HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-OR-25ORDINANCE NO. OR-70- ~ An Ordinance Annexing a Certain Tract of Territory to the City of Jeffersonville Clark County, Indiana. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Jeffer- sonville, Clark County, in the State of Indiana, that the following described tract of territory is hereby annexed to the said City of Jeffersonville. BEGINNING WHERE JEFFERSONFILLE EAST CORPORATE LINE INTERSECTS EAST RIGHT ~F WAY DINE OF STATE I~OAD 6~, THE TRUE PL2 CE OF BEGINNING o THENCE Ar. 160 40' E WITH RIGHT OF WAY 433.9 FEET TO .~ POINT~ PROPERTY LINE OF ~ORT~SIDE'CH~ISTIAN 'CHURCH INTERSECTS EAST EFFER SON FI L LE OF WAY OF ST~ TS ROAn 62; $. 37 15' E ~907~ To ~ POINT; ~ FEET TO ~ POINT IN SAID POINT BEING IN CENTE~ LINE EAST COP- WI TH N~9° 35~ 30" gas, WITH COrPOrATE ~NCE ~. WEST WIT~ ~ID CO~PO~TE FEET ~0~ E O~ LESS SAID CENTER LINE 247o~~ TO 2 POINT LINE OF OITY LINE POINT OF BEGINNIN~ LESS ~ BEGINNING CORPORATE LINE LANE~ THE T~UE THENCE ]~. OF DUTCH LANE~ 2T A pOINT WHERE THE OITY OF JEFFERSONTILSE INTERSECTS WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY SINE OF DUTCH pLACE OF BEGINNING~ 40° ~/o WIT~I S~ID LINE 206 FEET TO ~ POINT; 50° 06' E. I__5 FEET TO ~ por~z IN ¢ENTER ~¢NE THENCE CONTINUING N. 50° 06t E'$O0 ~EET ~0 ~ ~OINT; ~-.'T~tENCE No ¢00 $8~ ~' 13~.22' ~o ~ ~OrNT; T~ENCE N. 50° 06~'E $66.71' ~0 z TFZNCE N, 50o &6~ E 105I~50 FEET TO ~ POINT; T~ENCE S. 39o 17 ~ E 2~7.93' ~o ~ THENCE S. 500~9'~ 10~8.80 FEET TO 2 POINT: T~m~CE S. ~0° l2~ E I62.0~ FEE~ TO ~ POINT; TmENCE S. ~90 ~8~ W 366.8l FEET TO AROINT; T~ZN¢~ N. 400 WI4&' zo ~ T~ENCE S. 500 06~ [J. $00 ~ TO ~ pOINT ZN CENTZm LINE OF Du~CF LZNE, s~In POINT MLSO SEING rN LINE DIVIDING OR&N'~ ~ THENCE WrT~ ~NTE~ ~rNE OF D~z¢s LZNE 156 FEET TO A POINT; ~ ~ TWENCE ~T RIGHT DINE OF DUTCH LANE · I0 ACRES ~ORE OR LESS~ FEET 'TO WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING LINE OF JEFF-- ~;FILLE INTENSE LIN~ ~.4MBURG PIKE. THENCE WIT~f S.4ID' CORPOraTE LINE NO~T~I-WESTW.4RD 702.90 ~E' OR LESS TO .4 POINT SUBBIFISI ON THE T~UE PLA BEING [ON." SOUTHWEST CO~NER OF 40,30' EA~ 198o0' TWENCE ~ IN THE SouTHWEST CORNER OF ~EECW ~ROFE GINNING; ~ TO A POINT~ SAID POINT TO A POINT; 18.6' T; TO POINT IN NORTHWEST' GR~OFE SUBDIVISION; ~HENCE S. 7~0 $0' ~/EST 40' TO .4 POINT IN NORTH SUBDIFISION$ Tt~ENCE ~r~ 220 15~ WEST 223' ~O~E Oa ~ESS ~0 ~ POINT; N. 670 45' E. 70~ TO .~ pOiNT; THENCE N. 220 I5 ~ WEST 350' TO A POINT; LINE OF ~CE S. 480 66~ WEST 807.0~ TO A POINT; THENCE S. 370 30~ Eo 948.75' TO .4 ~OINT, THE TRUE OF BEGINNING CONTAINING SOME ~4 2C~ES NO~E O~ LESS. PLA CE :~t a ps corporate line where ;-of-way lire'of Hamburg Pike intersects line dividing Grant 9 and Grant 19 the true place of beginning; ~'~ ~Thence with east rtE~t-of-way of Hamburg Pike 998 feet more or" "::' r less to a point, thence at right angle 45 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeast corner of Lot Ne. 39 of the Walnut Ridge. Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book No, 6, Page 143 of the Clark County, Indiana Records;'thence continuing N0rth'85° 49' 28" West along the northerly line of the Walnut Ridge Subdivision, 187.88 feet to a concrete monu- ment; thence along the Northwesterly line of said Walnut Ridge Sub- division, South 63° 05' 43" West, 1086.20 feet to a one half inch iron thence continuing along the line of said Subdivision South 46" West, 112.09 feet to a one ~nd one-eight inch steel pin at ~he Westerly corner of Lot No. 2~ of said Subdivision and in the Northeasterly line of Edgew~od D~lve, 50 feet in width; thence North 35~ 52' 50~ West along the NOrthWesterly e~tension of said Edge~ood Drive as described in a deed of conveyance'to Donovan ~. a~d Jean B. Wilson, ~ecorded in Dee~ Record 235, Page 6 of said re~ords, 85.60 feet' to a one and one-eight ~nch steel pin; thence South 55 00' 46" West~ along the Northwesterly end of Edgewood Drive as extended and alone Northwesterly line of said'Donovan Mo Wilson~s 0.26 of an acre parca'l of land,si99.34 feet to a one and one-eight inch steel pin; thence North 35 50' 00" West, 689o82.feet to a cue and one-eight inch steel 0.78 of an acre parcel one and one-eight inch from the Southwest end easement pin on the east line of a 30 foot right-of-way heretofore conveyed to th? P.C.C. & St.L. Railroad, by a deed r~corded in Deed Record 108, Page 541 of said Record~ ~he~ce North 0~ 48' 00" East along the East line of said 30 foot right of Way and parallel to and 60 feet distant Eastwardly at right angles from the center line of the main track and the original 60 foot right-of-way of said Railroad, 1902.11 feet to a one and cue-eight inch steel pin; thence at right angles North 89° '1~~ 00" West, 30.00 feet to a one and one-eight inch steel pin on ,~.