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lo~a~oa on . , 10t,h_ .....
City or Tos~m of - ~ ~ ~' ~
City ~~l~e _
Imdiama State Hishway Commission proposes to make
traffic centre! immrovements on Rouse SR 62
Streete in the
in order to facilitate the movement cf traffic over the monte
and conformism with ~ninimum standards set um by the Indiana State
Highway Commission the following traffic controls must be
established as d~temnined by proper engineering investigation.
ths.:s the zo!l~,,,,t~,e controls are ss. tisfaczor~'.
R~ sbt Tu~ on Red shall b,= pro~bz~,a.d for northbound vmafz mc
on S'oming S~r_eu a~ SH 62 (10th ~* ..... ~
s,_.,a±! be p_on..s~t..d ~.o_ southbound traffic
Right T~rn on Red
~ Spring St'~ast at SR
Ri~:ht Tu~n_ on Red shall be =~' ' "-;'~- s
~oalo_~e.~ fop eastbo~.!nd traffic
on SR 62 (10th Street) at Hain Street.
Right Turn on Red shall be prohibited for eastbound traffic
on SR 62 (10th Bt~aet] at ....
Right Tuz~, on Red shall be pPohibited ~o~ westbound traffic
on SR 62 (10th Street) at ~'Lan¢.
Seymour District
The Honorable Richard L. Vissing
Mayor, City of Jeffersonville
City Hall
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Re: Right Turn On R~d Control
Dear Mayor Vissing,
The Indiana State law on the Right Turn On Red control was
changed in the 1972 Legislature to reverse this ccntrol from the
present pe~issive control which permits Right Turn On Red onl~v
where smgns are erected permitting it, to a condition that a
Right ~arn On Red will be permitted, after July 1, 1974, at all
unmarked signaldzed~interse0tions where there is no sign prohibit-
ing ito
In the interest of safety, certain physical conditions must
prevail at each and every approach to an intersection or it will
be ne0essary to post a sign prohibiting the Right 'Turn On Red
We have completed our review of the signalized intersections
in your city that fall under our jurisdiction. We need the action
of your.~.G.iy~y_~QounciI on the attached copies of a turn
res~rlctmon resolutmon.--A~-we are at~emptmng to complete our
District investigations by Aoril ~ _, we would appreciate
your' prompt action on this
S~ncerely, ~
Jerold L. Fischvogt ~
District Traffic Engineer
A, M. Decker
District Engineer
cc: C. A~ Venable