HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-R-20RESOLUTION NO. 2003-R- ~.O
WHEREAS, on April 27, 1982, the City of Jeffersonville Redevelopment
Commission adopted Resolution No. 7-82, a copy of which is attached hereto as
Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, declaring the area described in
Exhibit A as a blighted area and designating it the "Falls Landing Riverfront
Development Project Area; and
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission expanded the
boundaries of the Falls Landing Riverfront Development Project Area, pursuant to
I.C 36-7-14-17.5, on December 19, 2002 by Resolution No. 2002-R-01, attached
hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission expanded the
boundaries of the Falls Landing Riverfront Development Project Area, pursuant to
I.C 36-7-14-17.5, on July 1, 2003 byResolution No. 2003-1, attached hereto as
Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the current geographic boundaries of the Falls Landing
Riverfront Development Project Area are outlined on the map attached hereto as
Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of the Falls Landing Riverfront Development
Project Area are reasonably related and in close proximity to the Ohio River, and
WHEREAS, the Falls Landing Riverfront Development Project Area is, and
has been, funded in part with state and city money; and
WHEREAS, the Council is delineating the current boundaries of the Falls
Landing Riverfront Development Project Area for the purpose of informing the
indiana Alcoholic Beverages Commission ("ABC') of those boundaries pursuant to
the ABC's policies with regard to the issuance of alcoholic beverages licenses under
the authority of I.C. 7.1-3-20-16(d).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bythe Common Council of
the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the boundaries of the Falls Landing Riverfront
Development Project Area are as set out in the attached Exhibit D.
Passed and adopted this t~ day of ~z, on-t ~ ,2003.
Peggy W~, Clerk-Treasurer
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City this \5 day of
aE: :ca m , 2003.
I?eggy W~, Clerk-Treasurer
Approved and signed byme this
· . dayof ,~-00 c0_cc~:za~,2003-
WHEREAS, the CiEy of Jeffersonville Department of P, edevelopment has
pursuant to the Indiana Redevelopmem, oF CH;ies and Towns Act of 1953, as
amended and SupDiemented, copduc~ed surveys and
the I~otmdar'i(m of tha~ area in Lbo CiLy of Jeffersonvit ie, CounLy of Clark~
State oF Indh:ma, hereby designaLed as the Fs1
I~egi nni rig at a poi nt, said po i nL be ing th~' 'i ntersec t i on o f Lhe wes Lern
boundary of the Cil:y of Jeffersonville and [he norU~er'n right:-oF-way line
of South Clark Boulevard; thence sout:her]y along the corporate l imi t'+ of
Lhe C i Ly of Jef:f:ersonvil le to the north(,.Yn bank o[: the Ohio River; ~i~encu
easLerly along the Ohio River's bank Lo the ea;(ern right-of-way limz of
Wa ti; Stree ~ (exLended); Lhence north a Iong t;he eas I;ern ri gh t-of -way I i ne
of WatL Street t.o ils intersection wiLh Ihe HOF'I;NnYTI righL.-oF,-w,Ly ]ira
Riverside Drive; t;hence westerly a'!fH'i{j Lhe northern right-ol,.way line
Riverside Drive Lo Lhe nastern rb~ht-of--way Jme of ForL SLreet;
IIf)Y'ihl~l Jy a'iomI Lhe ea Lern fifthLy, of--way I ine of loft SLrr,et Lo I]Jl{?
