HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-R-09 RESOLUTION NO. 2004 R A RE SOLUTION ADOPTING A WRITTEN FISCAL PLAN ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN ANNEXED AREA (Anmtrong Fan'ns Annexation Area) · s to annex an area contiguous and adjacent to wmr~n~q theCiwofJeffersonvilledesae . , , w · ~ ~_-..~,^~ .l,~ ~iW of leffersonville, more pamculany aescnveu m attache~i hereto and incorporated hereto vy re~erence, WHEREAS, state law re:q~ds adoption of a fiscal plan and a definite policy for the provision of services to annexed areas; an WHEREAS, such plan entitled ~Fiscal Plan for Armstrong Farm Annexation Area" is attached as Exhibit "B" *.nd incorporated herein by reference; and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, THAT: uncil of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, I.ndi .~ he. reb,y. 1. The Common ,Co .... . n m~ for Armstron~ Farm Annexation Area ,wmcn approves ano. actoptS tile l-lscm ~ ~ . . and adopts the specific pottc~es ror m~p~ementat Any mo ' necessary for the provision of services as described and itemized in 2. the atta~c~~t Plan sha]l be budgeted and appropriated from the applicable fund, pursuant to state law and the City's budget procedure;  ille, Clark County, passed and adopted bythe Common Council of the~ State 0 4 ! AT firST: ;idLn-g Officer Pegg~V~dder, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of jeffersonville this day of bkOa~C-v'~_, 2004. Approved and signed by me this Clerk .Treasurer EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DES~CRITION OF ?_ROPERT_.~Y PARCEL 1 estown Pike~_e_,_J_eJeffersonville, ~ 47130'l ........... ;:,rally Trust by deed as recorded of 3017 .C. harlesto' ~u,~-- ...... ~ -- Tract No. l_.~__~art et ~ -c - '~ ~ -ere tract of l~d heretofore conveyea to t ne ann . ~ust by deed ~ recorded in Deed Being a 35.4903 acre pa~ m ~-, ~ The M~ G. Armstrong By-Pass in Deed Drawer 29, Instrument No. 16968 and to ~d 35 of the Illinois Grant, jeffersonville Township, Clark Count, Indiana and being more ~lly described ~ follows, to-wit: . Instrument No. 3213007 of the Clark CounW, Indian Kecord of Deeds, being a pa~ of Su~eys No. 34, . . · · lon~ ~e common line be~veen · hemmost comer of Su~ey No. 21 of said Ilhnms Grant, thence a. = · North 35° 14' 17" ' 07" E~t 49 17 feet, thence leawng smd hn~7,, West along the Commencmg at the No~ .... ':-ois Gr~t, No~h 55° 04' .' · 5° 14' Su~eys No. 22 and 34 o~ sara mm West, 49.57 feet to a capped iron pin, stamped "pr[mavera S0131"; thence continuing Noah 3 . E~terly right of way of A~strong Road, 207.88 feet to a capped iron pin "Primavera"; thence continuing along said Easterly right of way along.a cu~e to the right, said curve having a central ~gle of 15° 37' 23", a radius of 410.00 feet and a chord which bears No~h 27° 25' 35" West, 111.45 feet to the true place of beginning of l~d to be herein described: . . e to the right, said cu~e hav~g a cen~l ~ly of 33°,~ m~ .... ~*;n 'naalon smdE~terlyrtght°fw~[a}Y~}~,~,,w t 235 21 feettoacappedkonpm ~nmavem ,0t'h~}} tinning along said Easterly right of way, Noah 130 43' 24" East, 266.72 feet to a cappe~ ~ru,, v]~ ~oo 38' 50", a radius a radius of 410.00 feet ann a cnora w,,~,, ..... the lek, said eume having a cen~at angle m ~ ' con . ~ , .~ ~ ..... ~,, ,i~ht of way along a cu~e tgi,, feet to capped iron pm -Pnmavera; thence cont~numg along sala ~,.J - = 06' West, 666.42 a ~ence of 670.00 feet and Chord which bears No~h 16° continuing along said E~terly right of way, No~h 45° 55 2 West, 90.30 feet to a capped iron pin ,Primavera"; capped iron p~n .Pnmavera on the common line be~een leaving said ri~t of way, No~h 44° 12' 1 I" E~t, 70.53 feet to a ' Sou~ 350 47' 05" E~, 125.90 feet to a capped . -0 , "~t l183.78feettoasteelpin;~enceS°y~37 Su~eys Nm 34 ~d 35 of said Ill,els Grmt; ~ence along said co--on line, ...... , .... ,eavinosaidcommonhne,N°"hS, ~ 1.} ~o ,;, ,l- West. 151.40 feet to a eapped ~°n pm iron D~"rrlmavera , tn~,~w, =.. · -n-:--~,,~ra'" thence 5oum o~ oo ,- 362.40 feet to a P.K. nail in the centerline of the leffersonville-Ch~lest°m Pike; 21' ~9" E~t, 494.40 feet to a eappea ~on pm rx~ ....... . -pnmavera"; thence South 36° 21' 49" East 11" West, 377,45 feet to thence along said centerline ~ follOWS: South 060 38' 11" West, 339.18 feet to a P.K. nail; along a cu~e to the right smd cu~e . , ,, ' of 600.00 feet md a chord which be~s South 24° 58' 460 41' 49" West, 21.