HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-R-27 RESOLUTION NO. 88-R-~_~
is authorized
the common council of the City of Jeffersonville
pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code
seq. to create "Economic Revitalization Areas"
within the City of Jeffersonville; and
WHEREAS, upon investigation, it has been determined that
the areas commonly known as the S & R Truck Tire 23 acre
addition to the Jeffersonville Industrial Park, the American
Commercial Barge Lines headquarters on Utica Pike, properties
illustrated upon the contemporaneously presented plat map to
Jeffboat, Inc., and the property located at the corner of
Sixth Street and Michigan Avenue, which property is currently
occupied by Ashley Lithographing, Inc., are all properties
which are in need of assistance in order to obtain normal
development and occupancy because of the lack of development,
cessation of growth and current economic conditions; and
undeveloped with regard to their
City's tax base and employment
WHEREAS, are areas
contribution to the
opportunities; and
WHEREAS, pursuant
to the provisions of the Indiana Code
seq., certain real and personal property tax
deductions may be afforded as an incentive to encourage
development in underdeveloped or declining areas and/or to
install new manufacturing equipment therein; and
WHEREAS, such improvements will benefit the long term tax
base of the City in stimulating employment opportunities within
the City; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of
Jeffersonville to grant certain property tax deductions.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of
the City of Jeffersonville hereby declares the areas as set
forth hereinabove and more specifically described in Exhibit A
attached hereto as economic revitalization areas. Said
declaration shall apply only to property within said area, and
declaration shall apply only to property within said area, and
such property shall include new manufacturing equipment.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is to remain
in effect for ten (10) years or until terminated by the Common
Council of the City of jeffersonville provided, however, said
Resolution is to continue in effect with regard to any property
which is qualified for tax abatement during said period, and
any such real property shall be abatable for a period of ten
(10) years, and any such personal property shall be abatable
for five (5) years pursuant to provisions of the Indiana Code;
That a. copy of
County Assessor; and
this Resolution shall be filed with the
That this Resolution shall be published in accordance with
the provisions of I.C. 5-3-1 and is to be available in the
Clerk-Treasurer's office for public inspection.
This COmmon Council will
remonstrances and objections from
24th day of September, 1988, at
receive and hear all
interested persons on the
9:30 o'clock A.M., in the
Jeffersonville Common Council Chambers, in the Judicial Wing of
the City-County Building, and will take final action thereon,
make any confirmations,
Resolution on said date.
Passed and adopted
1988, by the Common
Clark County, Indiana.
or recisions of said
of the City of jeffersonville,
Presented by me as
City of jeffersonville,
, 1988.
Approved and signed
Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of the
Indiana, this ~ day of
by me this ~ .. day
Illlnols Grant and more partlcularl
Beginning at a point wher~ llne dividing Surveys
Number Two (2) and Three (3) of the Illinois Grant
intersects the center llne of the Utica Pike; tl~ence
North 53° 45' East, with the center llne of the Utica
Pike, 389.33 feet to a point; thence South 37° 30'
East 768°0 feet to the Iow water Ilne of the Ohio
River; thence South 57° 45' West, w~th the Iow water
Hne of the Ohio R~ver, to the Southeast corher of the
E. To Slider, Inc. 8.67 acre tract of land; thence
North 37° 30' West 707°27 feet to a point ~n the
center llne of the Utica P~ke; thence South 53° 45'
West/and with the center llne of the Utica Pike,
412.0 feet to the Place of Beginning, and containing
13.52 acres, more or less, but sub to,.~tbe right?f-
way of the. ?ica Pik,
of record~
Dart.of Surveys Numbers Two:(2) and Three (3)
of the Illinois Grant andr'mo~e particularly des-
cribed as follows, to-wit: ·
BeEinning at a POint where the line dividing
Surveys Number Two (Z) and Three (3) of the Illinois
Grant intersects the center line of the Utica Pike:
thence North 53° 45' East,~'"with the ce?rem line of.
the Utica P~ke, 389.33'~feet?~o anoint; thence South
~7° 30' East 768.0 feet'~o the low water line of the
Ohio River; thence South"57~ ?~5'~West, ~ith ~he low
water line of the Ohio River, to the Southeast corner
of the E. Ti~Slider, Inc. 8.67 acre tract of land:
thence North 37~ 30' West 707.27 feet to a point in
the center line of the Utica Pike; thence South 5B°
~15' West,'and with the center line of the Utica Pike,
412.0 feet to the Place of Beginning, and containing
13.52 acres, more or less, bu~"subject to'the right-
of-way of the Utica Pike and subject also to a flowage
easement heretofore Kranted to'the Unite~ States of
,e rais of the e of the Ohio
on~ and more
'tJcularly described as ~ Beglnnlng'at~ an iron pipe on the
llne dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and3 at lhe most westerly corner of the
above described real estate; thence North 40 dego 36' West along
the llne dividing Surveys Nos, 2 and 3 of the IHinols Grant 240.03
feet to a railroad spike Jn the center llne of Park Place; thence
North 50 deg, 14' East along the center line of Park Place 20 feet
to a Po K. na~l; thence South 40 deg. 36' East 240.03 feet to an
~ron pipe; thence South 50 dego 14,' West 20 feet to the place of
beginning, subject to the ~
Part of Survey No. Illinois Gran 2
,~ge 50~
in the office of the Recorder of Clark County~ Indlanaf and also
the South one half of a 20 foot alley abutting on the I',lorth Jln~
of said Lot No. 12~ said alley being vacated by an order of the
Clark Circuit Court~ Clark County~ Indlana~ as shown in Clvll
Order Book No. 143 ~ des-
Crlbed as follows:
Beginning at a railroad splke where the center llne of the Utica
Pike intersects the llne dividing Surveys Nos, 2 and 3 of the
Illinois Grant; thence South 51 deg. 08~ West c~L~ong the center
llne of said Pike 120.36 feet to a railroad spike; thence North
39 deg o 4l~ West 25 feet to an iron pipe in ~he North rlght-of-
way line of the Utica Pike and being the Southerly most corner
of said Lot No. 12~ the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence
continuing North 39 deg. 41* West along the llne dlv. ldlng Lots
No. II and 12 of Brighton Addition, 534.04 Feet to an iron pipe.