ri(iht, hr-way ]ine Of Marl<el; ',,Lreet; Lhencu west, erJy along Lhe northurn
right.-of-v~ay 'line of HarkcH: SI. reel; l;a ils ird;ersecLion with Lhe easLern
riqhl.-of.wa,y line of inLersl.al, e tli(lhway 65; Lhence northerly a'Jon(j
east, err, right..-oF-way [ina oJ: lnLerstal,e Diqhway 6[] 1.0 i tS inLersecli(m
wiLh Lhe so~d;herfl right.-,of-way I~'¢, el M~qHe StrePt;; Lhence easterly
t. he 's()utherfl righl,-of..wa,y line ' Mai/h: [}tre(,[; I:;o ils 'in~ertiection w~[,h
the eastern righl-.af-way line ol Ohio St;Y'e~H,; Lhence northerly Flonq t, he
~Jast, ern righL--or-way line o¢ Ohio Street fo( a disl:;ance of 3S4 ffxt Lo
a line exLending easb and l:ornling Lhe. rear' of lot 1 ines of lc)u; lro;H, ing
on Maple Sir'nelL; Lhenct~ east. a lonfl ;aid rear lot, lines t.o Lh(c
right-of-way 1 Jrltf of Mulbexry SLreeL; Lhen(,e northerly ah)rD} Lh~
righL-of'-way line oE Mulberry SI, reeL I,o ils intersection wil.h I.tm SOIIJ, hi~/H
right-of-way line of Court Average; thrmce w(:sterly ahm(l Lhe
right-of-way line of CourL Av~mue to Lhe western r'i(jhL-of-way liuu of
Broadwi(ly Ave~IJa; lshence n(mt. herly a long the wes [em r ighL-of wd,y I ~ no
Bruadway Aver~ue t;o ils inl,ersecLion wit. h l]hf norLh(:rn right;of,way line
of 6th Street~ thence e~,sLerly ~long the fK)rLhel~l right, of waft l inu
6't;h SI;reeL t.o ils intecsection wiLh th(: west;ern r'lght,-oF.-way line ol
Ohio Street; LheiK;e northerly along Lhe west(',rn righL..ol-way /in(
Ohio St. reeL to its irdmr'NecLion wit;h Lhe southern righl-ol-woy lln(, ol
7ti~ .' ',~''
w6., .~,r y along t,he southern ri(hL-of-way ~ine of /I;h
Avenue; thence sout, her]y aJofl(t tho wesLern righL-ol--way I iFii~ OI Mis',ouri
Avenue to i ts interi, ect ion vii Lh trh(~ northern r iflhl>-~>l -way I i ne ol Soul:h
Clark Boulevard; thence wesLerJy along the norLheFn righL*of.way line
SOLidi/ Clark Boulevard Lo /.h~ wesLern boundary of Lhe CiLy of
ville and to the point; OF beginning.
WIIL'RE^S, upon such survey!,, 'nv(.,' ti:id' lorl a))(l '~l.udl( ,' ' beJtll made, il ha,,
beef1 foulld by Lhe CJt,y (~[ Jel:fer~;onvi]Je ~((){~{)ve~oD)llf)n(;. DommnissJon LDdL LhP ahoy(
described Project Area had become bJJ(lhLeti LO an exLent Lhat :;u( h blight,ed
nF C i ti
c i ted ~
Pa 9e I'wo
conditions cannot be corrected by regulatory process or by the ordinary opera/iota
of private enterprise without resort to ~,he provisi o$r~s O f "~;~]e ]]~{'~iana Redevelopmeet
of Cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended and supplement, ed, and it has been
further found that the public health and welfare would be benefit;ed by acquis~i, i on
in and redevelopment of such Project Area under the prov'sions of the abow~
(:it;ed Act; and
WltEREAS, the Co.~Mssioners have caused to be prepared maps and pia1?,
showing the boundaries of such blighted area, the location of the varfious par<mi~
of properties, streets and alleys aha ortner featuros affecting the acqui'.~ ~ion.,
clearance, replatting, replanning, rezonim~ and redevelopment of such area~ and
indicatin9 the parcels of property Lo be included or excluded in the acquisiiim~
and portions of Lhe Project Area to be acquired which are to be dew, ted h, yubl
ways, levees, sewerage~ park's, playground and oLher public t)urpo'~cs u~<h:~ ihu
redevelopmenL plan; and
WlfEREAS, there was presented to ~;his meetinfl of the RedevelopmenL (umm~,s~on
of the CiLy of deFfersonviile, ]ndiana, for 'it:s censideva~:ion and approval~ u copy
ef the Development Plan ~or th~: Falls [an~ting Riverfront Dvvelopmen~ Ih'ejo(~ hr~
daLed.April 26, 1982, wh;(:h plan 'is <,ntiL~ed:
FA~IS I,ANI)]NG RtVi,,/RON1 I}EV~iLOPM[N~ PI~OJiLCI HAN ,hfl' f er~,(mv ~ ~ I(h/C] arksvi ~ ~ e, 1nd Urea
WIIEi([AS~ l'iLlc VI of Li~e Civ~] Rights Act; o1: /9(~4, as amen<h~d and tim rnqula
NOW, [IIEREFOI~[], BF [i RI SOLVED BY '11i[ CIIY O[ ,][Ft ER~;()~V[I ii] R~ [)l:Vit (];'MI NI
(le~;c;rH)ud h~ Lb( ih'st 'WtIIRiAS" clause here()[, is blighted and cmvdiLut~, ~
inhabi t,al~l,s ,~[~(l 'LhaL i t, wilt hc Of pHblic utili ty and lmneti I to a<q~lYe I'~'~[
Development Plan an(l under the condition,s set u~t {hereby.
