wHEREAs, Hardee's Food Systems, Inc., has filed a petition
requesting the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to vacate a
portion of Ohio Avenue which now serves as a cul de sac at the
north end of said Avenue, and which is located in the City of
Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, and which petition is in
the words as follows:
WHEREAS. the Common Council has scheduled a public hearing
for ~ ~ , 1989 at ?~.. ~ .M. in the Council
Chambers of the<3 City-County Building, JeffersonVille, Indiana, and
the Clerk-Treasurer has caused notice of that hearing to be pub-
lished in the Jeffersonville Evening News and the Clark County
WHEREAS, the Common Council on ~\ , 1989
at ~ ~. .M., has heard all persons wlsn-~ng to be heard on
the petition and has determined that neither the public nor the
City will be harmed by the vacation of that portion of Ohio Avenue
more particularly described hereinafter and that said vacation is
subject to all utility easements of record, and that the City
reserves easements to construct and maintain in the vacated area
such storm or sanitary sewer lines as may be needed by the city or
its sewer utility.
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the city of
Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the following described public way
being that portion of Ohio Avenue be, and is hereby vacated
subject only to the rights of existing utility easements, and to
the right of the city of Jeffersonville or its sewer utility, to
construct and maintain in the vacated areas such storm or sanitary
sewer lines as may be needed and to operate its motor vehicles on
that property:
Being a part of Block 25 land all vacant streets
lying within the following described tract of
land in the City of Jeffersonville, Clark
County, Indiana:
Beginning at a point in the Easterly ri~ht-of-
way line of Ohio Avenue, said point being the
most Northwesterly 'corner of the lot conveyed
to Charles A. English and David W. Nicklies, as
tenants in common, by Deed recorded in Deed
Drawer 18, Instrument No. 11992 in the County
Court House of Clark County, Indiana, thence
along a curve to the left and having a radius
of 50.00', the following chord bearings and
distances, N 24 Deg. 53'33" W, 50.00' to a
point, N 84 Deg. 53'33" W, 50.00' to a point, S
35 Deg. 06'27" W, 50.00' to a point S 24 Deg.
53'33" E, 50.00' to a point and S 64 Deg.
27'08" E, 16.60' to a point in the Westerly
· --_ ~_ .... ~ -~4d Ohio Avenue, thence across
the point of beginning.
Containing 6,880.4 squgre feet, 0.1580 acres,
more or less, and being a part of the afore-
mentioned Ohio Avenue in the city of jefferson-
ville, clark County, Indiana.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its
timely passage, promulgation and approval by the Mayor.
Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the city of
Clark County, Indiana, on the ~ day
Tony H~rrod, President
Common Council
Attest:. ~/~
~erk_~CTh~dasSuPr~r, Jr.~/'
as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said city
Presented by me
of jeffersonville this
This ordinance
approved and signed by me this ~ day