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ORDINANCE NO. 76 OR AN ORDINANCE PIXING BASIC S/ARIES OP APPOII~rED OPPICER AND EMPLOYEES OP THE CITY OP JEPPt59SONVILLE, INDIANA POR ~ YEAR OF 1977. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COI~DN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFF- BRSONVILLB, INDIANA. SECTION 1. That from and after the first day of January, 1977, the following appointed officers and employees of the City of Jeffer- sonville, Indiana, shall receive the following base salaries per year. MAYOR' S OFFICE / Secretary ................................................ $ 7,825.78 Mayor's Extra Help ....................................... 500.00 DEPARTMEN~ OF FINANCE Deputy .................................. - ............. ~_- 7,686~ 0 Deputy Ass't. - .......................................... 7,675'.87 Deputy Ass't. - ........................ ~r,r-rrr,r,-,,-r,-r 7,675.87 Clerk's Extra Help ....................................... 400.00 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING City Engineer ............................................ 12,989.50 Ass't Engineer ........................................... 10,056.00 Rodman Salary ............................... 3 ............ 2,621.01 Planner Salary ........................................... 10,446.41 DEPARTMENT OF LAW City Attorney --~ ............................. ~ ....... '-" 7,474.10 secretary ....................... . ...................... ~- 2,667.90 Special Counsel ........................................... 2,000.00 CITY JUDGE Secretary ................................................ 5,899.09 Special Clerical Help .................................... 500.00 Pro/Tem Special Judge .................................. 500.00 Jury Fees ............................. ~-~--~ .... ~,,--r,-~ 500.00 Jury Expense ............................................. 250.00 BUILDING COMMISSIONER _~/ Building Conmissioner .................................. 14,97S. 90 Electrical Inspector .................................. ~-- 9,536.05 Building Inspector ................................... ~--- 9,475.S3 Housing Inspector ........................................ 8,551.39 Housing Inspector .................................... 7J'- 8,351.59 Chief Clerk ............................ ---- ........... /- 7,218.3S Clerk-Typist ............................................. 7 4,854.80 PLANNING CO~IISSIONER / Legal Assistance ................................ - ...... 7- 4,~00.00 Clerical ................................... -'---"--"-~- S28.76 Clericaland / or Court Reporter ......................... 440.00 SERVICE OFFICER / Service Officer .......................................... 1,980.00 ¥~nag er .......................... ~--'- .... ' ............ $ 7,200.00 Laborer's .............................................. 17,960.00 MOTORVt~ICLE t C~issioner .......................... - ....... - ....----$12,774.00 ~mployees, Operators, Drivers ......................... 139,936.00 SANITATION Foreman, Drivers, ~ Helpers ................ , .......... 127,480.00 PARKING MBTBRS Parking Meter Clerk [Hourly) .......... ................. 4,497.73 Maintenance Persomnel ............................. ~FT- 5,000.00 Deputy Clerk ....................................... ~- 327.00 Clerk ................................................. 2,400.00 SEWAGE D~.PARTMENT Co-ordinator, Collections, Plants, ~ Maintenance ......................................... civ mgineer ilZiiiliilliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiliiZy il City Attorney Clerk-Treasurer ~ Deputies ager, Se ge Collection 5,200.00 1,308.00 981.00 6,508.00 9,052.80 6,857.65- Clerk, 1st Deputy ......................... ' ...... Clerk 2nd Deputy .................... ' .....' ........... 5,896.70. Clerk 3rd Deputy ................... --~-,,-~,,r-,-,r-r, 5,687.59~ Collection Office ~xtra Help ..................... -~ 2,000.00', Clerk, Extra Help ..................................... 1,090.00>. Payyoll Clerk, Sewer Plant ............................ 2,059.00. Plant Superintendent .................................. 13,000.00 Ass't Superintendent .................................. 4.5~ Laboratory Technician ................................. 4.19 Maintenance Foremmn ................................... 4J02 Shift Foremen (3) ..................................... 3.87 Maintenance Laborers .................... -~---~-~ ..... ~ 3.77 Part-Time Laborers ........................... - ........ 2.$0 Plant Manager ..................................... "" 138.46 Comb. Sewer Foreman ................................... 4.55 Comb. Sewer Technician ............................ '-'- 4.15 BOARD OFPARKSANDRECREATION/ Park Superintendent .... --~/~/- ........ Recreation Directoriiiiiiiiliiiliiil; .... f-- ......... Labor Full Time ...................................... Board Members ......................... - ............. ' Labor Temporary ....................................... 17,180.00 12,147.63 28,485.66 250.00 17,000.00 Recreation Supervisors ......................... - ...... 51,292.25 Pool ....................................... '-' ........ 18,000.00 Umpires ~ Custodians .................................. 3,437.05 [hourly~} (hourly) (hourly~~ (hourly) (hourly) (hourly) (Weekly) (hourly) (hourly) POLIC~ D~PARTMENT 1 Chief .......................... 1,033.74 per mo.- ....... $12,404.88 1 Deputy Chief ................... 957.87 per mo.- ....... 11,254.44 4 Ass't. Chief's .................. 5 Lieutenants ..................... 4 S~geants ....................... 5 Corporals ..................... -- 20 Patrolmen ...................... 6 Paid Holidays (58) Men Longevity ................................................. Breathalyzer Operators Court Time a ~ Record Clerk ..................... $ Police Comuissioners ~i ! Secreta~T ...................... 876.37 per mo. - ...... 42,065.76 840.85 per mo. - ...... 50,451.00 823.53 per mo. - ...... 59,529.44 805.74 per mo. - ...... 29,006.64 793.50 per mo. - ...... 190,440.00 20.00 each holiday 4,560.00 24,185.88 7,684.00 7,475.86 780.00 FIRE DEPARTMFArf 1 Chief .......................... 1,045.50 1 Deputy Chief .................. 918.50 1 Fire Marshall ................. 895.50 1 Deputy F/Marshall ............ 859.50 2 Platoon Comnanders ........... 869.50 4 Company C~m~anders ........... 859.50 4 Deputy Co. Cm~rs. - ........... 849.50 29 Privates .................. r- 795.50 Pay 5 Drivers Daily ............ 5,50 Per Day ~ach Longevity for full year .................................... 6 Paid Holidays [4$)ML~m ............. 26.00 each holiday Overtime Pay-Emergency Call In Longevity .... 12,522.00 Longevity ..... 11,022.00 Longevity .... 10,722.00 Longevity .... 10,514.00 Longevity .... 20,868.00 Longevity --- 41,256.00 Longevity .... 40,776.00 Longevity .... 276,158.00 6,587.50 52,660.46 5,160.00 2,000.00 SBCTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. passed this ~7~ aay of 2~f---' 1976 ATTEST: Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jefferson¥ille, this ~.~ day of ~L~' , 1976 / Approved and signed by me this CLI~RK-TREASUP~R ~ ~ day of~ ~/ 1976