HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-OR-27ORDINANCE NO. 84-OR- ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1555, VOLUME 1, 1962 THE SAME BEING AN OPd)INANCE ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE. BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, that Ordinance No. 1555, the same being the Building Code of the City of jeffersonville is amended as follows: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and af[er its passage, approval and publication to the laws of the State of Indiana. Adopted this rJ7 day of ~f~ ,1984. I~YOR Attest: Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville, this /~ day of ~~ , 1984. Approved and signed by me this/? day of ~~, 1984. April 1968 iana COD~' %9, each tion ~ Catc, ! Pilal / / 1180 1Fore,~'~ora . ~ t~e ck~ze~St~ie mh~ ~ch~OlOgY- . of our 9h~ ' -s shall ~lth our ~- ~nt o{ t~es~a vet eqUa~i, shall O{ every ~mo~Sh ~' ~llhaW ~nst~ce- Chapter 1 UILDINGS' ' ' ' ~ i Cstatioa o£buil- t°~ referenc~an,ce no. 15~ a, ng COde ~Uildi~ re~erred . "~end~ ~Uddin- ncluded al~ "~ Cod~ ,~ ~o a~ ?ents a~ s Code ~ ~nerei~ and ~t ~o refe~ . ~ there~ ~eY Bu ~. as "Je~ Creto. ~red a~ -e Cha~ ~aaace ~ SUch n~ ~"Ce ~t sh~n ~er the ,.. ~? and ~ ~ there,e ' 102. ~.._ u to refer - ' ~e is °ther~i~ known ' of-..~nd Safet~ted a div'. "R Code. ~°Wered to ~aated admi ~2 ~,~ )SUch k.~ em or / , ' '* WOrks a~UY him ,.~? contr~y Other ?~ Chief. '~ Safety' W~th the ~' oF Said (e) ~['.~ef heati~m~ mSpec,~r erk typist na~t~onmg inspector 1188 JEFFERSONVILLE cODE § 1o2 or addi- appointed in similar Hereafter, additional employeeS, or changes (3) their titles and duties, maY be - - by the tionS in manner, subject to any necessary, aPpr°prmtl°ns commOn council for their compensation' Sec. 103. QualificatiOnS of personnel. commissioner of buildings shall Commissioner' The experience in building as a (1) (5) years have had at least five architect, registered as engineer or professional of IC 1971, 25-31-1'1 et seq. li~ ~msed proViSiOnS registered such pursuant to the regularly (Burns Stat· § 63-1517 et seq.) or a uant to the Indiana .... d as suCh puts. · -er of buildings architect, regqS~}~ or the comm?~S)°~}~ars' experience Architectural _A~c~, ~t least ten. (~u} .fl or contractor shall have lxaa 0~ building msp~.C~%r five (5) years ... building as ~ '~a~n~ construcuon ' l,, · - ~ent ot ~m .... been in responsible or superlntenu · experience he shall of whlch~ .... he shall be ghea~eerally informed on good design and construction charge ot wor~, ,~,,d respect to preventiOn, and engineering practices in of fire for of buildingS, the basiC principles equipment necessary accepted requirements of service occupantS· the health, safety and general welfare of the (2) Technical assistantS: Chief building inspector, chief inspector, and chief inspector, chief plumbing technical inspector· These electrtcal conditioning · (5) years practical heating and air .... at least fiv~ ...... nstruction, ? assistants shall na~]~_, ,h~r~e of buBam~ ~ which he is experience in respOnslme ..... work as a skilled worker, in the technical appointed to supervise. ] b a two-thirdS vote of the entire (3) The examining boaru Y qualifications examining board board may either require greater deems be for the best interest of than those set forth above if such qualifications to No. 1581, § 1, ~' suCh variance in Indiana. (Ord. the City of jeffersonville, ·ance number 1581, § ~, ~ EditOr, rs~ ~°'~and at the ealtor~ passed 3-o-6z, Architectural Act, lC 1971, 25-4-1-I et subsection (3). referenCe~indiana · State law seq. (Burns Stat. § 63-101 et seq.)- ~ 1184 APPENDIx A~BUILDING CODE ! 96I See. 104. F'Xarainations. § lO5 ollowing, referred to in s , as (a) Principal provisions ection of the city building code. ~ Rules and regulations adopted ~ hereby. recom~e ~ . ?qu~ed ._~ any Pos'~i~ approve have a~.TM wr~tin~ ~,~mess the ~ ~ . where an ~ne~ a Passin~ ~ apPhcant. T~a~n~ng bOar~ See. 105. EXami~inff board. ~on. (!) The eXa ' . me~bers a ~]mng board Shall ~ hall be (a) ~ . regularly registered ~n~iana' architect of the State of ~ (b) ~ registered professional Indiana, engineer of ~he S~ate of (e) ~ reputable building COnstruction ~ ~n business, contraCtor engaged (d) A reputable plumbing c ~- , (e) A reputable electric~ ~ °"tract°r engaged in bu · ~ ~',~age~ in business -- jEFFERSONVILLE cODE 105 (f) The Clark County Health Officer or his representa- tive. (g) The city engineer. A reputable heating, air conditioning and ventilating (h) contractor engaged in business. commissioner or a representative of his (i) The building an "ex officio" member. office to serve as (2) The city engineer shall serve as chairman of the examining board. (3) Such examining board members shall serve at the pleaSUre of the board of public works and safety. (Ord. No. 68-OR-5, 4-1-68) Sec. 106. Time and place of examination' works and lace, and give public notice (1) It shall be the duty of the board of public safety to designate a time and p_ . ~ a weekly or daily thereOf, by publication at least twice ~, city, newspaper of general circulation published in this when such examining board shall convene to hold examination. (2) Such examinations shall be open to any person whO is a resident of Clark County, and who complies with the required qualificatiOnS for the office or employment, as set forth in this chapter. Any such person, before taking such examination, shall execute an affidavit showing that he possesses the aforesaid qualificationS. (Ord. No. 68-OR-5, 4-1-68) Sec. 107. Report of examining board. After the examination of applicants by the examining board the results of such examinatiOn shall be reported in ~- writing to the board of public works and safety by said board, with recommendations as to the personal qaali~ca- tionS and character of eaCh applicant passing the examma- -- tion. The board of public works and safety shall appoint such officers and such assistants as may be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of the city building 1186 APPENDIx A--BUILDiNG CODE 1961 code from those Who have properly satisfied § 109 board and have properly answered the examining on the examinations. After the Selection of the the subject matter asked the examining board by the mayor, said members of called at any time by the members may be to hold examinations, bOard of public Works and safety Sec. 108. Oath of office. The COmmissioner any thereof enters of buildings and all assistants, before Upon the duties of his respective office or employment, Shall take city Clerk faithfully and impartially to execute the duties of and subscribe an oath before the his respective office or employment, and to SUpport the Constitutions of the State of Indiana and of the United States. See. 109. Daties . . °f(L)u/lTdhien . .of c°mm~SS~oner of buildings ~C~°mf~l.S~lo, ner of, buildings as bead of the bureau provisions~,'', ~,~au nave Charge of the enforcement of the of the city building COde and Statutes, rules and regulations of all ordinances, COnstruction, alteration, repair, pertaining to the erection, removal of · *mings a condemnation, demolition, Umbmg, heating in?' St?ctures, and , . or *lerewith ;- ~_. . ~[allatlons a,,4 .ut electric wi ' , '- m~s c~ty, or nth~ · '~'~ PiPing i,, ~ He shall also perform all .....r ~erritorv o,.,~ '~ cOnnectmn this COde, or by law. other duties "~"morlzed by law. /m-posed Upon him by (2) He shall keep, or Cause to be kept, a record .apPlications for permits, which ~n the order of tl,~. · shall be re-ul , of all n. umber, desc~;--- -~r ISSue; als,- s arly numbered C~ty during, ~_qJ~mn and size of a ~ a.r.e, cord Showin o number, kind and ,-ucrea, nation of build;,,- f the inSpectio cost of all be recorded. ,,,~s, and all oth~ ~ns; removal and '~* matters proper to (3) It Shall be the duty of . Upon being served with a ,,t~ C°mm~ssioner or ~..,_. '-mren notice renu. ~. ounc~mgs, u lrmg him to 1187 n or i~ wh to do so ~son, or b~ ~ o{ recaVmg ~ .;ficateS anu n ~t as pe* +he txm~ · ~ all cer~L ~ excee ~- shal~ ue d by n~-' ~ake co~ r6i~ance~, ~eqm- . ~ 9~oV~u~'' .... bu~lams ~ ~ to in ~ ~ kept m .fiolation~ . ~nd re~' ~'. ~or~S, - e mo otllc~ A ~'~JeOi, to the ~cord oi a~ board ol P~'ctiOnS. n~ -~ books a --..~mit to ~'~ ~n such t~aU~ =afet5 a q~ ~ssloner o- ull - ~mm~ssx°n~' -~n any qu~ ~tter oi co~= ~ir of (13 T~e ~ ~n ~ass upo .._.~ to the mT ~kon o~ r~ ..~ pro , ,~als to be .~a howe" ' ~ ~,,klamgs . architect or m~e.,~;~; prOV~U~ ~;ss~oner or ~a the owner °'.~er the ~--: ~o%ween '" ~.,~ldmg, ~ ~ sa~a c~.-...~ works arxse ~ ,~ oi any ~ ~oc~sXOn ~' ~ ~f ~um~ . ,,nleSS ~blect to a~.~ ~e~e~e~ ~L~ be fina~ a--~t for sa[eW ~ 'ed pe~So,~ _ ~ this coup. -. ('~] --'-.= are he?~a ~ the mtY, ~[~ ~mmea~a~ ~ done, o~ assxs~an'='~, nremxses ~"~ compel m~. n o~ bem~ ~ this duties, ' n o{ an~ ..;olat~on ~ect~ve o ~lanneU ' ~roh~m~ '" ~ samp~e~ --e or op~- ' ~ ~ an& to ~ to remOW_ ~a~ntena~ ~u~a to co~, . , an~ - -'b~t t~e ," ~ere sO -~ ..d~nanCe ~urpOsc~'~.~ery, m ~'. ~ of thxs ~ v~olat~°~t~,~o~ statute' of the m ~ (3 APPENDIX '~BUr-LD buil~.N° Person .c . lNG CODE 1961 ~- ulngs, or ouall c,~ . aoout a ~8e ~y ~DtlD~e ~. eommissiny buildine SUch materialne C°nstructi assista.~°n? of b,~.°r on ~s or machi~°n of any t~er~' -*~s. nave ~. ~"Ulngs ~ ~uy Pre~: ~-e suspens, regularly a ~er the lea thereo~ Ut~Orized , or Changes (4) The co~. . ~orized a;~'i'n'ss, oner o~ - _ co tests a~ Stanis, ar Ouildin s 'nSpec~d ~ °~?tY, of ~ -SSary to ~ . "aUthori~.. ~gUiarly The eeo. ny h~m or ,~ny buildi.~e*evmine tk~ ~ to make a~ent ~ of Such ~oTe~, Under ~: mater/a/ ~ Conditions own~' ~r the co~k~Z~ Shall b~ ~.,e Provisin~ ,.r machine. ' and a Wr;,- o agent to -er of ~a;la. ~Y the ow '~ Code. °fbuildi.]~en Stateme~ake such t~TJnzs may .~er'. or his .~ -.~s of the n ."~ to be fur~' ~ocs as ~a /~qUlre the ~.o) The ~ acute and r "iSled to th Y ne require~ aSsistan~ c°mmiSSion~ esult there.,~ e eommis~; repair; ? shall ~ ~-~r of b..~. ~" o. Oner eonsi~u~th of s. ~ny time he ?~s &om a~° a~thOriz Stan~[~°[ ~f he fiTU'eu and ~' .ouch m~,~ ~n doubt a~ uaras ten.:_ _uus that .. o.all be ~er~als (6) Th ~,rea by this ~ ~ae materia~ u~Stroyed and a.~e commiss;~_ ~Oue, or by ~'s un not ~Stants dural"er Shall ~ ~ ~ay Statutes ,-ret the g their absence I duties of the office See. 111. DUties o~ , buildings, assistants to the commissioner c (1) Al1 of t' ~miSsione. n~ assistance ~ OUildin~o ' et buildin~ ~o appoint~~ thei. j~al, Oner, sk-,, ~ue direeH all emplov~ ye Under he~ uUt~es as ~.,uu enfore~-f~n and s,: *¢s m the ~.- ~ of tk~ ~ prescdb~ .~ mis ~ *pervisi~ "ureau (2) ~e title which an e ~,~e fUnetio~ ma~ hold Shall not -- ~ mplo;ee u Prevent ~im nder the from bef~ C°mmissi "'~ required t~n;~ I 1189 I I jEFFER$ON¥ILLE cODE · . -.- at any time co P . sUCh other w. or~ change m ms ~ect, with°u~ ~ - ~ a cou~ - ~oU to ~" ~ .~snectOr sh ,-~ a repO~ ~'~ected by the ~' ,:~ work ~ ~e each weem, ~nspec~v?_~r at leaS% o~ ~m~ss~oner .~, .~snectOr sna-- . ectOr over ~ ~ roperlY a~u ~nd w~th~n t~a% ~ =hall ~nsP h~s duty P u,~ d~recUOn ner~Orm ~- under uxo · ~ectxon ~ecfiOn wor~ ~all receive ~o[i inspector s. ~'e eco a thereon s~[ ~e final as provided xn . ~m~tted %o ~ .