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318 Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Safely Surrendered Baby Law
This policy establishes the guidelines to comply with the Indiana law related to certain abandoned
This policy addresses infants who are or appear to be not more than 30 days old and are placed in a
newborn safety device or surrendered to qualified personnel under the terms of I.C.§31-34-2.5-1.
Abandonment of an infant not covered by this policy would be subject to the Child Abuse Policy.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Newborn safety device means a baby box device located at a department site that is staffed by
an emergency medical services provider(I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
318.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Jeffersonville Fire Department to provide an option to protect infants by
allowing parents or other persons to safely and confidentially leave an infant at any staffed fire
The Fire Chief shall identify qualified personnel to take custody of left infants. Qualified personnel
shall be limited to firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians(EMTs), or others who
provide emergency medical services in the course of their employment (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1; I.C.
§ 16-41-10-1).
The following guidelines will be used by personnel at all department stations:
(a) Site preparation:
1. All stations should clearly display the appropriate safe haven signage identifying
the station as a drop-off location.
2. Newborn safety devices should be clearly marked and an assigned member
should test the device at the beginning of each shift. Any device that does not
reasonably appear to be in working order should be taken out of service.
3. Stations should be appropriately staffed by an Emergency Medical Services
provider on a 24-hour, seven day a week basis or meet the minimum response,
equipment, and staffing guidelines for newborn safety devices set forth in I.C.
§ 31-34-2.5-1.
(b) Accepting a surrendered or left infant:
1. Qualified personnel shall accept a surrendered or left infant, even if the infant
appears older than 30 days. If the infant appears to be older than 30 days,
the receiving personnel should immediately notify law enforcement and the
Department of Child Services (DCS), as provided in the Child Abuse Policy.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Safely Surrendered Baby Law
2. If it appears that the infant has been the victim of child abuse or neglect, law
enforcement personnel should be requested as provided in the Child Abuse
3. An infant who is voluntarily left by a parent or surrendering person shall be
accepted by qualified personnel if the parent or surrendering person does not
express an intent to return for the child (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
(a) Receiving personnel shall inform the parent or surrendering person of the
ability to remain anonymous. The infant shall be accepted regardless of
whether the parent or surrendering person provides a name or identifying
information (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
4. An infant left in a newborn safety device shall be taken into custody by qualified
personnel (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
(c) Following acceptance of an infant:
1. The receiving personnel shall perform any act necessary to protect the infant's
physical health or safety (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
2. The receiving personnel shall notify DCS that the infant has been taken into
custody as soon as reasonably practicable (I.C. § 31-34-2.5-1).
3. The infant shall be turned over to the DCS representative upon arrival.
4. The infant should be taken to a local medical facility, rather than turned over to
DCS, in any of the following circumstances:
(a) DCS cannot be contacted
(b) A representative from DCS is unable to respond in a timely manner
(c) The infant appears to have a medical condition in need of immediate
(d) Additional notifications and media concerns:
1. The receiving personnel shall notify Central Alarm and their appropriate
supervisor as soon as practicable.
2. The supervisor will notify the Battalion Chief, duty officer, and the
Department PIO.
3. The PIO may, as circumstances dictate, provide the following limited facts to
the media:
(a) Date, time, and fire station where the infant was left
(b) Local DCS representative's name and telephone number
(c) Under no circumstances should the parent or surrendering person's name
be released to the public or media
(e) Individuals who return to claim an infant:
1. If a parent or surrendering person who voluntarily left an infant requests return
of the infant, the parent or surrendering person should be referred to DCS.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Safely Surrendered Baby Law
2. The identity of the parent or surrendering person should still be kept anonymous
and confidential.
3. Department members should not make any judgments about the individual's
ability to care for the infant.
(f) Community donations:
1. Community groups, volunteers, foundations, and individuals may express
interest in helping with this program. Some may want to donate baby supplies,
such as baby food, diapers, or blankets, directly to the fire station. The following
guidelines are established:
(a) Only new baby blankets in the original wrapper should be accepted.
(b) Donors who wish to donate any other baby-related items, such as clothes,
baby food, or diapers, should be directed to a local social service agency
and/or reputable charities.
