HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-OR-06ORDINANCE NO. 72-O~- ~
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 68-0R-4,
the Ho~sing code of the City of jeffersonville,
Clark County, Indiana.
Section it
That Ordinance No. 68-0R-4, being the Housing Code of
the City of jeffersonville, Indiana, as amended by ordinanc9
No. 68-0R-13, ordinance No. 69-OR-27 and Ordinance No. 70-0R-12,
be amended in that the sections hereinafter set out be changed
to read as indicated by the respective Sections numbers.
Page 3 - Section
Ci~an9e oefinitlon of Dwelling Eo ~ea~: ~Dwei!in9 s~all mean any building
which is wholly or partly useo or ;ncenoeo to ~e _seo for lying or slee~]ng
by numap occupants; ~rov ded Enac temporary housing as ~e-einafter defineo
shall no~ be regarded as a dwelling.
Page 4 - Sec:ion ~.10:
Change ~o rea~: ~,Multiple Dwelling' or Aparzmen~ house":
dwelling containing more :nan two dwelling units.
Shall mean any
Page ~ - Section 4.15:
Change To read: ,'Roomln~ or Lodging ~o~se~'~ ~hal' ~ean any dwelling or tna~
Dart of any dwelling containing one or more roomin~ units, in which space s
tet oy tne owner or operator to t~ree or more oersons who are ~oc ~Jsbano or
wife, son or oaughter, mog~er or father, or s's~er or orotner of ~ne owner or
Page 4 - Section ~ 15B:
3elete aha substitute following: ,'Temporary ~ous'ng' S~all mean any ten~,
trailer, or ocher s~-ucture _sea for numa:~ sisal:er ~hici~ is designeo [o De
or to any uti]it]es system on ti~e same Drem'ses or -ore ~han Lhirty ~30)
Page 6 - Section 5.3:
Delete i~ ~ts entirety.
Page ? - Secclon 6.1:
Page 7 - Section 6.2:
Change~~ To teac as fol!ows: w:'e'~ever the EnfDrcemen~ Officer
or dOeS exist a violation of any :rovis'on of t~is Ordinance o¢ of any rule
or regulation pursuant thereto, ne shall give no,ice of sucr alleged violat:on
co the person or persons resoonsib~e therefor, as hereinafter provided. Such
~ctice shall:
(a) Be ~u~ in writing;
(b) Be s'gneo by ~ne Enforcemen~ Officer;
(c) Include a statement of tne reason~ wnv it is being issued;
(d) Contain an outline of remedial action which, if taKen, wilt affect com-
(e) Seedily ~ reasonable time for ~ne oerformance of any acc or acts i~
(f) State ~na~ failure to comely within ;ne specified uime will De cause
for service of charges;
(g) Be served upon the owner or 'is agent or ina occupant, as the case may
is served upon him gersonally; or if a cop~ ~nereof's sent ~y reg stereo
olace 'n or about the dwel-ing affected Dy ~ne no,ice; or '~ ~e is
Page 7 - Section 6:
Add Section 6.3 as follows: -whenever ~ne E~forcemenL OFficer finds [hat an
emergency exists which reouires 'mmedia%e action co orotect [ne public health,
he may ~itqou~ notice or hearing, issue an crder reciting the existance of
such an emergency and -epuiring SUCh action as ne deems necessary To mee[
tne emergency. ~otwithstanding the other provisions of this ordinance, such
order shall De effective immediaCel . Any person ~o whom SUCh order is
directed shal~ comply ~nerewith immediately, buz uDoo petition to ina
Houslng Appeals Board shall se afforded a hearing as soon as possible. After
such hearing, depending upon its finding as to whether one p.ovisions of ~his
ordinance and of one rules and regulations adopted cursuant ~nereco nave been
complied with. the Appeals Board shall continue the order in effect, or
modify it, or revoke it.'
