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ORDI~%NCE NO. 74-OR~F ~-~ CO}~©N COUNCIl OF ~-I~ CIR' OF ~W~ P~ ~ ~PROVING SAID PLAN, PR~ECT NO. IND. RI~RSID~ C~X~ '~N ~N~W~ PR~ECT ~, JEFFE~ON~iLLE, INDIA~ ~R~S, ~mder the Provisions of Titl'e I of the Housing Act of 1949, amended zhe Secreta~ of Housing ~ Urban Developnmnt is authorized to provide financial assis~nce to Local ~blic ~encies for ~dertaking ~d car~ing out Urban Renewal ~ojects; and, ~P~%S, it is provided in such Acc that contracts for fi~ncial aid thereunder shall~ require tBat the Urban Renewal Plan for their respective ~ojecc ~ea be approved by the governing body of the locality in which projec~ is sit~ed and that such approval include findings by the ~ve~ing ~dy ~hat: (I) ~e f~nancial aid provided in zhe contract is necessa~ ~o en- able the projec~ to be ~der~aken in accordance with the Urban Renewal (2) ~e U~b~ ~enewal Plan will a~o~d m~im~ opportunity, consis~en~ wi~h ~he soun~ needs o~ the locality asa who~e, ~o~ ~he ~ehabili~a~ion o~ ~hc developmen~ o~ ~he Urban Renewal ~ea By private ~e~rise; (5) %ne U~ban ~enewal Plan con~o~ ~o a ~e~e~al plan ~o~ ~he developmen~ o~ ~he locality as a whole, ~¢ (4) ~e U~b~ ~enewal Pi~ gives due consideration ~o ~hc pro- visions o~ adeq~m~e p~k and ~e~ea~ional areas ~d faciZ'i~ies, as ~y be dosir- ab~8 ~o~ nei~hborhoo~ i~ovemen~ wi~h special co~ide~a~ion ~o~ the heakh. safety, an~ w~i~a~e o~ children %esiding in the general vic~i~y o~ ~he si~e covered by ~he Plan; 'and, ~, ~he~e has been heretofore p~epa~ed an~ ~e~e~e8 to ~he Co~on Council o~ ~he City o~ Je~e~sonviile, Zndiana (herein called ~he ~dy") ~or Teview ~,~ approval an Urb~. ~newal Plan ~or said P~o]ect, ~no~ and designated as the ~ve~side Cent~ai U~Ban ~ene~al ~o]ec~ ~ea, IN~. R-45, Jcff- ersonviiie, Indiana; and, ;~RY~, ~he ~cal ~blio Agency has heretofore p~epa~e~ ~d submit:~cd a p~ogz~n ~o~ the relo~ion o~ in~iviCuals aB~ ~a~¢s ~.~,.may be displacca as a zesui~ o~ ca~ing ou~ the ~e]e6~ in acco~nce w2~h ~ne U~b~ ~newal a~d, ~P~S, Zh~ members of the Gow~ing ~dy have general knowledge of C0ndi~i~ns prevailing i~ ~g~roj and o{~h~ availability of proper housing in ~he locality for ~h~ r~location of individuals and families tha~ may be displaced from the Projec~ Area and, in the light of such knowledge of local housing conditions have carefully considered ~z~d reviewed such proposals for O~oca ~.lo,,; and ~,~R~S, the C~verning Body of the Locality, did,: heretofore adopt a [(esolution approving the aforesaid Urban Renewal Plan and the Feasibility of Relocation for the ~v~rside Central Urban ~newal in zh~ City of Jeffersonviile, ~ nm~ana;~ nc", ~S, it has Been called to the attention off the cOve~ing ~dy of the LocalitM tha~ certain ~en~en~s to the Urban Renewal Plan, as ~mended, ~d proved, are necessa~ in order zo ffurther protect the saffety, health and welfare of the inhabitants and users of the Urb~ ~enewal Plan and off the locai~tM az large; and, ~S~ the amen~ents zo the Urb~ ~enewal Plan and the Urban Renewal Pla~, as amended, has been approved bM the C~ve~ing BS~M of the Local Public AgencM, as e~idenced bM the copy of said ~dy's d~y certiff~ed Resolution proving the amendments to the Urban ~ene~l Plan and the Urb~ R~newal plan, as ~ended, which is attached thereto, and; ~AS, the Pl~ Co~ssion of the City of Jeffersonvill~, which is the duly desi~ated ~d acting official pla:ming body for the l~ality, has submit- ted to the Governing Body its report and reco~en~tions respecting the ~]end- ments to the Urban ~newal Plan and the Urbm~ Renewal Plan, ~ ~ended, for the Project ~ea and has certified that the mmen~enzs to the Urban Renewal Pxm,~ ' and the Urban Renewal Plan, as ~ended, confor~ to the general plan for the locality as a whole and the gove~ing ~dy has duly considered the report, co~7,enaatzons and certifi~tion of the plm~ing body; and, '.