4~ l'haL the conditions ~mdcr which the (',~ty o~ 4ui:~:~r~,om,~'l~n
Redevulopment will make relocaLion paymenLs as se~: ~::,~; in ~he Dc.wq~q)m~nt Ph.:~ ~t-
hmeby in al! respec~:s appr'(~ved.
~6-- 7-I ~). I.t~(~ 1'o'1 lowing area of [he bl i flhLed area descr ibed il(
bOtltlilat'y of Lhe Cily of Jeflersonvi'lle and khe n<wthern viilhl t~l w¢l,/ lin?
right-of-way line of Market Street; thence westerly ilh>nq the northern
easI;ern right-of.-way line (~1~ hltersl:aLe llifihway 65 Lo it;
right-.oF-way line of Mulberry Streetl thence ,ortherly ~lon~l !.t~e wt~sle, rn
Yi~tht.-ol-wi~y line of Mulberry Street to 'i~.s i~tersecl:ion wilfil t.l~'
J3Yoadway AvollUt; Ihence northerly ,xlonq l;he wesiern righl:,.ol.vN~y
7l;h Street; thel~t:e westt~r/y lloFl~l Lhe soul;herl~ ri~lhi;.o[,.w~Y ~ille oi /Lb
Avenuei Ulence souLherly afong the wes tern ri!~ht~-d way line o[
DeYelopmen~ Pro~e(:~ Allocation ~.ea" ,~effersonville l~llocai (J~ ~r,~ N(:
ville ~)epart.menL of Redew~lupment AllocaCion Area (Je~er:[ wi e Aib'~cnt:iun
No. 1) Si~ecial lurid ("SI ~ci:ll Fuhd"), and may be u~,ed only a~ U~uvided in Lhe
~h~reafLer be disi, ribut, ed wiI:hout reuard t.o I:ln~ provif;iorif~ ()/ S~,(.lion '~<
REt~EVEI. 0$~MEN1' RE~OL..UTION NO. 7-82
Page Five
9. Ti~e provisi )ns of this Declaratory Resolution shall be subject in
respects to the Indiana Redevelopment of Cities and Towns Act of 1953~ as am~mded
,~nd supplemented.
10. That it is hereby found and determined that tho (b~c,t v:, o~
Devel()pmenl i'~l~;~ cannot be achieved by regulator.y process or by the ordinary
operations of private eoterprise without resort to the provisioos o!: the
Redevelopment of Cities and Towns Act of lg~:'~
11. ThisDeclara~ory Resolul~Jon together with the Development Plan
any supporting data~ shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and the City
Council of Jeffersonville as provided in Indiana Code 36-7-14-16, and if
b,y U~e Planning Con~ldssion and the City Council shall be submitted Lo pubi]r
lng and remonsCrance as provided by Indiana Code 36-7-14-17,
as required by said Section.
12. ThaL the Development Plan is hereby in ail respects approved ~md l:h~:
Secretary is hereby directed to file a certifiecl copy of said l)(w, lol,mem, Plan
with the minuLes of this meetiog and have a oertifiod copy of said Hah rec~r(!~d
in tho Office of the Recorder or Clark County, Indiana.
13. 'Fi}at the United States of America be, and hereby is assured ()~
col~lpliance by the City o'f Jeffersonville DepartmenL of RedevelopmenL wiLh
regular':)ns uF ,ny Federal agency e~fecl~uating Title VI of Jibe Civil Righl: A~:L
oF 196d, as amended.
