HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-OR-65ORDINANCE 88-0R-~_ An ordinance directing the Department of Redevelopment to seek prior approval from the Common Council of the City of jeffersonviile as to the Development and AdministratiOn of ali Local, State, and Federally funded programs, as well as the disposition of funds and/or resou, cce~_ including but ~no~; ] imitmd to ~-.,- est of the City of WHEREAS, it ~.=- in tp~e b~..~u inter jeffersonville tr. oromote the economic deYelopmei]~ nf the City arx..~ ~c i'~b¥'~',w: ~ne ~ualit~' c.f life of ~ts c~itize'n~:-~ WHEREAS, ~.~ ~s des]reble ~c:~ ma :imiz[ the ef'f'or~s c~'f the .-~ ify ~'r'r ano benefit fron all' _:>uc.h aoorc, prl~e C~ty ~c. c .... - - s~-'"-~l~:e~. WHEREAS, s~ ss also de~zrab].e ~hat the C~ty ~a~.::e these ~'~foresa~o effort~ as efficie~]t].Y ~'nd as prof~D,s~o~]~,] SY o(:,s~ble so as to be able tc, oar-~:~cipate to ~he fL !l.~st and ne~ghocrnood redevelopment programs that cc,.d:r~butione: ~c, the strengthening of the economic, sc, cia], a'nc~ recreational l~fe of Jeffersonvslle and of al! of ~s WHEREAS, the f~scal anO legislative body u]t~iateJ'Y ,"esoonE. ib].e to th[~ C~t~zens of Jeffersonville ~s z:he COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, NOW, THEREFORE~ LET IT BE ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE~ SECTION 1 The Common Council of the City of jeffersonville hereby directs the D~artment of Redevelopment, the staff ann board., to seek the pr~.c,r approval of the Common Council concerning the develooment and administration of all local, state, and/or federally funded programs in and for the City of Jeffersonvllle~ including- but no~ limited to. the Ccmm~. ~ity Block Grant Program, Industrial Develooment Grant Pund F'rograms available thl'-ougn the_' Indiana Department of Commerce, and all housing progr'ams available through the U.S. DePartment of Housing and Urban Development. SECTION 8 Thm mquls~tion or disposml c,f reml property by the Department of RedeYelopme~t shall require the prior consent of the COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE- SECT I ON 3 shall require the o¥-io~ c~onse~t of %he COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE- SECTION ~.:)'r lor a~o;]¥-c /a.!. by th6 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE~ ail nec(~':$~iar-Y aoolicatio'ns,. ¥-c?/iews ano ~'unded programs in which tne CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE might oartici~-," in the future to facil~ta%e the ach~e,.,emen~ of SECTION 5 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE hereb'~, cha¥-c_es the Department of Redevelopment, i~s st~~ ano board. -. ...... ~., -litv o<' advising; the COMMON COUNCIL as to r. edeve!opmen~ programs which will maintain the CITY OF and JEFFERSONVILEE i¥~ a ~avc, r'a,)~e ors~t,ior in i.-esoec:t to an~ SECTION Any prior cc, nfl i. ct SECTION If a court of law rules that a section or sections this ordinance is not valid, only those parts ruled invalid shall be repealed. It is understood that each sec%ic, n of this ordinance is adopted separately- b~ in full fL, roe arid effect f'rom JEFFERSONVILLE THE COMMON cOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 19 .......... - this day of -, COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE ATTEST: CLERK-TREASURER THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, this_ ............ day of ............ , !9 .... . this MAYOR