HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-OR-09 ORDINANCE NO. 76-0R-9
One Definitions ·
1. Massage is the practice of a profession, scientifically
applied to the patient by the operator's hands.
2. "Massage Therapist" shall mean any person who practices
or administers as to all or any of the following named subjects, and
who has made a study of the underlying principles of anatomy and
· d
physiology as generally ~nclude in a regular course of study by a
recognized and approved school of massage, to-wit: The art of body
massa~ge either by hands, or with a mechanical or vibratory apparatus
for the purpose of body massaglug, reducing or contouring; the use
of oil rubs, heat lamps, salt ~l~ws, hot and cold packs, tub, shower
or cab~ne baths. Variations of the following procedures
employed: Touch, stroking, friction, kneading, vibration, percussion
and medical gymnastics. Massage Therapists shall not DIAGNOSE or
treat classified diseases, nor practice spinal or other joint
manipulations, nor prescribe medicines or drugs.
· ts" used in this Act
3. The term "massage establzshraeu as
shall be construed and deemed to mean any massage establishment, or
place of business wherein massage as to all, or any one or more,
of the above named subjects and methods of treatments, as defined
in this section, is administered or used.
Section Two Massage Therapists to be Licensed
1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage
iu the practice, or attempt to practice, massage, whether for a
fee or gratuitously, to conduct massage, without a license issued
pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to operate
or conduct any massage establishment which does not conform to the
sanitary provisions herein contained, or to employ any person as a
massage operator who does not hold a license.
Section Three
The requlrements of this ordinance shall have no application
and no effect upon and shall not be construed as applying to
physicians, surgeons, chiropractors, osteopaths, or registered nurse
working under the supervision of a physician, surgeon, chiropractor,
or osteopath duly licensed to practice said respective professiOnS
in this State. practical nurses or other persons without quali-
fications as massage therapists, whether 'employed by physicians,
surgeons, chiropractors, or osteopaths or not, may not render
massage or massage procedures.
Section Four Application: Fee.
(a) Any person desiring to obtain a license to operate a
massage establishment or to perform massage services shall make
applicatiOn to the Treasurer, who sha.ll ~efer all such applications
to the Chief of police for au appropr~at ~nvestmgat~o ·
(b) Each application shall be accompanied by a license fee
of One Hundred Dollars ($~00.00),._
Application: Contents.
section Five _
An applicant for a license shall submit the following
1. Full name and current address;
2. The two (2) previous addresses of the applicant
immediately prior to the current address;
3 yJritten statements of at least three (3) bona fide
residents of jeffersonvitle that the applicant is constdere of
good moral character;
4. Written pr~ that t. he applicant is over the age of
eighteen ( ) years,
~. Applicant's height, weight, and color of eyes and hair;
· 6. Two current photographs at least 2" x 2" ink,size;
the applicant
7. The bus~nes , occupation, or employment of
for the three (3) years i~aediately preceding the date of the
8. The massage or similar business license history of
the applicant, including whether such person, in previous operation,
in this or another area, has had his or her license revoked or
suspended, the reason therefor, and any business activity or
occupation subsequent to the action of suspension or revocation.
9. All convictions and the grounds therefor;
lC. A certificate from a medical doctor destguat~ g that the
· 'n ' t ~mmediately prior thereto, been
applicant has, w~th~ thor y days z contagiOUS or communicable
· d
exammne and found to be free of any
ll. Applicant must furnish a diploma or certificate of
graduation from a recognized school or other institution of learning
wherein the method, professiOn and work of massage therapists is
taught. The term "recognized school" shall mean and include any
school or institutiOn of learning which has for its purpose the
hod orofession, or work of massage
*~ ins of the theory, met .' ~ --~ course of study.9~
~h ~+~ which school requires ? ~t~ ~^~o ~u siX
calendar months before oz~ ~ ·
or certificate of graduation from such school or iustitutmon of
learning showing the successful completion of such course of study
or learning. The license registrar shall maintain a public list
· e applicants first
of all massage schools approved for l~cens ,
verifying in each instance the fact that the curriculum of such
school meets the minimum standards hereunder. SchOOlS offering
e=uirin~ actual class attendance
rres ondence courses and ~ot~r ~__~o~ ~he registrar shall have
the rmght to conzmr~ vn~ t~.~.=~ ~ recognized schooz.
attended classes anm mavrlc~ _n a _
SectiOn Six .... Facilities Necessary
No license to conduct a massage establishment shall be complies
zssued unless an mnspectmon discloses that the establistmment
with each of the following minimum requirements.
1. A readable sign shall be posted at the main entrance
identifying the establishment as a massage establishment, provided,
also that all such signs shall otherwise comply with the general
sign requirements of Building Code..