in the South llne of a 20 foot vacated alley;' thence'continuing
North 39 deg~ '4l' West 10 feet to an iron plpe in the center line_-_~
of said vacated alley; thence North 50 deg. 14* East along the
center llne of said vacated alley 100 feet to an iron pipe In the
East line of sald vacated alley; thence South 39_deg, 41' East along
the East end of said vacated alley l0 feet to the North comer of
dad Lot No. 12; thence continuing South 39 deg, 41' East along
the East ~.ine of said Lot No. 12f 535.61 feet to an iron plpe in
the North right-of-way llne of the Utlca Pike; thence South
51 deg. 08' West along said ri
of Be
Also~ part of Survey No. 3 of the Illlnols Grant, Clark County~
Indlana~ and being a part of Lot No, I of the Sally M. Ewlng
Pope Subdlv|s|on~ as ~ecorded in Plat Book
and re.ore partlcularl
Beginning at a railroad spike in the center line of the Utica
Pike where it.lntersects the hne d~wd~ g Surveys Nos. 2 and
3 of the I!!i,n.o!s Grant; thence.~North 40 deg':'36' West along
the llne dlv~d.ng Surveys Nos'~"2 anti'3 of the III !
and the West llne of said Lot
East along the ILne
Ewlng Pope SubdIvisi~n 574.63 fee! to a ~r.ailr.ood_.sp. lke
the center llne of the Utica Pike; thence 3outh
the center line of the Utlca Pike 229.8 feet to
~rcel of~ 1 .~
Clark'County, Stat Indiana, bounded as fol-
lows: Starting at a point in the center line of
Utica Pike on the Grant line dividing Surveys 2
and 3; thence Southwesterly along the center line
of Utica Pike South 53 deg. 45' West Four Hundred{
Twelve (412.00) feet to a point in said center line
of Utica Pike, the _true place of beginning=
1. Thence South 37 deg. 30' East Twenty-five (25) fee~t
on a line parallel to the Grant line dividing Surveys
2 and 3 to a stone in the South right-of-way line of
the County road known as Utica Pike;
2. Thence South 37 deg. 30' East Four Hundred ninety-
three and eighty-six hundredths (493.86) feet on a
line parallel to the above mentioned Gramt line divid-
ing. Surveys 2 and 3 to a stone On the bank of the Ohio
3. Thence South 37 deg. 30' East One-hundred and
eighty-eight and forty-one hundredths (188.41) feet
(more or less) along a line parallel to the above
~mentioned Grant line dividing Surveys 2 and 3 to a
~polnt in the low water line of the Ohio River;
4. Thence in a Southwesterly directi6n doW~stream
with the meanderings of the low water line of the
Ohio River to a point in the low water line of-the
Ohio River located South 57 deg. 45' West Eight
hundred sixty-seven and seventy-five hundredths
(867.75) feet (more or less) from the upstream
point in the low water line of the Ohic
5. Thence.NDrth 36 deg. 15' Nest Two hundred five
and thirteen hundredths (205.13] feet (more or less)
along a Northeastern line of the Jeffersonville Boat
and Machine Company to a si bank
of the Ohio River;
6. Thence North 36 deg. 15' West Three hundred
three and three'hundredths [303.03) feet along the
above mentioned Northeastern line of the Jefferson-
ville Boat and property to a stone;
7. Thence in a Northeasternly direction Eight
hundred' (800 al~el to the
States. Navy b~ ited~States District
Court ~or the Southern Indiana District~in New
Albany, on December 24, 1942, and recorded in
deed book 142, page 157, to a drain-
age ditch; .... ~ -
8. Thence North 36 deg. 15~ West Twenty (20) feet
along.the Northeastern line of the above mentioned ....
3.21 acre tract drain-
age ditch;
9. Thence North 36 deg. 15' West One Hundred twenty-
nine and ninety-seven hundredths (129.97) feet along
the above mentioned Northeastern line of the 3.21
acre tract to a stone in the
way line of Utica
10. Thence North 36 deg. 15' West Twenty-five and
three hundredths (25.03) feet to a spike in the
center line of Utica Pike; .....
11. Thence in a Northeasterly direction Fifty-one
and four hundredths (51.04) feet along the center
line of Utica Pike to the true place of beginning.
