HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-OR-15 Ordinance Changing Zoning to Certain Tract of Property (Bridgepoint Commons) STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE 2025-OR- 1 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS BRIDGEPOINTE COMMONS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND FULLY DESCRIBED IN ATTACHED EXHIBIT A FROM PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO UPDATE THE BRIDGEPOINTE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT BOOKLET Whereas, Denton Floyd Real Estate Group filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property known as Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development and fully described in the attached Exhibit A from PD- Planned Development to PD-Planned Development to update the Bridgepointe Planned Development Booklet and, Whereas, on February 25, 2025 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified its favorable recommendation of the enactment of this proposed zoning map designation change by ordinance of this Common Council; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for March 3, 2025; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. Now, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property known as Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development and fully described in the attached Exhibit A is hereby changed from PD- Planned Development to PD-Planned Development to update the Bridgepointe Planned Development Booklet. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this 3rd day of March, 2025. Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana VOTTp FOR: VOT AGAINST: tt J b„,,k FZilit.t.br &pi/ Alitt/- Evan Stoner, President ATTEST: Lisa iII City Clerk Prepared by: Les Merkley Corporate Counsel CITY 01 JEFFERSONVILLE DEPARTMENT OF LAW Les Merkley,Corporation Counsel/Director of Legal Affairs riviN, 812-285-6493 office 812-285-6403 fax t+ k�® www.cityofjeff.net T�► \\ ®Y .Jeffersonville City Hall RSO 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville,Indiana 47130 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF JEFFERSONVILLE,INDIANA IN THE MAT OF THE ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS BRIDGEPOINTE COMMONS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND FULLY DESCRIBED 1N ATTACHED EXHIBIT A FROM PD(PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) TO PD(PLANNED DEVELOPMENT)TO UPDATE THE BRIDGEPOINTE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT BOOKLET NOTICE OF HEARING ON ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS BRIDGEPOINTE COMMONS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND FULLY DESCRIBED IN ATTACHED EXHIBIT A FROM PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT)TO PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT)TO UPDATE THE BRIDGEPOINTE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT BOOKLET Notice is hereby given that the City of Jeffersonville has filed an Ordinance with the Jeffersonville City Council, Jeffersonville,Indiana asking for a change in the zoning map designation of a certain tract of property known as Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development as recommended by the Plan Commission from PD (Planned Development)to PD (Planned Development) to update the Bridgepointe Planned Development Booklet, A public hearing will be held on Monday,March 3,2025 at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, lst floor, City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court,Room 101,Jeffersonville, Indiana at which time and place all interested persons will be heard in reference to the matters set out in said ordinance. ey • . Corporation Counsel Jeffersonville City Hall 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville,IN 47130 (812)285-6423 POSTED AND EMAILED ON February 26,2025 TO THE FOLLOWING: Via Email to: dsuddeath@newsandtribune.com Via Email to: newsroom@newsandtribune.com Posted to: www.cityoljeff.net STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF: Denton Floyd Real Estate Group I PC-25-06 TO REZONE CERTAIN TRACT: Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development FROM: PD(Planned Development)to PD(Planned Development) CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE/NO RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas, Denton