~1E]~%5, it is necessa~ that the Governing ~dy of the ~cality take ap- propriate official act.ion respecting the ~en~ents zo the Urb~ Renewal Plan =,,a the Urban Renewal Plan, as ~ended; and, ,~'~z~',o, the mmen~ents to the Urb~ Renewal Pl~, as ~ended, are found by ~he Governing Body of the locality zo be necessa~ in order to effec%~ze the ~, ban Renewal Plan as a ~nole. ~%S, tn~ uovernzng ~dy ~s cognizan~ of the conditions t~t sro inposcd zn the ~dertaKing and carrying out of urb~ renewal projects wz~n Federal czal assistance ~nder Title I, incl~ing ~hose prohibiting discrimination b~use of race, color, creed, or national origin. -2- JEFFER- Xu,~, 'K-~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO.~.~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SONVi LLE, ,Nu ~. .~m~ the Urban Renewal Plan, as amended, heretofore approved by Governing ~ ~ ~.e same oo~y, be, and ~ hereby is, ~uended as follows: o.a ,g~ Xum~er 1. From Residential to B-2 S~ce Business · -: .... a~ of Lots ~S, #4, ~S, #6, ~v and ,~e~,g parc of Lots ~tl and #2, ~S in Block ~16; Part of %~nird Street (*vacated), and all of Lo~s ~i~ #2, ~'3, ~4 and ~S in Block #21, all in the City of Jefferson-. viile, Indiana and being further described as follows: ~g~,~,~n~ at the Northeast corner ?f rk~t- Street a~ %!!$'q9~ Avenue ~n said City; ~ence N.4o2s 25 ~., along the ~sterly of illinois Avenue 88.50 feet to an ~ron p~pe, T~ ~I~ P~ICE O ~G~N,k~NG. q]~ence c0ntindi~g ~[4°2S'2S''E., along said ~sterly .~,~ o.~0.40 feet ~o an iron pipe on the Southeast co~er of Il- linois Avenue and Fourth Street; ~ence S.8SOlT,0S"E.,. along, the So,~ ,er~y line of Fourth S~e~t ~11.24 feet to an ~ron pmpe on the ~uthwest corner of Fourth Street and a 20 foot w~de all y, l'nence S.4°25'2~'~]~,~'~J the ]%sterly l~,e of said alley 715.45 feet zo an ~,on~ 'pl,'oe,' '~ence N.89°43'0U~., 44.63 feet ~o an iron pipe ~n the ~rtherly line of M~rket S~reet; '~ence N.32°29'29'~f., 1~1.~2 feet zo ~.~ ~UE P~CE OF BBGI~ING Containing 76,946 feet, more or less, and ~e~ng sub)cci to~all~a~.~$~B?~..~ .F~9~99~. more co~nonly ~o~ as the east side of ~llinois Avenue ~n t~e 200 m~d 300 Bl~k. · Vatted s~ree~ or ~lley, su% ect to an easemen'n for all utilities which is retained by 'the City. Ca!ncc N~m~ber 2. From Residential .to B-2 Se~ice B~iness ~16 in oc.~nE a part of Lot #i2 and all off Lots ~13, ~14, ~IS and Block ~17 in the City of Jeffersonville, Clark Co~ty, Indiana and being fur~ne, described as follows: · ~ ~' ~ ~ hwest corner of Illinois North line of ~rket Street il! ~0 .~t to a ~xll hole on dm v ..... ~ ..... * ~orner of Bhrket Street and a~20 fo6t wide alleY; ~,-'~ ........ ~'~B~rlv alon~ the East l~ne of sa~d alley an~. parallel and parallel to ~rket Street 111 lO feet ~o an ~r~n p~pe ~n West line of Illinois Avenue; Thence Southerly llong sa~a West i~ne 208.20 feet to ~ P~CE OF BEGINNING. Containing 23,131 square fee~, more or l'eJg', more d6~b~ly ~o~ as th~ West side of ~linois Avenue in the 200 Block. ?~e N~bcr 3. From Residential ~o B-2 Service Business Being a part of Lot ~12 in Block ~17 of the City of Jefferson- cji]e, Clark Cowry, Indiana and b~ng further described as ~O~ OWS. Begimning at a drill hole on %~)~.~j~%~...9~:~ Avenue and Y~rket Street in said City; Theft? ~Srth~rly along ~ ~ w~ line of Iiiin~ ~9~n~$'~'8 20 {ee~ %oj~ ~iE9F pipe, a 2[ foot w~do alley; ~enc~ Nort[erly along sa.~d a~ley and oa~allet ~o Illinois Avenue l?.00~.fe~t to a point; 'Fnence West line of Illinois Avenue; ~ence So~the[l~'~long Saxa ~ ~ ~ v aa =~+ .