Project Name Falls Landing Parking Lot and Restrooms
Contractor Excel Excavating,Inc.
You are hereby authorized to proceed with the following described change or extra work:
Final Installed Quantity Adjustment:
1 Add Quantity to Pay Item No.7 HMA Surface,Type B:0.81 TON @$137.00/TON = $ 110.97
2 Delete Quantity from Pay Item No. 8 HMA Base,Type B:37.5 TON @$78.00/TON = $ (2,925.00)
Add Quantity to Pay Item No. 9 Compacted DGA for Parking Lot(Under Pavement Only): 15.3
3 TON @$35.00/TON = $ 535.50
4 Add Quantity to Pay Item No. 12 Concrete Curb Ramp:3 EA @$1,750.00/EA = $ 5,250.00
Add Quantity to Pay Item No. 13 4" Decorative Stamped and Colored Concrete on 4" Compacted
5 DGA: 1.67 SY @$175.00/SY = $ 292.25
Add Quantity to Pay Item No. 14 9" Concrete on 6"Compacted DGA for Alley Reconstruction:
6 21.01 SY @$180.00/SY = $ 3,781.80
Add Quantity to Pay Item No. 15 9"Decorative Stamped and Colored Concrete on 6"Compacted
7 DGA:2.78 SY(Qn $240.00/SY = $ 667.20
8 Delete Quantity from Pay Item No.23 Restroom Building,Complete:0.022 LS @$182,500.00/LS = $ (4,015.00)
9 Delete Quantity from Pay Item No.25 Water Service Line to Restroom Building:28 LF @$45.00/LF = $ (1,260.00)
Add Quantity to Pay Item No.26 Sanitary Sewer Lateral with Backflow Preventer Cleanout:9 LF
10 ($200.00/LF = $ 1,800.00
Delete Quantity from Pay Item No. 29 Undercut/Stabilization of Unsuitable Subgrade:98.2 CY @
11 $190.00/CY = $ (18,658.00)
12 Delete Quantity from Pay Item No.30 Unidentified Conflict Contingency:0.767675 LS @$10,000.00/LS = $ (7,676.75)
13 Add Item and Quantity Removable Bollards: 5 EA @$1,595.00/EA = $ 7,975.00
TOTAL = $ (14,122.03)
The method of payment for this change or extra work shall be:
A reduction in the amount of Fourteen thousand one hundred twenty two dollars and three cents=$14,122.03
Consulting Engineer: Jac ; Toombs d Lanz,Inc.
7/ p-/ -moo
Engineers tgnature Date
Owner's Approval. City ofJe& onvif Redevelopmeet ComAmission ate c
Signature of Owner(s) i
, 1 / l
Contractor's Afro,val: Excel Excavating,Inc. PM 10.07.2024
Mike Flynn
Authorized Representative Title Date
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