Containing 8.67 acres less
P~ROEL aAs'': Part:'o£'Survoy No. lO of ~ho Illinois Oront, bounded
stone et tho into~eootion of tho linc divi~ling Stt~-
voys Nos. 9 and l0 and west right-of-w~y linc of tho Interstate Public
8orvico Compony, e propor~yl thence North.L~2 dog, 30' P~e~ 216~1 foot
along said right of ~my 'It_no to o at~ko, %ho true plooo'of b~.c4.nning! thence
eont~uing north aa dog, }0' cast 1}~.17 foot to s stoke! thoneo north 41
dog. l~' ~¥ost ~480.1~ foci to C stoke, said stoke boin~ lot tho point of
..tonEo~,oy to an #outer~ curve o£ radiua~ ostobliahod aa ~i~,l~O £OotJ thence
defloo%ina loi~ olonG acid Sourer" curve to a s~ko at ~ho ~t~rao~
~bis curve with ~o cost right-of-way l~c o~ 2ho L, & J. B~ & R~ R~ Oom-
~'~s~id poin~ boin~ ~pp~ox~oly ~ho ~o~soe~ton oP %ho L, & J~, B, & ~,
tho po~t o~. [~n~oy of tho i=OP OU~ th~oo sou~h hi'dca, ~i o~
~1~ tho ta~m~ 1517,87 foot %o tho n~th" eiEh~of~.ly lbo of tho
Or~n~, bo~od'~%h~ Boainnin[ ~ a stake in ~ho oonto~ 1~o of ~ho ~io~
P~o at tho ~torsoo~ion ce ~o wos~ 1~o (o~o~od) of L~ 8 of Brig~
~Subdiviaions t~oo ~eh '~ oonic~ linc 'of ~ho Utica P~o
~:'}00 foot to ~ho' cast linc (o~o~od) of ~t 10 .of Brl~ton
thence northerly ~ foo~ across ~o ~loa P~o and ,riCh tho oaa~ 1~o
of ~t 10 to tho no~th side of a ~-[oot'ailo~ thence oa~rdl2 9ith tho
~o~h l~o of tho ~ll$y ~ foo~ to ~o seth ~omcr of Lot ~} in Bri~.
~di~sionl,thonoo.nor~wardly ~ foot alone tho cast 1~o of L~ ~ and
aoro~s Market S~oo~ ~o tho nor~ 1~o ~ ~r~$ Stroll thoneo oaa~ordly
1~ ~ct al~g ~o north 1~o of ~rkot' Stroot So ~ho so~hoasi,eo~o~
~o~ ~h ~o north 1~o of ~ho alloy to ~o s~uiho~st oomo~ o~ Lo~ ~
of ~ri~ht~ 3~aionl thence n~w~dly ~} foot ~ton~' ~o cost
of B~htm 8~bdi~ei~l t~noo n~W~idly}:'~ fo0~ ,al~g ~,'oo~t ih~' of
Illinois ~rantl :thence northwardly o~ P~llol ~ cud ~} 'f~ot
from tho west linc of ~oy ~a~ ~, o~osS~ ~o ~ddlo Road~ to ~o ~o~
o~s~ordly npp~ox~utoly 2~ foot to' tho ,so~hons~ oomo~ ,o~ ~o l~nd
~toly ll~O ~o~, ~.O 1~o parallel ~th tho vest linc of Su~wy ~Io, 10,
or~sain~ S~o R~d N~. ~, tho old PI~ Rood ..end tho
the land of the Read heirs~ thence with t~ north right-or.ay l~e of
~e Public ~er~oe Co. any of Indiana 8outh ~ deg, }0, west 1}6.~ feet
to a a~kel thence soul.orally appr~mately 105~ feet, ~ a l~e parallel
with the west line of S~vey No. } ~d crossing the ri~t-of-way of the
old Plak Ro~d and ~tateRoad No. ~. to the,sout~eat corner of land for-
~rly ~ned by ~th~ and ~sey M~rioal~ th~oe ~th the ~rrioal l~e
eas~rdly approximately 65 feet ~. ihs l~e dividing S~veys Nos. 2
~ th~oe ~ the divld~g lin~ soul. rally oross~g the ~ddle Road
the northeast comer of Lo~ 48 of Bri~tm Subdivisi~ the~e~west~rdly
50 feet v~th ihs north l*~e'~of Lot 2~ th~oe aouth~rdly Ibp feet
the west line of L~ 25 ~d'orosaing ~e alley tO the nerviest comer of
Lot 2~ of B~gh}~ S~division; thence wes~ardly ~0 feet ~th the no~h
line of ~t 2} to ~e nor~wes~ oornerI'theno$ ao~ardly.'!~ fee~
the ~st l~e of Lot 2} and across C~rleat~ree~ to the.no~hea~
corner of Lot 82 of Bright~ ~divtai~I t~noe ~a~ardly 50 feet to'the
not,hypes2 corner of Lei 82 I th~oe so~ardly ~0 fee~ al~g ~s west
of Lo~ 82 and a~roas the all.'to the northeast comer of ~$ 57 of
Bri~ton Sub~ai~I thence ~stwarily 50 feet to the northwest corner
of L~ 57~ throe southwardly 260 feet el~g ihs ~st l~e ~ Lo2 57 and
across ~rket Street, to ~e no~theaat ocher ~f L~ }2~ thence ~s~ardly
~ feet to ~e next.oat corner Of ~t.~2t~enoe 8outhwardly ~ feet
along ~e west l~e of Lot ~2 ~d across the alloy to the north l~e of
Lot lO of Bright~ SubdivisionI thence ~s~rdly appr~i~tely 2~0 fee2
along the n~ l~e of Lo~s 10, 9, ~d 8 to.the northwest ocher of L~
8~ thence so~hwardly epprox~tely ~ fee2 along t~ west l~o of Lot
.8~ ~ ~e center l~e ~ the Utica Pike, ~ ~e place of beg~n~g, oon-
ta~g 12.51 acres, ~re or less.
