HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-OR-8 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation ORDINANCE 2025-OR- 7 BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA AN ORDINANCE OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, that for the expenses of said City the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the fund herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to a law governing the same: Amt Appropriation Fund/Purpose Amt Requested Approved 2508-000-429.011 Thunder Committee -Other Supplies $ 1,000.00 j no,prj 2508-000-439.104 Thunder Committee- Business Meals $ 4,200.00 a0(.j,00 2508-000-437.062 Thunder Committee- Rental Payments $ 8,000.00 y ,bD 2508-000-445.000 Thunder Committee- Equipment $ 7,500.00 7, -30J.QO 2509-000-429.011 Public Arts-Other Supplies $ 30,000.00 ,SU 000,Ob 2509-000-431.023 Public Arts-Contract Services $ 70,000.00 7 O,WO..o. Jeffersonville Animal Shelter-Animal Shelter-Other � 2510-021-429.011 Supplies $ 35,900.00 9 -!`'2Oc Jeffersonville Animal Shelter-Animal Shelter- Building G� 2510-021-422.012 Materials $ 35,900.00 _ 90C,Ct Jeffersonville Animal Shelter-Animal Shelter- 2510-021-431.023 Contractual Services $ 35,900.00 35i9p0.Ob 2512-003-4321.001 Dept of Law- Legal Services $ 10,000.00 C7 , t1)O,0 D 2512-003-439.014 Dept of Law-Subscriptions and Dues $ 1,900.00 t IQO,00 2513-006-439.066 Police Non-Reverting- Fees& Licenses $ 1,000.00 t!gyp,ob 2513-006-439.040 Police Non-Reverting- Refunds and Reimbursements $ 400.00 LAv,a.) 4651-008-439.005 Jeff Building Capital Improv- Repair and Maintenance $ 100,000.00 jOa 0,00 4655-005-431.007 Sidewalk Construction - Professional Services $ 110,000.00 1/0iy)( pO 4655-005-444.005 Sidewalk Construction- Improvements $ 440,000.00 WC), tU•RO 2507-000-431.007 City Pride- Professional Services Christmas $ 31,861.00 1 F4,4 OC) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Controller of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana is hereby ordered and directed to give notice as provided by law. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. 2025-OR- VOTED FOR: VOTED AGAINST: ., ...... tz....." zidg .,4 zd,11 - : AID! 46kv. ) af-4 Rule Pas,ed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, this day of l -h , 200S . 6a% //IV— Evan Stoner, President and Presiding Officer ATTEST: --0-- __Aa: . Lisa Gil , Clerk Presented by me as Clerk to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this f day of a , 20P)5 . J 4 Lisa Gi I, Clerk This Ordinance approved and signed by me this day of/17/9-/ec-4/ , 20 . Mike Moor , Mayor