~% they a~e t ~d curren~ e~ practiceS, -~ieS. . ~m.loyeeS o{ }hy~ -- sala~es o[ a~ ~ the numbe[ ~ by each ann budget ordinance' of the bureau of Bond~ for all employees ~ ~ec. 1~. ~ ~aing~. ,oSitlon ~u .... ~*ed to an~ ~ ~orve thereto ~all be aPP°m~ ~ continue ~o ~,,, a sureW e~son s~ ~ huild~ngS, o~. ~ to the c~ . ~ hv ~°_~d bureau o~ w~thout ~ ~e to ~he bond PaYa~'.~ance or statu~e, buildings, and assistants ~ mi~sioner.~uildlng businesS- SeC. 114- ~m not to s and his assistants, during ~ammissiouer o~ ~ o{fice, sha~ ~v archltec%Ur~' ~ engage , 1190 APPENDIx A~BUILDING CO , building, o- DE I961 or a. rrang'~mCZ~struction o~ ~ans for buildin~ ~ny materials ~cracts See. 11~. Ter~ -~ ~or Others. , of offlee. The. e~ployees of the ~ u°a~d o~ See. 116. ~Oard of~ sisting of · Ppoint a ~en (I0~ ~ - oOard of ~ ~"emOers: mechanical (a) ~ regularly registered indiana, architect of the State of (b) ~ .registered professional snaiana, engineer of the State of (c) ~ reputable building m business. COnstruction contractor (d) A reputable plumbing engaged tel A reputable electrical c~°ntract°r engaged in (O ~he Clark Co ~- ntraCtor en~-~, business t~Ve. Un~y Health Of~' s"g~u ~n business.' . ~Cer or his (g) The C~ty engineer representa. (h) A reputable heatin. contractor en~ ~ ~' a~r Conditi~ . (i) Th~. . o~seu m business ~,nmg and Ventilating (J) e ch~.ef ~f the fire department or h' The building co ' . ~s office to Serve ~ mm~SS~oner o~ representativ The members sh ~s an "ex offi~.',,a representatl, -e. removal ~ all se~ ~ ,~-~o member --,ye of his Shall o~ zor Cause by *~ ~ xor terms ~, o~sect a Secreta~v~]~e.~ayor. Th_ TM One Year, s~.~. ~COrd of all ~ ~'. ~ne board meehanlo ~ Over by a ~ ~t least ono~ five (5~ -~a~ Control No ~na~rman ele~ month ~ members Prese~meeting shall ~e~ by the ~nd Shall board of ..... e ,~eld with less than 1191 jEFFER$OI~¥ILLE coDE · hated, the board shall § 116 may he, de~s~tractOr's l~cenSe. l~ At sUCh times ~ mechao~ca~ c~- o ~romulga%e sUch ~ sha~l have ~'~ ~ar~ to exPmU~u be filed ~a~ The boar~, ~1l deem uece~- ~ulatioUs sna~ ..~ by '-',-tioUS as u sny~ :ode. Such regUt~ · :~ns of the ~ ,~ ~a* take etXeco the Pr°Vx~,,or and with the ~'~L~d No. the ~aY°r' 1192 Chapter 2 ~ GENEI~AL PI:IOVISIONs Sec. 201. SCope of this Code. co(dl~) ~ew b~z'ldin~ tho~- Shall apply ~t~s and a~dition . ~e exempted in - ~11 new buil~:~ The Provisi ~ ~OSect:~ - ~'-gs and - ohs of (2) A/teratio ~un (4) of this Se .~aditions, ex~ ~anltary ~'. .~.ange or "~ Struct.. """ april. ~n sUbsec~E~ltlOns of a~;, ~C~upancy ~F'a' Strength'- ordinar. - .... ~4) of this o~. oullding, e*~' Use, ligh ti~'o buildi~ ~ repairs ne~ ~C~lon, but a~ ~ept those e- .g. ~essary for ~ not ap~l . ~emPted the main*~? ~o orinclu ~ aDy ~ eOverin~ ~k~ ~ay mOre ~. ~ ut the ~_: -o~ apDly ~o ~ ,~o~ tacluded' Th ~ o. the buildin~ TM tar (a) Te~ e tallowing build[~ PrOvisions oe ... mPOrary b" . .gs: - tins COde -, PUrpOSes on/ ulldlDgs or she~ (b) Small Struc~ ~s Used for construcU animals, or fowls, or Sheds Used to house small Sec. 202. Fire ZOnes defined. .For the PUrno - C~ty of de~ p se ut thes~ boundar. ~ersonville rf~.rmes and ~ zone on~ana.Specific z~_and ,s here~ annexed or Po-" ¢ aha fire zo~ ~-es known ~ establish~z *-s,. ~s -~mn of Said ~;~ -e two and s~ ~a desi~n~, ~u a fire or,ow: ~" ~erritory 1193 FFEBBolqVILLE cODE - OE - -t the intersecti°ne 20z one: Beginnln..g~e center line o~ · ,;~n fire zone . ~ Street w~th ~,- ~t~r line o~ o~ the ~[~. thence, eaS~i~e of ~aB mf%~ ~he center Tenth ~r~, he center "~' ~ ~ll Stree~ ~ ~" .,~ o~ th sweet to .t ~nter line o~ ,, ~ +~e center n~'~ Ten ,-- . long t~e c~-- 'erly along ~" ~. et' thence, southertY ~**eet; thence, ea~ of LocuSt m[[ej ~'et to the of C°ur[.°2, to the center,.~ of LocuSt ~w~.n~ the ~ou~ Dtre~- .~e center m,~ westerW ~"; ~ .~,~v ~long u~ ~ve' thence, ~r of soUm~O~ ~;verskde ~'~a to the ce-~ ~ Mulberry center ~ ~f Riverside ~)1% me center une [; ~ichigan center nn~ ~ -ortherlY a~[~ .~ center llne ~ e~.~t' thence," -~;~n with m~ ~- line o~ ~'-~ _~ a .... ~' 'o the interse~ ~long the cen~nce, nort~er~ ~t~ee~ ~ ~the~lY ~ . ~reet; m~ '~ o~ Street to m ~ ~ine o~ a~ong the cen~ - · ' at the intersectiOn be intonE. ...~. ~egmm~ ~ c nte~ hne o~ Descr~Ptmn,,(~e o[ Tenth Street, ~ the cen~ l - ~[~ Dhye: t?"7~r o{ Man °~;~e center of ~n~[~ e,~eet to the c~;~in Street ~o ~7; ~ .f plank ~oa~ Tenth ~' ~er line m ~.,~ m~ center un~ - ~lv along long the c~-~ ~ ri" along u,~ -~nce, n°ru~ ~ ~ ~. thence, eaS~ ;~.~n Drive; mu,_ ~nter of an ~oau, ~ ~r of oa~o" Ddve to the ~ "el with Sta~e to the cen .... f oaklawn '--~te~Y paran . - ~ine of running ~ 62; mence, C~g Lane; thence'_x[~e[ win ~i~hwaY ~'~' .._ .enter ot ~ ~ to a llne para ~ ~mte smd a¥~J o~nter line o~.~'~ -~rthern bourn ~e oaraBei along ~ %et from terlY along ~- the cent and g0o ~. 62; thence, ~as~;~hwaY No. 6'~~° ~er line with and ~D6ve; thence, s°~rthem bounaa~ northern of Harmon~ D~ive to the ~steaY along fl~;~n of HarmOn~ ~9. thence, e~. ~. of Norma~' ~ ~., and · . thence, .~ boundar~ x~ 10 aba · s;On, . ~long u~ eu~eYs ~.u. ~ ~urveyS tlnumg ~ . ~ between o . ~ iBe betwee- ~ ~ ~°n~e Orant L~n= ~ the Oran~ ~%,h and 200 feet thence, ~ ~ ~ lltoa~U~ ~ ~o. 10 anu ~-~ 1194 t,_APPENDIX A~BUILD[NG fie so~ther~ L '~'~J~ 1961 s°uthWeSteri~ UOundary of o, ~ 202.2 Y a peat · ?om ~he so-~ lo~ Said 1;~ e H~Khwav ~ Une na~m, ~ern bou~ '"~ Paralle~ .:~.~o. 62; th~ ;',~nce, somu ~-', an~ 1.~a ~ f~cate Hi~.. ~"~ zOo West~,~.'"?e Lane t~ ~t me line nar~,~~ of ~eha~ 7 ~o a ne rz~'~ aloa~ t~_ ~ me cent~~ . ~el with ~ ~ane; -~enoe La~ ~ ' ~le~ce, so-~t -z~l~21 Avo~. ,,.e; rhone. alon~ ~ ,."~ ~or a di~' *merly al~ *,,ue to the - ~ane to a li~ ~ a r~ght an=~ ~' qo0 feet- ,~ *enter line ae center lin= "~ ~arallel w;,k~'e to the ee~,ffl~pce, the line ~'~ o~ ~pringdal~and 200 fee/77r Une of Ke Sprin~a ~-rauel With ~ ~ ~rive; th=~ ~ ~esterly fr~ No ~a~e Drive t~ ,~na 200 fe~* e*-ee, southe,~_"~ the ' ~, the -~ ~ne s ~ tr°m t "~ alon southern.. ~, ~v~ding ~_ ~ong Said ~ ~me of S,~ and ~/~ alon~ the ~urVeys No o ~rant Line .~,vey o . .~o. 3 to -- ~rant Li~ -;. ~ and No ~ m the ~.uod~vision; t~ ~ne northerl~e~mvidin~ 8-J % thence instance o~, ~ence, Wes*~, ~ ~oUnda~.. ~-Veys No a distan~ ' ~uoO fee~; tu~~¢~y alon~ s~;~'y of Hi~h~ ; ' th~ ~-~er of ~r . "~nce ~, ~ ? ~ angle t~ ,~ ,,e a ~'~ fen/er lin~ ~"ae~and r~ ~ ~ r~ght an~, ~" ~ne south ~Veh,.. - ~ pi Na~r ~ne; th~ ~e to t~ Aw~ ~e, thence, w~. ~?nd Lane ~ Chef, sOUthe,~ ,,e West a~"ue ~o the o~erly alon= ,~o the eente, .'~ alon~ o'o"g the e~, k~-~er of ~L.~ ~ne eente. ~. - o, ~rubh~ ~treet; the~:~er hne of Ma~ Street; t~ nne of Grub~° ueKinnin= ~n~er line ~ ~?ry Driw. ;~' nne o~ N; · .,u. o7-OR_3 o ~ ~nVe to .-' northerly , ~-6.60 tho Point ~f Sec 202.1 BUHd~nffs na tly With~ A building or ~ r ~re ZOne if one.,~.trUeture sba, - n fire ZOnes. o~rUCture i~ ~ mlrd or m,~ " oe deem - ~. No. 67-Op ~" Ouildin_ See. 202.2. MOVed buildings. -.-o, z-6~67) ~ or Any buildin~ ~ Shall be m -o ~r Str~ctur~ buildings ~ a~e.~o comnb, e.mOVed wit~: · ,e. (Ord kr_ __*equlremo,, /e ZOne I 1195 0_.~, z'6-67) I ~iEFFEF,$OIq¥ILLE coDE ~ ~oo~a~ ~ .ot~es cot,~ ~o~s, ca~°F'~ the ~es ~ecdO~ ot ~ may be e~ ~isslo~e~ ~o~ ~ha~l be w'~'al Perm~ ~'~ ~a such ~- x~i~ation s9ecx - -kine, a~, the e ~ ~ %.' so. comple?~3 ch ~e~mXt- t~ ' *ed constructed' ~ ~eral. ~ e~eC~ uwemen es of co~ ~.~ he~eat~e ~o spaces req ' - - of tyP ~+ruc~l-~' ~.~er usau-~ ,~ Limitat[°¢¢}~e 1II cOn~ ~6 ~oorS have ail ~'au one hour ~' ~ ~.~e .... ~v~e IV. ~' than {oUr ~on on at aU a?a ~[canopxes ~" *ted in, or ~ shah be ereC;~, . within twenty ~' :~as, ~' ~ ~ertV une~. ~ ~{ the opv" ~a than (4) OPe~2'~d[aceUt P[°V~[~w (50) ~ee~ ~which are ~'~a with ,~m [eet m ~ · ~ wlthm ~ ~.~ courts - ~e prOV~U~ ~or same ~ ~ oub~C ~ ~t dimeus[~ ~istiVe c°~o ~'~e a street,~x ~eet iu tea~ hour fire re~ center m~ ~ropertY ~" ~ or wmuo'~ this sUUS~y. rue y. ~ aBeY ~.~ this sun= ad~oiu}~ distances m~ne o[ the line. A~ ~s to the P~ right aug~ ocCUrS- herea~, construc,: e feet i~ ~ struction in ' enlar~en greeted in .?ny builn; (a) .~,. . o ~, added t~ "r~re zo.~'nK of ~ucn Type IV ~ · ~ or mOVed ~s shall ~..Provisio~ °Uflding ~. . '¢Xcept as ~c~ons (2). ~ ~o conform t~ '- ~ and (4) o f th~s fb) Changes, ~ch buildm ~erations a~ ~?eet ma,, ~g or to t~=,~u repairs . , ~ ~azard o¢ ~e bUildi~ ~ Such ch~ ~c~ng a pu~' ~c) ~Oofs ~ *SUch buil~s eommiss~~ ~ng? do n~,,~? fire re.°~ SUch buil~' ~,ng. "ncr, mcreas~Lm ~av ~ .~ ~egula~;-~mg Coun~;~ ~n Sect/,~'~ W~th a ,. n bUildi~ t~me to t;- ~Udding ~mi~s of ~ren~S may be ,me. and ZOnes ~OVed entirely outside the (e~ SUch buildinKs ,, , n fire ZOnes ( a ' ~ended , or have i~s ~_herea~er b ' , oceupanev udt, S~alI ~ 1197 ~ or Use eh oe anted ~e~e o~eS ~&e~es b~ilam tha¢..:oCS mco [ec~ea o~ co,, oi "~t~~°~s ~a th~° xg CO . tO o C~ rOB, ~ B~,Xam~_~ve prote ~ ~o~Se~' eaCh °~e~' reOf ~is~ble % s~ll b~ a~Y hota, ~t, . ~e ~ ~ . :°~ Bps ~ re~°Ve6 .,oO~ have of a~ + ~ll sha~ll be ePr° . g~ e va~ ~ all he sh~ cte co o ~ef~Se chipS, a~ i e.? u~til ~ m SUch ~ (~COb~l~~. j ~eat Shal~estrOyed .Pre~ises . ~ °' ,L )i ~ -~Oro~r .or ori~ allow~ W~ers ~ "Pre~i~ ~ t~ere ~ .~O~bu~.,~ner an~ "any ~ . COmbu~,.,vr les~ ~es. In I J reefs, k~,~-~lals ~ ~ult; n~°. ~less ~. ~ae to n~ oue~ ~ 8~ pr ti~., '-ay b~ ~'~V~ded ~ °~°red ~ ~eumu. :7e' 207. ~ o.,~y eovero~ s~°red e~: "°Wever ~9 SUch ~ / ~aall b~ *m~Orar~, ~ ~u~ia~ ' metal ~ ~ouses ¢ erected . ~ °Uildin ~' ] ~r~etio' et Othe ~ the ei,''~ for h.~ ~' ~ nof~t r buil~, rY, ex~ Uman h · ~ . eyed _ e~por corm . s Shed USe I t ~aSpecti~Wa~ im~ry bUil~, eet~oo w~' tool 'LJ ~oa~tr.. . '~Y. -'~et~o~ ~' and ~ or taeil:., uet~oa. ~z Whi~ t~nal ~?) Ever,, '~es oa ~ san/tar,. ~" SUch Sa~itar~ ulldlngs ~cror or b.-" o. "[~O~s O' Pr~vieo ~ eo~diti~ ~re ~ein ullder ~ ~ /~, r the e~' a~d s~ Wrecke-, ali keep .. ~4) ~U~t P~Oye~. ~ nail a u or ~ the ~. :: ~ and ~~es aan~'~v~e~ s~ ,, '"Khou~~'e tOilet~" a e~pl~.:',~ar~ ~ . ~' zts sn~ "~ of t~ ~'oved a~ a~TM ~ll Set "orkin~ ~ ~er sh~,, -'" matt~f '-Ublic "uO~s waS~ -~ ~o~ ~."~re ~r ~' ever,.. ' -'~rs' _ "' ~lre ~ sh_~ ouildi~ U~d ~_. "uZards Ull be ~ "g Of fo- ~ters, t o~ . _.. footing' . oxten& to 'io~ below ~ shall ~o~ ~'-.~ o~0 No e~C~a~ ~ ~ therewithe foOd~g ~1~* ~ *-,~s~s~ ,,e a s~ee ~o?e~ ~ -~ s~uc~u~ ~ee~ (ort~ }~¢i~ Pe~ ~e[~ ~o proper~J ~s aha ~ ~hall oe ~ -~6s pe~ ~Asewher~ ,o~ ~U suc~,9o~ t~o ?~ ~oo{ loaa as ~'_ aoorS at ~ .o~a~s sP~ ~1 be at at~ ~e roadW~ i~combUS~ 4~ feet a~°~ ~t sPans. tBe s~ee~ ~ [¢00 · ~vit . , S~ree ~ bu' . C~io~ ~,~,?~SSiOne~ '?~e~als . ~U~aeent ~ ~Oeeup~ ..", Wreck ~0~ . ~r~s and s~j~lngs sh~/~ reasona~~e of SUch~oue ~or the - Sidewalks . ~w~l ~o ' ~oard Per~, -c°~strUc,. with ~_, . OCCupy u. USed z --u]~ ~.-oue% ew ~ et bui~. *~s ~ot ;~. eets, ~ron~ ~ the ne,~'"~erials t~ept that ~n~s des:[~ or the si* '~ c°nstruc~~e~ from tro~a brick ~ ~cb a '~aated b~ ~ oF SUch ~ ,~n or re~ ~e bUildi.~ ~Umber . (3) T~ ~ ~e comai~ ~Uddin~ ~a~r may ~ and to ~.e corem .~eet or ap ~rea that ~'n~s. (7) oe alley, o- ~eet fro~ +~°U~ldi~ffs '~ exceed ..~'cUPied or nn ' exceed ~ ~e curk ~. ' a~d sh~. ~nat an~ "any uO) ~eet ~easur~ ~-..ra oF the ..~?~o the b;o~eXtead trac~- or the - -'o~ c,,~- ~dt~ .~..'~nwav . =yond as. "rarest ra;~? to curb ~' ~ne hi~h~J. Street, (4) S~ "~n hiK~w2 or exten~.w~y, Street , ~a/s - be ohs- ay or build;~ tion Water~ , ur by e~ _ eruCted ' any h' - '.