Floyd Real Estate Group filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), from PD to PD • Docket Number PC-25-06 ; and, Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on February 25,2025 and, Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its entire membership to favorably/unfavorably/not recommend the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on February 25,2025 , the Jeffersonville Plan Commission (circle one): Favorably Recommends /pnfavorably Recommends/ Provides NO Recommendation that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation change of the property from PD to PD as requested in the petition of Denton Floyd Real Estate Group I PC-25-06 • So certified this 25th day of February 2025 • Chairman T y O Plan Commission �_ Staff Report '� 0 February 25, 2025 linik` o �'' Case No: PC-25-06 ,. _ 6AI ,0„....L kV Location: Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development �� v/ Applicant: Denton Floyd Real Estate Group ` Current Zoning: PD (Planned Development) Proposed Use: Updated Planned Development Booklet F�4S0 Council District: District 6— Steve Webb Request k1.-- .,,. ,. _ _. Rezone property from PD (Planned Development) to PD 7 }; ,: -. : •_., � . (Planned Development) to update the Bridgepointe '1, • z, U' ^'_, - Planned Development Booklet. y 'F.Q� 3 k �` Case Summary -'r ` s • • d The applicant is proposing to make updates to an ��-' ` �^;,r -Stet ., existing Planned Development. These updates include t t ' kw ;.° . :�\ -�-0' �. 9 T4Y new standards for signage and permitted uses, _ �$% ' �P 144.1,". o�c yincluding gas stations, in Planning Area I. ii; ; g 4 •�� ' s�� '`� Staff Finding/Opinion • ` �t �,' Ip. - ,, The Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development was - ' =A,`Q ,,.1401: established in 2019. Since then, a number of :; - � '► '_w� commercial and residential uses have been established 1e..�, ,„'Zbs_____., around the periphery of the PD. However, a sizeable E,z65 portion of Planning Area I near the Gottbrath and SR-62 '" -:.''. „� 3, intersection has remained vacant. Staff believes that ''ZF this amendment to the PD could result in an anchor 4 - ` p' tenant that would spur further development of this area. As such, Staff recommends approval of the amendment. Criteria for Consideration The Jeffersonville Zoning Ordinance and Indiana State Statute IC 36-7-4-603 outlines that the following shall be considered when the Plan Commission is reviewing a rezoning request: • The Comprehensive Plan; • Current conditions and character of structures and uses in each district; • The most desirable use for which the land in each district is adapted; • The conservation of property values throughout the jurisdiction; and • Responsible development and growth. Required Action Make a motion to forward this rezoning to the Jeffersonville City Council with one of the following options: Favorable Recommendation, Unfavorable recommendation, or No Recommendation. Recommended motion "I make a motion to forward the rezoning request PC-25-06 to the Jeffersonville City Council with (insert recommendation] as presented to the Plan Commission on February 25, 2025. Page 1 of 8 PC-25-06 Staff Analysis for Change in Zoning The following is a summary of staff's analysis of the proposed development as it relates to the land use and development policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: Current Zoning and UDO Zoning J I / �- District Intent f \-,„„ /<,r'Current ZoningV i , ���/�� The subject property is shown in the zoning U'i �. /.,_. ' map to the right in yellow. The property is , F ( zoned PD (Planned Development). Adjacent properties are zoned primaily r � j� \,,. industrial to the West, Commercial to the i North, Residential to the East, and is i \, bordered by I-265 to the South. � / ---��' yea) ���`� • Future Land Use Map and Planning Districts This property has a Future Land Use classification of Commercial Corridors. These areas, centered along major thoroughfares, are slated to retain their broad mix of commercial and institutional uses, but would benefit by the introduction of multi-family or highly-dense single-family residential such as townhomes or condos. For the sake of maximizing commercial street frontage, residential developments should be located above street facing businesses shops or as a transitional element between the commercial corridor and local neighborhoods. Emphasis should be placed on improving sidewalk connectivity between commercial and residential uses. The development of smaller "town centers" or "pocket neighborhoods" with small public spaces is also encouraged where feasible. ,) .: • i 11 •. '-<,. 