~ ~ TRUE P~CE OF BE(;t~ING. ~ConZaining i 829 ,;quare fe~t, m0r~ or i~sS; '~6~'~0~SnlY ~o~ as 217. ii [-;nois Avenue. -3- Ci~ange Nu~nber 4. From Residential re B-2 Service Business Being a part of Lots #9, & #10 in Block 17, in the City of Jeff- ersonvi!le, Clark County, Indiana, and being further described as follows: Beginning at the Sm~theast corner of a 20 foot alley and Third StreeT, same being the Northwest corner of Lot #9, in said block; ~g~ence ~;stwardly along the South line of Third Street, 26.60 .:ocr to an ~ron pipe, being 84.5' West of the Northeast corner of said Lot ~9; Thence Southward]v anB oarallel to Illinois Ave- n~e, 92 feet to a poinr; iq~ence ¢~stwardly"and parallel to ~ird Street, 26.60 feet to the Eastern line of said alley; Thence Northwardly along the said Eastern line, 92 feet to TH]5 PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 2,923 square feet, more or less, more com- moniy kno~ as 807 %nird Street. 2. mat rne mnenchmcnts to the Urban Renewal Plan, Numbered One, Two, mree, set forth are hereby in all respects approved ~nd 3. ~nat the Urban Renewa~ Plan, as ~ended, ~or the Pro3ec~ having duly reviewed a'~m considered is ~ereby conf.~.rmea, ratified and approved and the City Clerk Treasurer be and is hereby directed to file said copy of the Urban l~newal Plan, as amended, with the Minutes of this.Meeting. 4. lhat it is hereby found and determined tha,: the Urban Renewal Plan, as amended, continues to confonn to the General Plan of the locality. 5. ~ ~t is hereby found and detc~nined that the Urban Renewal Pta., as mncndcd, for the Urban Renewal Area, will further promote the public w61~fare and proper development of the community and will afford maximum opportunity cousisrent with the so~ud needs of the locality as a whole for the Urban Renewal of the Area by private enterprise. 6. ~2~at in is hereby found and determined that the Urban Renewal Plan, as amcndcd, for the Urban Renewal Area continues to give due consideration to the prov~sion of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be dcsirabie for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safe~y and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by said Plan. 7. That, in order to implement and facilitate the effec~uation of the ban Renewal Plan, as amended, hereby approved it is found m'~d determined c=rc=~n official action must be ~=ken b. th~s body with reference, among other t u.,~ss to changes in zoning, the vacation and removal of Street,s, alleys, and relocation of sewer and water mai~ ~d other public ~l}ili~i}S md other public ac'cion, and, accordingly, :his Bed7 hereby '(i)ple~g;;:' ~}~ ~;OPera;{on~:in ~rying .,-to carry out the Urban Renewal Plan reques' ficials, departments, .boards, and agencies of the Locality }{a~i~ admi~istra: rive responsibilities in the premises . to exercise their respective functions and the U,o,,~ Renewal Plan, as amended; and (c) S{~ds "e0~sider a~d t~ke appropriate action upon proposals mud measuresdesigned ~o effectua'te ~id Urban Renewal Plan, as amended. 8. ~i~at the financial assistance Housing Act of 1949, as amended, is necessary provisidhS?f..Ti~le~I~Of th~ enable the l~nd in the Project Area to be renewed in accordance' with the~Ur~n,Rcgcwa.!~.~lan, as amended, for the Projec~ Area and, a¢cordingl~ the filing bythe Local Public Age,dy 6f an application or applications to amend such I ~i plan is approved. So enacted and adopted in the City of Je on this day , I~is ordinance shall be in fui1 i e and approval. Clark County, Indiana, A%test: Present. ed b7 me as Approved and signed by ~.974,