~s. -- Pass~ ays must n~rth, San~ at any ti ~ghWay, _. ~ge of w~- ye kept , ~' or gr~ ,-me by ~ ~treet, (6) ~_ ",er ,~ a~a ~'ear at a,;~?, but s. ~ffY buildin~ Street"~ Person "~oog th~ ," e~mes t~ '~ gUtte,, ~ ~ai~-.or sidewa~]~Upyi~ a-.. ' -- ~ne free -'~e any s,,-,~r°~ dark e°~spicuff~e red limb+ a~y high,., ~cn °bstruct~, u~til sun~.us Plaee-~~s to be pl~aY~ ",a~ns. - n~ght' dy~. oF all ur~ the 120i _~oll,qll~l~ cOl)I/; ~er,~:~t or ~pv~ ~f ~e ~o~ o~ ~s ~i~e~ pe~ ~14- ~ a ,- ~a~g ~o ~aelea ~' .~ he~g ~eC. - ere~' ~e~ u~ ,~ be rems'e sto~ ~x~ o~e~, ~ ~6 ~°c~nty~ctOr ~e proC? _~ e~c~Os~ ~*v ~k~e ~ ~ ~'-~t, or c~*;.;~a, be~' ~.~ve~xe~x~e prOPe~ ag~"~r ~eC~e a~~ ~t~ee~ ~[~,,ctU~e' . ,,ctea as cU~u ~ _c~osea ~- ~uctea v .~ he~gX~ , ~ee~ ~ - the ~'. ~ ~ee a~ _a e~g~ - .*ch pa~ .=~ s~e-- to g~ wiath ~'.~ that s~ the ex~Su~ha~ be ~ ., sha~ .aat cXose stre '% sea stY~ -a~s ago . ~al o~ o . 'e cOVe- -~si6e ". ~hite (o~ tructe~ ~te ~ ~ia~t a~ ~r ca~C~ kePiS[ be Pt°W~of there£o., vehieu~_gh~Vay · ti' ' such exJ_' Upon th~',qF engine'~' Upon -~ or or '- ~nat affic haz~ ~enSion ~ Oasis o ,e~ : .... uP°~ s.~ SUc~ n~ an mVes~; Uetermi~.~ermit y~e. 21.~ ~ ~o bi~M~SSagew~ 2:/~ All s 'u~n~. uot Crea. .epaig ~ eaffoldi se a ~Upport~fferation ~g ei'eCted ~nSUre ~ and of ' remova~ ~or Us~ · Under o~"~ Safety s~fSeient' orany ~om~: uUties ~ff.o *nere&~ ~ eo Pre."'n~ the.~'~y Secn~Jely r~nd~ezeet or -- °Uildin~~° USe su/~ An may be Z~" ~ns~ ,~"~ th~ "°Yee~ 'Vn to ~.-" swin~i~ "ecessar~~et SUch ~ e°mmis.. °P~nion ~ least for.~ed SCa~. nq take 1203 OD Be{ore; o{ the on {°rms is agent 302 ] the ci el ~Pt~ER$ONVILL~ COD8 ,bUildia erk-tv~ su ~qe Dar Uefore, ~rOval t r ap~ Cation ~ ~ ne~ ' ~ & dl ' ~o~ ~ble t Star'ed, ~ssi°~er ~ ~e~ever ~Ola~io ~ ~e Pu t~e , ,edoae ~ ~s COde or t&is ~Sha& by ~ec~rin~ ~are oF . SUe~ ~ ~ liee~ ~q~ire.~ , Ode; t ~ ~' a ~ne ~ -- o~ SUeA ~ 2Stai~tso ~tm-,Se~ ot 6o~-," ~t the ~V~ded, ~ ~s Ptovi~ -' b ~a) ~o De rorl ~st, ~ra~t_. g~al] a~- he Pe~- PrOv ~ ,.. or s~id ~q aeeora; ~ree to d, -~o~ r ~-~Y t~e e~ ' SUb~ .apMieat2'n~ to ~6 TM all the~ ~asible ~ff~i& o~ m- '"'SS~o~ qUzred ~ ~ the or thi~ 'v~Y re~.. ~' of b,-',- uy th: P~ ns / ';),,,..~U~reaf~ ~udings ~,s Cod, and ~ ~1l ~ ~aV~ts to ~ ]'~e c- aad a~ pec~fi ~ to bot~ Provisio~ ~ms effe /~ ~issio vPrOVed bUildin municin ~ of t~is ~ _ c~ u any ~,ner of ~ Un/es ~s aad f°~ee S~all ~e Osed ~s~ ? t~e ~ a~ov lat~ ~dina~ ~'e~ov;~' t~e ne~ 'f' .o~ ot~e~ ~eqa e t~ ,.ce t~er~ '~lOas .?ed ~ffO, nat Suc~ urr~ee oF ~['~ Permi~ Vela ns of/~. ~PPlica,f~ae city--;~ o ~uU~ldin~s''r ~n to ~IS CO~ c~o~ i~ ~ Pla ' °~ig Zo~in~ ue and of~ aPprov~ co ~. ~o hi all othet dd respect' ~ the ~ O~din See. 303. S ~iSSioo _ the U) ~ ~u~gs of ~ ~nCes ati °efore +~ a~d 0*~ .*a~s ' ~ ~a]l. o- ~a~ of .~u, teco~.~ ' i ~8 , I I of (~3 ~ ~ ~ loCa~X°~ropoSe& u . ~& ~-' s~ee~=~xses; ~xeS, ~o~ J p~k~ate' ~ Lo t~e ~o . ~Be ,' ~seS; em~se~. Ceaxe~ re, o~ 9~e~ e~ of '~s 9~; ~°~°' e~xses ,o ,~e -& t~e ~ ~e s~e oX ~ac lo~ o~ 9~ _, ligeS at'to be "eCessar,~fthe e~ P~a~s ~:v re~is~t~e~ ~ ~, ~. v~ie_.~d ~-~er~ . u~ a I o "gs ~ce~ ra~io~ -.u~s ~, U~les~ ~e, ~ ~' S ~o resid be s - UrVey i ~e ~ - P~t.~ ub~iso~ Ue~ce. Ubstitot~_, s ~ot co~; o i~ ~ ~o~ of ~u For ' ~-o~. ~ork e F~r~; ~, rem.. ~az ~ .'(a) . ' ' ~iri~ -Soed ~red ~ '~. ', ~ Ca~ ~act ~ a~d d~. -s, ~h: . Per~:. ~ .~he si ~"ereo~. "or all ~ ' ~ots lOca/i Ze of ~.. "-ail Co ~ alI o '-a~ a~- ~nd the j'et~r ~ ~ this ??rovid~nd cab ? ~eeder re~air.~ aOd s ~bsec~. ued, b~ lOet8 a L; ~o~. ~ - ~ to e~ ~°°s, ~e apo~7 req~ir ~ P~% uO~i ~uip~ or ~ ~uCabI e- S for n~ "~UCat. ~lans ~ by ~.ffCe, the ~f~act 1o~ ~d dot.., Pre°ts sh~q, ~ 'aPacity cati°O o ~s; -'~u sho 'cants E Ihe s: tbere~ f ~11 ~ ~.. or tra~ ,Ze o . ut; ~t~re di.~Yever, ~l l.e ca~,.tbe t~ . a~arat, doeo soed i~ the _ c°~G ?~z Co.~ all oD._' ?- ~ot ~-' ' Sea ~'equir~'~°s~°~er "UUCtor,~ ~m~gs ~ '~leh ar~ ~e( d ~ ~eP~:-"e~ts ~r of boil[ Prov;~Od ~ aon, k OOe h.Y,rs the ~lat s- ~J~i°~s -ued, · e~gtab,~U dolln ~r Valu~aots b~ oz .g oo °r 6 ,. ' aod ~ 308 . aB comPlY wxth state budd a_eCificat~On~f~at~onS, etC . ~ repairs or ~eC. 306- ~e~ rules aha ~ ~- rk alteraU°n~[c~ed ther~ ,~ ~11 bu~ldin~UatiOnS aU~ ~[tate b?~U~of th~s ~o~ witU, ~ ~-s, and w-~--~ud with a~. ~ shah ~e f. be copies ~e i~cludea a~ thereim ~ ~,mer~ton o . ~ and pri~a~e SeC. ~- - .,~u~, excep~ ~ ,ther (1) m~-~ ,,t.bui~m~h_ q be desXg~ ~ofessXOn garages' ~ ~ereWlth, sna~ ed ~*M1 and s~h in sec~o superVXS~u~* ,~th the ~" supe~?~n~ ~ee. 308- t~ ~verY ~ x~. cificaUO~ tratxve ~Zribea bY.%n= before le~;~ n[aus anU~[les and the Stav~ ~ork, cerU ~ ;th the Sta~ ~es and a~ ,. one tionS ar~ -s ioca~ cO_training t% s_,araed by tne~mlt sha~l gegUlatlo~ '.oViSioUS pc ~aB be to[W.~aings, h pe~ ' =tatutO~Y P~ coPY ~..ect to the or arcnX~ 1211 § 308 JEFFERSONV1LLE .~.ot be issu~.~ COD~. ~Ve Buildi~ ~ntil Proo~ - .Ct°rnmiSsion~g COUncil ~ ut apProv~ ~ ~e co.mi ~' After sn ~as bee~ .~' .Zro~ tho Shall ~. ';'SS~oner ~e ~Cn ee~in~ ]~celved M, he~t''~ oe eb~- ~' OUildi~ "~a~es bna, ~ ~ne pr~fi of the ~ed in a~?~s, Plans ~e_Oeen ,,,g~ations o~ , or ~bicb 2Jcn affect o'~at~ons '*~ the w~;.. ' said A~' · ,oe .- are COve~ _~azety or ~ ~n the co~ ~ication ~ . ~m~SSion~ °uncil, ~or~: m~Ssio~e~ o~ pla~s a-' ~r of build; ~cept ~ . of buildi~ ~a SPecific~.. oate ',~s, Shall ~ 'a~i°ns, so oe ~n the f~. [~led ~it~ or Towa °Ca/i°~ of b ' County (Street an' OHding ~ind ~ u (SUch ~s BUildi~ ApProximate Cost ~ church; th ~ School, ~YPe of coercers, etc.) (brick, st_~Struction S etc.) ~" COncrete, ize (~oun~~ ~ building No. Stories · ~Oor di ~ ~ensiOns) . ~Wner (Na~e) ;]:d/CJ~[si~ned here' Address (p. O. St ~':,~ab°ve wo:~ ~eh~f that :ff~c?ti~es ,~ .. feet&No., ~he U, de~t~ry Provis;: local COde ~'~h t~e St~.C~iO~s for uon of th~'s~ned will ~ns Pertaini and ordina -~e BUddin "~ above w~ -~,d ~ill not/~g to this fces, and f~ ~cbit~t ( ) ~r~. ~ ~ s~ . e~ass o ~agiaeer ( Pervlse the f Work ~e ora 0~. Register con, ' ~Uaress (~a~c~ or ~- . ed in Indiana ( u~ bet, ~ir u~eer ~ . ret & Post Office) 1212 310 -*~th, e~e k~e~ ' .~s s~x~ *s to spec e~ar~i~ 11 be s.' t ~ee. 3- 'atio~ whuon~itted · i ~ ,1. t~lar~s a-: Oeo reques~d t~e [ ~0~ UaS~eei~ ' ~ Com~. ] requ S~te. ~ shall be : : eo~~ ~atio- ~,us co~' o~ an,, ~r Old ~,'~'~ to { the .~ ~ain-' ~les.~TM to ~ ~ch ~,"'~c~ 'ueture t Speci~c ~ t&e ~,, u o~ s~,~ ti~e~ u~tted :and ~. '~oas "ork a ~o con~. o durin~ ~o t~ , IN~ ~a ~Pea.' ,~PProw~C°~Ple~.°~ruc~io. ~ Wo~k~ fo.~ ~N , ~Z' 4p~TMby ,~ -e Set ~" or re--- ~"ow~ ~uNr-- ' ~Ov~ ~oe c ~' Pla- faesi~? ~Y t~vG O~ff~ S~°mmiss; .s, or ~ ', or at ~ee. 31~ ~ Of sa'" Which ~LL ~' Per~ ~a eo~ .wOrds ' ILD. ~ Shall - mit to ~ ~Ssio~ s ~aJl be ~grmit io *rlca], o~ 7rul for ~ °a th~ . repairs ~ requir~, Plumbin any n~ ~ S~te. consn?m buil~f2uan or-"'ess s~r old st.~ork Eot ~u~str~e- ~ a~d ~ COde ~rk &r ,,'~ the w~ View/" shall :~ 013' ~e~ Peered ,,c~1 the s~.~er~it ~r~g th~ . b~ildi~h re~ ,.- ~ Wor~ _a~t to th. aSpeeti~- erein - auth · ao~ ' c~. e' "all b~ ~ . at . ~ °~ed ~ ~ by , Oy ~n~., ~ re ~ St~eke,~'~ns~ ,~rOVid~ .*eOre.~e~,~ ~ cod~,pe~yed "SPect~' Which ~.~on ha.~ ~ ]n tbl ',ta. ~e aad si~ ~Oafi ~ oee~ ~'~ Cod ~ e~tber ~.er of '~ d~-.~e at,~-Ym[e,~ ouch ~ ~Yletto o~ bi~ '~Chec , ..... be i~ YFr~iss; ~r, ~o e '~ the Fo Per~it ~ o~ 1214 the § 315 APPENDIx ~.~B-dlLDING cODE 1961 · · r~it' ~ec- o~ -. shall e~ ~ ~hm ~ _ the te~a~ not be ~ no c°nS~d buil~m~_~it, the ~ectiOn- ~- ~¢ a P~°p°~ ~ the pe~ ~e~ ~ ' ~ b~ Sha~ exP~ -:on o[ prin~s. +~e c°mmiss~e ~ith "-. ~s, any atis~ac~°'~ '~ed [or a P · bu~lam~ i~ some ~ ll be subm~ acia, o~ h prints stxa be[o~e suc · ~ o{ plan · ~o oi one~ _ measurek ~ec. o~' ,_ ~ be ~a~ t~uc~u~e or. ion ~n '2 +~ one ~o~ ~ever, ~' +~e scare o ~-ild~ngS, ~ used, exCV[ be used to~ ~ u~berin~ prints, plans, tn setS, shall be numbere ' oi each el~. CotU'" ,~ ~e shown ~ structUra~ .nlesS a ~ ~Ba~%~ · _..~ ~t e~cx~ r ~ture is , column ~all be sh~ ~hole s~anaa~a '" e ~een ~ require~- ~he b..~ Plans ~"°mplied w'~:~ents ~here ~reau of ~n. on of this 1216 § 319 4~FF~t~$OIVVlLL~ COD~: 319' per~g~sC~a ~ot t No Cha~ ~t tS issued° be ~ade · "er ~t by Spe~: . Aer a b .... any Pla-~ r bt bUildin~ ~'~al Permis~: UUdmg ne.~?o or SPeci~ gs. o~o~ i~ ~ -uut ~ - 'r~cati~- o ' "Wrztin~ ~;~?s been Perm/,. °rmity ~ ~he issuan~ ~ ~SSued or ~ law dis ~, , or the ~ a permit ~,. ~PPrOVed. eu after aut~ . vrmts ~ . oy the "~ ~o the- . t~"~5~~ ~y ~;~,?~ ~t?~a~io.~°?io~ or,~. pr~_~yrtOr~an~ '~ion, eon~ ~ns, Shall - ' oz build;~ ~ ~v]8lO~8 o~ ~, bE an,. "'ruc~ion ~. uot be ~- ",gs bE fegulationo ~ th~s eo~z Wor~, in '.~feration ~ ~ee~ed to ~SSUanee ~' or bE a~~ .or bE th~ violation oe~r repair, or ? sVecinZ~.~POrOval ~f.~aw or oL~?de rela~i~,an$ or to ~'~ eommi~ ~ ~'a Stam~ -'~ation ~o ~, nor Shah ~'el~Catio~ . ,uat a~ ~Uarantv ~ ~,~e appro. , r print, ~ to ~. 7~~, ,~ i~ ~o~7~s ~ ~ ~t, o/~' ~Parture o~aws and or~rm~t~ to t~us or Print assuraaee rae requi~ an~ sue~ ~nanees U~ ~ Provision~ ~ot Set of or of an -~men ts of t~'~ans of ~. ~on t~e dD ~ ot t~is eo~ work o~ ~ea~atelv _ ~Umanee ~-~ zonin~ ~ -~ns, COde an~uall be m~' ~n~ t~e e~ , ?e~ den~ 2 'e~u~ation~ ordi~ -~ of suo~ ~ue to eo~ ~eet~on, e~r~Ure s~n ~' "anees. ~" zonin~ ,uorm to ,t °UStructio~ --- oe -- all laws and I I -'o~oxp~ · -- ~s &e~e~,' _~ ~evOC~ . - of bu~ldms o~e~ pe~. ~ to ~he a~oula the ~ ., bu~lm~ ~ot P~°ce~7 ~ such ~: Wo~ * to tm~ .~at~o~S uv _~ceed~ng ,' ~s au ~lags a that suC ~ th~s coa , ~ts the~e°f'~e8 :at~ ,~ork ~ssued, o~ ~.oVis~oU o. ~ the ag~ 9la~s, o~ the ~ a~e m ..~nol~a"~ ~e maa~ ~ti~ t~e o~utatx~e,. °~ocee6~ ~,,~la~ugs, ~- oe. o~ ~v the c°'i~-o~ oi auY ~ts are~ ~s the~eu~ a~c. S~l' ~ocst~o~ ~e~~ ~Y - to th~s ~"~ auth°r~a~ce o~ co~ r~ ~al~~, . :o~ o~ ,-* ~o ot the~elO~ ~e c°~ause a ~a~tte~ o~ o- e~ese~~a i the 9 ] §324 JEFFE u in a consh: Permit ~qCUous ~ ~lch i~ / ~ee. 32~. ~ . P~ace o~ t~ ~ required ~ ~It ~ ~. ~e~eet~°~ o~ - .e coa~rUc~i~' 1~ ~o aCce~ ali ~e the ~ Pla~s. n jo~. the bu~ U~ the da~e ~aa ors Code -eau of b,;~~ the ~l;et of plans a.er of ~ ~ . '.. _ ~"u~ngs, n,,"ngofthe.W~thina Sec ~ ~rSua~t to t~ame in t~faS°nable i '~°~6' Ord;- ~e Provisi~ °f~ce of ~ st/~,To ~//~j~Uary repairs. / w~ ~CUre, or ~ '~gs. Ord;~ bf"cn Shall f"Y of the --ary ren~. ~ r~ made wi~°t exceed apPurtena~rs to a ePairs Sban"°ut nOtic One bund "?s theret oUildi~_ ~ny Stone '~ not be c~ e to the b- re~ dollar.~ ~ the Val~ or ? ~e rem~ ~r buildi~ ~Strued t~reau Ofb...~,?lO0. o0~ ue of ' Part o~ ~Val or c,.,~',g Wall, o ~ ~Clude ~"~a~gs ~ the .~ ' any buil~.~¢mg of ~ r any ~, ~?e cutti~ ~ut such chi~. SCape ~_ '~Oval, ck ~e to a~ ~port or ~ "ereo~. . f,ey, asi~,~r the .~r '?nge o. ~- extent ~ o~rUCtur~ Work ,._, ~ectrz~a~ * repairs ,~ 'epair ~ "Y stairc~ a~eed thir~, or ~nstall '..Urdinar,. " ~ -Ue or ~°"ars ($5~~ dollars ~e~ons, ~f repairs ~ ~?~Sesf~'00) in an,~30. O0) i~'~ Value of ~ ~he electri , .o'Oner w~ ~ OUddin~ yOne o~ * nOt, ce ~--e build;_ /~ ~ "ether a ~ ~ Shall ~ " comm~ .~o the h. "~g or 'nelude t~ "~ 5zh~ ~ ~ ~eued or ~ ~ co bUild;~ ~scr~al, o~ or leade~,e u~ °f ~e~rU~narY r~ , .o~. .~g co~is~ wat Pip, w Yetic . ePa~rs (w~. line ~ Services . replacem~ al or hori ~ueh te~ -- rift2 ~ 5''~ hos ~ ~' -as b~" Which a ~.~rom t~ ~rs, or ~ollars ,als) t ~n co~ OUddi~ )rOoe,~ , w ~n a~, -~e of w~; ~ oy the -CUre or : °~e ~ont~'?