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Policy Jeffersonville Fire Department
500 Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Patient Care Reports
The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for documentation of patient responses,
and the related document distribution, storage, and disclosure.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Emergency patient - An individual who is acutely ill, injured, or otherwise incapacitated or
helpless and who requires emergency care. The term includes an individual who requires
transportation on a litter or cot or is transported in a vehicle certified as an ambulance (836 I.A.C.
Patient refusing medical care against medical advice (AMA) - A competent patient who is
determined by an Emergency Medical Responder or base hospital to have a medical problem
that requires the immediate treatment and/or transportation capabilities of the Emergency Medical
Services (EMS)system, but who declines medical care despite being advised of his/her condition
and the risks and possible complications of refusing medical care.
500.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Jeffersonville Fire Department to follow the patient documentation and
distribution guidelines developed by the local, regional, or state EMS authority. A written narrative
in the department NIFRS reporting software will classify as a PCR report.
A Patient Care Report (PCR) shall be completed for every patient response (836 I.A.C. 1-1-5).
This includes a patient who is released at the scene, meets the criteria for pronouncing death in
the field, or is involved in a multi-casualty incident.
A PCR must be completed for all sick or injured patients who refuse care and/or transportation
(836 I.A.C. 1-1-5).
Contact with persons who do not meet the criteria required for the definition of a patient should
be recorded in the department's incident reporting system to document that assistance was
offered and declined. The department's reporting requirements concerning personal identification
information, including a person's name, age, date of birth, and sex, should be followed.
The PCR should be completed as soon as possible after providing patient care. PCR must be
provided within 24 hours (836 I.A.C. 1-1-5).
An EMS evaluation, performed minimally by a qualified department member, may or may not be
required for non-medical requests for assistance,such as"service calls"or"back-to-bed"requests.
A PCR shall be completed for any person meeting the patient criteria.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Patient Care Reports
The transport provider is responsible for the Indiana State Medical Run Sheet, Jeffersonville Fire
Department personnel will only add the information of the medical care they provided into the
Jeffersonville Fire Deparmtnet NIFRS software.
PCRs shall be maintained and secured in a manner consistent with the Patient Medical Record
Security and Privacy Policy.
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Policy Jeffersonville Fire Department
502 Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Advance Health Care Directives
This policy identifies the circumstances and types of documents required for department
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) members to withhold or withdraw resuscitative or life-
sustaining measures based on Indiana medical consent laws.
Nothing in this policy should be interpreted to limit EMS members from relieving an airway
Definitions related to this policy include:
Advance Directive - A document such as a living will declaration, life-prolonging procedures
declaration or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under state law, relating to the
provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated. It must contain the date of execution
and the signature of the declarant, and be signed by two adult witnesses (I.C. § 16-36-4-8; 410
I.A.C. 16.2-1.1-6)
Attorney-in-fact - A person granted legal authority in a written document to act for another in
health matters (I.C. § 30-5-5-1; I.C. § 30-5-5-16).
Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Declaration and Order (DNR order) - A document that
directs a health care provider not to make resuscitative efforts, such as chest compressions,
defibrillation, assisted ventilation, basic airway adjuncts, advanced airway adjuncts (e.g.,
endotracheal tube,Combitube®),cardiotonic medications or other medications or means intended
to initiate a heartbeat or to treat a non-perfusing rhythm. A DNR order includes:
• An Out of Hospital DNR order in substantially the same form as set forth in I.C. §
16-36-5-15, or an equivalent document from another jurisdiction.
• A Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment(POST)form.
A DNR order can also be evidenced by a DNR identification device.
DNR identification device-A medic alert necklace/bracelet engraved with the declarant's name,
date of birth and the words "Do Not Resuscitate" (I.C. § 16-36-5-17).
Health care representative - A person designated in a written power of attorney for health care
to make health care decisions (I.C. § 16-36-5-9).
Palliative care-The total care of patients who are not responsive to curative treatment, designed
to achieve the highest quality of life possible.
Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) form - A form available statewide that
allows an individual to express his/her desires concerning resuscitation and various resuscitation
modalities (I.C. § 16-36-6-4).
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Advance Health Care Directives
502.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Jeffersonville Fire Department that members honor DNR orders to withhold
or withdraw resuscitative measures.
