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of jeffersonville to issue.,its
.... ~T~. ORDINANCE authorizing the~;~ (Mark J. Strobel Pr~%Y~00~n
~ ~r~'~__ment Mortgage Revenue ~u~ ~ Thousand Dollars
· 'Economic Devemup _. ~f Five Hundred Four%ee~ct theretO-
the principal amouuu. ~4.~ other actions in
and approving and autnO~ ....
omic Development Commission has
_~_ ~ fersonvtlle Econ _ __~ Development CommissiO~
WHEREAS, ~n~ ~f ~ jeffersonville ~conum*~ - :--ilities for Marm
.... in~ the proposed fin~nC ~ City Plan Connn~ss*w~ ~
con~ ~ -~ ~he jeffersonV***~
j. Strobei, a~
opportunity to comment thereon; ~o-ment Commission after a
~ jeffersonville Economic ~eve~ ~ ted a Resolution on that
WHEREAS, the - - -~^r 28 198~, a~Op ~din~ that the
P e which Resolution ha ~ .... lonment facilities.°~= =~H hat such
financing o~ ce~%.rnoseS and provisions o~ ~ ..- economic stability
~ with the ~ r .... lth prosper~, · -d
financing wild.be o~f u~ City of jeffersonvii£e an~
and general welfare o
WHEREAS, the jeffersonville Economic Development Commission has
approved the final forms of the Loan Agreement, including the Note attached
thereto, the Mortgage and Trust Indenture and the Bond Purchase Agreement by
Resolution adopted December 28, 1984, which Resolution has been transmitted
SECTION 1. It is hereby found that the financing of the economiC
development facilities referred to in the Loan Agreement, preVioUsly approved
by the jeffersonville Economic Development Commission and presented to this
Common Council, the issuance and sale of the mortgage revenue bonds, the loan
of the net proceeds thereof to Mark J. Strobel, for the acquisition,
construction and equipping of said facilities and the repayment of said loan
obel to be evidenced and secured by a promissory note of Mark
ros erity, economic stability
by Mark J- Str ' ~ - ~fit to the health, P .~ ~ ts citizens and
Ji Strobel, will_be o%~e%~-City of jeffersonVl~j~ ~ i
and general welzare -- ~nd .rovisions of lC 36-~
complies with the purpos~ ~
SECTION 2. The forms of the Loan Agreement, including the Note
attached theretO, the Mortgage and Trust Indenture and the Bond Purchase
Agreement approved by the jeffersonville Economic Development Commission.are
hereby approved and all such documentS shall be incorporated herein by
reference and shall be inserted in the minutes of the Common Council and kept
on file by the Clerk of the Council.
SECTION 3. The City of jeffersonville shall issue its Economic
Development Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Mark J- Strobel Project) in the principal
· ~nn% ~he "Bonds") for
Pourteen Thousand Do% ar !S%4 r%Tfl,' n order to pay
amonnt of Piv funds to loan to e ntpping of the
the purpOse oz ~ ~ ~ ~ construction ~ ~ ~n the Loan Agre
~h~ -cost of acqutSzt~o~, -~re narttcularly set ou~ ~=~erence- The Bonds
and interest solely from
~--~al premium, If anY~_:nrv note which will be
and-Mortgage and Trust
.~ ~ navahle as to prz~*~e~[nhe1 on its promm~--~ .... re said loan
wmxz ~ ~ ~- made by Mark o ..... - ' ~ to evidence and s~ ~rovided in
the paymenu~ . . ..... ~ bv Mark J- ~tro~*, -~-t or as otherwzs~ ~
executed and uezm¥=~ Ider the Loan agreem=~ , shall never
and from other sourCeS u~ The Bonds
constitute g
the general credit of the City of jeffersonVtlle'
_ er are authorized and directed
~ ~ The Mayor and Clerk Treas~r ~ the Bond Purchase ~g~r~+e~me~
sECTION ~' - -~aser set forth ~ ~me Commerciai
sell the BondS to the P~BondS of 80% of t~e ~mn~ of the principal
t~ a rate of interest on ~ ~ and at a price oi
amount thereof plus ~
are authorized and directed
~-~he Loan Agreement, the
to exe~t the
Purchase Agreement approved herein on behalf of the City of jeffersonville
and any other documents which may be necessary or desirable to consummate the
ed herein. The signatures of The
· ~,,m~n~ the Bonds auth~riz ~ he facsimile signatur~s-~
transaction, xnc ..... r on the BonUS m~f - = ~.,erv of the Bon~S ~u the
· , -~ and Clerk-Treasure ~ ~- orranme for tme ue~- ~ named in the
ma~ --- ~s authorize~ ~ ~ ~ made to the Trustee
Clerk-Treasur~ *
purchaser thereof, payment for which will be
MortKage and Trust Inde --m the Mortgage and Trust
-- - ~slons of this ordinance ~ ~ binding between the
sECTION 6. The proV* 1 constitute a con3r~onville' Indiana,
City of jeffersonvli j. Str~bel Project), and
ort age Revenue Bonds (Mark shall not be repealed or
Economic Developm~t^~M sa~d Bonds, this Ordinance rights of such holder
after the issuanc~ u~ adversely affect the
amended in any respect that would
so long as the Bonds or the interest thereon remains unpaid-
SECTION 7. This OrdinanCe shall he in full force and effect from and
after compliance with the procedures required by law.
C--- R~erk~reasurer
the ~.~ nted
~ day by me to t~
1984. ApProved and Signed
bY me °n this ~-~ ~
day of