~ Shall n, ~rd of l~ "~n a~y one' ~Ceed z18 ldi~g / § ~%~Bi~iLDING coDE 1961 AppENDIX commlsSlOn' ade without notice to the be m .6-67) or premises, a Ora ~o. 6?-Og'3, % er o~ buildings' ' ~m~dstands; re~ie~ing stands. Bec. 327. BleacherS; eviewing stapds ~=tand$, or r~ lot or pre~lS~s erected wJm~%;~w shall o~ ~11 not be open ~a~e by the ~:~ls{OUS o~ t"lt2;~ect~On there°l~;.tatlve, an~ ~ oubhC un~- ~;ssioner o~ -- =_. grand- ~uilding c°m'JJ~ ~ssued therefor, bleacherS, ~ate of inspec%lo~ ~ = any such -' -te shmll be .~ erectiOn o~ .~+: in dupnC~,~ lo% Be{ore %ne ._~ standS, PrX~~ :how{ng au ~,. ~ revieW~n~ ~ bulldmgs ~ ~+ruction- s[anaS, ~ ~ the bureau ?~, -nd sea% con=~ sUbmit%ed ~? ~ ~11 exits, m~s~es ~ ti°n'inclU~m~ rs aerial and other er~al and other, musement ReviceS a . shall be tested, (1) g~t to.-- .~ unon wn~' ~3 neceSS?~, ~=~ore the Y ~nv charaC~e~[%er if deem=-~ bulldmgS, ~ ~ing the amuse- ~ conducted b~ l°~d' figuring -~h test shall.'e+~e working bye on; that is, (2) Su~ --.;th twxce ~" -as per per~ -~e weight ot ~ent devxce ~%~*v (150) pomj~ z~d to twxce.~J~ ,~oreon or "~ ~,od and t~= =hall be roan= ,_~ o~n r~de therein, occUpanCY; notice c°m~s. ~ change o{ us~= occupant - ~-,er the~e is ~ [~ agent, or ~. ~n wrlun~, ~hen=- ~ owner, or T% ~r of bu~lal~ga' ~e name -~-ll notl{Y ~% - or occupanu~, ~nt, or occupa~'~]' and ' such cnan~.~ ~=s of the n~ ~ ~uilding ~s ~ residence a~%%%~for which such ~ the use o~ u: 1219 § 329 JEFFER$ONVILLE CODE said Com~n~isC~a. t~on that may ~'~ as, may be re ' Shall not be _stun. er; provid~d~,aaOpted for s~~red by any used for r~'[equ!red When ~: ,no..Wever, th~~" PUrpose or tenan~ y~uenhal PUr~ ~,,e oufldin~ m~ ~ Such use, s,~' ~n¢.ends conti,~'~e~ and the ~2~.¢~ mst exclusi~,~[ sa~ ~F" omldin~ ~_ ,"u°USly to us~ "Zw OWner, o~. ,,,e e/ass, o ~C~Usively fo- ~ an~ does c~ .. ~cUpant r residential ~u un~lnUously ~ rposes of the Sec. 330. Change of use o (I) No cha~ r Oeeupa- . occupancy o~nge Shall be m .... ,~c~; Permit. in a ~;~ ~ any buil~;~ uue, in ghe . ,~. ~Uhulng is - group of ~ ~,u Place th~ ~ fer of ~a{s Code, a~ ~a~e to co~, ~C?paneY an~ ~ vmlding omldin~ ~ ,"u o~ the z~_.'"~y W~th th~ ~.use, Unles.q refer~. -roes and ~ ~n~ng regulo. ~ require~e~ until ~_ aPPllca 1~ · ~"~ roCor .... 7''~ w~tb ~ per~it e~ b.~ ~o su~ , ~u,a~e, ,~ . the b .... ,m~er of b.;~. "~,,ge shall k .... P and .o Y Shall ha.. ~["m~SS~oner u~:,~° Such Per~'~*" iSSued b.. Certie; ~ -e oeen ~an~ ~'~ any rem, '~'~ Shall be ~ me co~'pmed to him h ~[Y required ~2 m ZOning -~SS!on. ~Y me eXee-- ~proval Ofs,~7~um and (2) It shall be Unlawful to Use or different Put requirements ~e ~ses, use ~ any buiJdin~ e. rules a~ -- [~ls code ' ~ occupan.,. ~ ~-r such have b2~~ ?gulations ~-, ano of said ~( un/ess all ~_ ~n ~ullv .... ~ 'eSpecti~_ ~unlng n~ t .' ~ "~SSued by the ~ suc9 use or S~. 331. Tents; erection of. therefor to ~ oy the city c~ ~e c~ty Unless - ~i~ten ~_ me co~iso~- '~r~'treasurer ~.~ Per'it so ~ ' ~e bOar~ ~ °?ldi~s ~ . ~Pt~cation ~ mPubhc WO~s ~d Upon the · ~ Safety 1220 I I I I I I I I § 534 ~??glqDl~ A~BI~ILDI~qG coDE -~rarY c°~ ' ~ of ~emp°~a~ a~Y p~aCe ~t {0~ ~ ~st~uct~O~', ~issxO~ he{o~e a~ . be fi~e~ pe~m~ ~ a~ such c~u~ bu~g~u~' ~es~te any (~) ~- the ha~, 'ts, ot ~ located x~ to all e~ .ee acces~ · ..,ood~O~ · ~ce~e~y x~* ~ed moVaTM_ a w~h ~' ~.sio~e~ ~&. ~e~P°r ~oo~en o~ restore or Pro Such a Pet~ curb the Or J. ' Pavin~ Shall be ' city ~ay Syste~ny bUildi~ay in an.f~ ernove a for-,_?e eorn~?', or is a -.s Which s~ ~ st t in th~ ~Y of the 's~Way ~ sa~d co~ ~ until ,j- Shall there~'? State or Pavi~gfomm,Ssion '~'ss,Oner ~e applic iSSue~ '~ this .~r removin~ Permit Prese~per-it s 8~c~ e~r~ qUired ~ d so as . Unless oy this coa~ ? c°~fOrm ~ ~ its 1222 repair or and of ~r ~e ~e said SUch the neceas~d in defray athrYe' ~ent or ~ tion, SO. I I I I I § ,'156 'DfIt, tS~i3t~i,L,D!.I4G cODD 196t comWts$ .~ sha~ .~sione~ s~ ,-all file W ,,ch -eh ~oV~*~ ~ cOm~*= ~oVa~ sn~ +;on lot a~p~OVa~ s~ ~tte~ a~ ~ntenaeu ka~ cost, ~sent l°ca~X~oved. x its P~ dtobe m 'a t~ ~s P~°p°se e~t~eme accOm~S~i~e part;cm ,~hich sue,_ the oZXg suC~ such streetS, remOVa~ that such ~ sai~ he --- a h~ the voo ~ boute- ~ cOPY %ouleVa~d~u~ se~iO~S- ~ropertY,~.].iti~g a~~ ~.~on saxu sax<~ st~eetS~ o~ ~v aPPt°~ { buildxn~'~e~OVal, up sha~'_~ ~relimm~issto~er o ;~{o~ sUO~' CommtsS'~ 1223 § 336 · JEPFERs . ,! Ora hon ° vv LE co E ?u sUbie~ . u as Previa ~ . _ ' c°~hion~ ~OSee~ion ,~ ~, {4) The ~ herein pr~ ) ~f this S~all eXe aPPlicant fo~ ~scr~oed fo Safety ~cute and ~.~ ' SUch .~ r ~ueh b~, ~.a OOnd a~e With f~r~it so · · ~ sa~d boa.~ayable to th~ tQe board ~o mOVe a · . . -,,ptla~ce ....oala bo~ a ~orks ~ ~aal sa~ ~s and ~o be take. With the ter~ru, COndit~''~ Safety, ~'.~?seribed relocation ~[ and the tiros of the Sa}~aed Upon w~h SUrety repair ~ SaaIl be ~ ~e wi~h; u Per~;~ ~ue s~' and , ~r cOm~e~ ~°mplete~ ~-n Which ~ as to th~ .~ expense~ Y2"sate a-~ ~ and th~, such ~... ~ rOUte Publi~ ."~eat of ='[~ repair of ~--UrSe the o;~ applica~ n~. ~. ~Prow~ ""Y hi~h,.. ~ny Paw~ ~Y for t W~ll · -~2 all d~ ~ment, ~_ ~ .~ay, st~ - ~-,ent, e- - he cost~ o~,-o,Oned b.. ~o the ~;.~u oy s.~ ~Utevard ~ a city as o[ mci enT?' or to a2)Y removal ~r other ~ ~ every d ~u. uO), to 8~ "~a~es, aa ~ Va1 aad ~'~,~S°ever ~O~Pleting ~Y s delay ~ Prescribed ~ouat ~ot ~" Pay to ~?Perty ~ ~Y repai. ~" cOmPlex. ~Y said b~- fXeeedin~ mghWaw ~r Public ;' Or Or pa,.~mg SUch ~ra, for ea~ by suni~° and 'mPrOVem~ ~j,~ent for ~ ~emoval ora ~" ther preZ?Cs, or i~ ~mages t~ m Perso~ 'roSes of aP ", CIearin. ~ any nd ', so dam~ '~ aebris o ~ Public · ~ge~ sh CCasio~e all have a righ~ co~ ~i~h the is to t~'~us?°ner sh~uaace of s~ '~ an~'~~ city e~:~ ~'~ Cause w~.,~lu Per~it or cite,,- OWners or, ~ the su~ .nOtice t~e~ ?~d buil~' afro , ~cs and ~ * ~eleph~ ~er~ntend~ ~eot to b u~ng ..tCced by ~ _~o any o~ ~e, tele~ =n t of t~ ~. e givea · 'roSe prOpert3~at li~es - may be over 'a°°UIevard ~lawful ~o m aut~ .nY Water... Public ~ eve any k.., .. *'ur~Zed k ~ay ;~ ~,ace, o~ ~lld~n. ave, and oy the buil~?u the cit ' across af's OVer subject . such we-- umg eom~. y' Unleso uy brid~e ~ . ~o th~ ~ is a ~alSSion~ ~ exn.~ ~, or ~ - : ~ commissi~2~ SUpervisi ~oenta. ~uer a~d o o~ a~d f the city 224 ~ 337 . . .n~ the '~ . other '~ ~a~s"- ~lhaw" s~uct~ea by ~he cO~rk ~lesS s~ .,~.~ or ~pOn - be to~n d_. ct to such r of building hall be .tructure ~hall be su~)e ~kssko~e~ ~ealth a~a s tearing fte~ kto~Y, · te~Y rem the iq tg~ I~ so ~to~S at . ~o cOmp~e ~ed uP°n -. ~ or sto~Y, o., belOW. "L._~ in '"~ -d other ": · ~mea~a~e'~ ~'"- _~ stOrY o.- . -~ o{ tea"7~' ~ to lay of eac~ ~xacemen~' ~ .~ the court' ~., wet doW.,' ,,. o{ the ~u__ ~aY reqUX . builder or ~tform, st~s than '-,a;~a, s~ru ~oked or u -:-e to 0'~ ~Aition. . ~laings o. .. building ~- ~a in w'T merchant'., § 337 JEFFERSON VI ' hma,~been StOred LLE CODE Premio"~'~anc~e or a fireWit~'~n~ said levele~eSL must be f~azard, if ~'~mg, Which PrOperh, ~ PrOVided ~'em~es put ~ne~ ~Wav ~" on the eom~~ ~eneed in ~."°Wever ~ "Wmeh a ~ .Er tOdets ~ ~ ¢'mSes is e~ (~ not bo removed ~ °U~ldin~ is ~r Privies ex; erected ' ~eaned and fil~°. torn dow~'s~mg ~,u OUddmg i~~ (8) All sewer connections P~ior ~o the co ~7y structure ~encement ~all be seale~ ~ I, 3-1-76) h earth or Othe~ (9) The corn . require ~k~ m~Ssioaer ~. and ~ ~"7 ~eCker , ~ Ouildin ~ecke- · uee~s ~ ~en dark ~,. , ~ Proper ~ .'cY to Person~" ,n any even~Ce~sary for ;~,tn said h~ ~Y rot the ~'~perty; an~ W'me for th~ ~' 'l~e subject ~uung and ,Uandling an~~ When a Pub,~ S~fetY .... e c~ty en~i~:"~s Code a~ "J Such mo:j'~u be ~ ,~eer. ~'~ also to th~ ~ers, as See. 338. Wrecking bO~d' Repealed by Ord. No. 1631, I'4-65. See. 339. Defective ele · ~ork; eo~d ctr~ca/ e' (1) The co~ ~e~natio~ apparatus, ~ectrical Wor~,~Sioner of h,,',~- material or I I I I I APPENDIX A~BUI~LDING COD~ ~ ~ s ~e Co~ or ot this Code be Shall immedi_ . COrrected to eo~Ply (8) ~f the Pets or materials on owning o~ COrrected . so eonde~ ~ °Peratin= ,~ corem; . w~thin a ~ -reed dOes ~ ~e Work, a~ Wire,-zeu assistan,~*humRs, th~ -atter notic~ ~.2' to be Sam= Tnea Work, ~ means eo~;e ~Uses, dis~..t or his ~ . * until tk ~-u no ~ '"P~etely ~. ~'-nect tho 'elnspect ~ -e eOnde~ YTM sba. ulsconne.~. eommi .e~ and a ~ ,~,.ne~ Work ~ "COnnect o ~ ghe SS~oner of b..~]ert~eate o~ nas been e~ r use the ~'mngs. ' approval is~reyted and ~ea b,v the ~ee. ~40. glectrieal inst . ~efore con~l~llatlo,s; a~ ~PPrOVal. ~on ~or Ser~r°Val neee~ ViCe; Certie: on. ertifiCate (2) The of a Sticker o- of ap~r~' ~ · shall ~- a tag. Suc~ ~-a~ shah be either ~nstallati,~ s~gned ~ rhficate in the form ~"' ~Y the inspector certifyin~ the i~J3)e In eases Where the eleetr e eommiss; emOVe su~ · all be un~ the · oner of builn; "tag until a.,~a~(ul for ~_(4) J~ Shall be un . Y defective ~ ~awful for a source ~?tr~eal ins*~.a~Y Person _~ removed andTM electrical end'"at,on to be ,'~' ~Wner to a eertifie~ ~¢rgy until ~ ~sed Or e ~- ~use 1227 J~ , . ~o~er . ~ . .~ 5 e ~ · lB _ all P~ B~ pre,,' ~ublxc _~ maue - ~e~eI xxt ~ se~er ~ _~rove~ _ :~ai~gs s~..~gs o~ ~m~isS*~"_ the o~ his a . reject ~rs i~°m atx°~'' t~aPs' ~.~o comm'~ ~me~tS o~ ~te6, ow ~,,B6l~g- e bet~g a ~t sba _~the Ii a~ u~ea helOt ~eSCribe~' ,~ber, the c°W~ 'we Pl~b _ aefeC~ ~ate~al -a test .l~ Def~ct~ ~ test sh?~e work ?~spect~OO a~c o~-' ciiO~ ~ ~ ~eieCU ~ the i ~; ~OUrsbe,~agnOtl_eowner ,eplu~b~ j ~e insn~ ~Ween 8.n~ess than ,~.or his a,~r to notify, ,, ~ '-~C*ed or ~ '~ a.~ ~fflght em ~'"orize~ ~ *ne ~ (2) I* - - ~ested ' ~,~u 4:On '~/ Worki~ ~ ageot ~Veau ~:J ~b~W ' Snail h ' ~ P.m h ~"g nouv.~ -' Orally ~ ~ noti~ 7.e the ~ ~ ' ~e~°rean o, e~ Of b:i~ Withst_-'.~° ma~ ~ roe Plu~- rk U~ldiogs ~od t~e t~.~ SUre thither, bero.- ~) If -- ' ~cs n~_ ~ the re : ~lUmbef So com/ff/SSioner ~r , z ~he eom~Omply fei~s~:. When ~'~ a~d wp/' OUildi~ "uSSion. th~ ~cno~ ~ 't~ Is of ,r '~ ~ot w;,;''~s bO~ ~wrier, o.~9 s~a]l ~,e eontr~',.~nSta~d ~S t~at th~ ~. . ~e~ 8 ~ " ei~k, ~Zed ~ Oaten ' s~aH ._ ~ tho . .~ua.~ ~-,c (8) ~geot ; --u of h ..'veque~. '"' ' w iti /u'id, oeo. g~ ' D.~ ~ '~o~rs V' of SOc. ,4. ln~ ', oefor~ .,, ozz, ~ n fae~ ~::' t, Uehal~ "uO of ~. .. =mSpeeti~urs . ed. ~, repai~eeautioo° ur alte~ o io ration of s~ or and of ~ 344 em? of of r~ot s~Ch ocC~P s~ch to ~p.~.e s r,\~.a~Ce of \aw. . ae the.~Se ~ ~Xl the Q .~e~ o~ the c°~'~ce ~t~ ,~ ~e ~aoe. ~ the ~swe ~ - - re~~spec'' ~ow~aea. L~ect, °! c~:&~cu~t'~ ~. ~e,- .~e~kse P~' ~ot ~ems~ eleCt~ca~ ~kp~eO~ of § 347 be ? °£ arn use~e~ devices ~ a fee / (~lo. oo) the f See. 347 B I rnrnis. to m~,.ctfve, , ~to be be Co~ . Same exa~iae buildi~amag~ ,~ s~ ch ~mage~a~/ build ~b~ · exam~2g and '9~ 'ar ~e ~ minat~ oy fire ~ ~n~s to rted _~. Jz co~ id~ ~lt ~r, ( ~n an a_°[ Occt ~b ~ature ~d to 1231 the of ]OY g, 0~ ~CtS tO e~ergeBC~ of a~ ~ati~e ~'~sa~°ne~ s°gb,,~,~°~st~-- ] 2he ~Jn¢ o¢ ~ ~epa&s ,st¢uetu~°Wer to ~, o¢ hG ~a; ,ezty, w~ue~olit; ,o an,, ~' o~ ~°P the aUthod o.~?~ess ~ -eh th~ ,on of .f °Uildi~ ~,~e POSted -[~e, or st~'J or in ~. ~s bei~"u~n~ O~ *frUctur~ ~' any ~a~ "Otic~ ~te ~ 'lOla~: "g do~ stru~, ~, or ~ ,~til ~ ~?atsoeL: and ah TM O~der ~ this [" a ~ec~-, Wreck;~ ~ayb~ ~Ce. T~a~edt~ who~- n~rit;- fan,~ ,i , Thio . ~e~oliti~,~. at the "~wing ~a~.d des;~oy wa,, oy f desi~[~ fUildin~ . ~n. S~te of a~°tZee, o~at the~e~ or ] the ~'~, or ~., ~ zs bei~ .y SUch ' subst.'