Adol)ted at a ,:eetin9 of ~:he Jeffersanvilie RedeveI(~l)m(.mL ~ ~'s';h~ }mid
on April 27~ 19~2, ~]1: I:he office oF ~:he COtI~I~IiSSiOFI~ 17(3t Sprh~g St,(mt, ,Jul
sonvil~e, Indiana,
/l.~slie [:, Kavanaugh
D~wwa rd Mi t<:h~?'i ~
Prepared by
Joffersonvill~:, Indiaoa
w[oemm co ss o '
~REAS, the Jeffersonville ("Ci~') Redevelopment Co~ssmn
("Co~issioff) did on April 27, 1982 adopt a decl~ato~ resolution ("Declmto~
Resolution") establishing the Fails L~ding ~ve~ont Development ~ea ( ~ea ) ~
the Decl~ato~ Resolution was confimed by a Confi~ato~ Resolution adopted on May
26, 1982;
w~AS, the DeclaratoU Resolution approved ~e Kedevelopment Plan ('~lm")
which PI~ contained specific reconmendations for redevelopment in the ~ea;
w~REAS, the Decl~atoU Resolution established an allocation area in accor~ce
wi~ IC 36-7-14-39 ("Allocation ~ea") for the p~ose of cap~g prope~ taxes
generated ~om ~e incrementM assessed value of real property located in ~e Allocation
~AS, the Co~ission now desires to amend the Decl~atou Resolution to
enlarge the ~ea ~d Allocation ~ea by the Moption of approximately 88 acres of real
estate as set fogh ~ Ex.bit A ("Expired ~ea");
~AS, ~e proposed e~gement is less than 20% of~e original Area md
Allocation ~ea;
~E~AS, ~e real pmpe~ base assessment date of the Exp~sion ~ea will be
M~ch 1, 2002;
~AS, the real prope~y base assessment date of~e ofi~nal ~ea ~d
Allocation ~ea will remain M~ch 1; 1982;
~E~AS, the Co~ission h~ entered into a lease, date June 28, 2000,("Le~e')
with ~e Jefferson~lle Redevelopment Authofi~ under which le~e rentMs ~e secured in
pm by t~ ~crement revenues collection ~ the Allocation ~ea;
~EREAS, IC 36-7-14-17.5 authorizes the Co~ssion m amend the Decl~atou
Resolution, a~er condncting a public he~ng, if it finds ~at:
1. ~e men~ent is reasonable ~d appropriate when considered in relation to ~e
Deel~mo~ Resolution and the PI~ ~d ~e pu~oses oflC 36-7-14; ~d
2. The Decl~atoU Resolution ~d the PI~, wi~ ~e proposed men.cut,
confo~ to the comprehensive pl~ for the City;
WHEREAS, on December 7, 2002, the Commission published notice of the
substance of a proposed amendment to the Declaratory Resolution in accordance
with IC 36-7-14-17.5 and [C 5-3-1, which notice also gave notice of a hearing on the
proposed amendment to be held by the Commission; and notice to neighborhood
associations and property owners in the proposed enlarged area; and
WHEREAS, the Commission on December 19, 2002, conducted, conducted a
public hearing at which the Commission heard all persons interested in the
proceedings and considered all written remonstrances and objections that were filed;
The Declaratory Resolution is hereby amended to enlarge the boundaries of
the Area and the Allocation Area by approximately 88 acres as set forth in
Exhibit A. The real estate described in Exhibit A is less than 20% of the size
of the original Area.
The Commission now finds and determines that the amendment described in
Section 1 is reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the
Declaratory Resolution and the Plan and to the redevelopment and economic
development purposes set forth in IC 36-7-14. The Commission further finds
that the amendment will not adversely affect the owners of the bonds secured
by the Lease.
3. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment,
conform to the comprehensive plan for the City.
This paragraph shall be considered the allocation provision for the Expanded
Area for the purposes oflC 36-7-14-39. The Expanded Area shall have a real
property base assessment date of March 1, 2002. Any property taxes Ievied
on or after the effective date of this resolution by or for the benefit of any
public body entitled to a distribution of property taxes on taxable property in
the Expanded Area shall be allocated and distributed in accordance with IC
36-7-14-39 or any applicable successor provision. This allocation provision
for the Expanded Area shall expire no later than 30 years after the effective
date of this resolution.
The Secretary is hereby directed to record this resolution with the Clark
County Recorder, immediately to notify the Department of Local
Government Finance of the expansion of the Allocation Area and the Area
and to file this resolution with the Clark County Auditor.
6. In all other respects, the Declaratory Resolution and Plan are hereby ratified
and confirmed.
