HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-OR-34Prescribed by State Board cx"~'~counts ~-~ City and Town Budget Form No. 4 (1975) ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS 78-0R-34 ncea ro riating moneys for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the several departments of An ordina PP P ........ je f f eT sonv 3.~l~ana. for the fiscal year beginning January · own overnment of the ~ ty or/own o[ , , . .... themty~o~rt . g(, ....... ~n 79 ncludino all outstanding claims and obhgat~ons andhxmgahme 1, 19 / U, ano enoing L~ecemu~,o, ,7 , when the same shall take effect· · . Be.I rdained by the Common Counc or Town Board of the Civil City orTown of J e~e~etlr°~ ol nY lt~e , Indiana, That for the expenses of the city or town. gov.ernment an.d.its~ i_n_sti t..u.t~i~O~leS~ for the fiscal year ending December 31, 19 7 9, the following sums of money are nereoy appropnateu anu u,uo set apart out of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same and subject also to the conditions provided in this ordinance· Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. Transfers may be made, by ordinance, from one major budget classification to another within a department or office at any regular public meeting without prior notice and without approval from State Board of Tax Commissioners, provided such transfer does not necessitate expenditure of more money than was set out in detail in published budget· All such transfers shall be certified to the county auditor who shall in turn report same to the State Board of Tax Commissioners· Hotor Vehicle Fund Section 2 . That for the said fiscal year them is hereby appropriated out of the Fund of said city or town, the following: Office, Board, Commission or Department Amount Appropriated Services Personal ............................................. Services Contractual ........................................................................ Supplies ................................................................................... Materials ................................................................................... Current Charges ............................................................................ Current Obligations .......................................................................... Properties ............ Debt Payment .................................................................. $_ Total $ 133,784.00 ............................... 68,900.00 56~400.'~0 22,500.00 12~690.00 27~195.00 2,000.00 5u3,467.00 That for the said fiscal year disbursements from appropriations for such department or office other than for "Debt Payment" are further limited to the following amounts for the detail accounts listed unless such amounts are increased or decreased by another ordinance or resolution of the common council or town board. (If one or more of the following detail accounts within an appropriation for such department or office are increased by not more than the total amount that one or more detail accounts are concurrently decreased within the same appropriation by resolution of the common council or town board, neither advertising to the taxpayers nor approval by the State Board of Tax Commissioners is required· Changes affecting more than one department or office within a fund require advertising, ordinance and approval by the State Board of Tax Commissioners.) Amount Appropriation- Detail Account 1 SERVICES PERSONAL $ 11 Salaries and Wages, Regular .............................................. ........... Temporary .- Salaries and Wages ................. ~ .................................. 12 , 13 Other Compensation ................................................................ $'1.5.5, / ~/4. U~ Total Appropriation for Services Personal ........................ 2 SERVICES CONTRACTUAL 21 22 23 24 25 26 Communication and Transportation ................................. Heat, Light, Power, Sewage and Water ............................................. Instruction ........................... ; ........................................... Printing and Advertising .................................................... Repairs .............................................................................. Other Contractual Services ..................................................... $_- b~, ~UU. U0 Total Appropriation for Services Contractual .. -' -' 3 SUPPLIES 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Fuel and Ice ............................ Garage and Motor .................................................................... Institutional and Medical .......................................................... Office Supplies ..................................................................... Other Supplies ....................................................................... $i Total Appropriation for Supplies ................................ ~ ~ ............... 30~4UU.O'0 J~Jnee~J/-~lJ~lO u~o_L s9@~.snjj. UMOjL Jo pJ8oJ~ {)qJ ~{q passed Jo/(e~ aLI1 4q pe^oJdd¥ I!ounoo uoLuuJo0 eLil ,~q pesegd $ ............................. ~':; ......... ~ue~uX~d ~qeo JOJ ................................................ uop, epdoJddV I~,o/ ....................... "' see=t .............. .................. smHedo~d ~oj uoq~udo~ddy .......................................................... ''" pu~q 8Z s~uewe~oJd~l pue seJn~onJ~S 's~u!Pl!n S31~3dO~d 0~$ ............................. su°qeSHqo 3ueJJno Jot uoqe JdoJddy ~9 ........................................... ..... 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