HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-R-20 RESOLUTION NO. 89-R-~ A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A WRITTEN FISCAL PLAN ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN ANNEXED AREA WHEREAS, City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, desires to annex an area on its existing northwest boundary, which area is more specifically described in Ordinance No. 89-OR-~; and WHEREAS, responsible planning and State law requires adoption of a fiscal plan and a definite policy for the provision of services to annexed areas; and WHEREAS, such a plan has been developed and presented to the Common Council, entitled "Fiscal Plan, Annexation Area 3, City of Jeffersonville, Indiana". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, that: 1. The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, hereby approves and adopts the "Fiscal Plan, Annexation Area 3, City of Jeffersonville, Indiana,S, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and hereby approves and adopts the specific policies for implementation of the plan as set out therein; 2. Any monies necessary for the provision of services as and itemized in the attached plan shall be and appropriated from the applicable fund, State law and the City's budget described budgeted pursuant to procedures; It is anticipated that this annexation will not result in the elimination of jobs for employees of other governmental entities, but in the event it does, then the Director of Personnel of the City of Jeffersonville is hereby directed to assist such employees in obtaining new employment, but nothing herein shall require the City to hire any such employees. Passed and adopted this ~ 1989, by the Common Council of the Clark County, Indiana. .day of . , City of Jeffer~onville, ANTHONY W. ~qARROD PRESIDENT, COMMON COUNCIL ATTEST: CLERK-TREASURER ~ ~ Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of the Indiana, this /~ day of City/~ of Jeffersonville, , ,/~.~, , 1989. and signed , 1989. Approved c. mC~ARD SPENCE~ CLERK-TREASURER by me this / ~ day of Department of Redevelopment City of Jeffersonville July 1989 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................. LOCATION .............. , ..... : ~i ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ :........ ~ ' ' ~ ~ : : ; ; ~ ' ' ~ ; ~ ~ : ~ METHOD OF ANNEXATION ..................... Contiguity of Area ................................................. Population Density ................................................. Annexation Need ................................................... COMPARABLE AREA ................................................... TOPOGRAPHY. ...................... EXISTING LAND USE .............. ZONING .......................... Zoning Plan .................... STREETS ......................... Street Plan ................. ;.. SIDEWALKS ....................... Sidewalk Plan .................. STREET LIGHTS .................. Street Light Plan .............. GARBAGE COLLECTION ......... t.. Garbage Collection Plan ......... WATER ............................ Water Service Plan .............. FIRE HYDRANTS ................... Fire Hydrant Plan ............... SANITARY SEWER .................. Sanitary Sewer Plan ............. STORM DRAINAGE ................. Storm Drainage Plan .......... FLOOD PLAIN .................. Flood Plain Plan ............. FIRE PROTECTION ............ Fire Protection Plan ........ POLICE PROTECTION ......... Police Protection Plan ....... RECREATION .................. Recreation Plan ..... CITY ENGINEERING',' '~I'~INING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ........ City Engineering, Planning $ Zoning, Inspection & Building .Code Enforcement Plan ...... ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES .............. Administrative Services Plan ........... OTHER CITY FUNCTIONS ................. Other City Functions Plan ............. HIRING PLAN ............................. ZONING Page 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 15 16 ........... 16 ........... 16 ........... 17 ........... 17 ........... 17 TABLES, MAPS, EXHIBITS Table 1 - Map I - Exhibit A - Exhibit A - Exhibit B - Exhibit C - Exhibit D - Exhibit E - Exhibit F - Street Maintenance, Location of Annexation Area 3 ........ Census Tract Data ................... Census Tract Map ................... Map 2, Existing Land Use ............ Map 3, Existing Zoning .............. Map 4, Existing Fire Hydrants ....... Map 5, Sanitary Sewer ............... FEMA, Flood Insurance Map .......... ... 19 ... 20 ... 21 ... 22 ... 23 ... 24 ... 25 ... 