~6~ ....... et to a P.K. nmi; thence leaving satd centerhne, No~ha P.K. nail; ~oum 43 t ~ t, 1. of way of said leffersonville-Charlestown Pike, thence Noah 390 feet to a capped iron pin -Primavera" on the right ' ' ' ' ' West, 280.41 feet to a po~t; thence South 60° 00' 22" West, 828.24 feet to ;he place of begmmng ad containing 35 4903 acres of land. ~No.~ (3215 Charlestown ~ike, leffersonville, Indiana . om the eat comer of Sumey No. 34; ~ence Begging at a po~t ~ the southeat l~e of Itlino~ Or~t No. 34, which po~t ~ in the center of the Charlestom Pike (fomerly ._ .... .,.~,..dis 1505.2feet S. 50 deg. W k ..... ~feet and a long chord of195 N. 50 deg. E. 365.2 feet to me pom~ ~ ....... e feet; thence N. 74 deg. 59' E. a distance of 364.0 feet to the point of intersection of a cu~e to the le~, having a radms of 455 feet and a long chord of 190 feet; thence N. 39 dog 29' E. 1179.5 feet wi~ the center of such road to a point of intersection of of 380 feet; ~ence N. 2 dog 49' E. with ~e center of such road a eu~e to the le~, having a radius of 600 feet, ~d a long chord d jeffersonvtlle Pike, ~ TK~ pLAC~,~J a distance of 760 0 feet to a point ~ the center of~e aforesaid Charlestown ~ ' o. ~ ,, . . · · ~ de~ 49' E. with BEG~G; ~ence leav~g such road mnn~gN. 40 deg. 1 I' W a dist~ce of 200 0 feet to a stye; ~ence S. 49 dee 151.4 feet; thence S. 40 deg. 11' E. 362.4 feet to a point in the center of the aforesaid pike; thence N. ~ center Of the said road 222.0 feet to thc true place of beginning. p__ARCEL~2 (3311 and 3313 CharleStown pike, leffersnnvilie, Indiana 47130) Clark County, Indiana, and described as follows, to-Wit: Beginning atthe tact No 1 30' West 1336.50 feet to a stake; Tract No. _ ~ ~ · ~'To 35 in the Illinois Grant, Being part ct survey ,~ · _ .... ,.,= r, EGiNNING; thence North 30 deg:..40'~l 5" E.,ast southwest comer of Grant 35 on the line dividing Grant Nos. 34 and 35; thance North 40 deg. thence North 49 neg. o.u ~,~ ,~ ..a. ~a dec, 20' East 482.60 feet lo me u~. ~,_ ,a a~,, va' West 545.82 feet to ca Co ~e~,at to a stake; thence ~ou~ -,,, ~' _ _- o .... stake· thence biOrln ~+,~ u,.a. -~ PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1 acre. Amanda (Holland) Spar'ks Tract No. 2 of the Illinois Grant and be/ng also a part of the Same land conveyed to Commencing at the Being a part of Survey No. 35 as recorded in Deed Record 130, page 545 and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: southernmost comer of said Survey No. 35, running thance lqorth 35 deg. 04' West, 1336.5 feet with the line dividing Surveys o/the Illinois Grant to an'iron pipe stake which is the true place of beginning o/the land to be herein described; ...... ,~ ,~ec, 04' West, 126.50 feet w,.th thee l;~m~e~'~v~tghs~ de(,. 00' East 1435.10 feet w,th sa,d r,ght of No. 34 and 35 ' ' ''' ~- id surveys N°' 34 and 35 t° an ir°n pipe stake contmmng thence r~m t .~' e,u~ pannsV vama Ranroaa, ux,~,~ ........ in the southeast right-of-way line m m~ ......~1 343.87 feet to an iron pipe stake; thence South 34 deg. 26' West, way line to an iron pipe stake; thence South 51 deg 28' East, 53' West, 1325.28 feet with Armstrong 192.84 feet with Calton and Burns' lines to an iron pipe stake; thence South 54 deg. line (DR 153, page 156) to the true place of beginning and containing 8.79 acres of land, more or less. · escribed as follows, to?it: Begmmng TractNo. 3 ...... m:.,~,;~ G ant, Clark County, In&ana, a.n.d d -~--~- ~ 6.50 feet to a stake; thanceNorm ';~;~i~e ~ividing Grant Nos 34 and 35, thence ~u,,,~ ~eing part of Surve~y~°_:~o feet to the true place of beglnning; thence southwest comer or tJram · ' 15" 49 deg. 30' East 1333.20 feet to a stake; thence North 30 deg. 40' East 89.59 feet to the center line of the continuingNorth 30 deg. 40' 15" East 103.25 feet to a stake; thence South 40 deg. 20' East 409.73 CharlestoWn-Jeffersonville Turnpike Road; thence South 2 deg. 11' 15" West along said center line 144.42 feet to a stake; thence North 40 deg. 20' West 482.60 feet to the true place of beginning, containing I a~re. · onville, Indian. a 47130) pARCEL 3 (3129 CharlestoW_n ~P?~e;~e~f~[S~rant. Beginning ara stone near the center of the Charlastown and leffersonville deg. 20' West 38 rods to Lawrence's line; -- :"' - ...... X~o 35 orme ~, ..... · de~. 20' East 42.24 rods to the place A tract of ~ana m ~mv,y ~, · e*-. 