°~ ~ stat,~d'~a~e~eeked i~~g. eOnst~, c°nsirUc~ace f 6~ O~°aeed s~'~is State ~?ty or~ of the ~'cuPied ~t~ ; W~se Use ~?' a~e t~ ~e~s°a ~?vs°oviltTM CoR~'~e~' / '~ to ~' Shall b~ ~'~ese pr~~ Occupv ~' Perso/'e, Indi~~ and Co~ ~OVe t~ ' ~]awfi~ ~ ~ses: ~o upon., except .~, or · '~SSio~"l~ Ootlo~TMto~ a~,, ' ~reSpa~ ~nOse (2) '~et of ~ ~Vith ~ Pets ~o upo / Sub~ When _ BUildin out the on, ~'r~ bai~*eetioa (1~~ of ,. "gs. wtitte~ ~', or eo~n ~ ~V~ded -'aSsion~ ~ Secti~ '? o~ ~ ,on of~- ~a~d ~ ' such ,.. ~r of ~ Vu haw .~etivi,; ~e ade-,. '~mmiso: ~°rk o~ -~s r- ~ oeen o~'es m .... PrOeeff~°Pert~ "cz°~s ~;,~Uildin~ Snail ~,,,T' as ~,°rder n~ ann ~-ued wi.; a~d ,~ .u be ~ 'fs ~. ~ Oe r~ ~aere ~' 'vi~,' When~ 'nance~ ua in ~ or ~rOtect;. u tha~ ~atio~ ~vet ~ °o~stn. con¢o_ activin, .o~ OOtiee ~. ~w~er ~, or ao,."eots tA ~ to be ' . x~ILLI5 coDE ~E~FEF'SOs ,~ oremiSes b~.,t~. ~. ~vo~ s~c~,,aa~gs, o~ ~ str~ctare Lrovea resc~ude~-~ ce w~th a~ e- of cOmm~ any b~ ~ h~msel{ m~ ~ust~tut~g suaut to th · ~er a ~ ,*~ au aPPe~ ~ q fi~e ~ '-~iu. ~xve ~ ' or order ,~, auCh perSO~ a~bxtratxo~;~ of t~e &e ~;ven. ~ th . the aPP -~ theO } ,ho ~s ntit~e .~ =hall stat~ ~erSO~ ~ e ~t~at~on ~*- o~ t~e ~ - --the appel ' i ~f the ey~ ,wentY'~°~ :+ ~ith t~ ~ ;~ eam~ -~ the lan~ ~ + wlt~ ~ -~11 dep°s~ ~ he fixe~ ~ :uch m~' ~.,. wn~'~ ~v~ng" ~ the ~ sum o~ ~iss~onet,. ~ ~ill ta~ ~onable cm"~ase sha~ ' '7-~ arb~t~a~°'~e cOSt ot ~) ~ ~ore t~a~ t~ 1~34 ordinary bus~ APPENDIx A~BUILDtNG CODE ! s~O. on as su k l~ess of hr; 961 mm th ~c,, sum of ~ ,Pate indi..~ ~ 351 they c- .,e c~ty a~ ' Shall . -ye been ~ "?Oas. A~ eve~, "~not a~r~ -u the two m~PP°mt .~ ~epos~ted ~.ru arbitra~ ~ arbitr~t~ct a thir~"~°r~ thus ch~mr to '?ent, the ~ ~r within ~.~.s ~ail to a~ ~ aroitrator, ~sen, if ~ot be an '~for shall s~/TM (5) da.oster upon a~J and in to aco~e~ m the c~ employe~ ~ ~mrd arbit~J~e~r disa~ro '~ ~u'ldin~therefo~ fj C°~Pensat~J~rat°rs sh~', fn{ Way (4) ~ COmmissi~ eab; the , ~ ~ne com~- ~Ceedia~ inVe~,~ue.deeisio~ k ~ner. ~PPellant a~'~aSS~oner of ' eit~ ,~e,~nal and ~°nSideratio~ ~f SUe~ r~, ~ of an ~ appeal b~ ,~on the an~ '~/arter in ~. ' ~tter I ~o] daystR ~Peal a~d~~ ~ ~akea t~ ~euant as ,--?esti°n, ~'ereaf~er. ~- a statu~"ere&om a~ ~ell as ~ry ar~itrat:~o PrOvided: - th~a ~Ve thor: ~ arbitra ~o or l~aes, S~an rs, before ~, . m~,- rested e~ y Public ~ th befor~ ,~' and shah ,, m witnesses ~ arbitra,~ ~uat they .? the n~-~., u~eed and ff~l~ to ad~;~{ace the~ The~ shall k_a'thally ~;_'? the delive~.-*~'~ be re~= aUeh Oa~ Uath, or ~*P°Wer to appell~¢~ to both t~uered in ~f~'. and thc?uSe a no~[~'' ~,~er of b.d~', e°pies tk (~) The fee~ ~ue eom~. ~ oy the ~ ~ the e~-- their re~7~?S~O~er to ~PPellant w~,nmiSsioner the ark~~r~ and sh~n ~[~e arbitr~. .m him, ok ~.o~ buildin~ baln~ ~ration a ~'~ Oe in fi~n~r°ts Upon ~all be ~ai~-~~s sh~[~e, or by' j~ny Cleric~ ~ of all snf~ ~,e rend2~Z'~ uy .ny sum re~ any ams it 1235 I ~ ~2 c~~e~' ~o~e~ o,~ t~e~o~, ~o ~ec. ~ oat the ~Xte~ su~ ~e 6eC- os~ so°~ e~9~ · e~ o~ c]~ ~ ~e c~ 9et. ~ poX~Ce to ~ss~st e~ ~sc°V~ _ ~t~ o[~ ~do~, o~ ~~om~s~e~e~ k°~e~oq ~°~ ~5~' ~ ~d~' ~t th~ - ~ the . ~eC- b~· ~ ~eq~e~_'a~ ~ssXS~ ~i t~ s co6e, eS ~he _ ~e 9°~ ~ ~azs~-~y 9~o~ces,,, ~s' s~~o~ce ~o (~) ~-, s~ctL -ckgg ~. ~ o~a~' ~ o~ t~e V~o~Cet~ ,o~e ~ see x ~e~~ . ~sbex ~ o~ P ~e~(x° ~ ~ t~, . ~ ~o ~99° ~lkt~o" ~x~e~ ~ o~ . ~e ~ e~~ ., ~5 ~.a~o~xc~ ~t ~e-. ~oste~' _~ to ~_ ~ oSt ~ ~ ~ ~ :~a~gs' 2o~Ce ~--~ t~e ~ns ~ss~~ ,.~ ~o ~' ~ ~ego-,~ [o~~, ~b~~c ~' ~ O~ ~ ~99 ~$ FO~ ~'F~tt~I~'~ ~er. . SeC- ~ *~r ~e~m~ ~re ~ ~ ~its are ~ssio~er' ~0¢' }'ee~ ~ or reP~ ,,ar[oUS p~ txuctiOU ~' SeC. - atlo~ ~i the ~ ~[ co¢s~ , ~ k~ cO~ruc ~ {0~o~5- . ~0~9~c ~ [~o _. ~ Ca3 ~}'o< Pe~- ~oOt O: ~cab~e' :~a~e ~oO · ~ot' L~c ~a~e e~t~e~e ~. Base ~ sq~a~e ~c~a~ cO"03 ce~ts area ~p -e 15,00~ ~.~ee a~u . ce~ts ?~oO< a~ea ~oOt o} 1240 ~Xe~ b~ ~ ~e fee ~ sS o~ o~ ~9~e~ ~x8 of .-res- ~' .~o~te -- t~°t~' ~e~- o~ ~o ~(g~a~ ~ avVW~o~g vTM o~e~e~ ¢xo~S ~.., be{°~e. ~s~o~e~' ~ ~e~x a~ o~ ($ ~ '~ .~t~o~ P~'~ be 6e~ 9e~ o~ shaXX ~e~~x~e~ ~i {°~ o~ {~ctXO" ~eC~ ~8 [~,O()O~ c~U' ~e the ~ate~ oi cOSt -~ fee to ,ct~e~a~X be t~o~S~ st~~ 8oXXa -, o~a .~s~OW ,9~o~ a~ cO~Xoeo~ ~O~gs c~xe~ o~ ~ ~ ~e ~ oe~Oa o{ ~ssae o~e ~eaz. §402 ~_ ~ rOllo~v ~on of a ~ tee ~ are~ ?Uare i- - · or bri~/~rrnit ~ 2F;,.,'~ ~or ~,, '~C&es ~ ~ stae~ *~r t~e t ~ ~ to $~e gas~ ur less ~ or ~,, ~ ~'~ .~Ver 50d'Ueease~ ~OChes : aeCtion ~. /rea For ~ Square ~ ~6.60' '~ Cross m&ee ~ Pb -ye gase ~ocbes, · Section o~ a, Hy s, $1 l. 0 ~ Cross s r ; ~ ~ ff~rected o~ Seetio~ . ~ ~ o ~ Code ~ ' alters_, Snail ~ See~ ~' 'yaonaddition ~r b.,',-, as I ~ io (13~ ~ o , a~iogs ~r d bun~r on . ~s buzld~t~ . '~Y fee* ' OUch ~ "u~Ogs ~ectio~ ~ reqoi ~es sr , o, or b red b~ "all Other &rat ~ OUndr~olla~ ' ;he ~e- ~ (14} ~e~tl°na2 a~d fi~~'e feet fa ~ at the ~ neet _ - feh~of~ One ~ -Cy c~. of ~. ,sha~, The po. ~Undred )'~ ($1~?d a/~st o'~ ;84 z~Fe at ~ r~lt ~ '~uO) o uJ Pr- '~ a~-, ;. for e~Ce, o- .~rst o~ ~our djfectioa . ' 11, 7~~c (Oral ~?~al o~ ~Oereo~ ~ (100~ ~.nd ~o~2nCes ' "u-70) ~' No o2~e bu~" and ~-' ~nea~ ore ._ ' u/.O~ ~ Ured /.~ Uno ~ adver,. ~es to ~ ~s ~o~ _ ~' No ~ * u]Splay~,~a~god ~ e~eetio~ ~- The fi ~a 6~ as fo)' reCtio~ m "~ ~0~ ~qUare J ' "signo ~ro~ lOn~U 100 so,/ret or &~ -'~, or ~ ~o 200 ]~re &et ~etion th UUare &et' ' ' ' ' · ·.. error.... ........ ' 81 8. 1242 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. § 404 'Apl ~NDi~ ~.~B.OiLDIIqG COD~ 171 5.® ~0.00 ,..~ ~ s~gns: ........... 8.00 . · et in ~rea.. l ' ' v.o~eC~i~g s~g~s~g ~O square~eei, Or {rac%~°n 6.00 ~6 ~c~U ~ o~ squ~r~ ........ ~ ~aat~ona~ ~ ............... . or {tact'On thereO{ ~ two (%) o~ ~than ~he m~erm~t' bu~ shall ~e added or ~. each suC~ ~ - --'n ~e.ereC~ '~roVisionS '~ ~o 6~'0~' ' - for elevators aU , the ~leVa~t~ea 404. Fee- . ..=ulatlons o* ~{ LabOr a~ _ two o{fice ox .... 124B § 404 JEFFER$ONVILL PU~blic ~nSpe-- E COD~ o~ the '- ~xloD, ar~ ~ re~ere~clty buildin_ ~?ereby ute theret~ ~ e°~e and ~ ¢'°rP°rated o~ w~h~ th~ 4'00 Pot eac~ UP to $500.00 ng Stairway . . ........ ~o..?~, ~ ~,o~~ ~.~o See 408. Fees for el- · ..... ~ ...... eetr~eal Permits (1) Residen~ia- New or re ? Single Oc (2) Paaced servi~Paacy Only Placed (3) Industrial BUildings New or replaced .30 Per Amp Additions Service requiring Or Repairs c entrance · 40 Pet A~p entranCe~ ~ew or repla° any BUild. ced Service anf not 15. O0 'Per · ~11 ZnSpectior A?~P~IqoI'~ A~I~ILDIIqG cODt/~ § · . a~d vesSe\S ~'o~ ~5~ ~y~t~O~ ~o~~ · ~o~-(~'~ . of ~ ~? ~o~a~ (~'~.~' '($3'~0) ~or ~' ~tallat~°~ (OeCtar~' oipi~g x~, shall be se~'~ce ~ of t~ ' teSpO~e electrical that u~ . ~.a.~O) § 407 . See ~tt~~ J~PPERSONvii r ~nks or t~.a Permp ~s for flu S~all be a}~ for ~a2 ~or the i~able h~.. '. / ~ up to3n~ ~' aqU~ds Or Y~ of fuel ' Other 300 =~.~u gallons °*~er li..:~ StOrage : 1 taft"u°Os to · .~Capacitv ~ ~' ~ugailo~s . *,~00 gaJl- ~ .... tee { rm ,~u ga/lo. ~u gal/on ~ ~ac~ty ......... $ . ~ ~ ~asobh_ .~s eapacit~.o Capacitv ........ - ~. 40 . additio~ ~ ~ of Para- ~. 00) ~ a ~Spens~ ~ ~. 60 ~ fee ~.Y rD any fo graphs r~ ~or each ~rs.. The ~ 4-~ o~}mnance -~2*es requi~,,-{ and r9~ . uispen~ ~ee ~ -'vD) ' ~Vrd. ~r ~va by ~_ ~ Shall ~ Der. · ~o. 6%0~ ~y other ~ .oo Payab~ · ~-o. 2-6.67. ~UOsection See. 408. · urd. No. o.~this ~es for mOver,~aha inclu~: ~ro~ lo~"~ent (~) 0-~ ~ rating,,. ~mg one her* · ~ vet o~e h* ' ......... oeP°wet mree hor, q. ~rSe~owe~ ......... ' ~r1~e rS) Over th ~ePower of ~ri~d up to an~ . ' ....... Seven roe horse~° e mOVers rn~' inCluding . ~mow~ an~ on~ *er and .. ~-ng ..... (4) O- ~-s rating..~"alf horse,_to andinclu.. ' 6.00 ~OVers~ ? and on - ' ......... ' Pri~e ~ese fe rating..., e-~alf hOrsep° ........... ~rOVid~, h~[ are basra ............ wet of Prime 8. O0 mS,Il · ~wever ~ on i . Sid~TM Doth the ~9y Self-eo~~t sh~ ~°m~res, 16. O0 manUfacture~n~t ~n th~ r~e 1o~ u~it Pressure 1246 aetrix. ! ~o), (6)'- ~Oo~ t ~7' ~ ~e~ea/e- ' O~ditio~ ?e stan~ · a~~ ) ~lecl~. ~ b~ O~, ~ Co~ards o~ 100 n~ e~sb~ ~r~e ~e~°~e~ t ' - ~' ~e~ ' u/'O~-3 o ~J each~ f s~ ~1) Pees ~s For ai~ ' ~'6'67 ~ ~UOve. (~ ~rcuit ~ COnditi~ o, i ~ru. No agnd the ~ners t .q '~"OD~ ~ee ~ ,all t ~ ' ffbes fo~ '/ Ueter~iOe~ Separat. si The fee ~ ueV~ees, aa~ual ~e' as -all b ~or th ~aS~e~. / , ' ~ees Fo ' ach a~t devi~ du~) ~he~ev r re~s~eetio~, oemen rei~~ or the ~ er so ~ ele~S~ect, orC°~iSsi~Uested n~ .ouo i~ - ,up c0mt~qlDe~ ~eeted .: ~ bis ~ ueco reques~ tea doffa~ ~ uatrol th Woeg le~" or apo°trUcture ten r~s such ?ats(~l~ be s;. eee°~ ~- oSee vt ~atatus ' e, steve. ~ ~o hi~ ' Day ~_ L~SUrer .~-Ce § 41.5 coDE 1961 ApPF~IqDII~ A~BLIILDII'IG . oV c°~bus~i°~ has erSOn- .nvi~e~ o~ ~ibea, no ~ ~n' o~ not P~' . ~u~lak~gs ~ ;+~e~ cm~eYTM to the ~' ~. ~te o~ ~Juch cha~e ~'issio~e~ ~ ~a~e on ~? thereon snre~, ~ such P~ ~e~?~k a pe~mX~" , haVkn~ s~ .,akn~s either ~ ~ork, or o ~h~ct~ ~ ~kthoU~ ~u oi bm~ ~ an~ suc ~enced a - _~uentt5 s~- ~e ~r°VXu~T ~ of th~s ~ ' sugs~ he~eknbe~= ~1 nroV~Sxo~ the tees all the pe~ ~ subject to ~t.uea ~xo ., ~oVtSXO~ o, ~h a~a ever~ ~ ~15 Fees ~ cont~° {eetkn SeC. ~ sig~s' n in c~arg~er ~ve (5~ squt~t~ sign .... ~r 'or Per~°_tiag sig~, o~ '~ht, or an~ s annual maxn' ua under ~" te~ (10) P~ § 415 JEFFEI~SONViLLE ~nSPection fee ~,, CODE Place at the i'~TMt~°.dollar t'"'e SUch ;_ ($2..00) Sec. 416 ~ Other tha~ s~gns PrOJectl~ C/e¢~- annual i~ Gro,~ fOllows ~ rtising ~:_ . on, ch~ ~ty OVerall ~'~ s~gn boards ~ ' ~ w~t. ~sPlay, oth~ffr R°of signs.. . ......... q are. feet in area . ~all bulletins, or'wal' $ 2. (Ord ~-a~ed .. ot any a-~ ~Ver 32 s~, ' 6. O0 . ,~o. 67.0R.3' ~.~ ........ ~a When e~ary feet See.4 7 sign~ o ginds ~ . nitial fe~ . and on t~ ~isin~'~. annual ;_ ndar Ve~ g displn. ' mailed ~ ~Umde a~d ~,,irty (30~ ~'~Y or si~n ~Wing th~ /~ -o ~Oe Per~ ~ a writt~ ~ uays aft~---- out it sh ~ S~ga, Shall' ?e Person ~*~on fees - ~rea ~nle,, · Oe a--' oWnin~ Shall 1~0 sot SUch ~ D ~BtllLDII'IG coDE 1961 A .~ ~o~ss~°ner - r ~ts pe~ . to be r~--~ n be replaceuL not~ce, o ~e suc~ slgna no s~gn sn~ --eW Pe~t ~eeS. will ~2~{ so re~°V;~ue and also t~e ,~_ a every kind o~ expert ~t of all a~ear - -aid for e~C~ ~n code ~oweVer, ~S~ A separa~ ._. display aeS~ve~Sing a~sP~s theme{or t~o (2] ~ -ne ~uspect ~ ~ssued ~o .... haunted o grouped on;~ one tag ~aY ~ulred {o~ sl~,'~ ~ sha~l be ~a~ ~ee sha~l ~e ei~spect~On ~ ~alls of build~ngs' 1251 Chapter 5 BUiLDinG ~ULEs AMD REGULAT~o~S Sec'501' BUildings, ere must rules and VeguT'ttOns.La cOnform eo building a11 new buiT~. ~nd all ~n~s . . repair o~°~nstruct~j~ aadltiOns to . co~f~ °Uildino ' reConstr,, ex~stino ~nls COde .~as lncOrmo.i~s of the b~l~.czty, $ec.502. Adoption of s Chapter. ~nto · A. The fol~ regulations hereby a= zoWing r ~ by Ulations~ffpged by ref~es, regulacv^reference' erso=_P~Jrigs and ~ae COnstr,,^j~e rules a~o~es are ~ana. zn the C~t~ : oz Jeff_ (1) Cons I980 Edzt~on o' ~.1.1) ori~ f ~he Sta~- d-Regulatv~- Z~entif~ 6~naliy p~b~.~e ot India ~o~s, Unif~ °Uzldin~ ~ ~ ~ncorn~, '~ z~ 2148) ~. ~6 UOde Sta~ ~ultion, a--=zn the uuards, 19~ u~ the z9 Edition. ctrica2 C~= inCOrpor~ 798) ~ue, 1981 ~es ~here~ . [ . ~' . ' . . ~ch ~denti=.~ginally ~u~s, 1961 Ed~_. 1253 a~ed 't20~8 1233 a~d the with as and rs' I~ this j to ~ L~~° kee~ ' rules ~ ~ ~'eace i~: ~ati,~n~,z°r ~ ~C refo~ .es, Z~ ~o~ tw~ 'ar~ono ~n~ t~ ~. COde '~eal ~ ~e: ~0~ ~ ~, Oy the'"ent List. ~nder~?