26 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to provide the City of Jeffersonville with the information needed to make a sound decision regarding the possible annexation of Annexation Area 3. The incorporation of Annexation Area 3 into the City of Jeffersonville will require the provision of services in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to services now provided in comparable parts of the City of Jeffersonville. This report analyzes the impact that Area 3's annexation will have on various city services and outlines a plan for providing pertinent services. To this end, the study serves as the City's written fiscal plan and annexation policy requirements to be included in any resolution of the Common Council related to the annexation of Area 3. Such a plan and policy are necessary to meet State statutory requirements- LOCATION Annexation Area 3 is located adjacent to the northwest part of Jeffersonville. Map 1,. which follows this page, shows the boundaries of this 611± acre area. Area 3 is within portions of Grants 21, 33 and 34 of Jeffersonville Township. It should be noted that the City's ordinance pertaining to the annexation of Area 3 should contain a legal description of the area. METHOD OF ANNEXATION The City of Jeffersonville may, by ordinance, annex territory that is contigu- ous to its corporate limits, provided the annexation meets one of the following conditions: 1) A. At least 1/8 of the aggregate external boundaries of the territory sough~ to be annexed must coincide with the existing boundaries of the City of Jeffersonville; and that either B. Sixty percent (60%) of the territory is subdivided; C. The resident population density of the territory sought to be annexed must be equal to at least three (3) persons per acre; or The territory is zoned for commercial business or industrial use. DJ 2) A. At least 1/4 of the aggregate external boundaries of the territory sought to be annexed coincides with the boundaries of the City of Jeffersonville; and The territory sought to be annexed is needed and can be used by the City of Jeffersonville for its development in the reasonably near future. The proposed annexation would meet either of the above conditions. In addi- tion to meeting one of the above conditions, the City of Jeffersonville must develop a written fiscal plan and establish, by resolution of the Council, a definite policy relative to the territory to be annexed. The City of Jeffersonville retains the authority to annex the proposed area pursuant to the provisions that they show 1/8 contiguity boundary and a resident population density equal to at least three (3) persons per acre. Contiguity of Area Annexation Area 3 meets the contiguity requirements of state law as 35.2% of its boundary is contiguous with the present corporate limits of the City of Jeffersonville. The following statls~tics are presented regarding con- tiguity: Contiguous to City Through Non-contiguous Annexation - 5,245' (16.2%)i Contiguous to City - 11,395' (35.2%) Total Boundary That Coincides With City NOt Contiguous to City TOTAL BOUNDARY: - 16,640' (51.4%) - 15,725' (48.6%) 32,365' Population Density Annexation Area 3 has an estimated population of 2,062 persons. This esti- mated population was derived by multiplying the actual number of dwelling units times the average household size (3.09persons per household) for the unincorporated part of Census Tract 506.01. Ail of Area 3 is within this census tract~ An adjustment was made to account for the possible lower house- hold size in mobile home occupancy. Only 25 percent of the Area's 93 mobile homes were included in the census tract average of 3.09, the remainder were assumed to average two persons per household. 599 Single-'family units 23 Mobile home (25% of Area's total) 622 x 3.09 Average household size = 1,922 70 Mobile homes × two persons per unit = 140 TOTAL ESTIMATED POPULATION: 2,062 - 2 - This population figure, when applied to the Area's 611± acres, equals a resident population density of 3.37 persons per acre. Copies of relevant census data from Table P-l, General Characteristics of Persons, page P-5, Census Tracts, Louisville, Kentucky-Indiana SMSA, 1980 Census of Population and Housing are incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit A. Annexation Need In addition to meeting annexation condition 1, the contiguity of Annexation Area 3's boundaries exceeds 1/4 of the aggregate boundaries and the Area is needed by the City for its development in the reasonably near future for reasons stated as follows: - the existing pattern of urban development indicates such development will increase in Area 3; - the need for urban services is evide~t~fr°m the need to assist the County in responding to police calls; - it is physically,socially and economically, but not legally, a part of the City; - over 50 percent (51.4%) of the Area now borders the City; - there is a need to assure that sufficient good land is available for development; - that the proposed Inner City Road to be financed locally by the City will have a development impact on the Area; and - future development should be planned in an orderly manner that is consistent with adjacent City developments and can be coordinated with the need for urban services. COMPARABLE AREA The Northaven Subdivision within the Jeffersonville corporate