PARCEl, "C" Part of Survey No. 2 ~' of ~e Illinois Orant, bounded
thus~ Beginning at the i~erseotion of the oenter line of the U~iea Pike
and the east line. extended, of the Ua S. Navy Yard property (~ormerly
Holt Masonio H~me propert¥)l thence sou~h ~ deg. 36' ~0'~ east 17~ fee~
al~g said line ~o a stake~ thanes eao~rd~ and parallel ~o ~e oen~er
l~e of the ~ioa P~e ~0 feet~ thanes nor~w~dly 17~ feet to the'~enter
1~o e~t~ndod o~ tho Utica P~ej rheas wea~rdly o~0r l~e
'of the U~°a P~e ~ feet to the plaoo~oF
P~OE~ "D" Beginn~g at the ~terseati~ of tho west ~o of
Penn 8tre~ south l~e of ~rke2 5treet~ thenoe no~ ~ ~eg. 02,
~8" east along tho south l~e of Market 8treat ~6~.~ ~e~ th~oe north
~ deg.. ~' ~2" west 6.21 fee~ ~henoe north ~ deg. 27' ~" east ~0.~
feo~ thanes no~2h ~ deg. ~0' 2~" west 7.87 fee~,~henoe nor~R
~, ~0" eas~ ~9.~ feat t, ~ oent~r l~e ~ ~ 8tree~ th~ee s~u~n
~2 de~. ~9' 40" east approxi~tely 600 feet along the oen~or A~e O~
M~n ~ree~ to the o~ginal 1~ water ~rk of the Ohio ~ver~ 2hanes sou~h-
weatwar~y el~g the ~der~ of the Ohio Ri~r to the ~st
Street~ thence north ~ dog. ~7' ~" ~st al~g the wes~
S~reet, to the south l~o of ~ont Street~ thanes oon~u~g
west [~e of Penn ~ree~ 4~.0~ foot ~ ~he soUth l~e of ~rk~ ~tree~
~ the p~o~ of ~e~n~g, oo~a~s 27,O~.aor~s, more .~r less~
the ~ght to'~he'exoluaive use, p~sseS'sion a~ o~trol o~ the
Shore l~ds
y line of Bi
thence S. 32 deg,
Catty of Clark, State of
rs"action of
center line
.~[!along tho center
of ~ain Street 240 feet to the south right-of-way line of
'th~,~tica Pike, ~ne true ~l~c~ of b~ln~l~A6; t~&C~ N. 58 d~g. 05'
~0'~' E. ~long tho south right-of-way line of the Utica Pike ~.~0
feet to the e~etern boundary of Lot~No. ~; thence 8. ~ deg~ 0~'
~6" E. along said boundary l0 feet; thence north §$ deg. l~ RO"
E. ~6~.~1 feet; thence $. ~§ deg. ~6~ ~0" E. ~ f~et to the low
water mark of tho Ohio River; thence down stream, with thc meander-
ings of the Ohio River to the c~ntcr linc of Main Street; thence
N; 32 dog,. ~, ~0" W. clong tho center line of Main Street 55~.50
feet to tho south right-of-way line of Utica Pike, tho true place
of beginning, containing 15.?? acrus of lzmd, more or less, to-
gether with ell ~ccrotion land, riparian rights, appurtenances
theruunto belonging nnd Improv,~monts thereon. Also tho right to
tho exclusive use/ occupanC~ ssession ~nd control of the s~oree
and shore lands~&d ~cribod.
of Brighton Addition a~d Lot hlo~' i Sally M: Ewlng P~
ion being more partlcular~ as follows.. ~;.
Beginning at a railroad spike where the center line of East
Park Place intersects the line dividing Surveys Ncs. 2 and 3
of the Illinois Grant; thence South 40° 36' East 240.03 feet
to an iron pipe; thence South 50° 14' West 11.21 feet to an
iron plpe; thence North 39° 41' West 240 feet to a P. K.
hall in the center llne of East Park Place; thence North
50° 14' East 7.37 feet to the place of beginning, subject
to the right-of-way of Park :~ '~
Part of Survey ~o.. 3 0 and
being part of Lot No~ 1 of Sally H. ~wing Pope Sub-
d£vision as recorded in Plat Book No. 4, page 63 in'
the office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana,
and more particularly described as follows: <
Beginning at a railroad spike where the center
of Park Place intersects the line dividing Surveys
Nos. 2 and 3 of the Illinois Grant; thence North 50
deg. 14t East, alon~ the center line of Park Place,
120 feet to a point, the true Place of Beginnin~;
thence continuing North 50 deg. 147 East, alon~ the
center line of Park Place, 118 feet to a railroad
spike;' thence South 40 deg. Ol' East, along the line ,.
