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ORDINANCE NO. 82-0R-.. / An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property From R-1 Residential to R-2 Residential BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1527, be amended in that the property herein described is reclassified and rezoned as follows: From R~I Residential to R-~ Residential. DESORIPTION Bsing a 10.35 acre part of a 71.654 acre tract of Lend heretofore conveyed to Welter and Ha.~el Sales by deed as recorded in Deed Record 281, Pegs 95 of the Olark O°unty, Indians record of deeds and Oeing a part of Survey 20 of the Illinois Grant, situated in jeffersonville Township, Clerk County, In~ane snd bsing more fully described as follows, to-wit: Oommenoing at a railroad s~ke on the l~.ne dividing Surveye 19 and 20 the Illinois Grant and in the center~ine of Hamburg Pike and running thence North 4° 1~' 48" East along said centerline, 40?.95 feet to a railroad epikei thence South 86~ 35' 00" East, 35.00 feet to an iron pin, the true. place of beginning of land to be herein described: , Thence North ~ 1~' 48" East, parallel to the centerline of said'Hamburg Pike, ~0.66 feet to an iron pin on the sou~her!¥ line o~ s 0.2380 acre ~arcel of land heretofore conveyed to William D. Himmal by deed as recorded in'Deed Drewe~ 12, Instrument Nc.~ 9!57 of said Clark County rec°rdsl.thence South'SS° 36' 33" Eae~, a~ong said southerly line, 1158.32 feet to an iron pin; thence South 23~ 42' 31" West, 336.61 feet to an iron pin; thence South 45° 02' 42"~.East, 202.2~ feet to an iron pin; thence South 44° 5?' 1.5" West, 308.41 feet to an iron pin; ~snoe North 45~ 02' 42" West, 413.89 feet to an iron pipe et an easterly corner of a 5.046~ acre parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Henry C. and 8stOats Ann Land by deed as recorded in Deed Drawer 10, Instrument No. 4354 of said Clark Ooun~v records;~thence North 48° 41' 33" West along the northeasterly line of ' · pipe at the northeast said 5~0464 acre parcel of land; 187.35 feet to an ~ron ' 00" West along co~ner of said 5.0464 acre parcel of land; thence North 86© 35 the northerly line of said 5.0464 a, cre parcel of !and, 535.00 feet to the place of beginning and containing 10.35 mores of land. Subject, however, to s part of s 16 foot wide Easement heretofore conveyed to Indiana Sell Telephone, Co., Inc. and recorded in Seed Drawer S, Instrument No. 3286 of said Clark County Record of Deeds and being the westerly 3.5 feet of the harsinabove described 10.35 acre parcel of lanO. Being a ~.iSO0 more bamt of a ?1.654 more tract of land hemeto~ore congeved to Welter and Hazel Bales bv deed ss recorded in Deed Record 281, Page 95 of ' , the Clark County, ~ndiana record of deeds and being e pert of,Surveys 19 and 20 of the Illinois Grant, situated in Oeffersonvi!!e Township,' Clark OountY, Indiana and being more fully described ss follows to-wit: Commencing at a railroad spike on the line div%dEmg Surveys 19 end 20 of the Illinois Grant and in the centerline of Hamburg Pike and running thence South N~ 21' West along eai~ centerline, 614.58 feet to s point; thence South 85 49~ East, 35.00 feet to an iron pin on the northwest corner of. Lot No. 2~f Suburban Acres, Section ~ One as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page ?S of County, Indiana Record of Plats and beino the true p!ece of beginning of land to be herein described: Thence North 4© il' East on e line parallel to the centerline of said Hamburg Pike, 377.06 feet to an iron pin; thence South B5~ 49' East, 579.38 feet to an iron pin; thence South 28© 34,' 45" West, 4)0.19 feet to an iron ~in et the northeast corner of Lot No. 32 of said Suburban Acmes, Section One; thence North 85" 49' West along the north line of said Lot No. 32, e distance of 102.90 feet to the easterly line of Statview Drive (50 foot R/W); thence North 4° 1!' East along said easterly line, 30.00 feet; thence North 85° 49' West along the .north line of s~id Statview Drive and along the north line of Lo~ No. 31 of said ~uburban Aor~s, 173.79 feet to an iron pin; thence South 4~ 11' West along the west line of said Lot No. 31, W distance of 15.28 feet to an iron pin st the northeast corner of said Lot No. 1; thence North 85© 49' West along the north line of said Lot No. 1, a distance of !25.BO feet to the place of beginning containing 4.2500 acres of land. Subject, however, to a part of s 16 foot wide Easement heretofore g?anted Indiana 8ell Telephone Co., Inc. and recorded in Deed Drawer 8, Instrument No. 3286 of said Olamk County Record of Deeds and beisg the westerly 3.5 feet of the hereinabove.:described 4.2500 acre parcel of land. Being m 4.2500 sore oerm of e o!.654 acre trmc~ ce lmnd heretofore conveyed to W~lter eno mezal Bales by dea~ as rscoroe~ in Deed qeo~ro 281,.Pegs 95 of the Olark Oounty, Indians record of deeds end being e cart of Bury. eye 19 and 20 of the Illinois 'Grant, simweteo in Jeffersonville Township, Clark County, Indienm mnc being more fwll~ oeaorioeo ss fellows Oommenolng a~ e railroad eoike on the line dividing Surveys 19 soo 20 of the Illinois Grant end in ~ne centerline of ~emowrg Pike eno rwmning thence North ~ 14' 48" East along said centerline. 67.95 feet so s ooint; thence South 83° 45' 12" East, 35.00 feet ~o an iron din, eno being the ~rue otece of segtnning of land to ca ~erein cescribeo: Thence continuing Sou~n 85° ~5' 12" East 515.00 feet to an iron din: thence South 45* 02' 42" East. 192.28 feet ~o an iro~ sin: ~nence Soumn 28° 3&' 45" West, 196.87 feet un an iron din: thence an iron din, aeiO iron din being Sou~n 85° 49' East. 35.00 feet ~rom ~ne center Of amid qmmourg Pike; ~nence North ~o 11' East on a line cmrallel ~o ~ne cen~er- llne of said Memourg Pike, 237.60 feet to mn iron din: thence North ~o ~4' 48" East on a line oarallel to said rosa centerline. 67.93 feet ~c une clmce of beginning ant containing ~.2500 acres of lend. Subject, however, to a cart of a 16 foot wide Easement heretofore conveyed to Indiana 8ell Teleonone Co.. Imc. ann recorded in Deed Drawer 8. Instrument No. 3286 of said Olar~ Count~ Record of Deeds ann being ~ne westerly 3.5 feet of the nereineoove oescrioeo 4.2~00 acre oarcal of lanO. ~N ZHE ~00 BLOCK OF This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. ATTEST: CLERK-TREASURER MAYOR Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this day of January, 1982. CLERK-TREASURER Approved and signed by me this day of January, 1982. MAYOR