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Peggy ~ ' - -
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville thisfft9~//
day of ,fo N~ ,2000.
Peggy Wilde):'4L)
Approved and signed by me this ,~O't~qday of ~/ff.~ ,2000.
The Plan for the Economic Development Area will promote
significant opportunities for the gainful employment of citizens of
the City of Jeffersonville ("City") by retaining and/or creating
approximately 74 jobs
The Plan will attract a major new business enterprise to the City as
The intent and purpose of the formation of the Economic
Development Area is to expedite the location of a major industry to
the City by enabling the City to purchase the land and/or provide
other infrastructure improvements.
The planning, re-planning, development and redevelopment of the
Economic Development Area will benefit the public health, safety,
morals and welfare; increase the economic well being of the City
and the State of Indiana; and serve to protect and increase property
values in the City and the State of Indiana as follows:
The project will benefit the public welfare as it will provide additional
opportunities for City residents to be gainfully employed; the project
will increase the economic well-being of the City and State as it will
generate real and personal property taxes and inventory tax; the
project will serve to protect and increase property values in the City
and the State as it will catalyze the sale of approximately 30 acres
of previously undeveloped land in the Clark Maritime Center.
The Plan for the Economic Development Area cannot be achieved
by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operation of private
enterprise without resort to I.C. 36-7-14 (the redevelopment
statute) because of the lack of local public improvements,
existence of conditions that lower the value of the land below that
of nearby land, and multiple ownership of land because:
The project will not locate in the Economic Development Area
without significant economic incentives. The cost of the land is
above the amount allowed in the project budget and the City cannot
provide the necessary incentives for the project without access to
increment captured in the Economic Development Area.
The accomplishment of the Plan for the Economic Development
Area will be of public utility and benefit as measured by:
A. The attraction of an estimated seventy-four (74) permanent
jobs providing significantly higher than the Clark County average
B. An estimated increase in real property tax base of
$2,966,167.00 of initial assessed valuation ($1,898,667.00 real
estate and $1,067,500.00 depreciable personal property); and
C. Improved diversity of the economic base by providing additional
jobs, by catalyzing the development of infrastructure improvements
in the Area, and by encouraging additional industrial development.
Purpose and Introduction
This document is the Economic Development Plan ("Plan") for the Beth-
Nova Economic Development Project ("Project') Economic Development
Area ("Economic Development Area") for the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana
("City"). It is intended to be approval by the Common Council, the
Jeffersonville Plan Commission and the Jeffersonville Redevelopment
Commission ("Redevelopment Commission) in conformance with lC
Project Objectives
The purposes of the Plan are to benefit the public health, safety, morals
and welfare of the citizens of the City; increase the economic well-being of
the City and the State of Indiana; and serve to protect and increase
property values in the City and the State of Indiana. The Plan is designed
to promote significant opportunities for the gainful employment of citizens
of the City, attract a major new business enterprise to the City, provide for
local public imProvements in the Economic Development Area, remove
conditions that lower the value of the land in the Economic Development
Area below that of nearby land, attract and retain permanent jobs,
increase the property tax base, and improve the diversity of the economic
base of the City.
The Factual Report attached to this Plan contains the supporting data for
the above-declared purposes of the Plan.
Description of Economic Development-Area
The Economic Development Area is located in the City and is described
as that area contained in the maps and plats attached to this Plan. The
general description of the area is approximately 30 acres located in the
Clark Maritime Center in eastern Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Project Description
The development of the Economic Development Area will proceed
immediately upon issuance of a note to the Indiana Port Commission for a
portion of the purchase price of the area. The Project will involve
approximately $5 million in real property improvements and a $14.2
million investment in manufacturing equipment.
Acquisition of Property
In order to accomplish the Project, the Redevelopment Commission may
acquire, without the use of eminent domain by the Redevelopment
Commission, all or a portion of the Economic Development Area to be
developed in conjunction with the Project. The Redevelopment
Commission shall follow procedures in lC 36-7-14-19 in the acquisition of
property. The Redevelopment. Commission may not exercise the power
of eminent domain in an economic development area.
Procedures With Respect to the Project
In accomplishing the Project the Redevelopment Commission may
proceed with the Project before the acquisition of all interests in land in
the Economic Development Area.
All contracts for material or labor in the accomplishment of the Project
shall be let under lC 36-1.
In the planning and rezoning of real property acquired or to be used in the
accomplishment of the Plan; the opening, closing, relocation and
improvement of public ways; and the construction, relocation and
improvement of sewers and utility services; the Redevelopment
Commission shall proceed in the same manner as private owners of the
property. The Redevelopment Commission may negotiate with proper
officers and agencies of the City to secure the proper orders, approvals
and consents.
