, '
An ordinance appropriating moneys for the 1pp. -rP-°se of deft'crying the expenses of the several departments of the
· the fiscal yec¢ beginning Jcmucn7 1, 19 7 6.,
city government of the City of. Jeffersonv~-Ile , Indiana, for
and ending December 31, 19 76, including all outstanding claims and obligations, and fixing a time when the
same shall take eftect.
Section I. Be it Ordained by the Common Council oi the Civil City of Jeffersonville ,
That for the expenses of the city government and its institutions, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 19 the
fat]owing sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set ~ out di the funds herein named and for the
purposes herein specified, subiect to the laws governing the same ~rid subject crlso tc the conditions provided in this
ordinance. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during
the year; unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by taw.
Section 2 . ~nat for the sdid fiscdi year there is hereby appropriated out of the
Fund Of said City, th~ following:
Section 3: The Tax Rate for 1976 shall be $4.40.
OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Amount Appropriated
Services Personal ....................... ~ ............................................... $_ 1,499,804.
Servicers ~ontracturdi ....................................................................................................................................
Supplies ..................... ......................................................................................................
Materials ......................................................................................................................................................
Current Charges ................................................................................... :':-: ......... ~ ......... : ..............................
Current Obligations ........................................................ ~ ........... : .......................................... -' ......................
Properties ...................................................................................... L..: ..............................................................
Debt Payment .............. ............................................ ; .............. ; ............ ~ .........................................................
Total .Office or Department $ 2,401,275.
That for the. said fiscal year disbursements from appropriations for such department or office other than for
"Debt Pcrlrment" are further limited to the following canounts for the detail accounts listed unless such amounts are
increcaed or decreased by another ordinance or resoin~ion of the common council. (If one or more o{ the following
detail accounts within an appropriation for such depcatment or office are increased by not more than the total
canount that one or more detdil accounts are concurrently decreased within the scane appropriation by resolution
Of the common Council, neither adveriising to the taxpayers nor approval by the State Board of Tax Commissioners
es affectin more than one appropriation for a depcntment or office or appropriation chang-
is required· Other chang . - g - ~'-~ ~¢i+hin ci fund reauire adv~rtising) ordinance and approval by the
State Boc~rd of Tax Commissioners.)
t Services Personal
Detail Account
11 Salaries and Wedges, Regular .............................. $-
12 Salaries and Wages, Temporary ........................
13 Other Compensation ..............................................
Total Appropriation for Services Personal .................................................................................... $'
2 Services Contractual 21 Communication and Transportation .................. $
22 Heat, Light, Power, Sewage and Water ..........
23 Instruction --..-: ....................
24 Printing and Advertising ........................................
25 Repairs ............................................................... : ......
26 Other Contractual Services
Total Appropriation for Services Contractual ............................................................................
3 Supplies
Detail Account
31 Fuel (:md Ice
32 Garage and Motor
33 Institutional and Medical
Total Appropriation for SUpplies
36 Office Supplies
37 Other Supphes
41 Building Mcrterials ................................................... $.
42 Street, Alley and Sewer Materials
43 Repoir Parts
Total Appropriation for Materials
Current Charges
44 Other Materials
52 Rents
53 Refunds, Awords and Indemnities ............
54 Clothing Allowances ..............................................
55 Subscriptions and Dues ..........................................
56 Premiums on Official Bonds ..................................
Total Appropriation for Current Charges ..................... : ............................... $ 2 5 3,9 6 2.
6 Current Obligations 61 Interest ...................................................................... .$
62 Retirement and Social Security ..........................
63 Grants and Subsidies ............................................
Total Approprattion for Current Obligations .............................................................................. $_ 10 5 · 3 3 5.
7 71 Buildings, Structures and Improvements ..........
72 Equipment ...................................................
7~ Lcmd
Total Apprepriation for Propertie~
~ .............................................................................................. $_ 49~035.
(The appropriation ordinance should contain the foregoing classificatinn in so far as crpplicable for each office and
depc~rtment seeking an appropriation.)
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passa~..gnd crpproval by the MaTor.
Passed by the Common Council.