ion~; and, WHE~5, %here has been prepared and referred to ~he governing body of %he iocali%~' (herein called ~he "Governing }~d~'") for re%'iew .nd and Urban Renewal Plan for said projec% area, ~a%ed the _2~_ day of 196~, consisting o~ ]~ page~ and N~ exhibits and sugar,orbed by supplemen%arY ma~er~a] as se%forth in said l~rban Renewal Plat%, bu~ supplementary material is no% a t)a~% of said Uiban Wene~'al Plan~ and~ WHER~kS, ~he ;~rojec% Area. which i~ ~)redomLna %lv residential in character, is lo be redeveloped for t~redom~nantly ~e~iden%ial use~ under said Urban Renewal Plan~ and~ ~ER~M~ said Urban Renewal Plan ha~ here%ofore been approved by ~he 9overnin9 body of ~he Local Public Ag~ncy, as evidenced by a copy of said ~dy's duly cer%ified resolution approving said Urban Renewal ~lan, which is a~ached ~heze~o; and, WHER~S~ a general plan ha5 been t~repared and is recognized and used as a guide for %he general developmen~ of ~he locality as a Whole~ -3- WHBREAS, the Local Publlc AgenCy; which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the 'locality, has submitted to the governing body its report and recommefidations respecting said Urban Renewal Plan for the ~roJect Area and has certified that said Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the said general plan ~oz the locality as a whole, and the 9overn!ng body has duly considered report, recommendations~ and certificat- ion of the planning body, and, WH~REAS~ said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project Area~ prescribes certain land uses for the project area and will require, among other things, changes in zoning, vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the locatlon and relocation of sewer and water m~ins and other public facilities, and other public action, and, W~EREAS, the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted a program for the relocation of families that may be displaced as a result of carrying out the project in accordance with said Urban Renewal Plan, and, WHeReAS, there have been also presented to the governing body information and data respecting %he re-location program which has been pre- pared by the Local Public Agency as ~ result of studies, surveys and inspections in the project area and the assembling and analysis of the data and information obtained from such ~udies, surveys and inspections, and, WH~.R~A$, the members of the governing body have general knowledge of the conditions prevailing in the ~roJect Area and have heretofore approved the Urban Renewal Plan as a whole in the light of such know]/edge and have carefully constder~ and reviewed the proposals for re-loca~ion~ and, WH~RHA$, it has been called to the attention of the governln9 body of the locality th~tcertain amendments to the original Urban Renewal Plan, as approved, are necessary in order to further protect the safety, he&lth~ and welfare of the inhabitants and users of the Urben Renewal ?lan and of the locality at large, and, -4- WHRREAS, it is necessary that the 9overnin9 body of the loc&lity take appropriate official action respecting the amendment to the orioin&l Urban Renewal Plan~ in conformity with the contracts for financial assistance entered into between the Local Public Agency and the United States of America~ acting by and through the Housing and Home F~nance Administrator~ and~ WHEREAS, the governing body is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of Urban Renewal Pro~ects with Federal assistance under Title I including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color~ creed or national origin with respect to housings facilities related to residential use, and all public facilities within a Project Areal public facilities proposed as non-cash local grant-in-aids; and employment; and~ WHER~A$~ the amendments to the original U~ban Renewal Plan are found by the governing body of the locality be necessary in order to effectuate the Urban Renewal Plan as a whole, which amendments are as follows: (a) Plan Chan~e No. I --Amend said Urban Renewal Plan deletln9 the following'parcels from the Land Acquisition Plan due to the fact that each parcel has been upgraded to the Minimum Property Standards and/or the Local Code: BLOCK PARCEl. ~LOCK PARCEL 1 3 8 9 1 7 19 27 1 8 20 3 5 lO 20 ll 5 ll 21 11 6 13 23 13 7 9 26 12 8 (b) Plan Change No. 2 --Amend said Urban Renewal Plan deleting the following parcels from the Land Acquisition Plan due to the fact that the sub-standard siructuzes on each parcel have been demolished b~ the owner: ~ PARCel, 8 8 22 3 27 6 (c) Pla Cha · No. ~ --A~end said Urban Renewal Plan deleting the £ollowin9 parcel from the L~nd ~cquisition Plan due to the fact that the parcel was to be acquired for planning purposes fwidenfng Fr~derlck Street) and is no long required. Frederick Street was ~idened withou~ acquirin9 this parcel: El~', K' PARC____~ 5 i (d) Plan