Page 8 - Section 6.3:
Change to Section 6.~ and change ~na~ portion after Chief oF [ne ~olice
Departmen[ to read 'City A~torney and/or ~ne Health Department Director",
Page 8 - Section 7.2:
]elete and substitute ~ne following:
Section 7.2: Any carson affecued ~ any no~ ce ,,n cn nas ~eer
connection with the enforcement of any orov~sion of this ordinance, or of
any rule and regulation adopted pursuant ~nereto ma reaues~ and shall be
gra~ted a hearing on ~ne -~acter before the Aoaeats Board, Provided: teat such
person sqall File in the office of the ErforcemenL 3fFicer a written aetition
requesting SUCh hearing and setting forth a brief statement of the grounes
tnerefor wlthir ten (10) oars after the oar tne ~otice was served. UpOn
receipt of such petition the Appeals Board shal set a ~ime and place for sucn
hearing and shall give the aetitio~er wr~tter notice ~nereof. At such hearing
the petitioner shall be given an ogaortu~ity ~o be nea~d and to show why SUCh
notice should be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shal' De commencea not
leper ~nan l0 days after the day on ~hich the getition wa~ fi!ed~ Provided
that ueon application of the betitloner the Abaeals Board may aostpone the
date of the hearing for a reasonable time aevono sucn ~0 cay ~eriod if in
its judgement the petitioner nas submitEeo a good and suf~icien~ reason for
Page 8 - Section 7.3:
After SUCh hearing the Appeals board ~hal~ sustain, modify, or withdraw the
notice, dedending ueon its finding a~ tc whether ~ne orov's'ons of this
ordinance and of ~ne rules and regulation~ add,tea ~ur~uant thereto nave been
complied wltn. :f the Appeals 3barb susta'ns or modiTies such notice, it
shall be deemed to De an order. Any notice served Dursuant to S~esection 6.2
of this ordinance shall automatically become an order ~f a ~ri~ten petition
for a hearing is no~ filed i- the c~ica of the Enforcemen~ OFficer ~ithin
ten (10) days after such notice is served. ~fter a hearing i- ~ne case of any
notice susgenoing any permit rabbited by this ordinance or by any other
rule or regulation adopted oursuant thereto, ~nen )ucn notice nas Dean sus-
tained by the AppealS 3bard :ne oermit shal' be deemed to qave Dean revoked.
Any such permi~ wrich qas been susoended Dy a notice s~al' De deemed to be
automaticall~ revoked if a ~e[ition for hearing's not filed [~ the office of
tne Enforcement Officer within 10 gays after such notice is served.
Page 8 - Section 7.~:
The oroceedings at sucn hearing, 'nctuding tne findings and decision of the
Appeals Board, s~al~ be sJmmar[zeo, reduced to writing and entered as a ~latter
of public record in tne office of the Bnforcemen~ C~:cer, Such Cecoro shal~
also 'nclude a copy of ever, ~otice or order issued :- connection ~ith ~ne
matter. Any person aggrieved Dy the ~ecis on of zne Appeals Board may see~
~elief therefrom in any court of con~eter~ ju~:sdicti°n' as arovided Dy
the laws of this state.
Page t0 - Section 8.7:
Delete ..after the effective date of ~hls ordinance'.
Page 10 - Section 9:
Delete "after tne effective aa~e of ti~is ordinance ·
Page Ii, - Section 9.]:
Page -I - Section 9,4:
~lied ceiling- or wall-tv~e a~ec~ric ic, h~ Cix~:~re. Ever'- SUCh our!et ana
fixture shat~ me mrooeriv '-~sta ]ed. shall ~)e ~ain~ neo in goo~ ano safe
working condition, ano sha] ~e )roaer] ;.-stal]eo. snail ae maintained in
Page II - Section 9.5:
Oetete the .*oro "when renteo' from r~ex~ ~o Iast line.
Page i2 - Section 9.7:
Delete the phrase "after the effective oa~e of ti~s o~dinance'',
Page ~2 - Section lO, l:
Change To reao as follows: Ever~' s:~pp]ied faci icy. ~iece oF eouipment, or
utility which is recdireo u~oer ~his ordir=~ce s~a! ae properiy instal]ed.
a safe ano satisfactory working condi~io,~.
Page ~2 - Section -0,3:
Page 12 - Section 10,4:
Chan~a to Section 10,3,
Page 12 - Section I0,5:
Change ~o Section 10.4,
Page ~3 - Section t0.6:
Cnange ~o Section I0,5,
Page 13 - Section 10.7:
provided in one rental agreement.
Page 13 - Sectior 10.8:
Change to Section 10.7.
Page 13 - Secion 10.9:
Change so Section 10.8.
Page 13 - Sec[ion 10.10:
Change to Section 10.9.
Page 13 - Sec[ion 10.11:
Change to Section
Page 13 - Section 10.12:
Change to Section
Page 13 - Section 10.13:
Change ~o Section 10.12.
Page 13 - Section 10.14:
Change to Section 10.13.
Page !4 - Section ll.l:
s' Ever~ dwelling u~iz ~hall contain a~ leas~
Chanqe ~o reao as ~oIlow . ~ ~ Fir~ occupant ~hereof and at least
150 ~quare feet of flo~r spa~e~ace f~r ever additional occupant ,
100 add tional square ~eet oj "~[~l~ted on the basis of to,al habitable
thereof, the floor s~ace to De ca;~u
Page t4 - Section 11.2:
Delete the phrase .,after ~ne effective ease of ~nis ordinance.
