WHEREAS, the City of Jeffersonville. Indiana (the "Issuer") is authorized by IC
36-7-12 (the "Act") to issue revenue bonds for the financing of economic development
facilities, the funds from said financing to be used for the acquisition, construction and
equipping of said facilities, a~d said facilities to be either sold or leased to a company or
directly owned by a company;
WHEREAS, Crawford House, a to be formed corporation the principals of which will
be Mrs. trod Mrs. Robert Crawford (the "Applicant"), has advised the Jeffersonville
Economic Development Com~nission (the "Cominission") and the Issuer that it proposes
that the Issuer either acquire, construct and equip an economic development facility and
sell or lease the same to the Applicant or loan proceeds of ~m economic develop~nent
financing to the Applicant for the same. said econo,nit development facility to consist of
the construction of an approxi~nate 35,000 square foot residential care facility for senior
citizens, consisting of approximately 68 units with a total of approximately 124 beds,
including the real estate on which it is located ~md the equipment to be installed therein,
to be located at 2939 Holman Avenue, in Jeffersonville To.reship, near Jeffersonvi]le,
Indiana, on an approximate 8 acre tract of land ("Project"); ~md
WHEREAS, the diversification of industry and increase in job opportunities (25 new
full and part-time jobs) to be achieved by the construction a~d equipping of the Project
will be of public benefit to the health, safety ox~d general welfare of the Issuer and its
citizens; m~d
WHEREAS, having received the advice of the Jeffersonville Economic Development
Commissinn, it would appear that the ~inancing of the Project, woukt be (ff public beneS'it
to the health, safety and general welfare of the Issuer ~md its citizens; and
WHEREAS, it is tentatively found that the acquisition and construction of.~the facility
will not have an adverse competitive effect on any similar facility already constrncted or
operating in Jeffersonville, lndimm;
NOW, THEllEFOIIE, BE IT IIESOLVED BY THE Common Council of the City of
JeFfersonviHe, as follows:
1. The Common Council ot' the City of Jeffersonville finds,
determines, r~tifies ~md conflr~ns that the promotion of diversification of
economic development and ]ob })pport~mities in and near Jeffersonville, Indiana,
is desirable to preserve the health, safety and general welfare oF the citizens of
the Issuer; and that it is in the public interest that the Commission ~md the
Issuer take such action as they lawfully may to encourage economic
development, diversification of industry ~md promotion of job opportunities in
and uear the Issuer.
2. The Common Council of the Clty of Jeffersonville approves,
determines, ratifies ~d confir~ns that the issuance ~md sale of econmnic
development revenue bonds in ~m amotmt of approximately $~,~50,000 of the
Issuer under the Act for the acquisition, constructiou and equipping of the
Proiect and the sale or leasing of the Proiect to the Applicant or the loan of the
proceeds of the revenue bonds to the Applicant, will serve the public purposes
referred to above, in accord~mce with the Act.
3. In order to induce the Applicant to proceed with the acquisition,
construction and equipping of the Project, the Common Co~mcil of the City of
Jeffersonville hereby approves, determines, ratifies and confirms that (i) it ~vill
take or cause to be taken such actions pursuant to the Act as may be required
to implement the aforesaid financiug, or as it may deem appropriate in
pm~suance thereof; provided that all of the ~oregoing shall be mutually
acceptable to the Issuer and the Applicant; and (ii) it will adopt such ordin~ces
~md resolutions ~d authorize the execution ~d delivery o~~ sac~ instruments
~d the taking of such actiou as may be necessary ~md advisable for the
autboriz~tion, issuance and sale of said economic development revenue bonds;
and (iii) it will use its best efforts at the request of Applicant to authorize the
issuance of additional bonds £or refunding and refinancing the outstanding
principal amount of the bonds, for completion of the Project a~d for additions
to the Project, including the costs of issuance (providing that the fina~cing of
such addition or additions to the Project is found to have a public purpose [as
defined in I.C. 36-7-12-1] at the time of authorization of such additional
bonds), and that the aforementioned purposes comply with the provisions of I.C.
4. All costs of the Project incurred after the adoption of this
inducement resolution, including reimbursement or repayment to the Applicant
of moneys expended by the Applicant for pla~ufing, engineering, interest paid
during construction, underwriting expenses, attorney and bond cotmsel fees,
acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project will be permitted to be
included as part of the bond issue to finance the Project, and the Issuer will sell
or lease the same to the Applicant or loan the proceeds from the sale of the
bonds to the Applicant for the same purposes. Also, certain indirect expeuses,
including but not limited to, pla~ming, architectural work and engineering
incurred prior to this inducement resolution will be permitted to be included as
part of the bond issue to finance the Project.
Adopted this _~day of Jane, 1984.
Presented by me to the Mayor on the ~/& ~
day of June, 1984, at the hour of//:
~./ / ·
C terk-~rreasurer
Approved and signed by me this /~ day of Jtme, 1984, at the hour of//: . ~7,m.
Comes now Robert Crawford and Judy Crawford, developers of
The Crawford Mouse, a residential care facility for senior citizens,
and submit the following to the jeffersonville Common council
and city administration:
1. That the.developers are in the process of obtaining
approval for an Economic Development Commission bond issue.
2. That the developers, their heirs, assigns, grantees and
transferees waive any right to file a remonstrance pursuant to
the provisions of I.C. 36-4-3-11, or any other statute of the
Indiana Code. The developers, their heirs, assigns, grantees and
tranferees further consent to the annexation of their development.
Signed this __/~ day of June, 19~4.