HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-OR-28ORDINANCE NO. 88-OR-28 ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF BROADWAY, THIRD STREET, AND ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 21 AND 22 AND 15 AND 16 IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA WHEREAS, the Department of Redevelopment of the City of jeffersonville has filed a petition requesting the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville to vacate certain platted streets and alleys which are located within property commonly which petition is in the known as the "Piggyback Yard", following words and figures: (HERE INSERT) be in the caused Common Council has caused public hearing to 1988, at 7:30 P.M., Clerk-Treasurer has WHEREAS, the set for its regular meeting on July 5, Common Council Chambers, and the notice of that hearing to be published in The Jeffersonville Evening News; and has petition, and has will be harmed by Third Street, or the WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville on that date heard all persons wishing to be heard on said determined neither the public or the City the vacation of that portion of Broadway, alleys described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, that: The following described real premises within the tract of property commonly known as the "Piggyback Yard" and the same hereby are vacated subject to the right of the City of Jeffersonville or its sewer utility to construct and maintain in the vacated area such storm or sanitary sewer lines as are needed and further subject to all existing utilities and easements of record. FoURTtt TIIIRD BEING TIlE 20 FoOT wIDE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 21 AND 22, PART OF sTREET, pARl OF TtlE 20 FOOT WIDE ALLEYS 1N BLOCKS 15 AND 16, PARl OF sTREET, AND pARl OF A lEN FOOl WIDE ALLEY IN BLOCK 22 IN lllE CITY OF 3EFFERSONVILLE, CLARK coUNTY, INDIANA AND BEING FURTIIER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: NBRltlWEST CORNER OF LBT #5, SOUIII RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF FOURIN OF SAID LOT 5, IN SAID BEGINNING Al' AN IRON p]IPE ON TIlE BLOCK 21; IlIENCE S.85° 16'Stl"E'' ALONG TIlE STREET, 111.2~ FEET lO AN IRON P1PE ON lllE NORItlEAST coRNER TIlE lRUE PI_ACE OF BEGINNING. TIIENCE 130.62 FEET ALONG THE ARC DF A CLIRVE TO Tile LEFT (RADIUS = 1]~0.7/~5 FEEl) WHOSE CHORD BEARS N.66°05'51''E'' 125.26 FEEl TO lllE NORTH RIGHT- DF-WAY LINE OF SAID FOURTII sTREET; , IIIENCE S.85016,SL~''E'' ALONG SAID NORTH RIGBT-OF-WAY LINE 2}9.78 FEEl TO TIlE WEST RIGII1-OF-WAY LINE OF 1-65; 68 50 FEET IIIENCE S-24007'34''E'' ALONG SAIl) WEST R1GIIT-OF-WAY LINE, · AN IRON PIN ON TIlE soUTll RiGltT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID FoURTlt sTREET; TllENCE N-85°16'54''W'' ALONG SAID sOUTIt RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 20.59 FEET TO AN IRON pIN ON TIlE NORTIIWEST coRNER OF LOT 7 IN SAID BLOCK 22; IllENCE S.4°~8'}l''W'' ALONG TIlE EAST RIGIII-OF-WAY LINE OF A 20 FOOT W~DE ALLEY, 28~.~8 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON TIlE NoRlll RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID TIIIRD THIRD STREET; TIIENCE S-B5°14'~0''E'' ALONG TIlE NORTII RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF STREET, 77.25 FEET 10 TIlE WEST RIGItT-OF-WAY LINE OF 1-65; TOENCE S.25~5~'06''E'' ALONG SAID WEST RIGIII-BF-WAY LINE, 69.75 FEEl l TIlE SoUTll RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID TIIIRD STREET; IHENCE N'85°14'30''W'' ALONG SAID SOIJllt RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE, 112.69 FEEl TO AN IRON PIPE ON TIlE NORTllWESI CORNER OF LOT //9 IN SAiD BLOCK 15; IllENCE S.4°~o'}l''W'' ALONG TIlE EAST RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID 20 FoOl WIDE ALLEY, 3.13.