limits was selected as a comparable area in order to compare the proposed provision of capital and noncapital services to Annexation Area 3 with those services now provided within the corporate limits. The Northaven Area has similar topography, a developed subdivision with 536 residences and an average household size of 3.03 persons. TOPOGRAPHY Topography within Annexation Area 3 ranges from 460 to 500 feet above sea level. In the comparable Northaven Area, topography ranges from 470 to ~ ~"mo feet above sea level. Slopes are gentle in both areas. -3- EXISTING LAND USE Single-family residential development is the predominant use of land in Annexation Area 3. The largest concentration of this use is The Meadows, a 575 lot subdivision with only three vacant lots, located in the north part of the Area. The Sunset Mobile Home Park in the south part of the Area contains 91 residential units. The remaining single-family dwellings are at scattered locations along Area 3's major roads° Other land uses include two churches, two public schools (River Valley Middle School and W.E. Wilson School), and a home occupation beauty shop. Ail of these uses are located along New Albany-Charleston Pike. Some 311 acres (or 50.8%) of the Area is undeveloped. This undeveloped land is most likely to be devel- oped for residential use and could ac~o~mmodate an estimated 744 dwelling units when fully developed. Map 2, which is incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit B, shows the existing use of land. Following is a statistical analysis of land use: Acrg~ Type of Us~ 174.8 Single-Family House 15.9 Mobile Home 15.9 Church 24.8 Public School 22.1 Railroad Right-of-Way 46.9 Street Right-of-Way _310.9 Vacant 611.0 TOTAL: Following is a statistical analysis of residential units: Section ~ Mobile - ' 572 0 The Meadows 0 91 Sunset Mobile Home Park 8 0 Along Hamburg Pike 0 Along New Albany-Charlestown Pike 16 Along jeffersonville-Charlestown Road 3 2 TOTALS: 599 93 Total Housing Units: 692 In addition to the above, are located in Area 3. two unoccupied dilapidated single-family houses -4- ZONING The City of Jeffersonville's zoning and subdivision regulations would become effective in Annexation Area 3 upon its annexation. The Clark County Zoning Ordinance now applies seven different zoning classifications to the Area. Following is a listing of these zones and the comparable City of Jefferson- ville zone that will be adopted for Area 3. Clark County Zones A1 Agricultural Zone RI One-Family Residence Zone R2 Limited Multiple-Family Zone B1 Limited Business Zone B2 Roadside Business B3 General Business Zone M1 General Industrial Zone Jeffersonville Zone~s R1 Single-Family Residences RI Single-Family Residences R2 Single, Two & Multi Residences BI Local Business B2 Service District B3 General Business I1 Light Industrial The County's RI, R2, BI, B2 and B3 zones are generally comparable to the City's Ri, R2, Bi, B2 and B3 zones. The only substantial conflicts occur with the County's A1 and M1 zones. The City has no AllAgricultural zoning, and the City's industrial zoning is divided into two classifications, light and general industry. Map 3, which is incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit C, shows existing zoning. Existing A1 zoning is located south of The Meadows. It is recommended that R-1 zoning be adopted for this land because of its location adjacent to single-family residential development. Because the County M1 zoning permits almost any type of industrial opera- tion, the City will apply its more limited I1 zoning upon the date of annexation. This will provide better protection to the Area's future development potential until an analysis is made of appropriate zoning for the Area. Zonin~ Plan The City of Jeffersonville's plan is to assume the responsibility and administration of zoning in Annexation Area 3 immediately upon the effective date of annexation. The various zones outlined herein will be applied in place of the comparable Clark County zones. -5- STREETS Ail of Annexation Area 3's 8.3 miles of improved streets are in good con- dition. Major streets in Area 3 are: Hamburg Pike, which provides accsss from the west and downtown parts of jeffersonville; jeffersonville-Charlestown Road, which provides access to the northeast; and New Albany-Charlestown Pike, which provides direct access from Clarksville and 1-65o Ail streets other than these major streets are located in The Meadows Subdivision. The City of Jeffersonville's street maintenance staff consists of a Street Commissioner and eighteen full time employees. This staff is now respon- sible for maintaining some 93½ miles of improved streets. The incorporation of Annexation Area 3 will add about 8.3 miles to the City's maintenance responsibilities- Approximately 5.6 of these miles would be minor streets and 2.7 miles would be major thoroughfares and collector streets. Table No. 1 provides a list of each street in Annexation Area 3 that the City would be