4:... ,_ 4 •-•,. .7 %., id t y ._..,„ e 0 t n1 ° %, wte FUTURE LAND USE AA ♦ : :01 ` _ .ommerual Corndois 1 . \ _ `� r ���. �� V 4� `_ s Downtown Mixed Use i "'"'"ri "° s\ 1 1 Industrial r �I \ Industrial/Commercial ... '♦ \,,, Mixed Use �, i r' \� ♦♦` i , Mixed Neighborhood i ♦ ♦ �.'�� �� �� �♦ ♦♦ Residential Neighbhorhood r Future Land Use Map Page 2 of 8 PC-25-06 / li t / l I 1:,;,'11 10 f / ,- 3 r / --' -,./. "......) i / \ \ Planning Districts Map The project falls into the Lentzier Hills District on the Planning Districts Map. The following is description of this Planning District from the Comprehensive Plan. Planning District 9: Lentzier Hills This District is comprised of residential developments set among the rolling hills above Lentzier Creek as well as a growing commercial center near the 1-265 and 10th Street and Highway 62 interchanges. Existing subdivisions in this area should be seen as stable while parcels along Highway 62, Utica- Sellersburg Road, and 1-265 may see further development and densification of uses. The following goals are established for the Lentzier Hills Planning District: • Focus new development around the 1-265 and Highway 62 interchange as well as the intersection of 1-265 and International Drive (Exit 11) interchange. New development should be a mix of commercial and residential in order to promote a broad mix of retail and service uses, medical offices, and restaurants. Commercial development should be tailored to a growing population of residents in this area and Planning Area 10 to the North • Create intentional transitions between higher intensity uses along primary road corridors and adjacent single-family neighborhoods. Transitions may be made through changes in elements such as building scale, increased setbacks for taller buildings, and landscaping enhancements • Ensure that any new homes or building additions within existing residential neighborhoods are appropriate in elements such as scale, form, and setbacks Preserve and protect existing stream corridors from development. Utilize green corridors along these creeks for recreational use where possible Additional Notes • None Attachments 1. Updated Planned Development Booklet 2. Letter of Intent Page 3 of 8 PC-25-06 m C ao -0 CD a o D o a -13 3 3 Bridgepointe I `° a BRIDGEPOINTE COMMONS PLANNING AREA I tS� "'' 0 MIXED COMMERCIAL USE r _ _ �. O�•Qtr CI 9 N The design of Planning area I of the Bridgepointe Commons Planned development is composed of mixed commercial 90�G use and a gas station.This portion of the site has a Z. 'f'C al 0 favorable location along Highway 62/East Tenth Street, and serves as an access point to Highway 62/East 10th - 0 Street. The goals and community benefits of Planning Area I of r0•r the Planned deveopment are as follows: • Planning area I promotes jobs within the community by providing new businesses. �.A. • Planning area I provides shopping and entertainment C„ currently not provided. -.A ` P- S 0 ' • Planning areal seeks to become a destination area within /,�' c• Jeffersonville that serves a greater surrounding area. 'RV; �(C‘ • Planning areal sets a standard of future growth along the ` sC\P,. East 10th Street gateway in Jeffersonville.Thus setting an - C- �cP, overall tone for the City. // 7f N G b' r • Planning area I provides businesses and services that will ;_ 1contribute to the overall fiscal growth of the area •:�,-ark. -.. filt . _ Page 7 (1 N O 01 -D t, Orr CD U, 0 —01 CO BRIDOEPOINTE BRIOGEPOINTE BRIOGEPOINTE'BRIDGEPOINTE GATEWAY CENTER '"TT GATEwAr CENTER PERMITTED USES COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS ARUY PERMITTED USES MM r AREA. AREA r AREA nI AREA N Pv..,o Eve. 1000m.bemrN Ru+,mIl MI... iN0.00P Or 00,0•0 1 S 9 KKR EBRINnB Wm I. - r.d ,n.IP.bIA.ww s t t • . IRrr PRInuositMntaben . S S ,,,T.PerNe Sum"... . r R BRIDOEPOINTE BRIDGEPOINTE BRIDGEPOINTE BRIDGEPOINTF GATEWAY CENTER BR,OGEPOINTE BR,OGEPOINTE BRIDGEPOIMI BImG1IUWTE GATEWAY CENTER PERMITTED USES COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS ArILA V PERMITTED USES COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS I COMMONS AREA AREA i AREA n AREA In AREA PI AREA I MEP II ARSA In I AREA IRMMRMLI _ _...