dividing Lots Nos. i and 2 of the Sally M~'-Ewing Pop~
Subdivision, 240 feet to an iron pipe at the North
corner of the Jeffboat, Incorporated property; thence
South 50 deg. 14" West, along the Nor£hern l~ne of
s~id Jeffboat, Incorporated property, 115.56 feet to
a~point; thence North 40 de§. 36~ West~ parallel to
the line dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and 3 of. the Illinois
Grant, 240.01 fee~ to the Place of B~g[nnin§, ~ubJect
to the right-of-wa~ of Park Place. ~:.?,~.~.~ . ....... . /.~'
Also, an easement, for purposes of ingress and "'
egress to the above described real estate, over and
alon~ the following described real estate and being
a part of Survey No. 3 of the Illinois Grant and a part
of Lot No. i of the Sally M. Ewin~ Pope Subdivision,
and more particularly'described as follows:
Begi/ming at a railroad spike where the center
line of Park Place intersects the line dividing Surveys
Nos. 2 and 3 of the Illinois Gran~; ~henee South 40
deg. 36t East,~ along said lin~ dividing Surveys Nos.
2 and 3 of the Illinois Grant. 240.03 feet to an iron
~ thence NotCh'50 deg.-~14i
~ Soul :ly
East 120 feet to an
deg 36'~ West*20 feet~'to a~
of the tractlhereinabove'first~describedl thence
South 50 deg.il4~' ~est ~00 feet to a"point;
North 40'deg.~:36"West,'parallel to'and. 20 feet from
;~the line dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and 3 of.the~'Illinois
.~ t, 220.03"feet-toga P.' K.~'Nail'in the center line
Park Place;-!'thenc~SouthSC alon§
of Beg:
pages 280 and 281 of ~'lark County, Indiana Records~
Part of Block 1 .~n Benson's Addition as shown in
Plat Book 3, Page 15 of the Clark County, Indiana
Records and part of Block 42 in the City of Jeffer-
sonville, Clark County, Indiana and described as
Beginning at Southwest corner of said property;
thence North 28"-37'-10" West to be extended ap-
proximately 70.0 feet northwestwardly towards
Market Street; thence North 58"-29'-20" East, along
the northeast line of Market~ street for 424.44
feet; thence North 59"-02'-35" East, along the
northeast line of Market Street, 337.8 feet to the
northeast line of the jeffersonville Flood Control
Wall; thence South 28"-37'-10" Eas~{ 'along sai~
Flood Wall, approximately 70.0 feet to a point;
thence South 58°-29'-20" West along the jefferson-
ville Flood Control Wall, approximately 762.24 feet
to the place of Beginning, and more particularly
outlined in the attached EXHIB!T~"B~'~
ALSO, any and all rights and easements retained and
reserved by the jeffersonvill~ Boat and, Machine
Company in th~~ deed from the jeffersonville Boat
and Maq~hine Company to the jeffersonville ~lood
Control District, of record in Deed Record 139, at
page 11, in the office of the Recorder of Clark
County, Indiana, to the extent that said rights and
easements affect the real estate herein conveyed.
ALSO, a perpetual easement and right-of-way over,
upon and across a roadway 30 feet in width extend-
ing along the .ne of the above-
described real estate~
EXCEPTING that portion of the above-described real
estate heretofore conveyed to' the jeffersonville
Flood Control District; and subject to restric-
tions, agreements and easements, all as set forth
in the deed from the jeffersonville Boat and
Machine Company to the jeffersonville Flood Control
District, of record in Deed Record 139/at-page 11,
in the office of the Recorder~of'Clark County,
Indiana, i a 13 foot subsurface easement
along the 1~
and parts of
Benson' e Addition
Beginning .~line of
Penn Street and the South line of Cherry Alley;
thence S.35 ,deg. 57' 25# E., 104.28 feet; thence
westwardly: 39.84 feet; thence N. 35 deg. 57' 25"
W., 68.18 feet; thence westwardly 39.84 feet;
thence S.35 deg. 57' 25# E., 166.19 feet; thence
S.58 deg. 32' 25" W., 160.10 feet; thence N.36 deg.
31' 35' W., approximately 200.99 feet; thence N.56
deg. 56' 44' E., approximately 240.57 feet, to the
true point of beginning,
I. Being part of Lots Nos. One (1) and Two (2) in B'lock, _ NO.n
Sixty-four (64) of the Enlargement to the City-of Jefzerso -
villel Beginning in the south line of Lot No. 1 a distance
of forty (40) feet eastwardly from the southwest coroer of
Block No. 64; thence eastwardly with the south line Of said
Lot No. 1, a distance of 25 feet; thence at right angles north-
wardly to the north line of Lot No. 2; thence at right angles
westwardly a distance of twenty-five (25) feet to a point in
said north line; thence at right angles southwardly to the
south line of Lot No. 1, the place inning.~
II. A lot of land forty (40) feet front on Sixth Street, it
being the northeast corner of Sixth Street and Mich%gan
Avenue, extending back the same width one ~dred slx'~en
(116) feet on Michigan Avenue, . and 2, the same
being in Block No. 64.
III. Part of Lot No. 3 in Block No. 64 in the City of Jefferson-
vi,l~e, except 30 feet off the north the same front-
in~on Michigan Avenue.