20' East 5.76 rods to a stake; thence North 36 um ike, running thence N. orth 6 d ~ -,~ 1i.,~. ~. ods to a stake; thence South 36 Tl~an~ southwardly and along Lawrenc~ ....... r beginning, containing 1 acre. Beginning at the south comer of Survey ike jeffersonville, Indiana 47130) p RCEL 4 (3201 CharleStO~w.n P~,,,'_,~:. r-.~,, to Clark County, Indtana, to w~t center of sai e line of Lawrence's land and said Turnpit Being part ot ~urv~Y ' ..... the center of the Charlestown and Jeffers°nville Turnpike R°afl; thence with the 35 of the Illinois Grant, near. . · ,,,, -~,~ ore or less, to a stake, where thl .~. · ~,vr ce's line 33.06 poles to a stO.,n · ~ · ~ ~^,~heasteriV dtrect~nn tvv t~,~,~, _rn~, .... u~nce. N 41 deg. W. aha wm~ ,~__en_ ,~ n~'aforesaid tump~ tumpt.~e ~n ,~ ?'~.~3~ 7~1~ PLACE OF BEGINNI-rqu: "'~;~22'~ 36 ~eg 20' E. 38 poles to me cem~ Road intersect, tru~ ,,.- . - -~,.,~ line 4 45 poleS' m~u,.~ ~,· ' thence S. 49 deg. W. and w~th l~a~wenu~ ~ - ' · thence N. 6 deg. 20' W. 7 poles to the true place of beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. s o~.~.t?.~' w Vicinity Map. Not to Score O~35'tfi' Vt 339.3 t ~=600.00 A=36' 0 O0 , Fomity Trusf~ 29, Inst. ~-The Mory C,. Armstrong By-Poss Trust W City Boundary $ 55 29 42 Survey NO. 35 Current Owners ~ D & D Tree Movers, Inc., TrOCt 3 D.D. 30. tnsL 13889 Toble of Bearings · Distances ~ N 34'55'27" W 2~.03' [~ N 46'43'14" W 21.28' [~ S 7~'52'03" W 31.90' Legend P.O.C. Po;nt of Commencement T.P.O.B. True Piece of Beg;nning O' 300' 600' Scole I" = $00' ANNEXATION EXHIBIT PLAT FOR THE CITY OF JEFFERSONV1LLE Being o port of Surveys No. 22 end No. 35 of the Illinois Gront, Clerk County, Indiono JOB NO.: I l ~863 PAGE: OF 1 tle~ /albany, Indiana 47150 ARMSTRONG FARM ANNEXATION AREA FISCAL PLAN Prepared for The City of Jeffersonville Mayor and Common Council Prepared by The City of Jeffersonville Department of Planning and Development iNTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide the Mayor and City Council of the City of Jeffersonville with the information needed to make a sound decision regarding the possible annexation of the "Armstrong Farm Annexation Area." The report does not recommend for or against annexation, but provides an objective analysis of the financial and other impacts associated with this proposed annexation. The incorporation of the annexation area into the City of Jeffersonville will require the provision of services in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to services now provided in comparable parts of the City. This report analyzes the impact that proposed annexation will have on various city services and outlines a plan for providing pertinent services. To this end, the report serves as the City's written Fiscal Plan and annexation policy requirements to be included in any resolution of the Common Council related to this annexation. Such a plan and policy are necessary to meet State statutory requirements. The Armstrong Farm Annexation Area (annexation area) and an area adjacent to it are proposed to be developed into a two hundred and fifty-five (255) lot single- family residential subdivision. Approximately twenty (20) of the lots are proposed to be developed within the existing city limits, while the remaining two hundred and thirty five (235) lots are proposed to be located within the annexation area. In an effort to make this report as accurate as possible in terms of determining the impacts associated with bringing this property into the City and providing it with pertinent services, all calculations will be based on a build-out scenario of two hundred and thirty five (235) single-family residences rather than the existing use of the property. SECTION ONE: Basic Data A. Location The proposed annexation area is generally located to the northwest of Charlestown Pike across from Landsberg Cove Subdivision; east of the current city limits adjacent to Armstrong Road; and southeast of the abandoned railroad bed formerly utilized by the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and Saint Louis Railway. B. Size The Armstrong Farm Annexation Area contains approximately 44.94 acres. The total population of the annexation area upon build-out is estimated to be 588 people. This figure was derived by multiplying the projected number of households in the area by the average persons per household figure in the 2000 Census. The entire annexation area is located within the City of Jeffersonville Two Mile Fringe Area and, consequently, is currently zoned by the City. Of the 44.94 acres, approximately 