HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-R-07 _ own W~EPJEAS~ the ~ of Ciarksville,, Clark COunty State of Indiana~ ties witl~in three ($) mii~s of the p~rtmetar of the City of Jeff~rsonville~ clark CO~nty~ Indiana~ a third class ~DE~Ef~ the TOwn of Clark~ille ha~ annexed certain in a generally northerly and soutl%arly direction in Clark C~ty of jeff~rso~vxlte~ Clark COUn~y~ of ~e peri~eter of the ~ indiana ~ and, condition of validity, if annexation is sou~ht by a to~ of territory within three (3) miles of the perim, eter of a third class c~t~, the conse~ of the Co.on Cocci! of ~uch city~- ~ublic Mi~hway co~only kno~ as 3!E~ r~nnin~ in a g~neralty northerly and southerly direction in Clark COunty~ ~ndlana. TI{E~EFOP~, BE IT ~SOLT~D BY T~E COMMON COUNCT5 OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLB~ CLARE COU~ff, IN THE ~ ~ ~ ~ Section !. That said Co. on Cou.,c~t ~fves its stnt to any ~nnexations by fha Town of Ciarksvitle~ Clark County~ Indiana, of any territory that lies west of a ~ublic Ezghway co~mmonly known as BiE~ running in a generally northerly add southerly ~irection in Claz~ ~gunty~ In~ia~a~ s~d territory b~in~ within three (3) miles of the pe.~ter of the C~.y of Jeffersonvitle~ Clark CoBnty, State of indiana~ ~ %bird class Section in II. That this consent for =',- of territory uhe Town of Clazksville shail apply to all annexations enaete~ t2~ past by the noar~ of Trustees of said Town. or that may De enacted in the future, o~ any territories tha~ lie wes~ of Public t{i~,hway com~monly known as 31E, running in a ~3enerally northerly and seutherl~ direction in clark County~ Imdiana, Section III. ~'~at this consent is eiven purzuant to Ind. .,Lot. eh. 239~ ~ 413 (1969)~ more coma,tonly referred to as ~n_~t~ ~,a_t., ~n__~.~48~72E (Burns 1970 Pocket Part)- This resolution shall be in full force and affect ~rom and ~fter its passage and approv~l by tho Co~on Dy the Co~on Council this Pa~sed and of ~, 1971. presented to me as cl~rk Treasurer to the ~ayor of the City of Je~Ier~onvllle~ t/als --, day of 1971. ApprOved and signed by ~ this .... day of