° so ~' (1) ~ .' °efiai,; Preeedin~a~ 'ncor~ r~.ters, , fe.en~ . ~o t~ c. or ~ ea~ I ,US cod~. as th~ a~ ia ~ a .' Z258 ~ e~aVter ~a~e ar~ I § 608 Bij~.LDIsG CODF~ ~961 *'~ c°~e~ -e 6efi~e~. ~ ~s co~e- .~'~s regar~ ~s sha~ v _~ratea . OL ~' or totS; ~iri~g' ._staBaUO~S roViSio~s appxxcam · ~s i~ e~ --XES and ~eC- .. _;nations ,~{oreSa~o lighting and ~ ~egm~ 'ties, l~¢ht~l~ con~°rm' ~" ~u~d~ng ~ /2) I~enS)~n~tions s~t~ a{°resaxu rgate ~){~ ' ,nationS' ~roviSiO reg" m s~stemS' . win ne, ~egUla~ionS. ~[eCtrXc . ~he scoP ...... gut - (2) l~s~'~ ~nt, c°mm~,-e a{°resa' %fence u)~s. ~o aa°P?~ · *uXes an~ ~" § 609 ~ee. ~0~. A, tOeOd~JEFFI?'RSONVILLE coDE tlOos, ~ue~ to ~ Whenever ~tc. adopted ~egulations any ot' the rules a~d Y be bere~.ereto in th ,~Or lists ?e afore · SUch Cha~ ~rer a~_,--e ~Ore~; ' so ~ncor~ Said rul~o ordio~_ -ges in ~n ~',ued Or ~'.mg Sec~;~ ~orated h~ Z~' ruleo ~"Ce and t,.._~ or any · ~Upplem~;*~ns 602 ~ '~rem . o. re~.~, ~o(2)co~; ~ ~ reof~_ ~ed, a~a ~oa 603 a .Dart of th~ Standardsany ~s COde - or APPENDIX A~BiJ1LDii.~G CODE 611 ~t perSOnS- · - -tion and exem- . ,A all electrical · 610 APP'~C~ - de shall aP?.Y.}_~ +he City of (1) ~t~..~'s and eqmP .;r~ng or appa~' ~ is exemPU.(m ;~stalla~to~' .~Auding ~ . that tne~ ~ wirm~ jefferSOnV~ll.'. ~rov~ded, ho. -~de only when ~ertV and from th~ e~ -t is insta~eu 'th the Natxm, and eqUlP~e~ compliance wx installed x~ ~ Standards uoue. · . utility companies ~ {ranChxsed ele. ctrXC, ontrol or dxs~rlbu stallatlonS m ~ the generaUon~,,ioment. In ~ ~,~rsuant to tion o~ installations and, eqUip~ent neceSSar~ st~on o{ the c~tY s radio, telegraph, fire police sYste~s' 1261 §611 JEFFERSONVILLE CODE (c) Electrical Wiring the federal '~o -. - a n d eq Uipm (2) InStallation ~' ~ernment. ~ot made in .; , S,~ade prio. , oe COns;~ ~omtmn ofth~ * ~ the date , Unless t~c[e~ as bein~ i~`*n. ~x~sting re~.~-~} me Code and and/~ ?e respecter fi~" V~omtion of ~'~Ons, are no* e~ ~' lnadequat~ -~us Such ins~- _.~.e Code, u~;~ ~ ~o y-~e, and ~ ~. ¢ UnOer th~ , [~-atmn to h ~ -,m and (Ord. No. ~aCCordance ,.,../~maequaey r the Code. See. 611. ~ights and POWers °finSpeCtor. ~,mb a defect exit, .m~peCtor Shal~ PrOperty o~t. o~s m an ~ J . - nave c~.. demand o~oJect to the -*'~C*r~cal Syst~ ~so to SusDeo~ bad~ ~.en~ry durin~ ~ provisions or h;~ ~J~2{auth°rit', ..s ~S,mable ho,,~ * m~s COde, ~ ~ny ~ Omcml du ;~ ~ Otner Cred~., ~.s, Upon dis~ Z* may ab~.- *.*meal instal,-~." mCmde the ;- uuc the nr.~ l~[l°o, dev;~ "mpectioo ,, . -arge admit th~ ;[ ~perty, If the ~ ,*e, or mater;~, , ~r testing of "~seont;~ respecter sh~- .or interferes ,...~'] ?f~ses to · no defects ex;~, ?rV~ce to SUc~ , m ~rder the or apPar~tus ~hnuance o~ el~ Power to dis~ C°nd~ion, or ' ~OUnd to be yctr~cal Service · ' ~unnect, or Code. mstajled in Viol ~ a dangerou Conductors arran of ~be See. 612. Perm/ts. ~ '}~Smns of this (I) Before any ~ermit must b~ .electrical in ..... - ~v rot the lo~*' m~ssioner ~[~on Stated in the (2) AP?ieations or electrical . names of all own the Work m;n t ers, the Io ~*: permits s .... oedone. ~e~"°nofthen~"" s~ate t -,~e~ extent and a~c~ 1~62 ~ 615 %- IX ~.~BuiLDI~G cODE 1961 ,~pPEND · countersigned licadOn shall?~et,~ the ~ame ~f ~o e~ect~cai ~ ~ ~ any c°n~t* ~ ~traCtOr. ~u be uulaWtUt }~ther electrxcat su.~.~;;catiOns for any ~ appt· . ,.,~n~ either ten( (3) perm)~ ~ ,on ([0) or m~L~o,io~S araw,~ q,ch plans shall co_ ~cheS and at ~ers or lette · u~ type ot feeders, , :~ate6 by - o~ planS. '-~ ,-r motors. T' ~ctor may r~ ~s o~ the numu~ ~ relieve me iusta]lat~O~, , ~ sha~l m ~ ~akiUg me ~ a~nrova[ of P[a"~sibi[ity ~or_-~ instailatXOU m ~,eBtioBS, . , ~ormits s . ~ [estlVaiS, co ~ture, specm~,~ iustaBaUou <~}. ~5) DurmS~ ,~mnorarY ,o. :~uer lot m~ - _ 2~asionS o~ a ~a~ing comm~s~.~ 5~hfing ove~ ~'e may o~ ~n by the ~u~ ~f decoraUW ~ ~vds of pe(w~, , be t wed only ~ instal~ltion sioner, c~a~ permits for t~f..laces sha[[ be ,~ times, spe ~'~hting in such w~[ssioner. ~t all o~'. necoratiVe ~'7}~ building con .... . any system ?tt~; discretiOn o~ u~ ~t2de . empOr Y , be g ent · ~erm~t [o[ t ,na~ dayS, m~Y where an ~ ,,r not exceeu~2~h~ building ~ ..,here no ~ discreUOn .°x~[~n to exxst and ,- . property wxl[ resut~. .... [[ be issued o Y uch ~°r~s Such perm?s sn~mmissi°uer on s to the building c~ prescribed' 1263 JEFFERSONViLLE CODE Pe(rT)mitATnPoetrmeo!t Shall he Void w~- "'~n on the Permi~L~n s~xty (60) d~'~,~,erect by Such ~. ~vrd. No. Sec. 613. N°ti~eation Upo ~"~, 2-6-67) Pletio~ ~ n 1 The electrical wo ~e~or Shall b~ · Completio~ f~ ~s COv~re~ ~ not~fied both before any (2) No eleetr cai - · aPprOved by ,k . W~rm~ shall k person ,~ ~ ~,,e mS~eeto~ ~ ',*(e COVered o, ~.. mstallat)~ make any ')~na ~t Shall be ;7~"ncealed until ~on until .... - ~ectrical ~-,aWful r~ ~proval h~ ~ COnnecti,~ . ,,~r any ,,s veen given by ~', · w~th any See. 6t4. InSpection ~ ne respecter. . (I) Upon recei ~ nall post a ~ .2' ~ the mStall~;, respecter s -o~we ofa~~ -~.,n confer- · hall make 2 . ~proval at or ~ ,ns to this c-~ an ~ ()).Where a~ installation . "'smllation ~,¢Stallation "~;~Snall Order [~ee, to the o52' or UnSafe I Un/awe ~.}~on shall b= " ,n which ~, service ~he , m. ~or any ~e~ ' Posted >y th~ ~,~se nOt/ce or ~uen ~"J) Upon fina' ' ~,,out the a..~ ".Or,ce or ~ ..e 'w~roval of'th~ · ~'Onnect installation ~ ~ 1.nSpection a~ -~ ~nSPector certificate ~ ~e mSpec~or .;~,c, approval ~.~e Work · .,o certificate sh '~'~' ~ssue a ~ all be iSSued at all buil~ ns of aCCess .~' ble Position. '~ er number UnreasonaM~.'~gs and Job ff}~all be provid ~n addition, I ~'~ hazardous ~ ~t. es, free o~ ed the inSpecto. 1264 I ~a corr~ e~pt o~ ~ . rations a · e a{ter .reCax txme ~S~caX ---. ~neC~m' ~il~mg ~ sta~ ~ cO~e' .-,org to ~r~cal _ ~ 616' ~'[ ~ aha e~e code, ~he eqU~?~ i~speCt~e speoiXeCe 9~der~rovea U~earln¢ ~leS ~PP~. l~uv ~e re~ the ~ ~l~s~c?. testiog shall u ;ss~oner' sU~[ ~c~l ~?r buB6~n~ ~6 ~PP~ ~ the u,-' eh othe' ~ ati~ ~ the ,.~ ~nal] n~ · oF eom_. ~ app.' or insta~;?POnsib~ be eo~ ~ liab''*atus; n -~ng an. m~v of nstrued mate~i ~ ot SUch .a11 it ~ ¢cr~ieal ~ ~e~son t'elievin~ ~ents sk ? the ~. PPaeatu~ WOo is ~easo~ nail bo -, ~lty o~ '' ~nJ~red k''U the ur tbe is. 'nSPeCtio~ ~ nave = 'V~lle ~.. ?) No ~ . ~Ua~ee or" aUtho.'"Ssumed ~gulatio. ve°vision ~nis cod .e of fina]-:e COde, ~[' this e~f Promul~°t the if.~.Shall b~ 'nSpeetio~ by Snail be ~ue be de~ated th~fnana stL e°nstrue~ . '" ~nq Unaffo~. remaini~ 1266 ~ 6 9r° ,ks o ~eptt ~ e~ ~B :~t ~ .~ ~e _.= Ct~~ also aoa r g, e~ .atioO~ beC~'.% %.6-u ~ ,r~'tre~ -~r at a~' -v ..... C: ' m_tr eaS~}~{e for ~le' ~a ~ls~ t~er et°' cO6 6&6o~s ~I~ T/NO. . Ch~ter 8 ,~ oo ; eati~ 'o~s ~ "lOst ~Od ~. / 40 ';~ora ~ RaZe '~e~ts s~eViees e°oditio . ] a~f'is et ~ ~to ~, · "all e~ and ~, n~ ,, / ',u out.b ~Pter .~?s eod~ . ~Oform ~'~ inst~stem~ / 8~ o ,dings-,fl~ to i~,OY rolo ~o the ,,~,~ation~-, . ~e. 802 ,. ' fOrd ~ze/Vde ~enee tk ~nd~a '" i ~ C ~.es a~f e~til~.. "/'6-70j ~°~ees ~ °V~ded j ,~echa~. ~Ve B · ' 4d~."~tioO. - "Zca2 ~ U~/di~~ · rages,,, s Council ~t~Ve ~o t ~esi~n ~tativ ~ the - / Clerk.~ 'ed M,~Urreot ~f Io.;?~rative ~os a~ no ~ ~Ospo~e?aSUre~*° this ?u~io~ ~aoa, a~ ?°mm,f~r°Ved ~ t the--''g eo-~ -e heee~ ~te t~ ~e i0 ..~opl'os .,"ced i~ the / °, g: ' oOg'o / ~a~t ~.al]~ ~ss ~,. ~d --"D/ed . ', oy~.~(e~ne ~ 4-~ ~[ tbi~ ~e sim;~ ~ae~;~ ~diti~ Oe~ei~ '"~s ee~ "the .: ¥08) o cha~.-.,.arlv o..~e n~ ..ns ~ .,- an~ eo I eq~i~ ~ . 'th an,, .all elec., aad w: · '"- ' ~ Oeatiog ~lCa] eh.. ~ , veotila}~iV~ent ~ - log apparat~s~.~ ~ationa~ ~'~ce ~to t~s ~ Been ~ . .- ~ a~6 air See. 903, GrOUnd si si (~l~) .A groun~ . ga boards ga board o~" ~/g~a, as USed in - Vertisin~ ~. this ~ ulSplay 1271 Chapter 9 901. FtEGu.LATION'' OF Sec. Repealed ~;;7:~':e6~i~fl.°4.::dooT~advertisers. rOof sign~ hereby cl}s !)f this ch~ o, Wall ~- - *s~t[ed , ~Pter a~ (2) No °Ulletins w .~s follows' ~' ~erein ~ °~rUeted k ~ ~n, ro~ ~, and nr~. ~ s~a eom~, watod, wi*~ ~e Passa~'" or Projecti . P~Y with ,~ ~aout b~' ~e of th;~ (3) N ~ance there ~ of build; apPh'c c ¢scr~Pti°n sko°fird or ad ~ "~ e~ty cl~rk'.J~. ~°nStructed ;~all be i~ Vart~sin~ di~ ~ ~easurer. ,,r exit, o~ --'" such ~ "Stalled 'P,ay of .- ~*[~er direetl ~oa, or be a~ ~r e~ress fr *'S~ruet any freed, or Shal] ~r prO~eetin~j, s,gn board ._ '-(SCape. *"~ manner Crew,. -.e plainl, ~ s~Kn ~. ' r°°f si ~tmg the ~. "~ mark~ "~feafter ,,~' *all ~un ,. exposed tu~ectr~cally ill. . ,-e of tho ~.uc'ted least n;anner that t~reals, Shal~ ~advertisia . ~ '"an~er *'~als ~°nShed tr ~ -]al8 Will P~°Perly ~ *~cePt chapter sh - erected' ' all mean , cot~structeda~oY RsolqX/iLL~ COD~ . ~-' m~° --ch s~-~ bra~ the an~ . plaC --t o{ t~e ~ erec~e after ~t rea~ %~ ~ectea U ~r oi ~ aoeS ~o~ except ~t~o+ may ~e ~mmkssxo~'~ sign ,o, ~0 grou" ~oi~t oVe~.~ oi a sUPP_ _~ratxve be ere~- the ~ a the ,,u- . ~6) tee~ k-~ t~o (g), o. ~n board a atwe lattxcn be st°ut?subStantxa~ ~ tha~ ~ ~uch sx~ '~h deCor .~ eu~.. be fl}leu ~.ver~ ~?}~mea t lo~ or P. he snb~eC~ ~ ~ja, a~ch°~e ~v vaca~ fa, sha~- oi the _a~ner' ~uoyl~¢ a,,~ s[g~ boa the °~er ~mlseS mBicB ~B~ ~ &a[~eS ~ .~h ieSpe~ to the ?~;em~SeS, APPE:NDiX ] -~- ' nOXiou~ ,. moffens- '~ er~e:/,~°. groun,~ . ~ suostanees we, lawful ~ m~s eod~ ,re Zone ~ '~oard c~- *'s~htlv ~[ . ~ ~ne, as su~struetion of .off be des ~ay be er~bed ~ee. 904 ~ ~ ~he ~ °°~signs. / ~nl; . t See,. mit to roofo~ ~h~lj ~ the ;' buiT~?t~°n to ~red fro~ ereet nd ~'k any ht ;ted ~ ~ .?mn~. an~ and ~'" the ~ih,ma~ntain t ~n opet ~o e ]t th ~eed .~ 'mini,ssi. the ~ o~ tro~ n or any Sha~ the~ flnterfe e ?art of tha '~ ~s z~th the n the bs~c ,~. .~°t six (6 /W~.n Shall any Side, the th;~n )ustihle and b of the o~ d ~a.v he o~ ~'u(,ted ares of s_._ ~d si~n s~ such or indi ~11 12Z? re(.t}v jigFFERSOBWILLE cODE on steel girders or ,,= thereOf or up ~+h to withstand onrY wa~t~ ~' lent strength' metal c°m~'geaa load stresses ~ ..ny lever, a,, ~*~a on any u , ~vinff aug , '~Y-r~ce shall be er~c~ structures n°5 ,~o]~ buildings height, ~' - --a~ be erec;e[}. ~ ~75) feet ano:e .:u+ not solia surtac~i~g seventy'~x~,¢dings to a height not exC~ ~on.fireprOO; "~,_k roof level. ~"] % ~d upon ,' ~ ~ ~bove m~ ~ed toffy , lever, ~" ~.r,,~ (50) tee; ~ ~l~ not exes_ .~ which ~ceeding t~,~ ,_ ofructureS s~,~ ¢ all such s~,,~ n he ~ ,;~ns of such %'~;~1 area thereO,- '~ ~uilding s~a,- por;-~` ~g the superiXct~ -r a fireprOOt ~ ~ich Lhey are stre,_ '~n shall be car hue to the wind P -hi" secured and suCh ~ stresses . ~1l be thorOUg .~ hainS, strauded c ts braceS, guys and · nd all the su~p°r ' air, and unles~ '4' Every sucSS~a~ be kept.~y.~r~ed, the strUc2~t '~k~rs thereOt s"._~ain~ matermt l~.~,, ,ainted a~ aa~vaniZea ~,~ ~ thoroUg~W a,, ~missioner °k _ ._~A in ~emberS shmt ~o, ~ears. The cy-[--~ not once ev~ J ,~ remOVat o} y s :~ this sectiOn- or wall bulletin]' n", as used in this 905 ~all signs .... ,'wail sxg cted on or Sec. ' ,, l~bugetm o,. . ~r ~oster ere ,, ~nd ~e term wa ol,n bulieBn u_v ~ui~ding (1) l,' ~aB mean any ?~ facing of me u .]~ wal~ of any chapter, s,, ~rallel with tpe ~-~nt, rear or in a plane ~- ~ffixed to me that may ~e ~- ~2~4 APPENDIx A--BUILDING CODE 1961 building, A wall bu ' ~906 ~e front, rear, or ~,~let,n or Wall si,~,. -- ~*ect the Same h~'~e~ Wall of any b~',~Tay be Placed of h,.'