WHEREAS.under the )rovisions o!: Title I of [ne Housing Act of ]9~9. as amended
the Secretary of Housing & droan Develoomen[ is authorized to orovide financial
as~'sEamce to Loca Pub]'c Agape'es for .mdertaking and carr~'ng ou~ Urban
Renewal )rejects:
WHEREAS. it '~ ~ro~ dad '-sucn Act ~:,a~ contracts for financia' ~d
un,er shal reau re ina[ the _r~,a~ Renege Pier for their resBecti,~,e Projec~ ~rea
De approved a\ the ~overning eo~x' of tne ]oca]'tv in ~nich [ne aro'ec~ is situated
and that suc- aaproval ~nclude findings nv [ne Govern'ng Body tna~: 1 The
financial aia ~novided :- cna conEract 's necessar to enable ~ne projecz
De undertake- n accordance with the urban Renewal Plan; (2) The Urban Renewal
Plan will ~ford ~aximum oDDortuni~v, conb'sLen[ with the soun~ neeas of the
locality as a wqo e for the -ehabi'itation nr the redevelopment of ina Urban
Reeewal Area by or'vate enterorise; (~) The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to
a general alan for [ne development of the local'tv as a whole, and fb The
wi[n spec;at
Plan give~ oue :oqsideration co tne grey'signs of aeeouate Dark eno
area~ and facilities, as ma De desirable for neign~ornood imDro\emen[
consideration for [ne health, safety, and welfare of cn:ldrer residing
the general ,,,':'-'iv of the site covereo o~ tne Plan; eno.
WHEREAS, tnere nas oeen heretofore mreaared and referred to ~ne Common Count:l
Indiana (herein called the 'Governing Body") for
Renewal Plan Per said Project. Known eno aes'gnated
Renewal Pro eec Area IND. R-43 Jeffersonville
~gency nas ~eretofore Dreaareo eno submitted a
'na'v'duals and families rna; may De ais~laceo as
of the City of _effersonv] te
review and aDDrova' an Urban
as the River~ide Central Jnoan
:ndlana; and,
WHEREAS the Local Public
program for the relocation of
a result of carrvi,~ ouc the Project - accoroance with the Urban Renewal Plan;
WHEREAS_ Ene memaens of the Governing Body nave general knowledge of the
conditions eKevai' -] i [ne ~rojecc area ~na of tne ava'lability of ~roaer
housing ir the Local'~v for the relocation of 'ndividuals and fa~ie~ tnat may
be dis~]acea :'o:t [ne Project area and. tne light of sucn <nowledge of local
housJn9 conditions nave :arefullv considered and reviewed SUCh ~roDosals for
relocation: and.
WHEREAS. the Governing Body of ~ne Localitv. did. heretofore adopt a
Resolution aD~rov'ng the aforesaid Urban Renewal Plan and ina Feaslbi]it' of
Relocation ~or Lne R'vers'ae Central uraaq ~enewa] '- ina Cit of deffersonvi le
Iqdiana; and,
WHEREAS. '~ ~as Deer cal~ea to tne aL~entior Of Erie Governing Body )f cna
_ocalitv ~na~ terra - amendments ~o Ene ~rnan Renewal Plan as amended, and
approved, are necessar i- order to Further project the safer ,. health and
welfare of the
a[ large; and
nhabitan[s and users of tqe Lr~ar Renewal Dian and of t~e locality
~:ne amendmenEs to ~ne urban Renewal Plan and ~ne Urban Renewai Plan,
as amended, nas .)een aDDroveo e [ne Governing Body of the LOCa ~ublic Agency,
as evidenced ev Erie cod of said Bad s au , certified Resolut'on approving the
amendments ~o [ne Urban Renewal D~an and the Urban Renewal Plan. as amended, which
's attached ~hereto. and.
WHEREAS. ~he °lap Commis~'on OF ~ne Ci~c of
designated and actine official Dlann'ng body for
_effersonville, ~hicn is the dul~
Ene locality, nas submitted [o the
certification of the ~lanning eddy: and,
WHEREAS_ it 's necessary tna~ the Governing Body of tne Locality FaKe
appropriate officio' action 'es3ecting the amendments to Ehe Urban ~e~ewal Plan and
WHEREAS, [ne a~endements to the Unman Renewal
the Governing Body of the Iocalltv to De necessary
Urban Renewal Plan as a whole.
)lan, as amended, are found by
in order ~o effectuate [ne
WHEREAS, one Governing Body ~s cognizan~ of the conditions Chat are i:mposed
in the undertaking and carrying au[ of urDan renewal projects wicr Federal Financial
assistance under Title I including cnose oronib¥~ing discrimination because of
-ace. color creed or national or-cjin.
That ~ne draan Renewa1 °~an
Governln] Body, De. aha the same qereD
Baid urpan Renewal Plan is nereo, a~]ended by deleting ~herefrom Part
Paragraph 2 b. Sub-Parac. rapn ) . Area ano Density Reag'~ements - Page
6 apo o' suos,~ituting EqereFor :"~e following orovlsi)ns:
Housing T~e
WSingle Famil
Two Fami
500C Seuare ~eeL
6000 Sa.:are Feet
7000 Sauare Fee[
(High Densi[vl
WNo Change
15000 Souare :eet
~ini~lum ~rea for Owel~:-]
500C Sauare :eet
300C Sauare Feet
6000 Sauare Feet for one ~:rsc
two awel ing ur'Es; ~00 spdare
feet for each aoditional
dwellin~ unit over two.