___ IWIRwR:RAN** . I nMil . ro,azBlSMeu.., .. bringN Ow • _ /,sole wr, .. eRR.r.wm..ion, ,a,aEr P MQiRIRBEIm inn. BRIDGEPOINTE BRIDGEPOINTE BRIDGE POINTS BRIOGEPOINTE GATEWAY CENTER N.M.a,dr COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS I �oPl..eam PERMITTED USES AREA V ..nRVN KEI .• __— I AREAI AREA II MEA III AREA IV t IBw.ne Pomnd s..vl<u —- Lww Rae P P PEI CI Zon.nR Um , • BRIOGIP(IIBII BRIDAEPOINTE BRIDGEIOINTETIRIOGEIOINTEIaTtWAY Cl MER ' PERMITTED USES COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS 1 AREA AREA I AREA II AREA RI AREA IS IIIRwII:Feed USN/Sem.e r.. BR10GEPOINTE BRIOGEPOINTE BRIDGEPOINTE BRIOGEPOINTE GATEWAY CENTER ,dnalRerResM P D P PERMITTED USES COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS COMMONS e ...Ali,WM. A ♦RSA AREAD AREA III AREA IV E sex..A. AREAV M IN pU^Ns S V IuslaNws.Awls Wes/Se lRr.., srtc+, Seg.... roQIMM Um ,derve.n OST AAR P P P I auto WCIWR[RI repair P ,HARPER RAMP�.,. P I rotD 2on,o Urns A M Sdn(wen Mr.with.MRARRRS fuB ANYk.eg P P tEaa.vs A A APO ISO R MGE RRIIIIIP BGE$ S S �Blke oxen sMp A P A mldMOg SPINIER 5 5 AAP weS) P P 0SCMPMe P P P . . �, P• c 'r FOOTNOTI, 'I united to.,1 le yar rtalllm at the CO11101..I Hwy 6?auu roc tblath Parkway.Primary structure to be at least 6,000 sq.II. with furl pumps ECB passenger vehkles only. n N UI 6 T1 00 m Or 0 00 LIGHTING STANDARDS B. No free standing tenant signage shall be permitted along Highway 62(East 10th Street),with the exception GUIDELINE: for two(2)Type C2 free standing single tenant signs permitted on the south side of Gottbrath Parkway which Lighting standard shall be consistent,but not necessarily identical,and distinct throughout the Planned are not to exceed 8'tall and 80 square feet(refer to the Signage Master Plan) Development to add curb appeal and bring overall value and distinction to the Planned Development.All street lights shall be shielded and directed downward per the requirements of the Jeffersonville Zoning Code.The C. Interior signage for each principal use on a lot: Planned Development will incorporate fixture types with architectural features consistent with those found in the 1) One free-standing Type C1 sign that does not project higher than 8 feet above the ground is permitted area, per lot,per interior street frontage.No such free standing sign shall exceed 80 square feet in surface area (refer to the Signage Master Plan). The following are light samples that may be utilized.These lighting styles are from similar projects performed by Denton Floyd or other Planned Developments in the area.Other decorative lighting(e.g.decorative lamps 2) Attached Signage equipped a metal capped acorn shade)must be dark sky friendly. a. Single User Building I.Wall Signs for a building footprint that in Its entirety contains a single user(i.e.bank,restaurant,etc.), SIGNAGE CRITERIA: the single user is permitted to have up to three(3)attached signs for each building facade. The purpose of this Section is to establish guidelines and criteria for on premise and off-premise building and free- ii.the total area encompassed by all attached signs on any one facade of a building shall not exceed the standing signage within Planned Developments in excess of 20 acres,and comprised of multiple lots,and consisting of limits established below: more than 150,000 sq.It,of combined total building area. • Facades less than 500 SF(20%of facade area) • Facades S00-999 SF(100 SF plus 1 S%of facade area over S00 SF) 1. No sign shall be erected,constructed,or placed on any building,structure or lot sinless a permit therefore has been • Facades 1,000 SF-3,499 SF(175 SF plus 5%of facade area over 1,000 SF) issued.No such permit shall be issued unless the proposed sign complies with the standards of this Section and such • Facades 3,500 SF-4,999 SF(300 SF plus 5%of facade area over 3,500 SF) further standards as may be adopted by the Board after recommendation by the Planning Commission with respect • Facades 5,000 SF-9,999 SF(500 SF plus 5%of facade area over 5,000 SF) to structural safety,materials and design.The sign permit fee shall be as established by the City of Jeffersonville, • Facades greater than 