responsible for maintaining. This would be a 8.9% increase in the City's street maintenance responsibilities. Street TABLE 1 Street Maintenance, Annexation Area 3 Miles .036 Belmar Court .244 Belmar Drive .107 Bishop Circle .855 Bishop Road .392 Cornwell Drive .179 Crescent Avenue .025 Crums Circle .926 Crums Lane .406 Dunbar Drive .194 Fallow Drive .530 Hamburg Pike .169 Hampton Court .209 Hampton Drive jeffersonville-Charlestown Road .926 · .049 Kevin Court .198 Kirk Lane New Albany-Charlestown Pike 1.256 .323 Perimeter Drive .198 Ruddell Road .160 Scales Court .224 Scott Drive .498 Slone Drive .189 Viola Drive TOTAL: 8.293 - 6- Routine annual maintenance operations are all that is needed in Annexation Area 3 as existing streets meet the City of jeffersonville's standards. Streets are comparable to those found in the City's Northaven Area. The Annexation of Area 3 will eventually increase the City's annual cost of street maintenance by an estimated $20,833. This figure was derived by dividing the City's current street miles into the expense of street main- tenance. This results in a maintenance cost of $2,510 per mile of street. The application of this figure to the 8.3 miles of streets in Area 3 results in the estimated annual maintenance cost of $20,833. Although the City will assume the responsibility for street maintenance in the first year after annexation, it is not anticipated that any increased maintenance funds will be needed until the second year. This is because of the excellent condition of existing streets in Area 3. Also starting in the second year, it is recommended that two additional street maintenance perspnnel be employed because of the combined impacts of Area 3 and other annexations within the past year. The only street improvement in Annexation Area 3 is the proposed Inner City Road which will connect to the heavily populated east part of Jeffersonville. The proposed route runs through the southwest part of Annexation Area 3. This proposed improvement will involve no additional cost as the City has already committed as the only local government to participate in this 75% Federal/25% local project. Street Plan COST ESTIMATE: -- Annual Budget for Street Maintenance · · -- Maintenance Personnel ....... · . $20,833 · . $42,750 METHOD OF FINANCING: -- Source of funds for the above costs will be the Local Roads and Street Fund, the Mogor Vehicle Fund and the General Fund, City Budget. PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: Street maintenance will be assumed by the City of jeffersonville within twelve (12) months after the effective date of annexation. The City's street maintenance budget will be increased by $20,833 annually, starting in the second year after annexation to meet anticipated needs. - 7 - The annexation of Area 3 will involve no street improvement capital cost. Because of the impacts of Area 3 and other annexations~ two new maintenance personnel will be employed in the second annexation year. SIDEWALKS Sidewalks exist throughout the Meadows Subdivision, but not in other parts of Annexation Area 3. This is comparable to the Northaven Area of Jeffersonville, where sidewalks are only located in the residential subdivision. Sidewalk Plan COST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable . · PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: Because sidewalks are provided for the Annexation Area in the same manner as in comparable parts of Jeffersonville, no new sidewalk construction is planned in Area 3. STREET LIGHTS There are no existing street lights in Annexation Area 3. In the comparable Northaven Area of the City, street lights are located about every tenth of a mile in the subdivided residential sections and at greater intervals outside the subdivisions. It is estimated that 66 street lights will be needed in Area 3 at an estimated monthly cost of $7.53 per month per light. The source of this cost is Public Service Indiana. They now charge $7.53 per month for 150w sodium vapor lights using standard wooden poles. Street Light Plan COST ESTIMATE: $5,964 annually METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: Street lights will be provided no later than the twelfth month of the third year after annexation. Approximately 56 street lights will be provided in The Meadows and 10 lights in other parts of Area 3. These improvements will provide Area 3 with street lighting comparable to the N0rthaven Area of Jeffersonville. -8- GARBAGE COLLECTION Garbage collection is now provided to the residents and other uses in Annexation Area 3 by two private companies. Once per week residential pick-up is offered by Clark-Floyd Disposal, Inc. for $6.50 per month, and by BFI Waste Systems for $7.00 per month. Each offers varying rates based on container size for commercial customers. The City of Jeffersonville now provides one garbage pick-up per week for residences. There is no charge for this service. To avoid any additional personnel or equipment costs