7. This resolution is effective upon passage.
Adopted at a meeting of the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission held
December 19, 2002, at 501 E. Court Avenue., Jeffersonville, Indiana.
· Nathan
~. Samuel, Secretary
JULY 10, 2002
Revised: .December 18, 2002
A description of an expansion to the Fails Landing Riverfront Development area which is
recorded at the Clark County Recorders Office in Misc. Drawer 14, Instrument No. 5442
and bounded as follows:
Begim~ing at a point in the existing Falls Landing Riverfront Development area
boundary, said point being at the intersection of the northern right-of-way line of
Riverside Drive and the eastern right-of-~vay line of Watt Street; thence in a northerly
direction along said eastern right-of-way line of Watt Street to its intersection with the
northern right-of-way line of Chestnut Street; thence in a western direction along said
northern right-of-way line of Chesmut Street to its intersection with the western right-of-
way line of Mulberry Street; thence in a northern direction with said western right-of-way
line of Mulberry Street to a point in the existing boundary of the Falls Landing Riverfront
Development area.
This expansion contains approximately 88 acres of land.
~" Shtrley NoloL 7P
Clerk CcunLy Recorder
! 299319776 Page 1 of 7
C2 DaLe 97/;)7/2993 Time 99:24:48
w?d V COmmissioN '
~'~ ~ WHEREAS, the City of]}effersonville ("City') Redevelopment Commission
%\~C ("Commission") did on April 27, 1982, adopt a declaratory resolution (Declaratory Resolution)
establishing the Falls Landing Riverfront Redevelopment Area (Area) and the Declaratory
Resolution was confirmed by a Confirmatory Resolution adopted on May 26, 1982; and,
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution approved the Economic Development Plan (Plan)
which Plan contained specific recommendations for economic development in the Area;
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution established an allocation area in accordance with lC
36,7-14-39 .(Allocation Area) for the purpose of capturing property taxes generated from the
incremental assessed value of real property located in the Allocation Area;
WHEREAS, the JeffersOnviile common Council approved the creation ofthe Area and the
Allocation Area;
WHEREAS, IC 36-7-14-17.5 authorizes the Commission to amend the Declaratory
Resolution, after conducting a pnblic hearing, if it finds that:
1. The amendment is reasonable and appropriate xvhen considered in .relation to the
Declaratory Resolution and the Plan and the purposes oflC 36-7-14; and
2. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, the Commission has selected an economic development area to be
developed under IC 36-7-14'and IC 36-7-23 (collectively the "Act"); and,
WHEREAS, the Commission has prepared an economic development plan ("Plan") for
the selected economic development area, which Plan is attached to and incorporated by reference
in this resolution; and,
WHEREAS, the Commission has caused to be prepared:
Maps and plats showing:
a) The boundaries of the economic development area, the location of Various parcels
of property, streets, alleys, and other features affecting the acquisition, clearance,
replatting, replanning, rezoning or economic development of the area, indicating
any parcels of property to be excluded from the acquisition; and
b) The parts of the acquired areas, that are to be devoted to public ways, levees,
sewerage, parks, ptjaygrounds, and other public purposes under the Plan;
2) Lists of the owners of the various parcels of property proposed to be acquired; and
3) An estimate of the cost of acquisition, redevelopment and economic development; and
WHEREAS, IC 36-7-14-39.3 authorizes the Commission to modify the definition of
property taxes in IC 36-7-14-39(a) for the purposes of including taxes imposed under IC 6-1.1 on
the depreciable personal property of a designated taxpayer and all other depreciable property
located and taxable on the designated taxpayer's site of operations within the allocation provision
included in a declaratory resolution; and ~
1) The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan are hereby amended to enlarge the boundaries of
the Area to include the Area described in Exhibit A.
2) The Commission now finds and determines that the amendment described in Section i is
reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the Declaratory Resolution and
the Plan and to the redevelopment and economic development purposes s~t forth in IC
3) The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan.
3) The Commission finds that the Plan cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the
ordinary operation of private enterprise without resort to the powers allowed the
Commission under IC 36-7'14 because of:
a) Th~ lack of local public road and sewer improvements;
b) Existence of conditions that lower the value of the land below nearby land;
c) The lack of public facilities needed for potential industrial and commercial
development to be realized.