10,000 SF(750 SF) Indiana. b. Multi-User Building 2. All signs erected in any public right-of-way by a public agency authorized to control traffic shall be exempt from the i.Wall Signs for individual users operating in separate spaces,within a single building,such as a provisions of this section.One(1)four-faced monument style sign identifying the City of Jeffersonville,IN including commercial strip,are limited to one sign per user per space. no more than four(4)additional panels for tenants'use within Bridgepointe Commons Planned Development may il.Wall Signs for a buildings that contain a Primary user such as grocery store,medical facility,etc.,and be permitted,along and visible from 1-265,provided no such sign shall exceed 300 square feet per sign panel,nor secondary users,such as banks,coffee shops,x-ray,diagnostics,office etc.,within the same building project higher than 50 feet above the grade adjacent to the closest edge of pavement of the highway right-of-way. footprint and space the follow signage criteria applies;one(I(additional sign per user Identifying the secondary use is permitted,in addition to the(3)attached signs for the primary user. 3. Directional signs shall comply with the Jeffersonville Zoning Code. iii.Each tenant is permitted one(1)sign per building facade occupied by said tenant.The total area of attached signage per tenant shall not exceed the limits below: 4. Temporary signs shall comply with the Jeffersonville Zoning Code. Tenant with three(3)facades is allowed a combined maximum attached signage area of 200 SF Tenant with two(2)facades is allowed a combined maximum attached signage area of 130 SF 5. Signs and sign structures shall be maintained at all times in a state of reasonably good repair,with all braces, bolts,clips,supporting frame and fastenings reasonably free from deterioration,insect infestation,rot,rust or Facade or wall is determined by surface area square footage.Square footage is defined as the length of the loosening.Signs shall be able to withstand anticipated wind pressures for the area in which they are located. building facade or wall,multiplied by the height,as measure from the ground grade adjacent to the building to the top of the facade or wall,including the parapet.For buildings with more than one wall along one facade 6. Commercial/Office Signage: (for example,rooms tutting out from the main building or a building where each floor is set back from the floor below),all of the walls are included in the total area.The total area does not include any roof area. A. Free standing signage shall not be required to meet the minimum setback requirements of the zone district in which it is located,but shall not impair visibility for traffic movement. First floor awning,canopy and marquee signs are excluded horn the number of signs permitted on any one facade of a building. A unhitch signage plan shall he submitted with each detailed development plan fur this planned development IV Or rT cu tv 0 03 7 Bridgepointe Commons signature entry signage(Signage type A)is permitted at both sides of each entry to 9. Bridgepointe(ommons interior single tenant signage I Signage Type CI is permitted on interior roads within the planned development(off of Highway 62!Fast loth Street and Utica Sellersbug Road).Signature entry the planned development.Type C signage shall be aesthetically consistent,and can be multi-sided.Type C1 signage shall be aesthetically consistent. signage shall not exceed 5 feet in height and 60 square feet.Type Cl signage is not permitted along Highway Signature entry signs may be integral parts of an entry treatment,utilizing landscaping,masonry,or other 62/East 10th Street or Utica Sellerburg Road.However two(2)Type C2 single tenant signs shall be permitted materials to defineand provide an aesthetically pleasing entry,provided that no such entry treatment shall hinder on the south side of Gottbrath Parkway which are not to exceed 8'tall and 80 square feet(refer to the Signage motorist visibility.This Planned Development shall be allowed two(2)signature entry signs or two(2)Type 131 Master Plan) signs to be permitted at each intersection of Highway 62(East 10th Street),and two(2)signature entry signs at the intersection of Utica Sellersburg Road.Signage identifying Bridgepointe Commons,that is attached to the 10.City Identification