43.30 acres are zoned R3 (Old City Residential) while the remaining 1.64 acres are zoned C2 (Large to Medium General Commercial). Topography within the Armstrong Farm Annexation Area ranges from approximately 469 feet to 511 feet above sea level. Assessment The estimated real property assessed valuation for the proposed build-out of the annexation area is $16,450,000. This estimation is based on 235 individual property assessments of $70,000. The Gross Corporate Tax Rate in the City of Jeffersonville is $4.0132 per $100 of assessed value. Based on these figures, the City would expect to receive $660,171 in annual tax revenues from this project excluding currently applicable exemptions and approximately $446,500 after exemptions. * Assessment data estimated based on typical 1,600 square foot single-family residence on a comparable lot to those, which are proposed to be constructed within the annexation area. ** Assessment data not based on new State mandated resssessment data because corresponding tax rate has not been set. *** Personal property valuation was not estimated. **** The total build-out of the area will take approximately four years from the date of annexation. G. Council District The annexation area will initially be assigned to City Council District 4, subject to any later reapportionment, as required by statute. SECTION TWO: Legal Requirements A. Introduction When considering a requested voluntary annexation, a municipality must insure that the proposed annexation is in accordance with State law. The existing statute (lC 36-4-3-5.1) states in part that: "This section applies to an annexation in which owners of land located outside but contiguous to a municipality file a petition with the legislative body of the municipality: (1) requesting an ordinance annexing the area described in the petition; and (2) signed by one hundred percent (100%) of the landowners that reside within the territory that is proposed to be annexed. ' The applicable statute further provides that a remonstrance to annexation may not be filed (lC 36-4~3-5.1(i)). Rather, only an appeal to the annexation may be filed under lC 36-4-3-5.5. Section 15.5 provides that any appeal of a voluntary annexation pursued under Section 15.1 must state that the reason the annexation should not take place is that the territory sought to be annexed is not contiguous to the annexing municipality. The Armstrong Farm Annexation Area is at least 26.1% contiguous to the City. Therefore, this annexation meets the one-eighth (12.5%) contiguity requirements mandated by State statute. C. Conclusions The Armstrong Farm Annexation Area satisfies the legal requirements that have been established by the State legislature in that the owners of land ~ 4 located outside of the City have filed a petition requesting annexation with the City Council, the petition was signed by one hundred percent (100%) of the landowners, and the land requested for annexation is more than one-eighth (12.5%) contiguous to the City. SECTION THREE: Municipal Services A. Introduction This section of the Fiscal Plan forecasts the cost and methods of financing the municipal services to be provided to the annexation area. The plan also describes how the City plans to extend the services that are non- capital and capital in nature. This section demonstrates how the City will satisfy the requirements of State law in the prevision of services and financing of those services in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to those services currently being provided to comparable areas within the City. B, Services to be Provided to the Annexation Area The municipal services of police and fire protection, garbage collection, sanitary sewer service, storm drainage, street maintenance, street lights and administrative services will be provided to the entire annexation area. The description of the services and the estimated annual costs are described below: 1. Police Protection The services provided by the Jeffersonville Police Department include the prevention of crime, the detection and apprehension of criminal offenders, assistance for those who are in danger of physical harm, and the creation and maintenance of a feeling of security in the community. The Police Department is also involved in legal work, the protection of constitutional rights, performing traffic control, promoting civil order and providing educational and technical assistance in the area of crime