~¢r application ~ o[CUred from *~ '~?' a permit to ~. ~u~mmgs so to ~ ~o and approval [ ~'~? C~ty clerk-tr~ alg~ does ~ uO; Provided ;~ oy the corem; . . ~ extend be ..... : mat such w~- ~ ,~.ssmner ~.u t~e build~ ,.~" oulleti~ or twelve (12) roches, and that all Such Wall bull · ..... g ~me more than must be safely and adequately attached toeing,and signs Walls by means of iron or metal ant ~ am buildin~ SCrews of not less than fiVe-e/ k . hors, bolts, or R,~tns of an ;~ k · expansion · ,,ct~ m diameter. No Woode . n plugs or anchora · nails, shall be COnsid= ~ ge w~th w~ . (2) If the ~' . ~reu sufficient for ~.~n connection, ~r reflecta.o ~l~n is an iP-~. ~ ,.~r anchora~ but in~ may project six'/~ated one ov=~ - (6) fe~'~~ Case Shall the ~;.-'~'. teet beyond ,~-,~e~d lighting ~ trom th~ ~ ~gntmff r~2 . ~"~ "midi ~ ~: extendin~ ~ ',~ ~uce of Such ~-. ~,?~Cmrs be ~ .... ~ anchoreSS ~Ver the sidew~ u?lletln or Sign ..~,;]e man six d-~ ~. ~o Wall bu~.; ~'fi SDall be .... ~ reflectors ~.s or windo,~.~ ~}~n Shall be s~, Secured and '~ ot any h..~. u e~ected as ~- , ' building, or any fire'~Cape "~-ung m Com~Y~ COVer the Otherwise to preve~, free ingress to -,-n Use, or or e~ress From the See. 906. Projecting Signs. (1) The term ,, to' Used in ~h; . p Jectin~ ~i~ ,, sign ~ ~?,s chapter, sh,}] ~.gn or "il um ~ ·- advertisin, r representat;., any letter w.~ ~- gn , as the wall ~-u extending b~ ~-cc[mn, or il ~ ."'~eure of , O~a b-;~; cYond the h, · · ~Utmnatio po~e or pol~ ~,,umg or buHd;~ -mldm~ t · n by ~o more than t~,,~ ,-gs or beyond t~ e of fi~re t f -~ve (12) inches ~"~ SUrtaee ora cfi2) Projecting si~n ~ . napter into . o-.s S~ll ~o ~' '~ is -'~,, are th~ -~O~es; an~ ~re, or fr- attached · ~, Second, fl,~t .., ,.om the Parallel to and in - ~n a rigid ~ '~ c~eCtr~c si~ns 1275 -~ o~ the eot~ of to si~ at ~ si~ sh~effea£ter the ~1 ese erecte. ced throu ~Vhen .. aa the ~ of ad~, O/2e ° ~'z~' a~d II1 the ~ee. ~ the ~a~e h after ~ ny ~ers~ ue here ~tzn ~ee~ ~z,]t to ~ ~e~l as e~eete~ ~iLL¢ eol)¢ . aer~-t~ea --ter u~il - - bee~ file. - ~he Pla~s ~, ~na corn'" .~ re~n~e~, ~ ~e ~rop°s=F ~ap~er -~ riotS, ~%ln~tio~ o~ ~k-*; of thts aaop and struc~u ~iss~one~ ~ .o~ula~o" ~ ~ and c~ ~erein ~e c°mU' les ann ,-o. _ the ~or,,, ermlts- presCr~U= ~ of thxs cO~ *~e var~OU~,~=, reqmre'"a ~.eliare. ~ll aPP~ ~a coVerx,'~ ,,hlic sateen, teqU~t~a~t ~o prO~ . xxo 16hl, ~'~'" apP~ ~bv Ora. ~' ' (3) gepeale~ ct~O~ . of bugd~ngs' or SeC- o~ ,~ dut~ o~ '[~ct every '~ ~ro~ect~ng ~ssued his autnot~ ~ulletln a~.+ is or has ~'.~ ~o requxre~' ~ at least supportea safetY' += , ~s may be oi such ~10. Supp°r'= r .ro~eCtlng s*~Ujrking st~ oi the ~ BeC- = ~ ~a load o,. v and the ~ ~ed one'?' ~et crOSS ~ ~e ae~[. =n~ ~xre~ 1l ~ot eXC= ,~,ireS- The )'~= shall sect~O~ == than °~~ ' a~ad loan ] ~ot less u'7 ";~es suPP°" .-tanned a~ 2~ SuppO~'~ ~ nresSUr~, ~all be ~recteO ~' ',h the t,~- ~istance ~ ~ins or designed s +rength o~ s~ (2) All su . for the rA . PPortmg ~ . bolt or es~Stanee o~ ~."ams or Sur)~,,~..e. Xpansion ~ ' nye or d~%~y Wires, ~ ,ag Sere,,.~ -,,am or e~k,"'a~ Will ~ : S"all b~ -~ either aPProw~Secured b,, ~o~e, with ~ ~?elop the ~. secured to ** oy the e~_~ ~n. expa~ ~ mm/mum k °?~nffth of ,-~ 1o (~) Chains ~ ""m~sSmnet ~sp~ shield ~at~/ac'h bolt~Pe ~a2 of ~r~' '~ ~uy ,..: OUddin~,, ' Other ~asonr,. -an fortv.~, o, erected ~ oUPPort th~ ,. f~--n sUpoo.~_'.~? expa~., ueffrees ~'~med at .~ Uead ~-~ened to'~· Where ~,~*~on bolts ~ -~ay be fi~_?" ankle .~o~ts ~Ust --aus ~ad- ~PPortin~ .~r oy ~nack F*~ened to ~-er Side '"uu~h the ,.. you, the ~,. o or Cable ~' '~Ws ' ~all and bfl?P°vtia~ (, '.ust be ~ ~astened ~,r t4) No Stanl projeetin~ .-es or un/ess suk 1'?s o~ di~'~]'s Shall b~ ~.~ ~n or di~ ~,ay to ~_ ~ USed t,, ~ ,o~ ~tiff ~ *~P~ay Wei~o"Y bUildN ~ SeCUre ~ dead ~, may b~ ~mPressi~ ~ "~an on~ .. ~'rueture un~ ~Oad of ~ USed to s.~''n ~e~be~l ~ P°U~d. ' extreme any . . Steel to ~dvertising _,.. Oe Used shal~?lay the 1279 . .ot exceed LE C09~ -x~cX ~V~'A$OIq'4tL u~re ~- ~B 9~°~ ~eaS~ o~%~ c~ag~e-' ,~ o~e ~ ~a, ~ea~ t eown~ thee~ nOt/ce, ~n dwith . .h to i ~ · about tn t allow, keep th~ or Other -e PrernisesWoanSte or ot~h~arne in "~Ch ,~r refuse ~ ..~. 'ertisin~ '?~ be ~ '-ora/ o~ i within ~ ~ ~isnl ~OSted ' . USCene ¢ . ~e city. ~.ay, or o~' Painted, ~' Seditiou~ J 8~' "any Othef~ dZSpla~,_,o~ unlaw~ . the Ore esca · r p~, '°lted. , erection ~ay a f&e e · ~,.Other c~ r any ~. scape ~ ~ w~c World'Use, wit~UVertisin~e ~ov oy afl'-, ~s a~. ',out ~ s a ~d, or obstruct~ ae~ ~qawt ~ ' Safety .,e Writt~ 'Play w, w-~¢SSary fo su°wing ?,Upon wr:~ eon~ ~atSoeve d, for ~s co- ~r t~ '~at '. en or t~e ? or rot re~ai~ uStructed ~ Public ,..SUch i ~ apt lic ~tion s oOard of works_ ~hall re-- ?ereafte. conditi rnten .~o, ~ for w~, nger ~nd Safety. mom in t~¢' SUch ~ ~s of oct · e records ¢' the bo ~rd o~ ~ ' PUblic 1281 915 coDF~ 3F~FFF~&50~xqLL~. . . ~c. 0~6' It shah . ~oUO~ ~ suCh m ~a~. ooae, o~ ~o.L he~eax~e:._~ of the ~o ~he~Xse said ~ (o~ i~ u~o~ra tac~'~le otm ~os, ~x~ ~.~io~er t45) ~ .~ e~ce~ ~ ~ s~e~' ~ c 0lq' _ -.~eS, ~ - ~lace6 ~ s the ~e · Bou be v · o~[xce ~ode~ si& erected as cora ne o[ cO ~. feet i~ ;ned (la , of{ice a e~ectXO~nfshed' toO~ther proV~ siSev;?~-' ~o of a~ ~ · i~g alsPla~s' 'c ad~ertisi~.,g~ ~irias 'cai aPPara~ shall oe a eleCtr* ~aracter, ~ed so such au ~ple stre= have APPENDI~ A~BUILDING ~OOE 1961 the ee . ~er~anent . ceptacles . mr~i~g. St ~trUcted So t~a so designed as fro~ each dis the di Ca bin e Der° n s ffl:~ than ?Utdo( lng receptacles sUr£a ~ ~wel and Pla abe One. hun~ § 918 to afford Possible and con. the this SUch erproof similar nade must e~t'°ut ~ of an ~e or mOre b~?table ~ not be neb in O~es not apple v ~ ~ ete~ :h use in ~ advertis. and ~ade be ~ to by much as aDa Ore th~ for ire. i~ ,One addi- foot each .°U~ator ,.~. ~JOnal · 7/? i. ; ff 'aChes ~st be k~ ~us~tu)n E ~acent , and ~ apart fa ePt at le~' 'XCeptao ~dee~ ~ur (4) if'~ Volta~ .st two an~° ~ (300) u~-'Ches a~~ UP to ~ -n the o~t~.~VOltaEes me of the 1~3 §9x8 . :~;~ display must_~ weatherPr°°{ . sera, ate letters ~ ~ucted ~th_[~tu~e, and all typ~. . . d~splays coho ~ported s~ nt or tea- on me~ . ~ disptaz~, ~e widetY s~v ~ondUi%, eXC?~ ad~erUSm~ ~, sectiOnS a~, wired m h ~ of buuu' ~,, wino~ ~nletetY ~iss~one~ ~ pora~z, ,~ be co,~ c the c°~" ingS' -~o{ cut-OU~ exnoseu ~ ~lvanizeu s,- _ ..,eatherP~ ~e are ~ ~r hot g~ ~ust ~e ~ ~ ~hen the =~, cast ~etat, ~ ond fittings *~on uu~ st be o~ - ~,,t boxes ~ ~or recep~ be gasketed .ra~nage. Lo_ it work -ed {or a {or conaU ar. be aPproVe ther- t -ass throUg~ no~ -~d to the ~ea . . _ nisp[ay ~us~lso throUgtt eXP°~ me adverU?P~disp[aY' anu ~ed cable, or ~ne or m., ;-s [eeding ~ the total ~e~tac[e, ~ ' ~ ,~hingS. ~w~a~ ~aCaCit~ o~,,~ ~or each re~V~o interxOr oU(~u[ated [or ~ ;e~ ([0~ wa~, he connecteu ~t exceed figuring ~' ,;=ing d~sP~°L- -~ta[ ~oau ~' ~dverUS~ ~[ ;ge aaver~XT ~ which s[~ ,, wires ?o. ~,'A;so~ays mus~ advertXsmg ~' - .. Chapter REGISTRATION AN , OF EL D LICE ECTRICIANs NSING Sec. 1001. 'Classification °f liCenses. iSsu~' enses sh , red, sh~u Y electric~ s an ,,~ ~- on an ~ ,,a~ be n~, ,~" POssess ~' Work fo- z~ar. "tmUal basio ~"'~ransferab a cOntracto o veg~nnino ~ lc, and sh ~ rs . . . .' ~ ~ ot each lc. al install,,, n Sec. 1002. Application f°r'lieense. ;ei lu)ir~;~er:°n.desirin~ to i_, electrical Worn o . Persons o . Prescrit)ed. '~ Any Pers~ ~ W~thout ex~ do an~ ~ ~,n, ~r~ or ~ "~nation. ~'ecofore be iSSue~ co ~he effec~i~'~ork in the ~ c°atracted · withou~" a license ~ ~'e uate of ~an exa~inati,~y the buil~'/~s °rdmance ~,ae (b) P?of of having done busia date a~ ~ nt at lea~, buildin~ ~ that a ~- - -.~ oy this evide~c~e~:ar Pri:r ~sione;'°t~ ~u effective (c) The building c · . any applican' om~lSSioner ~i~t. P°~sf~v~a lic~Jlu~pect the Work 67.~ c~on as ~ . ~ may ~-3, 2.6-~ ~rOVided ~_ ~ereafter .~ ~Cmn as ~'~ '" Sectmn I001 '~Ui~e an · ~r~. No. 1285 ~$OlqX~ ILL~; COD~ ~ expe~ ';o~ o~ c°~-'~t the axs~ , eXam"~a~ce ox et~ ~6 every y" to be ~ perfOrm {or each ~OTBis tee o~ or a~°'?~ a ho~e' ~ nrior "~ ,,eh o[ eXPXr~ cause sho ~ Il be sere ~ ~ R~GiST~. ChaPter I I ~A Sec. ! 101. Ao TION OF Pl~- ~ The aph,.."~.Plieation; fo LUMBERS* ~? Shall b~ ~l~Ce of th e~rtfieate ~s~ and a ' aee°mpa~:~ ?Uddin~ ~of registrar: me filin o ~ 8 p~ . -,,ea by ~ ~ ~'ommi~,.. ~on sh ,, -- ; Ord. No ~ of SUck"°c°graph ~ zee of Ce' "Umer of s .au be ~ · 70'OR.i~ '~ apPliea,: or the a~,. a dollar_ a~d city oeo. llno 'WOrd ~r ~urd. No ~at the t;~ ~ ~' Re~; . - ~o. Z?_O~ , · o/.OR.,~ y-e of ~ ~o~ aa. ~'stratio~ r '~'~4, 6~4-73~'" &6-67; : any pl,,~. Y after ~ equire~ ' ' Plu~b~'n°~ag co~ffa~uary I ,~ ~' geaeral~.. of ln~?, as the~ "~ractor,;~ , ~v73, it ~ '~' J"anner ~Z ?fy With~.p~.en~a~e T*~ oy the ,-~r or apnr[~l for th~' ~or haw ~2 ,n this ~ ~ 'e~ster;, business ~f the Stat · ~ersons. ".~-e ree~z~uapter, i~ *"~ With ~ .7'Plumb; e ~ reg~ster~ y-us nec~ "' Order *k oa~q eit,' . o.''~ Person ~. *~ nereun. ~sary to ;ffuat the n~~ m the - e~ga~e , , nrta' ~ . uer. 'nSpect tk _ d until ~ .he Plu~. ersh~p o~ ork of pa~t~ers~. ~eh suck --oleg bu~; ' e°tPora*~ corpora.,'°p, or =fi', PerSon .. ~,ness w;~."°n shun of lnj~,.an hi,. fe auly 1; ~' a~ent -",,ers of s,. '? Unles~ ~me Shal~ ~s PrOVid.= .apPren,; .~s a Plum~'UYee of ~ or PrOVisio~ " oe dui- ¢u by Sta*, ~,Ce Plumk'"°mg eon,~. "Uch registr=~?s of thi.~ ~ register~u~e' and .~r with ,k ~raetor. ~"e~ship ~ ~*~Y ~SSUe~".and sh~,?~m~ to t~-"~ until ,~-~ ~ ~reOrpo~ .. u ~ tk ~u have .. ne ter~ ~St~ati~ reques,. providez . of ~ -Cate or or eo~ ~n for ~;~ ~mg th~ . u ~ereae, -~tson, ~ listin~'~?ation ~'2"~elt or i~.fSSUance ~ ,~et. '-m, "~mes an~ ,m Sue~ ~me of~ ~. certifi =, '~71, 28.2~ rere~ ~all m~; m add;,. '°mO t~, 9 6,1.400;~ ,~,~re~ulation or vIbLE COD~ license ~ change '" ~emberS~ building c,,.---,rs The a~plicatx°n' ~e b~ndxng u~' perSOn or ~* ~ ~ereto, s~a~an~ uP°n sum~ . tion shall be ~rtnerSh~P of regxstra +or six P~ ~ be. ~ti{ic~te . contrac~ ' case m~ ~+~ning a ce- ~lumbXng_ ~nd t~o The I~ rs ($~.00) ~;ourneYman ~or the {wst r~ {or each t~e~tYR°~=~B5 {or ~n~ { ~lnmber ~ a ~ like ,~ 001 tot - to suCh ~ - cember certi{xca~=~eWal ~hereO · · shall expWe v All ce'''t'rtx ' ' ~ ~f eaCh year. . .ration sha~ -der cxtatxo,~ during a'~u,mblng ~.o.--~ulationS ". shtxll be '7 · that statutes ' wewer, ut~..~te o{ re¢~ .,,ch c°~W" _~rent~Ce pt- , '-~nce ox ~ ~idlY ~xc~"~ ~ ol u~h feb ~-actor, ~ plumbing · ~ ~d u~e~ ~mce mt the -- ~aC.n ~ ~r shun ~ ~ich it wa~ , door o} '"~f the buSX~eo ~laced on '"- .~ along ~umber =-,_ ~,,sineSS. · --ation ~ce an ~vr. ~ fee, ". =hah "- cBe cerU' of plumbing · . Saant to the 'obr~ ~he~lo!li~e~%!e~a.r[lll~ ~o?~ra~od fees for re i ~er °f said ~lumbi u to en~a~ ~gnershall ~- ~ue cit~% ~,~r to be - ~oers _ -C¢ors, ;~. ~ plumb;~ _~Or~ of~ ' applica.~, and the ~rneYman ~'~g busines "~Persons .... ee~Stration ~U~bers an~s including Umber i~ -apPrentice o~Ueo to each for a 1o- snail be is~ '* ~ecembe~ ~ Unaer the ~ a~er Period ,~Ued and n~ ' ~I of the .- N~ re~i~, . man oae Cai' ~e~'stra~ion :v~ar for PrOper fees ~. (~rst filed ~ate Shall b~ · apPlicatio~ Y ~SSued u-'. '~ m due fo~ n¢~ '"~- and the No re¢istra[ion e rti~ear be ~mnsFerab e 2°rpora~ion ~e ~o an~ ~.~,e ~SSued State',TM No 7,~'~°' 67-0R f~son, firm ~ e~mpter [C19~I ~o~TM referea~'~'14, 6-4.~' Z-6-67; O~3 Parinersh;~"~" ~ourns Stat ~ 6.