HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-R-04 WI.~REAS, Chapter 39'7~, of ~e Ac~s of ~e 1~ ]~la~ Go~I Ass~ly
a~ ~e F~e~al Wa~e~ Pollution Con~ol Ac~ p~de f~nc~al aAd fo~ ~e
cons~ction of s~age ~ent works~ a~
W~S~ ~e City of Jeffersonvtlle~ I~ia~ herein call~ ~e
~nicipaIity~ ~s plans for · ~cipai ~ater pollution control pro}act
generally describ~ as ~ill Creek Sani~ry Interc~r S~er a~ Lift
S~tion~ a~ Lo~ Vls~ Sa~Ty In~ercep~r S~er~ ~ich plans ~ve been
p=~ar~ a~ the ~nicipalIty inters ~ proce~ w[~ ~e const~ction
of such ~orks~
~ ~F~) BE IT RE~ED by ~e Co~nCou~tI of ~efferson~lle~
I~ia~ ~e 9overni~ body of said ~unicipality~ as follows~
l. ~at Richard L. Viss[~ ~yor of the City of Jefferson~lle~
[~ia~ be~ a~ he hereby is~ au~orized to ~ke applications for S~te
a~ F~eral 9~ants a~ provide ~e S~eam Pollution Control Board such
info~tion~ da~, and doc~ents per~ini~ ~o the application for ~e
9rants as ~y be r~uired~ a~ o~e~ise act as ~e au~orized represen~tive
of ~e ~nicipality in connection wi~ ~td appli~tion.
2. ~at ~e Municipality agrees that if a F~eral 9rant a~ S~te
assis~nce for ~e P~ect are provided pursuant [o Section 8 of the F~eral
· ater Pollution ConSol Act, as ame~ (33 U.$.C. ~ ~ s~.), a~
C~pter 397~ ic~ of 1969~ I~ia~ General Ass~ly, ~e City of Jefferson-
ville~ I~ta~ will pay ~e r~ini~ costs of ~e app~v~ construction.
3. ~at all s~t~ents~ da~ a~ suppo~ ~cuments ~de or
s~itt~ by ~e ~u~cipaIity in con~ction wi~ any appli~tion for F~eral
assis~ ~or ~e pro~s~ cons~ction a~ ~ be de~d a part of ~e
applica~on fo~ S~te assis~nce.
4. ~at ~e ~cip~Iity ag~e~ ~ ~1~ wi~ the r~ir~n~ of
the $~ream Pollution Control Board.
5. That seven certified copies of this resolution be prepared
to accompany the applications for State and Federal grants for the
construction of the municipal water pollution control project.
Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville,
Indiana, this {~ day of April, 1970.
~ichard L: Vissing, ~ayor
Presented by me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of the City
of Jeffersonville this day of April, 1970.
Carl 3. Br~l~, Clerk-Treasurer
Approved and signed by me this ? day of April, 1970.
Rictlard L. Vissing, May~