The Commission finds that the public health and Welfare will be benefited by the
accomplishment of the Plan for the Area.
The plan'for the Economic Development Area conforms to other development and
· s owers, ~)dvileges, ~nd immunities that may be exercised by the
All of the right . ~ , .~ --, ^~ r~r llrb~n newal Area may be exercised by the
Commission in a ~ecteve)opmem ~-~ ........ Re
Commission in the Economic Development Area, subject to the limitations oflC 36-7-
This Resolution shall be effective as of its date of adoption.
Adopted this 28th._ day of Ma¥.~ 2003.
~ Ron Elhs
~ayle H. [~,bbinson, Executive Director
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville (City) Redevelopment Commission (Commission) did on April 27,
1982, adopt a declaratory resolution (Declaratory Resolution) establishing the Falls Landing Riverfront
Redevelopment Area (Area) and the Declaratory Resolution was confirmed by a Confirmatory Resolution
adopted on May 26, 1982;
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution approved the Economic Development Plan (Plan) ~vhich Plan
contained specific recommendations for economic development in the Area;
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution established an allocat!0n~ ~e a_i ~h;ei~;;de~ne t~li tahs JeCs s3e~'7v~llu4;
39 (Allocation Area) for the purpose of capturing property taxes generated ~rum ~ .
of real property located in the Allocation Area;
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville Common Council approved the creation of the Area and the Allocation
WHEREAS, IC 36-7-14-17.5 authorizes the Commission to amend the Declaratory Resolution, after
conducting a public hearing, if it finds that:
h The amendment is reasbnal~ie an3 appropriate'~vhen considered in relation to th~ Declaratory
Resolution and the Plan and the purposes of IC 36-7-14; and
2. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, following public a hearing, the Commission on December 19, 2002, conducted a public
hearing at which the Commission heard all persons interested in the proceedings and considered all written
remonstrances and objections that were filed relative to extending the boundaries to include the area described
in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference;
WHEREAS, the Commission on June 25, 2003, conducted a public hearing at which the Comrrfission
heard all persons interested in the proceedings and considered all written remonstrances and objections that
were filed relative to extending the boundaries to include the area described in Exhibit A attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference; on June 2, 2003, the commission published notice of the substance of a
proposed amendment to the Declaratory Resolution in accordance with IC 36-7-14-17.5 and IC 5-3-1 in the
Evening News, which notice also gave notice of a hearing on the proposed amendment to be held by the
Commission; and notice to neighborhood associations and property owners; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission that:
.1. The Declaratory Resoluiion and the Plan are hereby amended to enlarge the boundaries of
the Area and the Allocation Area to include the Area described in Exhibit A.
2. The Commission now finds and determines that the amendment described in Section 1 is
reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the Declaratory Resolution and
the Plan and to th,g/redevelopment and economic development purposes set forth in IC 36-
7-14. /
3. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan.
5. The Secretary is hereby directed to record this resolution with the Clark County Recorder,
immediately notify the State Board of Tax Commissioners of the expansion of the Allocation Area and the
Area and to file this resolution with the Clark County Auditor.
6. In all other respects, the Declaratory Resolution and Plan are hereby ratified and confirmed.
7. This resolution is effective upon passage.
Adopted at a special called meeting of the Redevelopment Commission held on July 1,2003, at 501 E.
Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana.
COMMISSION .,~ -- ~-
--Bayd. ff, Pre-s{d~n~-~- ~-~ ~
Attachment A
A description of an expansion to the Fails Landing Kiverfront Development area which is
recorded at the Clark County Recorders Office in Misc. Drawer 14, Instrument No. 5442 and
bounded as follows:
Beginning at a point in the existing Falls Landing Riverfront Development area boundary, said
point being at the intersection of the northeasterly fight-of-way line of 6th Street and
northwesterly right-of-way line of Ohio Avenue; thence in a southeasterly direction along said
northeasterly right-of-way line of 6th Street crossing Michigan Avenue and Pearl Street, to, the
northern fight-of-way line of Court Avenue; thence south across Court Avenue to its southem
fight-of-way line; thence in a westerly direction along said southem right-of-way line of Court
Avenue, crossing Pearl Street and Mulberry Street, to the intersection of said southern fight-of-
way line of Court Avenue and the western fight-of-way line of Mulberry Street, a point in the
existing Falls Landing Riverfront Development are.