~~ty ~o requir 8~e' 1108. ~mmbin~ ~'~ the pb,~. ~'r~eate Oe revok~ommissi~k~'~'mn¢ liee~ . ' suc~ "~ or s ~'~ ~o a~y ~o~e Issued 'e¢is~ran, _~e ceftin; ~ Such e~ ~ Shall a' ndmna rems; ~ Shall ~ *~eate o¢ ummissi~ ' ~ any ti~ ,,_,..T,n void ,,~,.yeeome ,,~.,' registry,. ~n, then - '~,,~e. 4~'Lg ~i~e,~e ~'"~ s~ reh~~ and or ~o~ ~d ~,~.~ ~'~-o7- m _, ~ro~ ,,, ~ g~Stran, ~ -,o effe~, ~ said 6-4-78~ ~r~. No ~2~er~ eom~;Y ? a~ain tk -~ and sh~l~ '" 7-6-70. ~rd. No =~' ~' 73'0R.14; : I~9 shall ~°B be issueO o _..erSOU eu~ nd~6On' a sba . a ~or aBy ~ air co aB ear. _ ~enu~re~ ~ _~llatlng' ~- ~-ch ~,or~, ~u~u~the CxtY o SeC. ~'Zu~. ~u &esir~g ~ appl[Cat~°~eSc~[be& ~ ~e . ~ perS~ ~a~ ~a~ ~av ~e pt heret(uo.~ cOm~s ;ssuance t ~tilating' . a, ~ eng~ .ation wor~ ~ corP°ratx _t~Xating' axr~t one year refr*ge' ~ firm ~ ting, ve~, .,., at ~ea~ ~v be *"g~r to the ~_ b~ the ou- ~r priOr issueu ~;uatiOU' · ~sS in t~e ~' ~ an exam' . ~ aone buS~n~ ~o~i~g t~a~'~r to sUC~e . ~ ~* ofhaVXu~ ~{ be by a st~mmiss~O~o~feCtive ' ' to such ~ a bY the ~oar prXOr ~ ~as issU~a ~eaSt one ~W- ~ ' p[ieant 9~.2 e~aence o- - § 1202 (c) I~e building c ~ ~ s~n~Y~ applicant ~°_m.m,SSiOner vii-3, 2m ~,as Provid~ ,(~ay tber~ ~ ~er this .... r~ of ' ~o. 67. ~, . ' Any ~ eati~ ,. 'nimu~ 'n m~L' ' b a ?P/Oma fr~erson POss.~' .Ventilati~'~ requirem~m~ Such include tb~'" a recogn~s?~ a cer;~ and Air ~"~. of the not to exc~ 9Umber of'~ea tecbnic~U~Cate of Years oe rea four ~41 -Years of ..."~ SChool ~'aauation attend_ ', eXDerie~ ' ' ~ears, ~ "~tendanc~ ~' college ~a~iain~ ~ ,-a~ ~e r~ ' or eons, ~*.'~ work ~ ~ oOard. ~°~Zed oa~f'/et~°~ of t~ e (2)~n a~ '. .Xa~inat; PPhcaot ~o~ ' ~ertain ~ ~,,e exam. . ~ Shall . 7,,Ce Ofhe~,.--. ~o th~ ',anm~ b.. '. submit -.(a) Th~ ~ -~nR eq~ip~ corteet in~r~. Such ~.. to an tWen."~ zee for ~ ~ '"~nt woik af*~allation ~mina. uy dollar° 2~c, and e,, ~ Set out ~ an~ any even, o ~20.00) ~?Y exami- . ~'Y the co~" ~. -,~s fee to ~tioa ~iven s~ . ~' - aoor ~ ~all be ' ezUndable in another e~ ? of/ts e~_.lder thil t- ~o~ ~aon of t~'~t within ~:,ee licens '~quired t noe ~ Cause sh~'f Ptlop lice~: o~xty (60) ~ e Shah be i~ Pass "~wn' ~aiv~ Ts~' the express after - aach re.exa~?;,~,n~ boa;~e 4ate nation, may. ~ 292 JEFFER$ONvILLE COD~ / (a~ ~edfo~e or?sis' '~etoes. "e~aas' ~,beease ,g ) ~ec .... e fOYo~i cratio~ i U~bers / lice~s~'°0 of ~ ~ .og Caus~sued f (b) ~ . ~ applicaT, mlse a~~. ~: uer this ~ adur~ uon 'ndav. COde / COde Z on t~ ' ~t in ~.all / writte within ~e Part of th c°°nectioo .- / board ~ nOtice f?Sona~'[e liceos_ With tb~ (2) An ' 'z Such o~y ti~e e~ to co~ - e~a~ini? lice~s~ V~oatio~ ~er b~'~ly C°~e~ "g bo~ ~ or r~ . "~ro~ ..v~O~ ~_ (3~ ~ allow~j or de~ ~re on t~ay be be~ff A~y l; ~ UPo~ '~e~e°e~, ,~'/~ Part ~USpen~ - d ~USe ~e2'Ce~se ~eques~ .~tbio ~ Oran,. ?.ca by this ~ ~e ~Ork ~cive wnj~gista,; -.e neard ~ud, tio~-~?e to PrewfyqUire~ .as b~-'~ Sbau''°~ re.. - ' ..~ time ~'Opertv- Zro~ ~'~all ~ ~rrecte~- ~e rein- or oy t~e ~ OWae~ ~aki~ '~ot a~ ~' Pro.;ff'state~ (4) ~ ".n~g ~ .ur no,. ~h e~ Where L"°Wev ' SUch c.~e exam, °oaed. ~ °thee Zerection ?e lic~ er, that SaUSe s?a oF ~'°~tai~d' ~- e~ed s.,~. the j?tU~e ~the re~ ~ee of s,.or ~ ~i~.~ For b~ W tbe: ~P°OSib~ ucb b ~tratio~ 'ne re.."~Or~a 129,~ '.ay, ~f. Sno~ ChaPter 8~e. 1401. 4~.isdie~.. the ~o~ to e°~st, cz°O o. ur oF ~ ~e o~ f: ~*t~ the~. eau~ 'o. ' a °vetl~ 'the ~ "~atin~ o ~' : ] ~ a re ~Pe~ rea~'~o its 297 bo ~ t Pede the 3EFFERSoNVILLE cODE § 1402 --- floors or roOf is buil , ~ or defec - .~reof; ther Y -f the so weai{en.e~a *all on accoun} [t~ ;ts occupantS, or collapse an~'alth or moram m ~lumbing and sanitary the safety, ,,e .~ water, P -..~;n~ of sleeping ~,'~ or where ~X .~ where overcr~ ~o encourage - --~[tionS l~Pe~ ~ conditions at~ ~er~ting the mora~ co[~u~ ~nd other mora~ ~*~er offenseS rsonS- urtenance theret?, of any pe , :~ucture or apP ~ .. be a pu~hc , ~uildmg, o~- . ~ is deciareu ~7 .~ building (2) ~ny ~ or prem~Se~ · '~ion of'th~s c~ r race, . . rov~= subsection, enclosU e, fi .~ ;~ vmlate any P any chapter, ~ection or m nuisanC (Mm~mu code, included therein in ' ' ' Housing a co~mlssioner, ~ec. 140S. Enforcement by building health with chief of fire departmen}2operatiOn officer, and police chief. commissioner, acting building police department and the of the fire and with the chiefs w health officerS, is chargedn ' in enforcing the ~aW in all buildings and he, or a Y , nuisance an? . ~:~ion and duneS. ~ting apY .such. ..~s~ectiVe ~21terS w~thm thexr ru v on abatement' , procedure - :~ner has inf°~at2~ ~ee. ~ ;ld[n~ co~mtss[~ ~fficlalS, tna~ .... r the uu.~ ~ _ ~nv such "~ f --,.visioBS ot Whenu~* -~ce, incluamg ,o ~ within the ~" ~ to be building constit "' owner chapter'.-~2- - or the person m v~ue nuisanCe, x~ ~ rrected ~,,eh bm[a~n~, ~' to abate u~ --' --s tb De co -- o-- irecting ~ defects or ~nm~ .a to eliminate thereof d ~nd specifying the ~*~ conditxon, a .... nuisance; abatame, ~ - .~;~ in a s~ producing such to place the ~ any of the conditions a~oresai& 1298 APPENDIx A~BUILD[NG CODE 196! § 1404 and if Conditions be such that be. Corrected, elimi.o~.~ .the defects orclered an~ . --,,~=u, or .... or things for b~, - u required to de~ ,?,oared, such ow,-^ .Cannot sh~ll~-~nY applicable s,_~"?~sn Such build;~ ,,~r S~all be . provide a~ ~u~Ute, or b,. ,u. '"g, as Prov;~ ae o i;i ] Ze ti e s.~U ~"y~' UPon t~ ~ - ~ aoated, o~ .~ -~nm Which ~ ~SSued to su-~'~ m t~e notice ~' az~er the ex~ir~,~ why such n~isance should not be ~ ~-e named therein, ~ a ~me and ~la~ -~ar and show ordered to be SUmmarily ~ ~ me Said b.~. a.leged nea~ng of t~ ~umg Should n~, ~,~a?e cannot be ~ ~u[ m the followi~Z to b~ COnducted ._~m°h2bed. If, U~o~ ' ouilding ca~- - ~*~ Sectlon, th~ ~ ~aer the Proc~n ~ "a Shall ~ ,,uo~ be repair~ ~ maFor determi~ .~UUre set 3~ ,.-7,,uer a dec~;~ ~ or put in ~ ~ --.~s mat SUc .... ~mlShed by ~h ~,~n and ord...~ ~u~e conditio~ Upon fail,, ~ ..e uefendan, . _~- mat the k,.---. '" ne shallbe~ - defendant +~ ~ . a t~me SD 0; ~ g b~ the ~-- ~ne oy the ci~.. ~ aemolish it .~-e~'fi~d, an~ ih' ~apense of the de~ ~ or Oy a Contra ~-' .~n the Sam ~ ~nng, shall fi~ .. event that oY section 14 nut that the ~..'"~ chat the buil~:- the mayor, u~ 06 ~f things to said building, .... oe aOated b~. ~_-~t~s a nuisance. ations, or ~ ~,~e aOmg of Certain renovation, the ~h as repairs, ch~- --.~yor Shall - . ~-ges, alter. provide in his order Shall d~-~n what manner s · ~gnate the ~;~ ~ch nu~san oegun and co~, . j-,,,e w~thin ..~. ~e may be aba.~ - provide ,~. .~.~,e~ea. In s,,~ -.lcn SUch .... ~ ann s,,~u . ~"~c ~the d~ ~ ~- Case, th~ -- ~ ~c~s must be t~ ~- me entrances Z~ Specified, no~ C°~Phance wit nat the ~r~_. ot t~e bup~:- -.~=s Snail h declared +~ ~mises therein ~ ,~mg, statin~ ;~ b~placed ~ oe a nUisanca -ave been c~j~' SUostance ~ffe:~ u and Unsafe =.a''uemned and ~h~ny person, and all -,,u must not be off by bar~er~ ~- S~dewalk, Stree the entrances . the eve-, - ~ ~r ~Uardrail~ _ t, or alley sh~{, ~ to smd mayor's o ~ appeal to may be SCour ~.., , Cked rder. pendin~ (a COurt heir- . ~e,~ rOCked. In = SUea appeal. o~',~+~ta~en &om - Omer legal action~ I299 jEFFEKSOIqVILLE cODE § 1404 the building commissioner shall cause m be erected on the sidewalk adiacent to the entrances of the building declared to be street or signs stating that such building has been dangerous and unsafe and a public nuisance. Such signs shall not be removed or defaced by any person and shall remain until such appeal, or other legal action, is finally decided. Sec. 1405- procedure for hearing. (D The mayor, or responsible city official, shall fix a date and place for a hear/ng on abatement of nuisance invulved, and at least ten (10) days before such date he shall serve a written copy of any charges and notice of the time and place of the hearing thereon, upon the owner, or person in charge or by registered mail, with return receipt. The ten (10) or more days shall run from the date such notice is served, or mailed, as shown by the postmark- If after diligent inquir, y the place of abode or residence of the owner, or perSOn m ascertained then notice to such person charge, cannot be publication i a newspaper of general may be given by nqualified to publish legal ctrculation ~n the community, for notices once each week for two (2) weeks with the time such hearing set no sooner than ten, 10) days after the last publication- (2) The mayor, or responsible city official shall cause an investigation of the facts to be made in such matter. The owner may appear personally and by council and cross examine witnesses against him and produce evidence in his shall have the behalf, and any complainant, as aforesaid'respOnsible city same rights: and also, the mayor, or be official, may cause any other competent evidence to introduced. The mayor, or official, shall consider all the facts so produced, and in the case of the official, may refer r action by a hearmg~ thereon t tions, for afsU~tehr;in provided for, in conducted .~ ----,or or offic ' -- from such order; u,e nm~ findings, which order, however, in accordance with such shall not become effective until ten Il0) days after notice -- 1300 APPENDIx A--B UILDING CODE ! 961 II~ § 1406 and a Copy thereof has been Served Upon the OWner, in the g same manner required as aforesaid for notice of the hearing. (3) If, in the case of appea1 from the decision official to the suspended and m~ay~r, such order of the o~' - of the city I ue Stayed until su~ mc~al shall be determined by the mayor, under the procedure prescribed by g ~'~ appeal is heard and statute for hear/ngs. The mayor shall thereupon render such decision as he finds justified and sustained by the evidence, either affirming or reversing, or modifying or increasing the terms of the order of the official; or by entering in lieu ~ thereof such order of his Own as he deems proper. (4) Any order of the mayor under this section of this chapter, shall be subject to an appeal Under the procedure in ~ lC 1971, 18-5-5-4 (BUrns Stat. § 48-6147), which is hereby adopted by this reference thereto. (Ord. No. 67-0R3, 2-6-67) Sec. 1406. Collection by execution ment °fnuisance. of cost of abate. Where any person who is ordered to do any work, or other thing, for the purpose of abating a nuisance bas failed or refused to do such work or o. thor thing, and the Same has m been done by .Or for the city, the cost thereof collected by Specml assessment against such person order of assessment shall ~ ~ r '~m. E~.m~a'~ be property, or by any Other a p opriate act'~ and his b,~ prepared by t~., ~ , .-tu such official, chard'ed with the duty of aba.~io~~ uepartment or ~1~ shall be signed by the head of the Same and shah be such nmsance. delivered to the assessment bureau for entry of record and collection in the manner that improvement ~ liens are collected, and any actions requ red thereon shall be filed by the city department assessments and of law. 1301 ala. . . o~er O~ a~ · n to restr . co~xssx r perSOnS, i~s~i~e to reS~at~ {ro~ ~xot~ or~[BaBce' e~O~e' .-~e a sail ~a~dato ~over~k~ v~o~atxo~ ratio~, o2,~ erectea , ~e or&~a~ce' Pe OeC. X509' ;hich r not ~ pets respeCo'{ ~t to § ,~503 nr~he aPplic.,' '"a~tained ~en ¢IO) d°~e ti~e. event th "~zon of ,~ snail co ays that' _ . °FProhibite~all not t~e ~ ' - "e°ndition ueld to 1804