IV. Part of Lot No. 2 in Block No. 64 :he Enlargement of
the City of jefferhonville as shown on the map thereof printed
by C. R. MilDe in 1839. Beginning on Sixth Street, twenty-five
(25) feet west from the southeast corner of Lot No. 1; thence
northwardly at riqht angles eighty-six and four tenths (86.4)
feet to a point in. Lot No. 2 of said Block; thence continuing
northwardly thirty (30] feet~to the-north line of Lot No. 2
aforesaid; thence westwardly a distance of thirty (30) feet;
thence southw~r~ly a distance of thirty (30) feet; thence east-
wardly a distance of thirty feet to the true ~ beginning,
being the seco! et out
V. Being part of Lot No. 2 Llock No. i4 in the Enlargement
of the City of Jeffersonville, as shown on the map thereof printed
~ by C. R. Milne''in 1839~'~' Beginning'at a point on Sixth Street,
at the intersection.of an alley and'said'street at the south-
east corner of said Lot No. 1; thence northwardly along sa.id
alley a distance of 86.4 feet to a point which marks the true
place .of beginning; thence continuing along the line of said
alley a distance of thirty (30) feet to the northeast corner
bf Lot No. 2; thence westwardly at a'right angle twenty-five
(25) feet, thenc southwardly at a right angle a distance of
0) fe, thenc~ twardl ,-at.a~right ang!e a
Subdivision as shown :i .
Clark.' CountY',~ indiana{ 're~or~s
described as follows:~Beglnn~n§ )ipe
the West corner of Lot"#34 and ]n Southeast line
]'the Southeast
o~ u=rk Place; thence N.~50" ._ .
of park Place 64.09'fee~ t°'a po~.t, thence S
line ~ ..~ ~ S. 50" W.
40° E., 142.00 feet to~a po~nt;~ thence ,
64.00 feet to aH iron pipe in the line dividing Lots
#33 and #34 in said Brighton subdivision; thence N.
40" W., along said dividing line 142.00 feet to THE
PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 9088 square~, feet.
Being the same real tare conveyed to the grantors
herein by Deed dated April 30, 1977, and recorded in
Deed Drawer 9, as Instrument No. 4348, in the office
of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana.
Being located in ~lark County in
Indiana and being's part o£ Survey No. 20 of the
Illinois Grant more particularly described as
tollo~s to-wit: BEGINNING at au iron pin at the
intersection of the southeasterly right-Of-waY
lin~ of she Pittsk..rg. Cincin~.~ci, Chicago and St.
Louis Railroad with the line dividing said Survey
No. 20 from Survey No. 19 of said grant; said
point being South 35 degrees 48 minutes 62 seconds
East t35.27, feet as measured along said dividing
line from the northwest corner of said Survey No.
201 thence wi~h said dividing line and with a
southwesterly line of the tract conveyed to
~.&.¥.E., Inc. by deed of record in Deed Record
135, page 5&3. in the of£ice of the Recorder of
Clark County, Indiana. South 35 degree'h, t8
&2 seconds east 5t3.~6 feet to an iron pin; thence
'departing said dividing line between Survey Nos.
19 and 20 with another southwesterly line of said
tract conveyed to WoAoV.E. Inc., South 67 degrees
&6 minutes 07 seconds East 6/8.08 feet to a point;
thence departing said line, North !5 degrees 35
minutes 37 seconds east 1,106.~6 feet to a point;
thence South 85 degrees 05 miu~tms 0~'ae~onds east
775.68 feet to a point in the westerly
right-of-va~ line of the Ha~burg Pikel thence virh
said '~ight-of-vaY line, Horth 3 degrees 5~ ~lnttes
/ 1~ seconds East ~9o93 £eet to an axle at the
southeaaternmost corner of' Wsverly Park
Subdivision. plat of which is of ~ecord in Plat
Book 6. page 52, in t~! office of the Recorder of
Clark County, indiana; thun~e with aou;he~ly lines
of ssid,.aubdivision, North 85 degrees 05 ~lnutes
' 08 seconds west 1,217o79 feet to a post and North
~0 degrees 07 minutes 39 seconds west 2§6.55 feet
to an iron pin in the southeasterly right-of-waY
line of the Pit~$burg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St°
· .Louis Railroadl thence with said,right-of-waY
lisa, South ii degrees 13 ~lnutes
to the point of beginning, contaio
acre~, subject to a
High & . Streets in th~ old
town of Port
cally described as follows}
Beginning at an offset stone at the southeast corner of Main & High StreetS,
thence weetwardly and parallel with the 'south line of High Street, to a point
lZ ft., distant from said Stone, thence southwardly with the east line of
l~tain Street, 3 ft. to & point, the tr~e place of beginninJ~." Thence'continuin~
southwardly zl0 ft. to the cor-~er o~ Main & l~arket St~.e~s, thence eastwardly
along the north line of Market Street, 285 lt. · to a pbint,'thence northwardly
and parallel to NIain Street, 10S ft. to a point, thence westw~rdl~ and parallel
to Market Street, ~- 5 lt. to a polut, thence northwar~ and paraBel to Main
Street, Y. 20 ft. , to a point, thence westwardly and parallel to Market Street,
Z0 ~., to a point, thence southwardly and parallel to Main Street, ZZ. 50 ft.,
to a point, thence weatwardly ~nd parallel to ~rket Street, 20 ft. , to a point,
thence northwardly and parallel to }~ain Street, 15. ~0 it. , to a point, thence
westwardly and parallel to ~rket ~treet, ~6. ~0 ft., ~o & point, thence north-
wardly and p~raBel to Main Street, 105 ft., to a point on the south line of ~h
Street, thence westw&rdly alon~ the south line of ~gh ~treet, iYS. 00 ft., ~o
-~uthe&st corner of ~Gin and ~[h Streets, the true place of be~innin~
Being a part of Su~Pey ~3 of the Illinois Grant to
Clerk County, Indiana and being a part of Lot #1 6f
Sally M. Ewing Pope's Subdivision as shown ~ Plat
Book 4, Page 63 of said County Records and being .~
further described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the center line of Park
Place intersects the l~ne dividing Surveys #2 and
~3 of said Grant; Thence N. 50" 14' E., along said
Southeast line 20 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING.