~00 Sc~are Feel per dwel'ing
Cha~qe 'mmoer 2
Sa~d uroan Renewal Olan is nereo~ amended n deleting [herefrom- Part C
Paragrapn 2 o. Sub-Paracgrapn 1}d ~Off Stree~ Parking Page 7, and by
substitutin~ [nere:or [ne following orov~sions:
There wi'! '~e one oil sLree~ oarking space for eacn Family or dwell'ng
unit exceo~ on developments designea saecifically For the elderl,. In
these ty~e? of projects, parking spaces s~all De p-prided a~ a auan~ity
determined by :ne LPA on the basis of individual projecz analysis, giving
consideration to [ne t'¢pe of pro/ecl :lannee moJe of operation- presence
of commer¢ a ~ark~ng Facilities and o[ner eerti'~en~ cons deratlons.
2. That ~ne amendments [o [ne urban Renewa~ Plan Numbered One and Two
he-ei~before ~e~ forth are hereb '~ all respects apDroveo and e~rmed.
3. Tna£ Erie Urban Rerewa, plar. ab amended for Ene Prcjec~ having peen
duly rev'eweo ano cons'dered is ~ereD~ conf'rmeo, ratified and approveo and tne
Ci[v Clerk Treasurer be and is nere~v oirected ~o file saio cop of the urban Renewal
Plan. as amended, ~icn the ~:nutes of this Heeling.
~. -hat '~ is hereby fauna ano oe~erm:ned tha~ ~ne urban Renewal ~lan. as
amended, :oatinues [o cdrtorm ~o [ne Genera' Plan of tne Locali[¥.
5. That it is hereo- fauna aha oe[erm'neo tna~ the Urban Renewal Plan. as
amended, foe ~ne drpan Renewal Area w'l further oro-~e ~ne public welfare and
proper developmen~ of ~ne comm~m'~¥ and will afford qaximum opportunity consistent
with the sound neeos of ~ne 'aaa itv as a WhOle For the ~-oan Renewal of the Area
6. That l~ 's nereoy Pound and determined ~l~at [:ne urean Renewal Plan. as
amended for cna urban Renewal Aced :phi'hUeS [o live due consideration co [ne
orovis'on of ]decua:e Dark ado recrea:iona] areas and faci it'e~, as mav De
oran res;dinq '~ tre qeneral
a es'rabte for
safer., and welfare pt cn
r~v sale Plan.
7. That. ' order [o :-p'emen~
l~is Body aere~v
a~e o/net ouotic [aci'lt~es
al pledges
consideratior for [ne ~alLn.
~c'-i[v oF tne site covered
agencies oF tpe Local'Lv nov'ne administra~'ve resaonsibi-'['es - tne ~rem'ses
'ikewise [o coooera[e [c such eno and to exsrcise cna'~ resaective funct'oqs and
dowers '- a manner consis[ent wiEn Lne roan Renewal Plan. as ameneao; apo c s~anas
read. [o consider a~.e ~aKe appropr'a~e ac~ or- soon proposals and measures pesig~ea Lo
effe:~ua[e said ~r~an Renewa1 ~lap as ~[.]endee.
8. That ina ='nanc'a] assis!a~ce under [ne srov's'ons of Title , or [ne
xousin9 ~ct pi 19z+~, as amended. 's necessar [o enable [ne a~d ~ [ne Projec~ Area
area ~ne. according, [fie ' 'ne Dy L~e Local Pablic Agencx or ~n applicat'on or
Sc enacted and adopted i- the Cit oF Jeffersonv' le Clark Count,, ndiana.
on ~his 7th oa OF December. -970.
Cit~ of deffersonville
Carl J.l~aun, C~,-v ClerkI,reasur-er
I. me is Jul, oua~:=ied aha acLing CiLv Clerk-Treasurer of
the Cit of JeFfersonv]lJe. Indiana mereinafter ca'led [ne LO-
calit aha [ne custodian of one reco~os of the Locality. 'n~luding
[ne -inures oE the proceedings of [r-e Common Counc'' 'hereinafter
called £ne ~overning Body" : and is ddJv authorized [o execu[e ~[s
including [ne WHEREAS Clauses. adopted a[a mee[:"~ at t~e ]overn[ng
Bad held on the 7th day of December. 1970. 'nereina'ter :a'led [ne Res-
olution of [ne Governing Bad ~.
The Resolution of ~ne Governi-- Bad nd5 'seen JJ] rtcr-ded
i- tl'e minuLe5 of [ne meeting and 's now Fu]~ force ano eFFecL.
The meeting was duly convened aha ~eld :~ all res£e~zzs
accordance w'~:n law and Elle mylaws, oue and Draper no[ice Df ~c
was g'ven. ~ legal oucrum of members Of the Goverr~n] Bod~ Was pres-
enz tnrougnou~ tne mee['ng, ano a egallv sufficient number of members.
of [~e Governing Body voteo :- ~ne Draper manner for airier dOOm: on
of tne Resolution of the ]overn'ng Body. &)' ocher rec~ -ements ama
Drozeedings _~oer 'aw. tne D~]awS. or Otaerw-se ,ncident to tne OrODeF
ados[ion of ~ne mesolutioP of the Governing Body, including an DUD-
ication, if ~ecuireo by law, nave ueen duly rulE''led, carr'eo
aha ctherwlse 3bserved.
5. IF a seal aDDears below. ~t constitutes [Pe o~'ficia]
of tne Local':v dna was dui affixed DV Erie undersigned a~ ~'~e
this certificate was sic~ed, f no seal appears below, tne Local
does no~ nave aha is no[ legally reuui-em [o nave a,' ofl"cla sea].
'N WITNESS WHEREOF~ the _ndersigned nas nereunco see ~:= nano
this 7th day of December. '970,
Car J. ~- ur
Cit Clerk-Treasurer
~ei Ferso~,i 1 le, diana