HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-OR-27 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2004-OR-27 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY WITH THE ADDRESS OF 5710 ~ HAMBURG PIKE FROM RI: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO C1: SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL. Whereas, Camie M. Stahl has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from R1: Low Density Residential to C1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and, Whereas, on April 27, 2004 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(13(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for May 17, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an oppommity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from R1: Low Density Residential to C 1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this / 7 day of May 2004. THE CIT]Y OF JEFff.~ONVILLE, INDIAN~.~._,~///, Presiding Officer ATTEST: Pegg~ V~nt~ ~- Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this ~O day of May 2004. Peggy W~ Clerk-Tr~/ This Ordinance approved and signed by m~f of Mayl 2004. Robert L. W/aiz, Jr., Mayor DESCRIPTION That port of Survey Number 48 of the Illinois Grant, Clark County, Indiono being further described os follows: Commencing o~ the south corner of Survey Number 48; Thence clung the dividing llne of Survey Numbers 34 ond 48, North 54 degrees 55 minutes 57 seconds EcsC, 2447.79 feet; Thence leovlng sold dividing llne, North 55 degrees 05 minutes 29 seconds West, 1849. 19 feet to u steel pin ond cop, the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 55 degrees 51 minutes 4.~ seconds West, 7t2.56 feet to on iron pipe; Thence North 54 degrees ~8 minutes 55 seconds West, t60.59 feet to o point being South 34 degrees 18 minutes 53 seconds Eost from on iron pipe; Thence North 55 degrees 52 minutes 04 seconds Eost, 7~0.26 feet Fo o steel pin ond cop (soid steel pln ond cop being South 55 degrees 05 minutes 29 seconds Eost, 527.59 feet from on iron pipe merklng ~he centerilne of Curt Street); Thence South 55 degrees 05 minutes 29 seconds Eost, ~60.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning. This troct of lend contoins 2.6t8 ocres, ~which is subject to oil rights-of-woy ond eosemen~s of record, including the right to use o 20-foot ~ide roodwoy eosement os described in Oeed Drower 52, Instrument 6759 ond Deed Drower 50, Instrument 6058. O' 200' 400' /REF, GRAVES // DEED 417.21' _A - o. 871 ACRES ~ - 0.872 ACRES ~. - 0,875 ACRES TOTAL = 2,618AC, CBS, LLC D,D. 31, INS~, 4764 I, Herold L. Hort, hereby certify thor I hove surveyed the subject tract shown end thor this survey wos executed occordlng to the stondords set forth in Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12 of the Indiano Administrotlve Code to the best of my knowledge ond belief. Field wor/k woe completed//on Morch 25. 2004. ~(--Ee~istered L(o_~d S~rveyor No. 29800020 ~ - STAHL-D,O. 50, INS~ 6058 =- = ........ ~ - STAHL-D,D, 30, INS[ 25603 ~ ~ STATE OF ' be found in the drowln9 unless otherwise noted. ~sUR~ySTEEL PIN AND CAP SET ~IS JTL JACOBt, TOOMBS AND LANZ NOTES: BEARING r DISTANCE [ N 54'28'09" W 80.48' N 54'18'35" W 160.59'  OLD ~NCE POOR CONDI~ON 80.50'~ X X X ' X , 5'0 '29" wI t so.50' w I ~ NOT~ ALL PIPES ~0~ IN INSET ORIGIN IS BLANKENBEKER NO SCALE ~'~'STEEL PIN 2.05' SE OF LINE I) THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY THIS SURVEYOR AND AS A RESULT THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INVESTIGATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, ENCOMBRANCES, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, OWNERSHIP TITLE EVIDENCE. UNRECORDED EASEMENTS, APPURTENANT EASEMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TITLE SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE, 2) THIS SURVEYOR HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF AND HAS MADE NO ATTEMPT TO UNCOVER UNRECORDED EASEMENTS OR ENCUMBRANCES AND AS SUCH THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED PART OF THIS SURVEY, 5) THE WORD "CERTIFY" A~ ~HOWN AND USED HEREON MEANS AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION REOARDING THE FACTS OF THE SURVEY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 4-) MONUMENTS SET OR RECOVERED THIS SURVEY ARE WITHIN O.3'd: OF GROUND SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5) ONLY THE MONUMENTS THAT MEASURE 0.15 FEET OFF LINE OR FROM THERE CALCULATED POSITION WILL BE SHOWN. 6) ACCORDING TO THIS SURVEYORS RECORDS THE ACTUAL RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HAMBURG PIKE IS UNCERTAIN. RECORDS SHOW THIS PORTION OF HAMBURG .PIKE IS EITHER 40 OR 50 FOOT WIDE. CAMIE ~1. STAHL ~REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR~ 958 WATER STREET 1 OF ~ SURVEY AND DRAWING OF A PART OF SURVEY #46 CHARLESTOWN, INDIANA 47111 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA (812) 256-0527 SCALE: 1' - 200' DATE: 4-25-04 DRAWN: H.L,H. CHECKED: H.L.H. DRAWING NO. 2004-05 JOB No. 2004-05 35°03'29~ ~ ~.P.o.~. O' 0 0 n~ O. 160.39' 34°18'33~ W 35°03'29'' W 1849o19' 200' 400' SURVEY #48 P,O.C. RAILROAD SPIKE RECOVERED AT SOUTH CORNER OF SURVEY//48 ACCORDING TO COUNTY SURVEY//35 .----.~ DIVIDING LINES f SURVEYOR'S RECORDS ~'~ STEEL PIN IN CONCRETE NORTH CORNER OF SURVEY//34 ACCORDING TO COUNTY SURVEYOR'S RECORDS. SURVEY//47 DESCRIPTION That port of Survey Number 48 of the Illinois Grunt, Clark County, Indlano being further described os follows: Commencing at the south corner of Survey Number 48; Thence along the dividing llne of Survey Numbers 34 and 48, North 54 degrees 55 minutes ..~7 seconds East, 2447.79 feet; Thence leovlng sold dividing llne, North 35 degrees 03 minutes 29 seconds West, 1849. 