prevention and neighborhood services. The Police Department currently consists of fifty-five (55) police officers and eight civilian personnel. Upon annexation the Armstrong Farm Annexation Area will be incorporated into the North Police District, which would receive backup as needed from the East Police District. The North Police District has only one car assigned to it, but up to four roaming patrols could be in the area at any given time. While no new personnel will be immediately required to serve this area, an estimated $16,845 in additional funding will be needed upon build-out. It should be noted that the Police Department stated that they have two needs if the City continues to grow north towards Highway 265. First, they need an improved radio coverage area. The existing coverage area has dead spots within the City, at Jeffersonville High School for example, and the further the City grows away from the existing tower the greater the coverage area problem. The Police Department is currently studying alternatives for expanding their radio coverage area and correcting this problem. Second, the Police Station is located on the southern end of the City. A new station or substation may be needed if the City continues to grow away from the existing headquarters. While neither of these improvements is required solely to serve the annexation area, they are issues the Mayor and City Council should consider for long term planning purposes. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ t6,845 Method of Financing: The primary source of funding for the above costs will be the General Fund. Plan for organization and extension of service: The City of Jeffersonville Police Department will provide police protection to the annexation area immediately upon the date of annexation. 2. Fire Protection The City of Jeffersonville Fire Department will be responsible for providing fire protection services to the annexation area. The services provided include fire protection and suppression, emergency rescue, fire prevention, fire inspection and public education. The Jeffersonville Fire Department has three crews consisting of 49 line personnel that work 24-hour shifts and five administrative/ secretarial personnel that work eight-hour shifts. The Fire Department operates out of three fire stations and Fire Station 3 would be primarily responsible for serving the annexation area. While no new personnel will be immediately required to serve this area, an estimated $13,500 in additional funding will be needed upon build-out. It should be noted that the Fire Department has often claimed the need for an "East End" fire station and preliminary plans for such a facility have been prepared. While this facility is not absolutely necessary to serve the annexation area, it could possibly reduce response times depending on its final location, Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 13,500 Method of Financing: The primary source of funding for the above costs will be the General Fund. Plan for organization and extension of service: The City of Jeffersonville Fire Department will provide fire protection to the annexation area immediately upon the date of annexation. 3. Sanitation The City of Jeffersonville provides one garbage pick-up per week for residences with no separate user fee. The Sanitation Department employee's sixteen full time employees and currently provides service to adjacent areas such as Landsberg Cove Subdivision. The department currently operates six routes with two to three men working each route serving an estimated 11,100 residences. While the additional 235 residences planned for the annexation area will not in and of themselves require additional equipment or personnel for the department they will add to an already substantial department workload. The increased workload represents a 2.1% increase and will cost approximately $20,500 per year to serve. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 20,500 Method of Financing: The primary source of funding for the above costs will be the General Fund. Plan for organization and extension of service: The City of Jeffersonville Sanitation Department will provide garbage collection services to residences within the annexation area immediately upon the date of annexation. 