~ the ~ast line of the original 60 foot right-of-way of said Railroad; thence North 0° 48' 00" East along the East line of said origi%al ~ight-of~way~~ parallel to and 30 feet distant East at right angles from .the center of the ma~n track and~said original right-of-way, 1743.07 feet to a one and one-eight inch steel pin at the South corner of said of land of said P.C.C. & St. L. Railroad, said steel pin being North 0° 48' 00" East, 1.15 feet of the center line of said 20 feet right of way T~e~c~ said Railroad to center line divides Jeffersonville Township and Silver Creek Township; - · Thence eastwardly ~' to a point; thence south~ wardly and parallel with east R/%4' line~of Pennsylvania Railroad to a point iu Lot 14, of Cementville,las'that of same appears in Recorder's 0ffice~.in Clar~ County; thence a$~right angle westward 75' to.a point, said p~in~bei~g25' east of P, ennsylvania Railroad east R/W lzne; thence southwardly and parallel to Pennsylvania Railroad east R/W line to a polar 365' S~ of the So. R/W line of Potters Lane, said point betUg~ In property line dividing property of George Pfister and Marvin Crum; thence e~twardly at right angles'75~ to a point; thence southwardly and parallel to Pennsylvaula Railroad east R/W line 2800' more or tess to a point, said point being in property line dividing T. J, Atkius ~as appears in Deed Book 251, page 212 in Recorder'S Off. ice, County o~ ....... Clark,~and property of Sidney Anderson, as appears ~n Deed Book 209, ~ ',i :"Page 550 in Re~ord~r's Office, County of~ Clark; thence westwardly 75' '~':.(to a~point, said point being 25~.east 0f pennsylvania Rai~0ad East ' E~ ltne~ thence southwardly~'& P~allel to Pennsylvania R.R. east R/W line to~soUth side of Ch~lestow~ and New Albany Pike; t~ence N 50° E along the south sideo&f Ch~lesto~n'Pike 109' to a point, thence at ,~?~.~.ri~ht'an~le south 40 East ~2.27' feet to a point on the northwesterly ri~ht-ofTway line of the B & O. R. R.~ thence S. 390 30' West along llne 9~ a thence contio~ml~g S 39° 30' west 150 feet more or les~ to a point in lane dividing. 'u Grant.19 and Grant 20; thence S~''35~ 49~ 05" east along line div~d~ g Grant 19 and Grant.20 to a one~and one eight inch pin in said grant T' . ~, , ~__ j ~'~o h9, 05" east along said Grant line .... ~ ...... '~ ~ ROt 25" west 429 feet more or ~ess 50 feet ~oa poln~ on~u~ a. ~ ~ . to a point 50 feet east ~f the east rzght-of-way line o~ P.C.C. & ~ '~ ROB..- thence S. 0~ 48' west 1600.feet to a point,~thenc~at ~ ~-o-- -~ _ ~ ~ ho~ ~" east alon~ sale ~rant ll~e ~o ~ ~ Grant 20; thence o. ~D *~ ~ ~ where west ~tght-of~way lice:of Hamburg intersecos said Grant Line; thence S. 4 14' 48 west along wesberly line of Hamburg.pike 1,308.34 feet to a point; thence N. 74° 10' E 20 feet to a ppint ~n center line ~ ambur Pike, said point being northwest corne~ ~f jeffersonville proPert~ line of said school 31bo3~ ree~ ~o p , · .; E 627.8 feet to a point ~n l i he dividing Gra~t 19 and Grant 20~ thence with said grant line south ~64,~feet to a point iu south right-of-way lien of Charlestown Pike~-said point being iu corporate line of Jeff- ersouville; thence along said corporate line ~o point of beginning, containing 133 acres more or less. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Common Council Passed and adopted by the Common Council this ~Z,wday of October, 1970. Presented - ' MAYOR ~ by me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville thi's ' '~ ' day of October, 1970. Approved and CLERK ~I~EASURER signed by me this ~ day of October, MAYOR ~ 1970.