Change No. 4 --A~end said Urban Renewal Plan deleting the f~llowtng p~rcels from the land Acquisition Plan due to the fact that the Regional Office gave the Local Public Agency permission to acquire only the nonconforming structure on these parcels: 1 10 7 23 13 7 (e) Pla~ Change No. 5 --Amend ~he Urban Renewal Plan so that Parcel 1 through Parcel 21 in Block 3 be combined into one (1) disposition parcel and that all existing streets located in Block 3 be vacated. (f) Plan Change No. 6 --Amend the Urban Renewal Plan by deleting all vacation of portions of the following streets: Nachand Lane Righth Street Jane Street Charlestown Avenue Jefferson Street High Street Division Street Easterly 198' of Chestnut Street (g) Plan Change No. 7 --Mend the Urban Renewal Plan by changing the Land Use of Block 10, Parcels 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 from public and semi-public use to residential use. Block and parcel.numbers are those f6und on the Land Acquisition Plan Map. This parcel will be designated as Block 213 Parcel 1 on the Land Disposition Plan Map. (h) Plan Change No. 8 --Amend the Urban Renewal Plan by changing the Land Use Plan to provide for no additlonal right-of- way to be dedicated on Division Street and the cul-de-sac off Division Street. (i) Plan Change No. g --Amend said Urban Renewal Plan by changing the Land Use of ~he Land Disposition Plan, Block 24, Parcels 4 and 5 from Residential to Public Park Area. (J) Plan Change No. 10 --Amend the Urban Renewal Plan by changing the Land Use Plan of Block 21, Parcel 1 and part of Parcel 2 as shown in the Land Acquisition Plan from residential to co~aercial. The Land Disposition Plan is changed aa follows: Block lg, Parcel 6 is replatted to include the eastern 50' of Block 21~ Parcel 2 as de~ignated in the Land Acquisition Map. The remaining parc of Block 2I~ Parcel ~ is divided into two (2) small parcels and designated as land dispo,~i%ion parcels 9A and 0,%. These ~wc ~2~ parcel~ w~l] be d~s~~- ~ed of abu%%i~9 property o~.ners to ~r~ightem property lines. ~W, TH~EFO]~E~ ~%F l'r R~.VED ~ IHE COmeCoN C~3t~{7I[, in amd for 3effersonvi lle~ as 1. Tha. in ~ider %o ir~']emwn% and ~ ~ Ii~ ~%e the ef~ec%ua~ion of locality, ~ ~ found at~ d~%e~m~ned ~ba~ c~l%,~n official ac~om mu~t ~he original ~'rban Rene',~al Plan as afores 2. ~a~ iT is here~y lo.and and de~r:~ined that, in a,~(7~ ~n the l/mi~atlo~ of slums arid bli~b~ from ~'~ ?rba~ Penewal Area, ~De under- taking of %he Project as amended ~ such ~r~ a will fur%her ;~ro~,~te %he public welfare and the proper developmer~t ~3:' %he co~muni~y. 3. That it i~ hereby f~umd add de%erm{r~d ~bat the abovm mem~io~ed ~endments of The ~'rban Renewal ~'lan for %~'e I'zban Penemal Area ~.ili afford maxim~ op~,ortun~ty, consistent with ~h~ s(t;nd Deeds of the locality as a whole~ for the Urban Renewal of such area~ '.~) r irate en~erprJ ~e. 4. Tha~ {~ ~s hereby found and (~e~:.erm~ed that ~aid [~rban ReneWal Plan as amended~for %he F~ojec~ Area con~t~e~ to conform to said Geneza] Plan of ~he ~ca]~ 5. ~a~ i~ :~ hereby found and ~eterm~ned %hat ~he Urban Plan as ~ended for the ~rban laenewal ~ea c~nt~Due5 to give due considerat- io~ to %he provisfon of adequate park and. recreation areas and facili~ie~, a~ mmy be desirable for neigh~rhood improvement, ~h ~pecia! consideration f~r ~he heal%h~ safety, and welfare of ~hildren re~idin~ in ~he general ~ictm~%y of ~he si~e covered by the ~. That ~ t is hexeby fouled a~ ~e~ ernined tha~ the Urban ~lm~ as Ame~ for ~he ~kbam ~e~ewal A~a continue %o give due consid~a%io~ ~o ~he pr~vis~on of ad~ua~e park and r~rea%ion areas and facilities, -7- may be d~sirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, &nd welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. 6. That it is hereby found and determined that this Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out such Urban Renewal Plan and the amended Urban Renewal Plan; (b) requests the various officials, departments~ boards and agencies of ~he locality having admlnls~ratlv responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said U~ban Renewal Plan and said Urban Renewal Plan as Amended; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Urban Renewal Plan and said Urban Renewal Plan as Amended. 7. That financial assistance under the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as Amended, is necessary to enable the land in the Project Area to be renewed in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan and the A~ended Urban Renewal Plan for the Project Area, and~ accordingly, the filing by the Local Public Agency of an application or applications to ~end such Urban Renewal Plan is hereby approved. Duly adopted in the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indlana~ on this ~day of ~' 196~. COM~OUNCIL OF THE C~OF JEFFER~ONVILLB~ INDI~A ~ Nay6~, ~ity of Je~rsonv~lle