Page 14 - Sec~O llo3:
Change to reap as follows~ ~A~ !eas~ one-halF of ~e riper area of every
habizaa~e room shall have a cei'ing height of az east sever (7) feet~ and
the floor area of any room ~here ~ne cei'ing heign~ s less ~nan five (5)
feet ~hall ~ot be consipete° as a oar~ of zne ~!oer area ~n computing the
total F~oor area of a ~oom for t~e D~r~ose of ~e~erminin~ tne maximum DeF-
m ssable occupancy there°f'~'
Page 14 Sec~O 11.4:
Delete e~tire section aha substitute: Section
De used as a habitable room or dweIling uni~.
I . ~ I ' ' ~qO cellar space shall
Pa9e 15 - Section 11.5:
Delete entire section aha su~s:itu:e the followin~:
De useo as a nabic~ole room or Jwelling un~z ~nless:
The floor and w~lls are ~moervious to teakage of unoergrOunO and surface
runoff water aha are insulated agains~ aamoness~
The total winoow area i~ each ~oom is eo~al ~o a~ leas~ the mlnimum
-~indow a'ea sizes as reo.'reo in Su~secclo~ 9.1 of Section 9 of :~is
Such requireo minimum winoow area is locateo entirely a~ove the grape
of the grouno adjoining such ~.~-oow area,
The total openable winOow area in each room's eoual ~o a~ least
m~nimum as required unoer S~sec~ion 9.2 of Sectior 9 of this ordinance,
excep~ wnere ~nere's supplied some ozner oev'ce affording adequate
ventilation and approveo by the aDpro:riaze o~ficial.
Page 15 - Section ~1.6:
Detete aha substitute the following: No dwelling or dwetlir~ unit con-
taining two or more sleeping rooms s~all ~ave such room arrargements [na~
acceSs to a bagri'Opm or wager closez compartment intenaeo faf use Dy
occupants of more than one sleeping ~'oom can ~e ~ao only by going through
another sleeping room; nor shall -opm arrangements De SUCh ~na~ access ~o a
sleeping room can be qad ertl, DY ~o*ng thrOUgh anc~ner slee~ing 'oPm or a
Page 17 - Section 13.~:
Delete the pmrase 'On ano after two years from the effect'ye oaze of this
ordinance" aha begin with 'a~ least one ezc.
Page 18 - Section 13.5:
Delete the ~hrase '~0n aha after two ears fro~
ordinarce" aha begin wi~h a~ least one. ezc.
one effect:ye date of this
Page 18 - Section 13.7:
Page 18 - Section 13.9:
Change first senzence to ~aad:
house, hotel or motel shall, etc.
)aerator of avery rooming or lodging
Pages 18, 19, 20. 2t, & 21a
of conoitions therei- ~hic'- ~dld na;~er or ~{peae ~_ne Fire De>art-
merit in combating a fire '-' or aaau~: [ne bu lding; or where ~ne
conoition of the walls, floors, or roof is such ~naz the building
is -ikel~ to fal~ on account thereof, [nereo' enoanger~ng ~ne safe-
[y of its occupants or of the oublic.
14.2 ~nv dw~l'ing or dwel lng uni~ ~ich sna~ 3e~fcunoc'. ,t° have any of
(a) One which is so dan~a~::ec,, decaveo ~i aoidateo, i~sanitary, un-
(b} One which ~a:Ks tjm~nat:;on.
· ~ne Dubl -c.
(d) Those having [nadeoua~ ecl ~les for euress '- case of fire or
14.3 Any dwel ing or dwellinc un~ :cnc~c: ¢:eo as _-,llt or -.lman habitation.
..... o ~ne E-:orcemen-c Officer. shall De
No dwelling or dwei~irg ur ~ .~hich
and o acarding o1: a Jwel]i~g o? d¢,~ ",t unit as unfit for -umar hab~-
this o -di nance.
Page 2Ia - Section 15.2
Delete ano substitute the -ol~ow~g: Exce',)t.as otherwise., _ orovioed ir chis
section, an'/ vic]ation of' ~s ]rd'~a'ce sna cons":Lu~ an offense, aha
shall De ounishable Dy a ~ine Of no[ ess t?ar $5.00 or -~re ~r:an SIO0.O0
Section 2.-
This Ordinance shall be in
after its passage and approval.
full force and e~fect from and
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said
City of Jeffersonville this day of April, 1972.
Approved and signed by me this
day of April, 1972.