19 feet to o steel pin and cop, the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 55 degrees 31 minutes 43 seconds West, 712.36 feet to on iron pipe; Thence North 34 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds West, 160.39 feet lo a point being South 34 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds East from on iron pipe; Thence North 55 degrees 32 minutes 04 seconds East, 710.26 feet lo o steel pin and cap (said steel pin and cap being South 35 degrees 03 minutes 29 seconds East, 527.59 feet from on iron pipe morklng the centerline of Cart Street); Thence South 35 degrees 03 minutes 29 seconds East, 160.33 feet to the True Point of 8eglnning. This tract of land contains 2.618 acres, which is subject to oil rights-of-way end eosemenls of record, including the right to use o 20-foot wide ruadwoy easement os described in Deed Drawer 32, Instrument 6759 and Deed Drawer 30, Instrument 6058. CAMIE M. STAI/I, ..~ 958 WATER STREET I 2 OF 3 VEY ANO DRAWING OF A PART OF* SURVEY .t~48 ~ CRARLESTOWN, INDIANA 47111 ~ SUR ' 812) E§6-0527 SURVEYOR'S REPORT The purpose of this survey is to re-establish the title lines of described in Deed Drawer ,50° Instruments 6058 and 2560,~ os recorded at the Office of the Recorder, Clark County, Indiana. In accordance with the Indiana Survey Standards os defined in Title 865, Article t, Rule 12 of the Indlono Administrotlve Code, the following observations and opinions ore submitted with reference to the uncertainties in the Iocotlons of the lines and corners estoblished or re-established on this survey os o result of the ovoilobillty and condition of record monuments according to the existing deeds and plots of record: The current descriptions for the subject proper~y ore the result of o survey conducted by Blonkenbeker in 1971. All of the monuments coiled for in the record descriptions were recovered and measured within 0.3 feet (plusJminus) of record distances. The northeastern line of the subject property was the only one discovered to hove some uncertainty when compared to other record monuments along the southeastern llne of what is commonly known os Silver Creek Industrial Pork. The property to the northeast, prior to the subdividing (Cinci° LLC and CBB, LLC), was a large tract of land conveyed to Groves and was surveyed by John H. Toombs, Jr. in 1986. The record description for Groves indicated that the southeast llne (the llne in common with Stoh0 was to hove been straight. The record description of Groves coils for the southeast line to begin at a point to be 2448 feet from the south corner of Survey Number 248 and end at an iron pipe co#ed for in the centerline of Cart Street. The pipe coiled for in the centerline of Cart Street was recovered and was in o straight line with the other monuments along the southeastern llne of Groves (excluding the ones set in 197t). The 197t survey shows o steel fence post recovered along the subject llne. but does not indicate what other information was used to re-estobllsh the northeastern line of StohL The pipes set in 1971 were used for the sidelines of the Stohl property, but the iron pipe co#ed for in Cart Street and the pins recovered to the southeast of the property were used for the re-estobllshment of the northeastern line of the StohL The theoretical uncertolnty of locations set forth in this survey is within the tolerances for 0 Class C Survey (0.50 foo~), os defined in lAC 865. ]'he following [s summary of this surveyor's findings: Summary: Variations in reference monuments: None concerning the type of monument recovered. Measurements differed from 0 to 2.4 feet (plus or minus) between record monuments. Discroponcles in record descr[ptlons and plots: Possible deed overlap between Stohl, Clncio LLC and ceB, LLC. ThlSsPOSsible overlap may measure to 2.4 feet (plU or minus). Inconsistencies in llne of occupation: Occupation (fences) vorled from 0 to 2.5 feet (plus or minus) from the re-established tlt/e lines. SURVEY FOR I CAMIE M. STAHL SURVEY AND DRAWING OF A PART OF SURVEY 1~'48 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA HAROLD L, HART [ SHEET NO. ~REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR~ 958 WATER STREET ~ OF ~ CHARLESTOWN, INDIANA 47111 (812) 256-0527 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE TRE jEFFERSONVILLE PLAN C:OMMI~S~ION 1N RE THE APPLtCATION ~F CAMIE M. STAHL TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF pROPERTY WITH THE ADDRESS I~ ~ HAMBURG PIKE DENSITY RESI TO C1: SMALL TO ~ GENERAL COMMERCI ON Whereas, Cam e. M, Sta.m r~lea a pea~u, u~.,. . ~" :'" esi nation of the pr°pertie~:d~c~ibed m . commiss on to ~hang~ :t~=~on~n~.~ g · ~ts 5710~:,Ramburg P~ke · · "'F~ e~ , the address wh]c. a~ached Exhibit K..(t~ ~;r P. y [ . Me ~am Scale General Commerc,al and, ~ ~ ; by publication, th, plan Whereas, A~ Commission held a ~ on the petition on ~?il . .... whereas, at th( u{ion of the hearing the Jeffemo Commission voted by vo~ of its entire membershi~ recommend the of zoning designatic Pe~"to the Jeffersonville ~ncil. IT IS Ptan Corn Council enact by property described Low Density Resident!;al So certified thi~ ~' RFE 2B 2004 I that the C'[; Small t~ day of April 2004. lmon from RI: srcial and: PRGE.03 NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on May 17, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi- ~Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, ~vhich, if adopted, would change the zoning . . map designation of the following described property from RI: Low Density Residential to CI: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5710 % Hamburg Pike The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on April 27, 2004. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 29th day of April 2004. Peggy Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer