HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-OR-09ORDINanCE NO. 73-OR- ~ _ An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property From R-2, Residential, to B.S.C., Business Shopping Center, and From R-2 Multi-Family, to B-3, Gen- eral Business. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffer- sonville, Indiana, that the zoning ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1527, be amended in that the property hereinafter described is reclassified and rezoned as follows: From R-2, Multi-Family, to B-3, General Business. of Sou:h 55 deg. 2~ m~n. 29 sca DBSCRIPTION OF PART OF TltB. ASH PROPERTY TO BE P~ZON~D A part of Surveys No. 12 end il of the Illinois Grant in Jaff®rlonvllle Township of Clerk County, Indiana, being a part of tho sane tracts conveyed to Robert ~. Harris and Catherine L. Harris by deed of record in Deed Drawer InJtrument No. 7024 end bounded as follows~ BBGINNING at tho most southerly corner of thi tract conveyed to Ellen Ash et Deed Record 84~ Pegs $70 which the northeasterly right-of-way line o~ Allison Lane and ~5 feet from the centerline of said Allison Lane, which is also · point in tho northwesterly line of a tract conveyed to Billy Rothrock et Deed ~ocord 28~, Page 268~ and which il tho true ~laco of beginnin~. Thence the following courses of the boundary: gorth ~$ do~. ~? %,iff. 2~ sec. ~est~ 1804.75 feet with said northeaster17 rilht-of,wey line o£ Allison Lane to · point in the easterly right-o£-wa~ line of S.R, No. ~orth ll de~. 48 min. 15 sec. East, 1O~.Yl feet with said eesterl~ riih~-o£-w~ line of S.R. No. ~orth ~ dog. ~$ min. 09 sec. East, ¢0.~9 feet with said easterly rl~ht-o£-wey line o£ S.R. No. North 54 dog, 30 min. ll sec. East wi~h the Westerly line o~ Survey No, 12 · distance of 670,40 feet to · iron pinL North ~$ deg. 09 mia. 47 sec, West · distance o£ 670.40 feet to an iron pin in the East riiht-of-way line of S.R. 6l; North 11 dee, lO min. 17 sec. East, 106.70 feet wi~h said easterly right-o£-wey line o£ S.R. ~o. 62; North l0 de~. 3~ ~ln. 1S sec. east, ~40.04 feet with said easterly risht-o£-way line o£ $. ~. No. 62; North 14 deg. 45 min. 41 sec. ~ast, $00.04 feet with said easterly riiht-of-wey line of S.R. ~o. North 14 dig. 18 min. 08 sec, Eest~ ~0.90 feet with tho easterly right-of-way line of S.R. No. 62 to ~hs most westerly corner of 8 tract conveyed to tho Indiana Gas Company et Deed Drawer $, Instrument No. $$47; South 81 leg. 18 sin. ~4 sec. ~es~, 200.67 ~oot':with diane Gee Company property l£no; North 15 deg. 54 min. 26 sec. East, 100.00 foot with Indiana Gas Company property line; North 81 dee, lB min. ~4 sec, West, 200,00 £eet with Indiana Gas Company property line to a point in said easterly rifht- of-way line of S.~. No, 62; North 14 dog. lB min. 0i sec. East, 10B.ll feet wit~ said easterly right-of-way line of $.R. No. 61; Northll8 del. 08 min. 47 sec. East, 344.82 feet with s~id easterly right-of-,ey line o£ S.R. No. 61 to tho easterly corner of a tract conveyed to Glser ~&nsdorfer &t Deed Record 221. Pail 417; South 15 dog. 21 min. 19 sec. Bast, 716.19 feet with the south- westerly line o£ said Mansdorfer tract end a ~ract conv~yed to Millard Kendall at De6d Record 150, Pale 178 to the sou~h corner of said Kendall tract; Southwostwardly to · point which is $S0 ie~t eastwardly et right angles fro~ Allison Lane and 1800 feet distant at right ~ngles free the southeasterly line of said Ellen Ash tract; South SS deg. 31 min. 25 sec. East, 14S0 feet parallel to end 85~ feet distant fro~ the northeasterly right-of-way line of Allison Lane to · point ~$0 feet distant at right en~les from said southeasterly line of the Ellen Ash tract; South S4 deg. 12 ~in. 10 sec. West, ~00 feet; South $$ deg. 31 min. 2~ sec. East, ~$0 feet to said southoasterll line of the Bllen Ash tract; South S4 de~. 12 min. 10 sec. West~ 250 feet with said southeaste! line of tho illen ~sh tract to the true place of beginnin~ and containing approximately SO acres of land. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Attest: Presented by me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of April, 1973. ~LERK TREASUVR me thi~ day of Ap~,, 1973.