Thence continuing N. 50° 14' E.., along said Southeas~
line 100.00 feet to a point;
Thence S. 40° 36' E.;~:240.03 feet to a point;
Thence S. 50° 14' W., 100.00 feet to a point;
Thence N. 40° 36' W., 240.03'feet to'T~E TRUE PLACE
'~ontaining 2100.3 square feet and bain§ subject to
the following described roadway easen~nt:
Beginning at the South corner of the above described
Thence N. 40° 36' W., 20 feet;
Thence N. 50° 14t E., 100 feet; ~i~.~.~.~
Thence S. 40" 36' E., 20 feet;
Thence ~' feet to the
Being a part of Survey ~ of the Illinois Grant
Clark Count7, Indiana and bein$ apart of Lot'~l of
Sally M. Ewing pope's' Subdivision as~shown in Plat
· "~ Book 4, Page 63 of
fur ther~ descz
Beginning at a point where the center
Place intersects the line'dividing Sury~eys #2 and
#3 of said Grant; Thence'N. 50° 14' E.]'~alon$ said
Southeast line 20 feet to ~ T~U~ BEGINNING.
Thence continuingN. 50° 14! E.
line 100.00 feet to a point;
Thence S. 40° 36' E., 240.03 feet to a point;
Thence S. 50° 1~' W., 100.00 feet to e point;
Thence N. 40° 36' W., 240.03 feet i TRUE. PLACE
Containing 2100.3 square feet and being subject to
the following described roadway easement:
Beginning at the South corner of'the above described
Thence N. 40°
Thence N. 50°
Thence S. 40°
Thence S. 50°
36' W., 20 feet;
14' E., 100 feet;
36' E., 20 feet;
14' W., ~00 feat to the
Part of Survey No. 2 of the Illlnols Grant and being Lot No..11
of the Map of Brighton, as recorded in Plat Book No. 4, page 50,
and also the South one half of a 20 foot alley abutting on the East
one half of the North llne of said Lot No. II, sa~d alley belng'~
vacated by an order of the Clark Circuit Court recorded in Civil
Order Book No. 143, at page 146, and more particularly described
as follows:
Beglnn~ng at a railroad spike where the center llne of the Utica
Pike intersects the llne dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and 3 of the Illlnois
Grant; thence South 51 deg. 08' West along the center line of said
pike 220°37 feet to a railroad spike; thence North'39 deg. 41tWest
25 feet to an iron pipe in the North right-of-w6); llne of the Utica
P~ke and being the most Southerly corner of said Lot No. II, the
True Place of Beginning; thence continuing North 39 deg. 41' West
along the llne dividing Lots 10 and II, 532,47 feet to an iron pipe
in the South llne of a 20 foot alley; thence North 50 deg, 14'
East along the South llne of said alley and the. Northern line of
Lot No. II, 50 feet to an iron plpei the0ce ~lo~th 39 d~eg, 41'
West along the ~West llne of vacation 10 feet to an iron 'pipe in
the center llne of said vacated alley; thence North 50 deg,
14' E~st along the center llne of s~d vacated alley 50 feet to
an ir°n pipe; thence South 39 dego 41' East 10 feet to the North
corner of Lot No. II; thence continuing South 39 deg. 41' East
along the llne dividing Lots. Nos. II and 12~ 534.04 feet to an
iron pipe in the North Hght-of-way llne of the Utica Pike;
thence South 51 deg, 08' West along said North right-of-way
line I00
Part' of 'the block
High and #ain Street
Ful ton-Now-Je feet sonvil le,
ld town of Port
Clark County, Indiana,
and more specifically described .ows~
Beginning at an offset stone a ~thwest
corner of Main & High Streets, thence eastwardly
and parallel with the south line of High Street,
12 ft., to a point, thence southwardly .with the
west line of Main Street, 3 ft., to a point, the
true place of beginning~ 'Thence continuing south-
wardly along the western line of Main Street, 64
ft. to a point, thence westwardly and parallel to
the south line of High Street, 125 ft. to a point,
thence southwardly and parallel to Main"Street, 66
ft. to an iron pipe, thence westwardly and paral-
lel to High Street 198.35 ft.,. to a point, thence
northwardly and parallel to Ma~n Street, 5 ft. to
a point, thence westwa~dly and parallel to H~gh
Street, 110 ft. to an iron pipe on the east lxne
of Jefferson Street, thence northwardly along the
east line of Jefferson street, 210 ft. to a point,
at the corner of Jefferson and Sigh Streets,
thence eastwardly along the south line of High
Street, 433.35 ft., to a point, on the corner of
High & Main Streets, the true place of beginning.