4. Sanitary Sewer Service The City of Jeffersonville's sanitary sewer system presently serves areas directly adjacent to the annexation area including the Landsberg Cove Subdivision and Armstrong Apartments. The developer of the proposed subdivision will be responsible for connecting to the existing sewer line and for upgrading the pumps of the New Middle School Pump Station. Waste from the annexation area would flow from the New Middle School Pump Station, through the Spring Street Interceptor to the Spring Street Pump Station, and then go directly to the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The development of 235 residences within the annexation area will generate approximately $235,000 in tap-in fees. While the City will incur no costs associated with providing sewer lines and pump station improvements to serve the annexation area, it is currently understood that additional plant capacity improvements are needed to serve not only this area, but other approved and proposed developments currently within and outside the City. Preliminary planning for such improvements are underway, but no detailed cost estimates are currently available. Capital Cost: $ Unknown Estimated Annual Costs: $ Unknown Method of Financing: The primary sources of funding for any sanitary sewer related costs would be tap-in fees, sewer funds and the General Fund. Plan for organization and extension of service: The developer of the proposed subdivision will be responsible for connecting to the existing sewer line and for upgrading the pumps of the New Middle School Pump Station. The City shall be responsible for providing sanitary sewer service to the entire annexation area within three years of the date of annexation. It should be noted that the annexation area is proposed to be developed with approximately 70 residences per year and total build-out would be expected in approximately 3 % years. l0 Storm drainage facilities in the form of ditches, culverts and detention basins will be provided by the developer of the annexation area in accordance with the City's Storm Drainage, Erosion, and Sediment Control Ordinance. These facilities will be maintained by the developer for a period of five years, at which time the City will take over maintenance responsibilities. Routine maintenance of drainage facilities will be provided by the City Drainage Crew, which has four full time employees and is funded by a $3.50 per month drainage fee charged to all residences in the City. Revenues associated with the drainage fees for the annexation area are estimated to be $9,870, while the operating cost are estimated at $7,000 per year and will not be needed until at least five years after construction. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 7,000 (Beginning 5-Years After Construction) Method of Financing: The primary source of funding for the above referenced costs will be the City Drainage Fee. Plan for organization and extension of service: Storm drainage maintenance within the annexation area will be provided by the developer for a period of five years following construction and will then be assumed by the City of Jeffersonville Drainage Crew. The annexation involves no anticipated drainage related capital improvements. 6. Street Maintenance The proposed public streets within the annexation area consist of approximately 7,030 feet of local subdivision streets. The streets will be newly constructed, thirty-two feet in width (back of curb to back of curb), and their quality will be guaranteed by the developer through a bond or letter of credit in accordance with the City's Subdivision Control Ordinance. The City of jeffersonville's street maintenance staff consists of a Street Commissioner and fifteen full time employees. This staff is now responsible for maintaining approximately 155 miles of improved City streets. The incorporation of the annexation area would add another 1.33 miles to the City's maintenance responsibilities. This would be an increase of about .86% in the City's maintenance responsibilities. Routine annual maintenance operations are all that are needed within the annexation area as the City has no plans to build any new streets in the area. The area will eventually increase the City's annual cost of street maintenance by an estimated $8,651. This figure was derived by dividing the City's current street miles into the expense of street maintenance. This results in an annual maintenance cost of $6,505 per mile of street. Although the City will assume responsibility for street maintenance after construction and dedication, it is not anticipated that any increased maintenance funds will be needed until seven years after construction. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 8,651 (Beginning 7-Years After Construction) Method of Financing: Sources of funding for the above costs will include the Local Roads and Street Fund, the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund, and the General Fund. Plan for organization and extension of service: Street maintenanCe within the annexation area will be assumed by the City of Jeffersonville within twelve months after the effective date of annexation. The annexation will involve no capital improvements for streets. Street lights in the City of Jeffersonville are installed and maintained by Cinergy, a private utility company. The City prefers decorated lighting fixtures and under an agreement with Cinergy, they will install the lights at no charge and the City pays them $11.39 per month per light. Based on an estimated fifty-five lights being installed, the City will be responsible for paying $7,517 annually. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 7,5t7 Method of Financing: General Fund Plan for organization and extension of service: The street light policy now in effect throughout the City of Jeffersonville will be immediately available to the annexation area. 8. Administrative Services All administrative functions of the City will be available to the annexation area immediately upon the date of annexation. These services include, but are not limited to, the Department of Safety, Department of Planning and Zoning, City Engineer's Office, City Court, Parks Department, Department of Redevelopment, City Clerk's Office, and the Mayor's Office. General administration includes all of the regulatory and program functions of the various City departments. Capital Cost: $ 0 Estimated Annual Costs: $ 0 Method of Financing: Not Applicable Plan for organization and extension of service: The above referenced administrative services now in effect throughout the City of Jeffersonville will be immediately available to the annexation area upon the date of annexation. When the area is annexed, City departments will be notified and will expand their jurisdictional areas accordingly. SECTION FOUR: Plan For Hiring Governmental Employees It is not anticipated that any government employees will be eliminated from other governmental agencies due to the City annexing this area. However, if any governmental employee is displaced directly as a result of this annexation and makes application with the City of Jeffersonville for employment within thirty days after displacement, such employee will be treated as if the employee were a City employee on "lay-off' status for the purposes of hiring for any vacant position similar to the government position from which the individual was displaced. R SO tmOS SO. £O&4/- £ R~SOLUTION OF T~ CI~ CO~NC~ O~ ~ C~ O~ ~O~L~ ~A, A~THO~G ~ s~TT~ O~ A CO~ ~C~S ~ ~PLICA~ON TO ~ ~D~A D~p~T~NT O~ co~RC~ ~ ~D~$$~G ~T~D ~T~ ~, ~e Co~c~ of ~e Ci~ of le~o~le, ~a, reco~es ~e n~ to s~ate ~ ~d to ~m~ a sold ~onmy wi~ xts co~mte lmm, as am~&~ ~ofizes ~AS, ~ Hou~g ~d Co~ Development A~ of 1974, . D~t of Co~er~ to prom~ ~ to loc~ ~B of gove~t to m~ ~e housing ~d co~ d~elopment n~ of Iow ~d mo&m~ ~ome ~rmns; ~d ~AS, ~e CiW of jefferson~lle, ~ ~s ~ndu~ed or m~ condu~ pubic bergs prior to mb~ssion of ~ a~fion m ~e ~ De~m~ of Co~erce, ~d pu~hc h~gm assess ~e houmg public faci~fies ~d ~no~c n~ of xts low ~d moderate m~me msxd~ts, NOW, ~FO~, BE ~ ~SOL~D by the Co~cil of Jeffermn~e, 1. ~e ~yor is au~o~ to ~e ~d sub~t ~ a~mtion to ~e h~ De--em of Co~ce for a Co~W F~s F~g ~t m ~ mount not to ex~d $500,000? a~?S ~e con~XOn of improvements for ~e r~fioa of ~e ~eenwo~ A~men~ ~b~ ~g Develo~nt, ex~te and ~ a ~t ~ ~clu~g req~site g~e~ a~S~uon ~d ~oje~ ~m~ controls, ~ a~mems ~ m ~ons of the M~ De--em of Co~er~ ~d S~es Dep~ent of Ho~ng ~d Ur~ D~elo~eat. 2. ~e CiW of Jefferson~lle, ~ h~eby co~B ~e reqM~te I~M ~ ~ ~e mo~ of Fo~ H~&ed ~d ~e ~o~d Ei~t H~&ed ~d S~en~-F~e Dol~ ($401,875) ~ ~e fora of cash pm~Sd~ by the Jefferson~e Ho~ing ~o~W as mtc~ ~ for ~d ~o~, ~h co~meat to ~ mn~g~t u~n ~eipt of ce'F ~g ~om ~e ~ ~ent of ~erce. SIGNATURE: F ii' ucc dey, P;esid g Oaic// ATTEST: Peggy W~l'd~, City Treasure Presentedby me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor ttzis ~ day of Marc!% 2004. Peg~/ Cl~fk Trea,~ This Resolution approved and signed by me this ~-~-day °f Mamh' 2004' ~obe~£.~-~,, Mayor