Any construction work required in connection with the Project may be
carried out by the appropriate municipal department or agency. The
Redevelopment Commission may carry out the construction work if all
plans, specifications, and drawings are approved by the appropriate
department or agency and the statutory procedures for the letting of the
contracts by the appropriate department or agency are followed by the
Redevelopment Commission.
The Redevelopment Commission may pay any charges or assessments
made on account of orders, approval, consents and construction work
with respect to the Project or may agree to pay these assessments in
installments as provided by statute in the case of private owners.
None of the real property acquired for the Project may be set aside and
dedicated for public ways, parking facilities, sewers, levees, parks or other
public purposes until the Redevelopment Commission has obtained the
consents and approval of the department or agency under whose
jurisdiction the property will be placed.
Disposal of Property
The Redevelopment Commission may dispose of real property acquired
by sale or lease to the public after causing to be prepared two (2)
separate appraisals of the sale value or rental value to be made by
independent appraisers. However, if the real Property is less than five (5)
acres in size and the fair market value of the real property or interest has
been appraised by one (1) independent appraiser at less than Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), the second appraisal may be made by a
qualified employee of the Department of Redevelopment. The
Redevelopment Commission will prepare an offering sheet and will
maintain maps and plats showing the size and location of all parcels to be
offered. Notice will be published of any offering in accordance with lC
5-3-1. The Redevelopment Commission will follow the procedures of lC
36-7-14-22 in making a sale or lease of real property acquired.
Financing of the Project
It is the intention of the Redevelopment Commission to issue a note
payable from incremental ad valorem property taxes allocated under lC
36-7-14-39 in order to raise money for property acquisition and/or
completion of the Project in the Economic Development Area. The
amount of this note may not exceed the total, as estimated by the
Redevelopment Commission, of all expenses reasonably incurred in
connection with the Project, including:
1 .The total cost of all land, rights-of-way, and other property to be
acquired and developed;
2. All reasonable and necessary architectural, engineering, legal, financing, accounting,
advertising, and supervisory expenses related to the acquisition and
development of the Project;
3. Expenses that the Redevelopment Commission is required or permitted
to pay under I.C. 8-23-17.
Amendment of the Plan
By following the procedures specified in lC 36-7-14-17.5, the
Redevelopment Commission may amend the Plan for the Economic
Development Area. However, the Common Council must approve any
enlargement of the boundaries of the Economic Development Area.
wHERE~As, the City of Jeffersonville ("City) Redeveiopment
Commission. ("Commission") has investigated, studied and
surveyed economic development areas within the corporate
boundaries of the City; and, ,:
WHEREAS, the Commission has selected an economic
development area to be developed under lC 36-7-14 and lC
36-7-23 (collectively the "Act"); and,
WHEREAS, the Commission has prepared an economic
development plan ("Plan") for the selected economic development
area, which Plan is attached to and incorporated by reference in
this resolution; and,
WHEREAS, the Commission has caused to be prepared:
1) Maps and plats showing:
a) The boundaries of the economic development area,
completed the replatting, replanning, rezoning or economic
development of the area, indicating any parcels of property
to be excluded from the acquisition; and
b) The parts of the acquired areas that are to be devoted to
public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds, and
other public purposes under the Plan;
2) Lists of the owners of the various parcels of property proposed to be acquired; and
3) An estimate of the cost of acquisition, redevelopment and economic development; and
WHEREAS, lC 36-7-14-3L9.3 authorizes the Commission to
modify the definition of property taxes in lC 36-7-14-39(a) for the
purposes of including taxes imposed under lC 6- 1.1 on the
depreciable personal property of a designated taxpayer and all
other depreciable property located and taxable on the desiipiated
taxpayer's site of operations within the allocation provision included
in a declaratory resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Commission has caused to be prepared a
factual report ("Report") in support of the findings contained in this
resolution, which Report is attached to and incorporated by
reference in this resolution;
1) The Commission has selected as an economic development
area an area within its corporate boundaries, which area the'
Commission is hereby designating as thevBethnova Economic
Development Area ("Economic Development Area"), and which
Economic Development Area is described as Exhibit A.
2) The Commission finds that the Plan for the Economic
Development Area:
a') Promotes significant opportunities for the gainful
employment of the citizens of the City;
b) Attracts major new business enterprises to the City;
c) Benefits the public health, safety, morals and welfare of
the citizens of the City;
d) Increases the economic well-being of the City and the
State of Indiana; and
e) Serves to protect and increase property values in the City and the State of Indiana.