2. Minimum lighting shall be provided in accordance with at least one
the Uniform Bu~ld~ g code, and additionally,
artificial light of not less than 40 watts shall be provided in
each enclosed room or booth where massage services are being
3. Minimum ventilation shall be provided in accordance
with the.Uniform Building Code.
4. Adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterlizing any
instruments used for massage shall be provided.
5~' Hot and cold running water shall be provided.
6. Closed cabinets shall be utilized for the storage of
clean linen.
7. Adequate dressing and toilet facilities shall be provided
for patrons.
8. All walls, celinqs, floors, steam rooms, and all other
physical facilities for th~ establishment shall be kept in good
.repair, maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
9. Clean and sanitary towels and linens shall be provided
for patrons receiving massage services. No common use of towels
or linens shall be permitted.
Section Seven License Procedures
Upon payment of the application fee, submitting of all infor-
mation required by application, and upon proper inspection, a license
shall be granted immediately, if all requirements described herein
are met, and unless it appears that any such applicant has deliberate'ly
falsified the application, or the record of such applicant reveals
a conviction of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude.
Any person denied a license pursuant to these provisions may
appeal to the Board of Public Works in writing stating reasons why
the license should be granted. The Board of Public Works may grant
or deny the license.
Ail licenses issued hereunder are nontransferable; provided,
however, that a change of location of a massage establishment may
be permitted pursuant to the provisions hereof.
Section Eight Display of License
Every person to whom a license shall have been
display said ii cons
granted shall
Section Nine _ Change of Location
A change of location of the massage premises shall be
approved by the Chief of police, provided all general ordinances
are complied with and the change of locatiOn fee of ~
Dollars ($~0.00). is first paid.
Section Ten_ Employees.
It shall be the respons~b~lm Y of the holder of the license
for a massage establishment to insure that each person employed
as a Massage Therapist shall first have obtained a valid license
pursuant to this ordinance.
Section Eleven. Inspection.
At least twice each year, an inspection of each massage
establishraent may be made for the purpose of determining that the
provisions of this ordinance are met.
Section Twelve Revocation of License
No license shall be revoked until after due notice and a
hearing shall have been held before the BOARD OF ~0RKS to determine
just cause for such revocation. Notice of such hearing shall be
given in writing and served at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of the hearing thereon. The notice shall state the grounds
of the complaint against the holder of such license, and shall
designate the time and place where such hearing will be had.
Said notice shall be served upon the license holder by
delivering the same personally or by leaving such notice at the
place of business or res~denc of the license holder in the custody
of a person of suitable age and discretion. In the..event the license
holder cannot be found, and the service of such no~ce cannot be
a of such notice
otherwzs made in the manner herein provided, copy
shall be mailed, registered postage fully prepaid, addressed to the
license holder at his place of business or residence at least ten (10)
days prior to the date of such hearing.
Section Th~rteen.~. Grounds for RevocatiOn
The license of a Massage Therapist may be revoked upon one or
more of the following grounds:
1. That the holder is guilty of fraud in the practice of
massage, or fraud or deceit in his being licensed to the
practice of massage.
2. That the holder has been convicted in a court of
competent jurisdiction of a felony. The conviction of a felony
shall be the conviction of any offense which, if coramitted
within this State, would constitute a felony under the laws
3. That the holder is engaged in the practice of massage
under a false or assumed name, or is impersonating another
practitioner of a like or different name.
4. That the holder is addicted to the habitual use of
intoxicating liquors, narcotics or stimulants to such an extent
as to incapacitate such person for the performance of his or
her professional duties.
~. That the holder is guilty of fraudulent, false, mis-
leading or deceptive advertising, or that he or she prescribes
medicines, drugs, or practices any other licensed profession
%~thout legal authorl y therefor.~
· e
6. That the holder is guilty of willful negl~genc in the
practice of massage, or has been guilty of employing, allowing
or perm~ttmno any unregistered person to perform massage in
or her establishment.
Section Fourteen Those Practicing as ordinance
Becomes Effective
Any person, resident of jeffersonville, who is actually
engaged in the practice of massage, and who has therein practiced
the profession three (3) years or more, or served as an apprentice
three (3) years at any place within the State, or who has a
diploma from an approved school of massage, as herein defined,
at the time of final passage of this Act, or who is eligible for
membership in the American Massage and Therapy Association
(also called "A.M.T.A.") shall be granted a license as a state
registered Massage Therapist without first having met the other
requirements of this ordinance, except as to physical conditions
and adequacy of facilities, upon payment of the prescribed fee.
such person shall have one (1) year from the effective date of this
ordinance to so qualify.
Section Fifteen__ Penalty for Violation
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor
punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or
by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by
both fine and imprisonment.
Section 16.
This Ordinance shall be in
after its passage and approval.
Passed this ~ day of
full force and effect from and
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer
of Jeffersonville this~_~day of
Approved and signed by me this
to the Mayor of said
day of ~