and landfill expenses, the City plans to contract sanitation services i~ Annexation Area 3 to a private company. An estimated cost, based on current City sanitation service contracts, to serve the Area's 694 existing pick-ups would be approximately $32,479 per year. Garbage Collection Plan COST ESTIMATE: $32,479 annually METHOD OF FINANCING: Sanitation Fund and or other funds of the City. PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SE The City of Jeffersonville will let bids collection to Area 3 at the City's presen ments will be prepared and a bid awarded the twelfth month of the first year after WATER Annexation will have no effect on water ~ by private companies, the Indiana Cities Water Company. Water Service Plan COST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF S ~VICES: )n a contract to provide garbage level of service. Bidding docu- o proVide service no later than annexation. ervices as it is provided in Area 3 Water Corporation and Watson Rural ~VICES: Continued provision of services by private companies. -9- FIRE HYDRANTS Annexation Area 3 now has 26 fire hydrants which are on the.Indiana Cities Water System. An additional 12 hydrants are needed to' serve Area 3 with hydrant availability comparable to'the Northaven Area and conditions throughout Jeff~rsonville. Map 4, which is incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit .D, shows the location of existing fire hydrants. Fire Hydrant Plan COST ESTIMATE: $9,120 annually -- Annual Rental of Existing Fire Hydrants (26 @ $240 each) .... $6,240 . -- Annual Rental of New Fire Hydrants (12 @ $240 each) .... $2,880 METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund, City Budget PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: Rental on the existing fire hydrants will be assumed by the City the twelfth month of the first year after annexation. The City will have new fire hydrants installed no later th~n the twelfth ~0nth of the'first year after annexation. This will provide every structure in the Area with adequate accessibility to a fire hydrant. SANITARY SEWER The City of Jeffersonville's sanitary sewer service is presently serving 96 percent of the developed land uses in Annexation Area 3. Of the Area's 696 individual uses, only 28 (or 4%) are not on sewer. These uses are located along Hamburg Pike, New Albany-Charlestown Pike and Jeffersonville- Charlestown Road. Cost estimates prepared by professional engineers indicate a capital expenditure of $112,000 would be needed to design and construct sufficient sewer lines to serve the 26 residences and two churches not on sewer. This would provide sewer service in a manner consistent with the provisions of such service in the City of Jeffersonville and the comparable Northaven Area. 'This capital cost will be reduced by an estimated $11,480 in tap fees. However, it should be realized that these tap fees will not be collected until after the sewer is constructed and that a significant per- centage of the fees may be paid on an installment basis. It should be emphasized that the $112,000 sewer cost is an engineers' estimate made without the benefit of detailed analysis. The estimate could very easily be increased or decreased by: t) detailed engineering, 2) actual construc- - 10 - tion bid, and/or 3) future economic conditions. Also, it might be possible to realize a cost savings by using city forces for part of the construction, and anticipated development projects in Area 3 might provide lines that could serve some of the unsewered residences. Map 5, which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit E, shows existing sanitary sewer lines and identifies structures to be served by proposed sewer. Sanitary Sewer Plan COST ESTIMATE: $112,000 capital expense METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund and other City funds PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICE: As part of the Annexation Area 3 plan, the City will design and construct adequate sanitary sewer lines to serve' ~he developed, but unsewered parts of the Area. Engineering design will be completed in the first quarter of year three, and all construction will be completed prior to the end of year three. Sewer construction will involve an estimated 5,600 linear feet of pipe. No lift station or force main construction will be necessary. STORM DRAINAGE Storm drainage facilities in the form of pipe, curb and gutter, ditches and culverts is available throughout Area 3. The Area's only drainage problem requiring a capital expense (high ground water in The Meadows) is already scheduled for correction by the City. It is necessary for the City to correct this problem to prevent ground water.from filtering int° existing sanitary sewer pipe and lift stations. Routine maintenance of drainage facilities will be provided by the City's street and sanitary sewer~maintenance personnel a~ no additional budget expense. Map 6, which is incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit F~ shows existing storm drainage facilities. Storm Drainacje Plan COST ESTIMATED:, $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICE: The City of Jeffersonville's personnel engaged in street and sanitary sewer maintenance will provide routine storm drainage maintenance a~ no extra expense. - 11- FLOOD PLAIN A substantial part of The Meadows Subdivision is in the lO0-year flood plain according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Map 7, which is incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit G, is a copy of the official FEMA map which covers Annexation Area 3. Clark County's flood plain regulations are now effective in Area 3. These regulations make property owners eligible for flood insurance under the FEMA program. The City of jeffersonville has similar regulations which would take effect upon the date of annexation and provide the same regulation and insurance eligibility for Area 3 residentS. Flood Plain Plan cOST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable pLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: The City of jeffersonville's flood plain regulations will take effect immediately upon annexation and provide an uninterrupted continuation of the requirements needed for eligibility under all applicable FEMA programs. FIRE PROTECTION Fire protection is presently provided to Annexation Area 3 by the McCulloch Volunteer Fire Department from stations on Hale Road and Allison Lane. In Area 3, the McCulloch system has a Class 8 rating, jeffersonville Township now pays the Volunteer Fire Department for protection through a .20 tax rate for properties in the unincorporated partS of the Township. Property owners in Area 3 would cease to pay this tax one year after annexation. Annexation will transfer the responsibility for fire protection to the City of jeffersonville Fire Department which has a Class 5 rating. A major advantage of the jeffersonville Fire Department is 24-hour response with sufficient people on duty at all times The jeffersonville Fire Department now has 46 fire personnel and six trucks which serve the City from two stations. This.includes the recent employment of a firefighter' When the proposed North Station is opened in late 1989, ~th~ distribution of fire- fighting personnel and equipment will be as follows: - 12 - Central (Wall Street) East (Crestvie~ North (Fabricon) 2 Trucks 2 Trucks* 3 Trucks 12 Firefightere 19 Firefighters 12 Firefighters *One truck is presently not operational and is already scheduled to be refurbished. This will provide Annexation Area 3 with greatly improved fire protection within the coming year. In addition, the City plans to employ an additional firefighter by January 1990. This employment is based on the combined impact of annexations plus anticipated growth from proposed new development projects. Fire Protection Plan COST ESTIMATE: ~ · . $ 28,683 -- Annual expense for one new firefighter ..... METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund, City Budget PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: The City'of jeffersonville will provide fire protection to Area 3 from its Wall' Street Station six months after the effective date of annexation, and from its proposed North Station (Fabricon Road) within a year. The North Station is scheduled to be opened as a result of prior annexations. This new station will give Annexation Area 3 an exceptionally high standard of fire protection. Most of the Area'S development will be less than one mile from the station, and almost every structure will be within one and one-half miles. These proposals will improve the Area's fire protection service from a Class 8 to Class 5 rating. The expense of opening the proposed North Station is related to a previous annexation. Long range plans, which are related to anticipated growth as well as the City's overall annexation program, call for the employment of one firefighter within the first year after annexation. This action is not directly related to Annexation Area 3 which will be adequately served by improved fire protection prior to the implementation of these proposals. It is, however, related to the City's overall fire protection needs as future growth occurs. - 13 - POLICE PROTECTION Annexation Area 3 now receives police protection from the Clark County Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff's Department has 26 officers to serve the entire County. The annexation of Area 3 will transfer the responsibility for police protection to the Jeffersonville Police Department. This Department will be able to respond much quicker to the Area's police calls. In fact, the Jeffersonville Police Department makes about 50 runs per year to unincorporated areas because the Sheriff's Department personnel is stretched over too much land area. The annexation of Area 3 will help reduce the County's police work load. Existing personnel of the Jeffersonvi~l~ Police Department consists of the Chief, 42 officers and 