3) The Commission finds that the Plan cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the
ordinary operation of private enterprise without resort to the powers
allowed the Commission under lC 36-7-14 because of.
a) The lack of local public road and sewer improvements;
b) Existence of conditions that lower the value of the land
below nearby land; and
c) The lack of public facilities needed for potential industrial
and commercial development to be realized.
4) The Commission finds that the public health and welfare will be
benefited by the accomplishment of the Plan for the Area.
5) The Commission finds that the accomplishment of the Plan will be of public utility and
benefit as measured by:
a) The attraction and retention of permanent jobs;
b) An increase in the property tax base;
c) Improved diversity of the economic base;
d) Improved traffic circulation; and
e) Upgrading of sanitary sewer conditions.
6) The plan for the Economic Development Area conforms to
other development and redevelopment plans for the City.
7) The Commission estimates that the cost of implementing the
Plan will not exceed $1,000,000.00.
8) The Commission finds that no residents of the Economic
Development Area will be displaced by any project resulting from
the Plan; and, therefore, the Commission finds that it does not
need to give consideration to transitional and permanent provisions
for adequate housing for the residents. If the Commission
determines that it is necessary to displace any residents of the
Economic Development Area, it will amend the Plan and this
Resolution prior to any displacement and give consideration to
transitional and permanent provisions for adequate housing for the
9) This paragraph shall be considered the allocation provision
for the purposes of lC 36-7-14-39. The entire Economic
Development Area shall constitute an allocation area as defined in
lC 36-7-14-39. Any property taxes levied on or after the effective
date of this resolution by or for the benefit of any public body
entitled to a distribution of property taxes on taxable property in the
allocation area shall be allocated and distributed in accordance with
lC 36-7-14-39. The Commission hereby modifies the definition of
property taxes in lC 36-7-14-39(a) for the purposes.of including
taxes imposed under IC6-1.1 on the depreciable personal property
of the designated taxpayer described below and all other
depreciable property located on and taxable on the designated
taxpayer's site of operations within the allocation provision included
in a declaratory resolution. This allocation provision shall expirie no
later than 30 years after the effective date of this resolution.
10) All of the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities that may
be exercised by the Commission in a Redevelopment Area or
Urban Renewal Area may be exercised by the Commission in the
Economic Development Area, subject to the limitations of lC 36-7-
11) The presiding office of the Commission is hereby authorized
and directed to submit this resolution, the Plan, and the Report to
the Jeffersonviile Plan Commission for its approval.
12) The Commission also directs the presiding officer, upon
receipt of the written order of approval of the Jeffersonville 'Plan
Commission which has been approved by the Common Council to
publish notice of the adoption and substance of this resolution in
accordance with lC 5-3-14 and to file notice with the Jeffersonville
Plan Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board of
Public Works, the Park Board, the building commissioner, and any
other departments or agencies of the City concerned with unit
planning, zoning variances, land use or the issuance of building
permits. The notice must state that maps and plats have been
prepared and can be inspected at the office of the City's
Department of Redevelopment and must establish a date when the
Commission will receive and hear remonstrances and objections
from persons interested in or affected by the proceedings
pertaining to the proposed project and will determine the public
utility and benefit of the proposed project. Copies of the notice
must also be filed with the office authorized to fix budgets, tax rates
and tax levies under lC 6-1.1-17-5 for each taxing unit that is either
wholly or partly located within the proposed allocation area.
13) The Commission also directs the presiding officer to prepare or
cause to be prepared a statement disclosing the impact of the
allocation area, including the following:
a) The estimated economic benefits and costs incurred by
the allocation area, as measured by increased employment
and anticipated growth of real property, personal property
and inventory assessed values; and
b) The anticipated impact on tax revenues of each taxing
unit that is either wholly or partly located ,within the allocation
area. A copy of this statement shall be forwarded to each
such taxing unit with a copy of the notice required under
Section 17 of the Act at least 10 days before the date of the
hearing described in Section 14 of this Resolution.
14) The Commission further directs the presiding officer to submit
this resolution to the Common Council for its approval of the
establishment of the Bethnova Project Economic Development
15) This Resolution shall be effective as of its date of adoption.
Adopted this.,~ (~ ~ay of ~,-;\ 2000.
Kyle Williams, Secretary
M:\Legal\Department of Redevelopment\Projects\Beth-Nova\Declaratory Resolution.doc