HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-OR-09ORDINanCE NO. 73-OR- ~ _
An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property From
R-2, Residential, to B.S.C., Business Shopping
Center, and From R-2 Multi-Family, to B-3, Gen-
eral Business.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffer-
sonville, Indiana, that the zoning ordinance, being Ordinance
No. 1527, be amended in that the property hereinafter described
is reclassified and rezoned as follows:
From R-2, Multi-Family, to B-3, General Business.
Sou:h 55 deg. 2~ m~n. 29 sca
A part of Surveys No. 12 end il of the Illinois Grant in
Jaff®rlonvllle Township of Clerk County, Indiana, being a
part of tho sane tracts conveyed to Robert ~. Harris and
Catherine L. Harris by deed of record in Deed Drawer
InJtrument No. 7024 end bounded as follows~
BBGINNING at tho most southerly corner of thi tract conveyed
to Ellen Ash et Deed Record 84~ Pegs $70 which
the northeasterly right-of-way line o~ Allison Lane and ~5
feet from the centerline of said Allison Lane, which is also
· point in tho northwesterly line of a tract conveyed to
Billy Rothrock et Deed ~ocord 28~, Page 268~ and which il tho
true ~laco of beginnin~.
Thence the following courses of the boundary:
gorth ~$ do~. ~? %,iff. 2~ sec. ~est~ 1804.75 feet with said
northeaster17 rilht-of,wey line o£ Allison Lane to · point
in the easterly right-o£-wa~ line of S.R, No.
~orth ll de~. 48 min. 15 sec. East, 1O~.Yl feet with said
eesterl~ riih~-o£-w~ line of S.R. No.
~orth ~ dog. ~$ min. 09 sec. East, ¢0.~9 feet with said
easterly rl~ht-o£-wey line o£ S.R. No.
North 54 dog, 30 min. ll sec. East wi~h the Westerly line
o~ Survey No, 12 · distance of 670,40 feet to · iron pinL
North ~$ deg. 09 mia. 47 sec, West · distance o£ 670.40
feet to an iron pin in the East riiht-of-way line of S.R. 6l;
North 11 dee, lO min. 17 sec. East, 106.70 feet wi~h said
easterly right-o£-wey line o£ S.R. ~o. 62;
North l0 de~. 3~ ~ln. 1S sec. east, ~40.04 feet with said
easterly risht-o£-way line o£ $. ~. No. 62;
North 14 deg. 45 min. 41 sec. ~ast, $00.04 feet with said
easterly riiht-of-wey line of S.R. ~o.
North 14 dig. 18 min. 08 sec, Eest~ ~0.90 feet with tho easterly
right-of-way line of S.R. No. 62 to ~hs most westerly corner
of 8 tract conveyed to tho Indiana Gas Company et Deed Drawer
$, Instrument No. $$47;
South 81 leg. 18 sin. ~4 sec. ~es~, 200.67 ~oot':with
diane Gee Company property l£no;
North 15 deg. 54 min. 26 sec. East, 100.00 foot with Indiana
Gas Company property line;
North 81 dee, lB min. ~4 sec, West, 200,00 £eet with Indiana
Gas Company property line to a point in said easterly rifht-
of-way line of S.~. No, 62;
North 14 dog. lB min. 0i sec. East, 10B.ll feet wit~ said
easterly right-of-way line of $.R. No. 61;
Northll8 del. 08 min. 47 sec. East, 344.82 feet with s~id
easterly right-of-,ey line o£ S.R. No. 61 to tho easterly
corner of a tract conveyed to Glser ~&nsdorfer &t Deed Record
221. Pail 417;
South 15 dog. 21 min. 19 sec. Bast, 716.19 feet with the south-
westerly line o£ said Mansdorfer tract end a ~ract conv~yed to
Millard Kendall at De6d Record 150, Pale 178 to the sou~h corner
of said Kendall tract;
Southwostwardly to · point which is $S0 ie~t eastwardly et right
angles fro~ Allison Lane and 1800 feet distant at right ~ngles
free the southeasterly line of said Ellen Ash tract;
South SS deg. 31 min. 25 sec. East, 14S0 feet parallel to end
85~ feet distant fro~ the northeasterly right-of-way line of
Allison Lane to · point ~$0 feet distant at right en~les from
said southeasterly line of the Ellen Ash tract;
South S4 deg. 12 ~in. 10 sec. West, ~00 feet;
South $$ deg. 31 min. 2~ sec. East, ~$0 feet to said southoasterll
line of the Bllen Ash tract;
South S4 de~. 12 min. 10 sec. West~ 250 feet with said southeaste!
line of tho illen ~sh tract to the true place of beginnin~ and
containing approximately SO acres of land.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
after its passage and approval.
Presented by me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of said
City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of April, 1973.
me thi~ day of Ap~,, 1973.