~0 FEET TO lllE WEST RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF 1-65 (EXIT RAMP); IIIENCE S.5~°34'~;5''W'' ALONG SAID RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE, 26.5} FEET 10 AN IRON PIN ~]N TIlE WEST RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID AI_LEY; TtlENCE N.~°]~13'31''E'' ALONG SAID WEST RIGII'[-OF-WAY LINE, }}O.B6 FEEl TIlE NORIlIEAST CORNER OF LOT ttB OF SAID BLOCK 15; IllENCE N.85°lt;'~O''W'' ALONG lllE SOUTtl RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID TtIIR STREET, 30.00 FEET TO A POINT; TIIENCE N.4°~8'~1''E'' 60.00 FEET TO TIlE NORItl RIGltT-OF-WAY LINE OF SA FEET IttlRD STREET; TllENCE S.BSoI[~'30''E'' ALONG SAID NORTll RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE, 30.00 TO THE SOUTltEASI CORNER OF LOT #~ OF SAID BLOCK 22; IItENCE N.z;°38,}l''E'' ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID 20 FO0 WIDE ALLEY, IB0.9~$ FEET TO IIIE NORTllEAST CI1RNER OF LOT /~ OF SAID BLOCK 22; TIIENCE N.OSo16.1~),,W., ALONG IIIE SoUTll RIGIIT-BF-WAY LiNE OF A lEN FOE WIDE ALLEY, 3B.00 FEET. ilO A POINT; IlIENCE N.4°38 i"E., 10.00 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE NORIII RIGIIT-OF-WA~ LINE OF SAID 10 FoOT WIDE ALLEY; , · TllENCE S.B5°16'lo''E'' ALONG SAID NORTll RIGlIT-OF;WAY LINE ~0 O0 FEE' TO lite SOUTllEAST cORNER OF LOT #6, IN SAID BLOCK 22; IItENCE N.z~°38'31''E'' ALONG TIlE WEST RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID 20 FO! WIDE ALLEY, 8~;.~;2 FEET TO IIIE NORTllEAST coRNER OF SAID LOT #6; lBENCE N.BS°16'Sz~''W'' ALONG TIlE SBU'Ill RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID FOU STREET, }22.19 FEET TO lllE NORIIIWEST CORNER OF LOT I/6, IN SAID BLOCK 21; IIIENCE S.4~0'08''W'' ALONG TIlE EAST RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF A 20 FOOT WIDE ALLEY, ?l}.BI FEET TO A POINT BEING 5.00 FEET NORII-I OF TIlE SOUIIIWESI coRNER OF LOT 1/16 IN SAID BLOCK #16; ltlENCE N.89°2L$'12''W'' 20.05 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; TtlENCE N.4°30'08''E'' ALONG TIlE WEST RIGltT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID ALLEN 715.25 FEET 10 TIlE IRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONIAINING 1.21 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. II. All that part of Broadway ~rom the North llne .of Market Street to the South line of'T!~ird Stree't, 'also from the North · li,~e of Third Street, to the" South line of Court' Street. also from the North Ii. ne of Co. urt Street to the South llne of Sixth Street except that part of Broadway South' of Sixth Street more particularly described as fQllows: Beginning at the SoUthwest cor,~er of Sixth and Broadway, thence l!',ast to the Southeast corner of Si×th and I~roadw:~y, ' theuce South ~,pon and along the East llne of Broadway a distance of'250.03 feet to a point, thence in a Northwesterly direction a distance of 209.72' feet to a point on the West line o£ I]roadway0 thence North on and al'ong tile West line of Broadway a distance 'of 65.35 feet to the place of beginning of this exception. This Ordinance shall be in full force ahd effect upon its timely passage, promulgation and approval by the Mayor. Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, on the ~--day of  ., 1988. ATTEST: CLERK-TREASURI~R Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of ~, said 1988. This ordinance approved and signed by me this 1988.