This expansion contains approximately 16 acres of land.
redevelopment plans fortheCity.
All of the rights, powers, ]~rivileges, and immunities that may be exercised by the
Commission in a Redevelopment Area or Urban Renewal Area may be exercised by the
Commission in the Economic Development Area, subject to the limitations oflC 36-7-
This Resolution shall be effective as of its date of adoption.
Adopted this 28th day of May, 2003.
(/, ....
ky~i -' li ms_. ~'- ~__
J Ron Ellis
AGi~m c~n, ~ctor
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville (City) Redevelopment Commission (Commission) did on April 27,
1982, adopt a declaratory resolution (Declaratory Resolution) establishing the Falls Landing Riverfront
Redevelopment Area (Area) and the Declaratory Resolution was confirmed by a Confirmatory Resolution
adopted on May 26, 1982;
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution approved the Economic Development Plan (Plan) which Plan
contained specific recommendations for economic development in the Area;
WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution established an allocation area in accordance with tC 36-7-14-
39 (Allocation Area) for the purpose of capturing property taxes generated from the incremental assessed value
of real property located in the Allocation Area;
WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville Common Council approved the creation of the Area and the Allocation
WHEREAS, IC 36-7-14-17.5 authorizes the Commission to amend the Declaratory Resolution, after
conducting a public hearing, if it finds that:
I. The amendment is reas6nal~ie and appropriate when considcred in relation to the Declaratory
Resolution and the Plan and the purposes oflC 36-7-14; and
2. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, following public a hearing, the Commission on December 19, 2002, conducted apublic
hearing at which the Commission heard all persons interested in the proceedings and considered all written
remonstrances and objections that were filed relative to extending the boundaries to include the area described
in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference;
WHEREAS, the Commission on June 25, 2003, conducted a public hearing at which the Commission
heard all persons interested in the proceedings and considered all written remonstrances and objections that
were filed relative to extending the boundaries to include the area described in Exhibit A attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference; on June 2, 2003, the commission published notice of the substance of a
proposed amendment to the Declaratory Resolution in accordance with IC 36-7-14-17.5 and IC 5-3-1 in the
Evening News, which notice also gave notice of a hearing on the proposed amendment to be held by the
Commission; and notice to neighborhood associations and property owners; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission that:
1. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan are hereby amended to enlarge the boundaries of
the Area and the Allocation Area to include the Area described in Exhibit A.
2. The Commission now finds and determines that the amendment described in Section 1 is
reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the Declaratory Resolution and
the Plan and to thd redevelopment and economic development purposes set forth in IC 36-
7-14. /
3. The Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, with the proposed amendment, conform to the
Jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan.
5. The Secretary is hereby directed to record this resolution with the Clark County Recorder,
immediately notify the State Board of Tax Commissioners of the expansion of the Allocation Area and the
Area and to file this resolution with the Clark County Auditor.
6. In all other respects, the Declaratory Resolution and Plan are hereby ratified and confirmed.
7. This resolution is effective upon passage.
Adopted at a special called meeting of the Redevelopment Commission held on July 1,2003, at 501 E.
Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana.
COMMISSION .,~ --- ~-
--B ~ - ---ffi~-fPre-si~e.~t-~5~ ~ ~
Ed Zasta~ec~etary ~<(
Attachment A
A description of an expansion to the Falls Landing Riverfront Development area which is
recorded at the Clark County Recorders Office in Misc. Drawer 14, Instrument No. 5442 and
bounded as follows:
Be irmin~ at anoint in the existing Fails Landing Riverfront Development area boundary, said
po~dt be~g at ~e ~ntersectton of the northeasterly right-of-way hne of 6th Street and
northwesterly right-of-way line of Ohio Avenue; thence in a southeasterly direction along said
northeasterly right-of-way hne of 6 Street crossing Michigan Avenue and pearl Street, to the
northern right-of-way line of Court Avenue; thence south across Court Avenue to its southern
right-of-way line; thence in a westerly direction along said southern right-of-way line of Court
Avenue, crossing Pearl Street and Mulberry Street, to the intersection of said southern right-of-
way line of Court Avenue and the western right-of-way line of Mulberry Street, a point in the
existing Falls Landing Riverfront Development are.
This expansion contains approximately 16 acres of land.