signage(Signage Type D)shall be permitted alongside I-265.It shall serve as a gateway signature enrty wall,shall not exceed 60 percent of the wall surface. marker into the City of Jeffersonville,while also introducing the ammenities of Bridgepointe Commons to 8. Multi-tenant signage(Signage Type 81 an 821 are permitted at both sides of the entrance to the planned travelers along 1-265.It shall have art aesthetic character similar to the Bridgepointe Commons signage as to development off of Highway 62/Fast 10th Street,and at critical intersections within the planned development create a consistant feel when entering into Jeffersonville.Signage Type D shall not exceed 50 feet in height (as shown on the Master Signage Plan).Six(6)multi-tenant signs are permitted.Two(2)Type 81 signs and 300 square feet.A maximum of four(4)Bridgepointe Commons tenant uses may be displayed on the City (Signature Entry Signage with Multi-tenant Signage)and four(4)type B2 signs(Bridgepointe Commons Multi- Identifcation Signage. Tenant Signage).Type B signage may be multi-sided to allow for maximum visibility while traveling through the site.Type B1 signage shall not exceed 20 feet in height and 150 square feet.While Type 82 shall not exceed Street markers and way-finding signage can be post,building or common space architectural feature mounted. 10 feet in height and 75 square feet.Where the planned development crosses an existing neighborhood road Character of signage to be consistent in theme not necessarily identical)throughout the Planned (at New Chapel and Utica Sellersburg Road),Type B2 signage shall be used.This allows for a user friendly scale Development. Stop signs,speed limit signs and other traffic control devices to be in compliance with the within the site. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. EXAMPLES LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE .�-. .- OLD ilWUNYO110 • FTC' 111_01 limF �._.._..•,.. �n sari• - --_— •Proposed lighting not to exceed 20'maximum height.Acorn style Igitirg must becapped.Lighting must have cu left.,minanes with less than a 90 degree angle(down lighting)to reduce might pollution and promote a dark sky Page 20 v (1 Ni LPI (T Letter of Intent HERITAGE ENGINEERING, LLC January 24,2025 Chad Reischl City of Jeffersonville Department of Planning&Zoning 500 Quartermaster Court,Suite 200 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Re: Letter of Intent Bridgepointe Commons Area 1 Dear Chad, On behalf of Denton Floyd Real Estate Group and Iron Street Partners II, LLC,we are submitting a Rezoning Application with the intent to modify the existing PD for the Bridgepointe Commons Development Planning Area 1 to allow,as a permitted use,a gas/convenience store with associated signage and a minimum building footprint of 6,000 square feet with fuel pumps for passenger vehicles only. The applicant also requests that the City Council release the written zoning commitment as set forth in Ordinance 2017-OR-7 and as recorded in Instrument 201800750,that restricts the development of any filling/gas station,automobile service station and/or convenience store with gas pumps within the boundaries of the Bridgepointe Commons Development. The following adjustments to the signage criteria (Items 3,4,6B, 6C, 7,8, &9)were also made: • 3&4-Directional signs and temporary signs shall comply with the Jeffersonville Zoning Code. • 6(B)-Two Type C single tenant signs shall be permitted on the south side of Gottbrath Parkway which are not to exceed 8 feet tall and 80 square feet. • 6(C)(1)-One free-standing Interior Signage Type Cl sign that does not project higher than 8 feet above the ground is permitted per lot,per interior street frontage. No such free standing sign shall exceed 80 square feet in surface area(refer to the Signage Master Plan). • 7&8-The Bridegpointe Commons signature entry signage is permitted on both sides of each entry of the planned development. • 9- Permit two(2)freestanding signs along Highway 62,south of Gottbrath Parkway. Thank you for your consideration; please advise us immediately if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Evalyn Martin 642 S.4T"STREET,SUITE 11N1 603 N.SHORE DR.,UNIT 204 LOUISVILLE,KSNTUCKY 40202 JEFFERSONVILLE,INDIANA 47130 PHONE: 502-562-1412 FAX:502-562-1413 PHONE: 812-280-8201 FAX:812-2841-8281 Page 8 of 8 PC-25-06