9 civilians. The City is now divided into two patrol districts (east and west) and the response time averages three to five minutes. Police runs in the comparable Northaven Area average 884 runs per year. It is estimated that Annexation Area 3 will average approximately the same number of runs annually. The City plans to employ two officers in January, 1990 to meet the needs of this proposed annexation. This action will substantially improve police protection in Jeffersonville as well as Annexation Area 3. Two new police cruisers will be needed six months after the employment of the new police officers. These plans are based on: re-dividing the City into three patrol districts (east, west and north), and the impacts of the City's annexation program when combined with known future development projects. Police Protection Plan COST ESTIMATE: -- Annual expense for employing two new police officers .% . ~ . . $57,366 -- Capital expense for two fully equipped police cruisers ~uSea)' . $13,000 METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund, City Budget - 14- PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: -- The Jeffersonville Police Department will provide police protection to Annexation Area 3 starting six months after the effective date of annexation. The City will employ two new police officers in January of 1990 for the purpose of meeting the needs of Annexation Area 3. -- Starting six months after annexation, the City plans to reorganize its police patrol areas into three districts (east, west and north), and purchase two fully equipped used police cruisers. This action is not based on the impact of Annexation Area 3 per se, but on the combined impacts of all recent annexations plus anticipated new growth. RECREATION No public recreational facilities are'located in Annexation Area 3. The Thomas Jefferson School, located from 1/2 to one mile from Area 3, offers playground facilities that would be available for residents of the proposed annexation area. Some 147 acres of neighborhood, community and city parks are located throughout the City and will be available for the use of Area 3's residents. No increase in recreation personnel or facilities will be needed because of the annexation of Area 3. Recreation Plan COST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: The present recreational facilities of the City of Jeffersonville will be available to the residents of Area 3 immediately upon annexation. This will be comparable to the facilities available to the residents of comparable areas in the City. - 15- CITY ENGINEERING, PLANNING & ZONING, INSPECTION & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Ail of the services of the City's engineering, planning and zoning, inspection and code enforcement personnel that are currently provided to residents of the City and the comparable Northaven Area will be made available to Annexation Area 3. No additional personnel will be needed to provide these services during the first year after annexation as the City has recently converted a part-time staff person to full-time status. Because of the impacts of recent annexations combined with anticipated growth, the City plans in the second year after annexation to employ an additional full-time person. This action will require the leasing of an automobile and the budgeting of money for insurance and miscellaneous needs. City Encjineerincj, Planning & Zonincd, Inspection & Building Code Enforcement Plan COST ESTIMATE: -- Annual cost of new permanent position in second year . . . -- Annual cost of leasing an automobile in the second year. . -- Insurance and miscellaneous expenses in the second year. . METHOD OF FINANCING: General Fund, City Budget PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: $20,805 $ 3,000 $ 1,500 -- The City plans to provide the above listed services with existing personnel, especially in view of the recent upgrading of a part-time staff person to full-time status. -- A new permanent position will be funded, an automobile leased, and funding for miscellaneous items are planned for the second year after annexation. These actions in the second year are planned to meet anticipated growth combined with the effects of recent annexations. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES City administration and operations include departments that are not directly involved in the provision of capital and noncapital services. Some examples of this are the~ mayor's office, clerk's office, personnel, legal, etc. The request for these services will be provided to the same standard and scope as - 16 - they are now provided to the City and to the comparable area. These services can be provided within the bounds of existing resources. Administrative Services Plan COST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: -- Immediately upon annexation, all of the City's administrative services will be provided to Annexation Area 3's residents in the same manner and scope they are now provided to comparable areas of the City. These services will be extended without hardship to the City's administrative offices and at no increased cost. OTHER CITY FUNCTIONS This plan attempts to outline services that may be impacted by the inclusion of Annexation Area 3 within the City of Jeffersonville's corporate boundaries. Any services not specifically addressed in this report have not been omitted for lack of consideration. Rather, their absence indicates that provision of these services to the Annexation Area and/or its residents will be provided in the same manner that such services are provided to comparable areas without the expenditure of additional funds.