Being a part of Lots #34, 5 and #36 in
Brighton Subdivision as shown in Plat Book
4, page 50 of the Clark County, Indiana
Records and part of a 20 foot wide alley
(vacated in Court Order Book 143, page 146)
and being further described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe on the West corner
of Lot #34 and in the Southeast line of Park
place{ Thence S. 40° E.. along the line
dividing Lots #33 and #34, 142 feet to an
Thence N. 50" E., 150.00 feet to an iron pipe
in the Northeast line of Lot #36; Thence S.
40" E., along said Northeast lin.e and said
line extended 68.00 feet to an iron pipe in
the centerline of a 20 foot wide alley (v~c-
ated); Thence S. 50° W., ~'(passing thi'ough
an ir~)fi pipe at 100 feet) along said center-
line 150.00 feet to an iron pipe; Thence 'N.
40° W., 68 feet to OF
Part of Survey No. 2 of the IIllr s Grant and being a wedge
shaped strip of ground lying between the East line of Lot No.
12 oF Brighton Addition, and'the line dividing Surveys Nos. 2
and 3 of the Illlnols Grant y described as
Beglnnlng at a railroad spike where the center line of the Utica
Pike intersects the line dividing Su~eys Nos. 2 and 3 of.the
illinois Grant; thence South 5~ deg. 08' West along the center
line of said Pike 20.35 feet ,to a railroad spike; thence No~th
39 deg. 41! West 25 feet to an iron pipe in the North right-of-
way llne oF the Utica Pike and being the most Easterly corner
of Lot No. 12 of Brighton Addition; thence continuing North
39 deg. 41' West along the Eastern line of, Lot Iqo. 12, 545.61
fe~t to an iron pipe in the center llne of a vacated alley; thence
North 50 deg. 14' East along the center llne of said alley if
extended 11.21 feet to an iron pipe In the llne dividing Surveys
Nos. 2 and 3 of the Illlnols Grant; thence South 40 deg. 36'
East along the line dividing Surveys Nos. 2 and 3 of said
Grant 570.97 feet to the Place {inning.
Being a part of Lots #35 and #36 in Brighton subdivi-
sion as shown in Plat Book 4, Page 50 of the Clark~
County, Indiana, records and being further described ~
as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe on the West corner of Lot ~34
in said Brighton subdivision and in the Southeast line
of Park Place; thence N. 50° E., along the Southeast
line of Park Place 64.00 feet to a point, THE TRUE
PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N. 50" E., along
said Southeast line 86.00 feet to a point on the North
corner of said Lot #36; thence S. 40" E.,'along tke
Northeast line of said Lot #36, 142.00 ~et to an iron
pipe; thence S. 50° W., 86.00 feet to a point; thence
N. 40" W., 142.00 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING,
containing 12,212 square feet.
~ Being the same real estate conveyed to the grantors
herein by Deed dated December 30, 1977. and'recorded
in Deed Drawer 10, as Instrument ~o. 67', in~.~he offic?
of the Recorder'gf Clark County, Indiana.
Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts
Ci%y of jeffersonville
ntal Unit)
County, Indiana
General Form No. 99P (Revised
News and Journal, Inc. Dr.
221 Sprin9 St., Jeffersonville, IN 47130
not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall
four solid lines of type in which the body of the
is set) -- number of equivalent lines ..... "'
lines ·
f lines · · ' ...... ~'
lines in notice ............
columns wide equals 134 equivalent lines ,
· .. . . . $ 30.02
line * ........ t ' ' '
for notices containing rule or tabular work
above amount) . · · · · · ·
~roofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof
..... $ 30.02
OF CLAIM .............
8.5 ems
sious and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953,
foregoing account is Just and correct, that the amount claimed is
all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid.
28 19 88 Title: Bookkeeper
was duly published in said paper for
dates of publication being as follows:
Sept. 21, 1988
State of Indiana )
Clark County ) · i :
Personally appeared before me, a notary ~ublic in and for said count'3
snd state, the undersigned Theresa Clllian who, being
sworn, says that s he is DOOKJ~eeper
Clar~ County--Journal newspa]~e~
generaI circulation printed and published in the English language
~e (.~v~ (~P~of Jeffersonville in state and county afore.
said, and that the printed matter attache~ hereto is,a true copy, wh
1 time .., the
Form prescribed by Stats Board of A~9ouutS
Ci%y of jeffersonville
General Form No. 99P (Revised 1987)
News and Journal, Inc. Dr.
221 Spring St., Jeffersonville' IN 47130
County, Indiana
not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall
four solid lines of type in which the body of the
is set) -- number of equivalent lines .......
lines · · ·
lines · - ·
lines .........
of lines in notice ..........
columns wide equals 134 equivalent lines
per line .- .............
for notices containing rule or tabular work
above amount) · · · · · · ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
,roofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof
, $ 30.02 =
.olumn 8.5 ems
.OhS 1
.sions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953,
the foregoing account is Just and correct, that the amount claimed
all just credits, and that no ~art of the samg-~as been paid.
19 88 Title: Bookkeeper
State of. Indiana )
Clark · , County )
Personally appeared before me, a notary public ia and for said count
and state, the undersigned Theresa Cillian . who, beingofd
sworn, says that s hs is - Doo~J~eeper news~apez
The b~&nin~ News
genera~ circulation printed and published in the English ]~nguage
~h. f,{ev% (~ of Jeffers°nville ~ in state and county afor~
said, and that the printed matter attache~ hereto is a true copy, wi
was duly published in said paper for 1 time , the
dates of pBblication being es fellows:
· Sept . 16, 1988
Wing of