HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Annual Financial Report for Redevelopment Annual Financial Report -....,,,,,._,.. ,., INDIANA atewayfor government units ti. G I . Indiana State Board of Accounts 2023 Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority Clark County Submitted on 2/5/2024 1:35:00 PM Per IC 5-11-1-4 every municipality and local government is required to provide electronically and in a manner prescribed by the state examiner, financial reports for the fiscal year not later than sixty days after the close of the fiscal year. Completion and submission of the Gateway Annual Financial Report(AFR) will fulfill this requirement. This document comprises all of the report outputs generated by Gateway, based on the information entered by the government unit and submitted by the government official as stipulated in state law. Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 1 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Annual Financial Report -2023 Cash & Investments Combined Statement Beg Cash End Cash &Inv Bal &Inv Bal Local Fund Local Fund Name Jan.1,2023 Receipts Disbursement Dec.31,2023 Number Governmental Activities 3329 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) $836,404.76 $38,239.82 $11,209.92 $863,434.66 3330 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) $30,199.98 $827,183.91 $822,950.00 $34,433.89 3331 2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking $30,403.47 $2,957,770.49 $2,951,150.00 $37,023.96 3332 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR $2,536,090.84 $115,948.24 $33,990.04 $2,618,049.04 GRAND TOTAL $3,433,099.05 $3,939,142.46 $3,819,299.96 $3,552,941.55 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 2 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Detailed Receipts -2023 Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority,Clark County,Indiana Detailed Receipts 2023 Governmental Activities 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) Earnings on Investments and Deposits $38,239.82 Total Other Receipts $38,239.82 Total 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) $38,239.82 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) Other Charges for Services,Sales,and Fees/390.423-Other Charges for $810,400.17 Services Total Charges for Services $810,400.17 Earnings on Investments and Deposits $5,573.82 Transfers In-Transferred from Another Fund $11,209.92 Total Other Receipts $16,783.74 Total 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking $827,183.91 (2006ABC) 2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking Other Charges for Services,Sales,and Fees/390.423-Other Charges for $2,913,025.92 Services Total Charges for Services $2,913,025.92 Earnings on Investments and Deposits $10,754.53 Transfers In-Transferred from Another Fund $33,990.04 Total Other Receipts $44,744.57 Total 2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond- $2,957,770.49 Sinking 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR Earnings on Investments and Deposits $115,948.24 Total Other Receipts $115,948.24 Total 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR $115,948.24 Total Governmental Activities $3,939,142.46 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9 37:26 AM Page 3 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Disbursements by Fund -2023 Governmental Activities 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR Transfer Out-Transferred To Another Fund $11,209.92 (2006ABC) Total Other Disbursements $11,209.92 Total 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) $11,209.92 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking Professional Services $350.00 (2006ABC) Total Services and Charges $350.00 Payments on Bonds and Other Debt Principal $695,000.00 Payments on Bonds and Other Debt Interest $127,600.00 Total Debt service-principal and interest $822,600.00 Total 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) $822,950.00 2017 Redevelopement L/R Professional Services $350.00 Bond-Sinking Total Services and Charges $350.00 Payments on Bonds and Other Debt Principal $2,685,000.00 Payments on Bonds and Other Debt Interest $265,800.00 Total Debt service-principal and interest $2,950,800.00 Total 2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking $2,951,150.00 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Transfer Out-Transferred To Another Fund $33,990.04 Street DSR Total Other Disbursements $33,990.04 Total 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR $33,990.04 Total Governmental Activities $3,819,299.96 Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority,Clark County,Indiana Fund Type Schedule 2023 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 4 gateway.ifionline.org Fund Type Local Fund Standard Fund 3-Debt Service 3329-2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) 903329-2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) 3-Debt Service 3330-2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) 903330-2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) 3-Debt Service 3331-2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking 903331-2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking 3-Debt Service 3332-2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR 903332-2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 5 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority,Clark County,Indiana Debt Statement-2023 Beginning Principal Additions Reductions Ending Principal Principal Due in 2024 Balance as of Balance as of Jan.1,2023 Dec.31,2023 Governmental Activities Long Term Debt Revenue Bonds 2016 Lease Rental-Refunding $2,990,000.00 $0.00 $695,000.00 $2,295,000.00 $725,000.00 2006 ABC Revenue Bonds 2017:ease Rental-10th St Road $12,515,000.00 $0.00 $2,685,000.00 $9,830,000.00 $2,735,000.00 Improvements Governmental Activities Long Term Debt Total $15,505,000.00 $0.00 $3,380,000.00 $12,125,000.00 $3,460,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $15,505,000.00 $0.00 $3,380,000.00 $12,125,000.00 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 6 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority,Clark County,Indiana Deficit Fund Balances-2023 Ending Cash and Enterprise Name Fund Name Investment Balance Total deficit fund balances Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 7 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Transfer Report-2023 Transfers Out Transfers In (Disbursements) (Receipts) Fund Amount Fund Amount 2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) $11,209.92 2016 Redev Ref Bond Sinking(2006ABC) $11,209.92 2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR $33,990.04 2017 Redevelopement L/R Bond-Sinking $33,990.04 Total Transfers Out $45,199.96 Total Transfers In $45,199.96 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 8 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Transfer Schedule Report -2023 Fund Transfer To Fund Transfer From 3330-2016 Redev Ref Bond 3331-2017 Redevelopement Sinking(2006ABC) L/R Bond-Sinking Total 3329-2016 Redev Ref Bond DSR(2006ABC) 11,210 - 11,210 3332-2017 Redev L/R Bond 10th Street DSR - 33,990 33,990 Total $ 11,210 $ 33,990 $ 45,200 For each transfer that did not occur on a routine basis or was inconsistent with the activities of the fund making the transfer that is identified in the above schedule,provide a general description of the principal purpose of the interfund transfer.One general description can be provided even if multiple funds are impacted or more than one transfer occurred.(An example of a non-routine transfer:a transfer to a wastewater enterprise fund for the local match of a federal pollution control grant,on example of a transfer that is an inconsistent activity of the fund:a transfer from a capital projects fund to the general fund.) Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 9 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Accounts Payable/Receivable Statement -2023 Accounts Accounts Government or Enterprise Payable Receivable Governmental Activities $0.00 $0.00 Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 10 gateway.ifionline.org Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority, Clark County, Indiana Pensions -2023 1.Please indicate if your unit offers any of these pension plans to your Employees.Check YES NO all that apply. Public Employees Retirement Fund X Teachers Retirement Fund X 1925 Police Pension Fund X 1937 Firefighter's Pension Fund X 1977 Police and Firefighter's Pension Fund X 2. Does your unit have any other pension plans where the employer makes contributions to the plan or funds any part of the benefits? X Indiana Gateway Report Printed: 3/1/2024 9:37:26 AM Page 11 gateway.ifionline.org