~ The intent of this plan is that any services currently available to the comparable areas of the Annexation Area and/or their residents, that are not previously discussed i~ this plan, will be made available in the same manner to the Annexation Area and/or its resi- dents immediately upon annexation. Other City Functions Plan COST ESTIMATE: $0 METHOD OF FINANCING: Inapplicable PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION OF SERVICES: __ Any municipal services not previously discussed ia this plan will be made available ih the same manner to the Annexation A~ea and/or its.residents as it is currently available to comparable areas of~the City, iqcluding the Northaven Area. - 17- HIRING PLAN It is anticipated that this annexation will not result in the elimination of jobs for employees of other governmental entities, but in the event it does, then the City of Jeffersonville will assist these employees in the obtaining of new employment. However, the City will not be required to hire any of these employees. In the event of unforseen elimination of jobs, the City will take the appli- cation of any such employee and maintain a special file of these applications.. Each application will be forwarded to major employers im the area, and to any City department having a job opportunity for which the individual is qualified. Each individual will also be referred to the Indiana State Employment Security Division. - 18 - MAP I LOCATION OF ANNEX AREA 3 ANNEXATION AREA 3 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT cITY OF JEFFERSONVlLLE .... Annexation Area 3 Boundary Boundary Contiguous to City ( 35.2% ) - 19 - Table P-]. Caesus Tracts General CharacterMtc~ of Persons: 1980-¢on. l0 la 14 ~la~ ................................... ~S~ [9 )~r~ ................................... ~ m 24 y~r~ ................................... ~S ~ 34 y~ers ................................... ~ ~ ~ y~s ................................... lSk) ~ y~ ................................... SS m ~ y~qrs ................................... LS ia 74 y~c~s ................................... .................................... ~ _- .- - .- - .-.- - .-: - .- - .- .-.- .- - ~ -.- - .- - .- - -.- 8 10 21 2 19 52 8 35 6 19 .6 49 68 62 17 56 196 81 320 108 171 348 43 41 156 9 73 300 56 191 51 100 301 ~NSUS TRACTS - 20 - L~}UISVILLE, KY.-.IND., SMSA EXHIBIT A P--5 9~0e General Location, Annexation Area EXHIBIT A MAP 2 EXISTING LAND USE · SINGLE-FAMILY Q MOBILE HOME ~ 59 CHURCH .o.*. [] SCHOOL ANNEXATION AREA 3 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT cITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE .... ANNEXATION AREA 3 BOUNDARY PROPOSED INNER CITY ROAD - 22- EXHIBIT B - 23 - ANNEXATION AREA 3 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT cITY OF jEFFERSONVILLE .... ANNEXATION AREA 3 BOUNDARY MAP 3 EXIST~ING ZONING A1 AGRICULTURAL ZONE Ri ONE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ZONE R2 LIMITED MULTIPLE-FAMILY ZONE B1 LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE B2 ROADSIDE BUSINESS ZONE B3 GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE M1 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE EXHIBIT C ! ! MAP 4 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS Fire Hydrant ANNEXATION AREA 3 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT cITY OF jEFFERSONVILLE .... ANNEXATION AREA 3 BOUNDARY - 24 - EXHIBIT D MAP 5 EXISTING SEWER · [ : ; SANITARY SEWER LINE ~ FORCE MAIN · LIFT STATION ANNEXATION AREA 3 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE ANNEXATION AREA 3 BOUNDARY - 25 - EXHIBIT E fersonyille PROGR'A~ NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE FIRM FLOOD INSURANGE RATE MAP ZONE C-- ZONE COUNTY OF CLARK, INDIANA (UNINCORPORATED P~ ~ F./'*,~ t PANEL 1'/50'F 175 COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 180426 0175 C MAP REVISED: FEBRUAHY 18, 1983 , Management Agency .... Annexation Area 3 Boundary 500-Year Flood Boundar~ 100-Year Flood Boundary shown on this map to determine when actuarial rates apply to structures in the zones where elevations or depths have been estab- lished. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, or call the Natinnal Flood Insurance Program, at (800) 638-6620. APPROXIMATE SCALE. :2000 O :2000 FEET - 26 - EXHIBIT· F