The following guidelines should be used by members who are presented with a DNR order (I.C.
§ 16-36-5-19):
(a) All EMS members shall honor a DNR order when it can be reasonably established
that the patient is the subject of the DNR order and either:
1. When EMS members have identified a DNR order, DNR necklace or bracelet or
POST form as defined in this policy.
2. When EMS members have personally seen the DNR order in the patient's
medical record in a health care facility and they reasonably believe it has not
been revoked.
(b) All DNR patients should receive non-resuscitation-related palliative care and other
comfort measures, as would any other person.
(c) A DNR order shall be disregarded if the patient requests resuscitative measures.
(d) When EMS members honor a DNR order, they shall note on the Patient Care
Report (PCR) that a DNR order was presented and honored, and document the
circumstances surrounding the DNR order on a PCR.
(e) Base hospital contact should be made, the base hospital physician consulted and
resuscitation initiated:
1. If there are any questions concerning the validity of the DNR order.
2. If a DNR order is incomplete or not signed.
3. When a document other than those noted in this policy is presented.
4. Any time EMS members have concerns or require assistance.
(f) All DNR patients who are in cardiopulmonary arrest should not be transported. EMS
members shall contact local law enforcement and/or the coroner's office to report the
death and should support family members on-scene, as appropriate.
(g) All DNR patients who decline transport to the hospital, including patients for whom
transport is declined on their behalf, should not be transported. EMS members should
make reasonable efforts to preserve the patient's privacy, dignity and comfort before
leaving the scene.
(h) If a DNR patient is transported to a hospital, the following shall apply:
1. A valid DNR order shall be honored during transport of the patient.
2. The DNR order shall accompany the patient.
3. The attorney-in-fact or health care agent (if applicable) should accompany the
patient to the hospital.
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Policy Jeffersonville Fire Department
914 Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
The purpose of this policy is to reasonably protect Jeffersonville Fire Department members by
providing and maintaining, at no cost to the member, personal protective equipment(PPE),safety
devices and safeguards for workplace activities (29 CFR 1910.132; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1) . PPE
information related to patient care is found in the Communicable Diseases Policy.
914.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Jeffersonville Fire Department to provide PPE and safeguards of the proper
type, design, strength and quality needed to reasonably eliminate, preclude or mitigate a hazard.
The Jeffersonville Fire Department shall also establish a written maintenance, repair, servicing
and inspection program for protective clothing and equipment to reduce the safety and health
risks associated with improper selection, poor maintenance, inadequate care, excess wear and
improper use of PPE.
The Department will provide approved PPE that is appropriate for the hazard to members who are
located in a workplace where there is a risk of injury. Members shall be expected to wear the PPE
any time there is a risk of exposure to a hazard. PPE shall include all of the following guidelines,
requirements and standards (29 CFR 1910.132; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1):
(a) The PPE provided shall minimally meet the standards approved by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)or other recognized authority.
(b) When no authoritative standard exists for PPE or a safety device, the use of such
equipment shall be subject to inspection and acceptance or rejection by the Division
Chief in charge of the Division where the equipment will be used.
(c) PPE shall be distinctly marked so as to facilitate easy identification of the
(d) The Training Coordinator shall ensure that the member is properly instructed and uses
PPE in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(e) The Department shall ensure that all PPE,whether provided by the Department or the
member, complies with the applicable state standards.
(f) Members are responsible for maintaining their assigned PPE in a safe and sanitary
(g) Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all PPE is maintained in a safe and
sanitary condition.
(h) PPE shall be of such design,fit and durability as to provide adequate protection against
the hazards for which they are designed.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
(i) PPE shall be reasonably comfortable and shall not unduly encumber member
movements that are necessary to perform work.
Members working in locations where there is a risk of head injuries from flying or falling objects
and/or electric shock and burns shall wear an approved protective helmet. Each protective helmet
shall bear the original marking required by the ANSI standard under which it was approved. At
a minimum, the marking shall identify the manufacturer, the ANSI-designated standard number
and date, and the ANSI-designated class of helmet. Where there is a risk of injury from hair
entanglements in moving parts of machinery, combustibles or toxic contaminants, members shall
confine their hair to eliminate the hazard (29 CFR 1910.135; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1).
Members working in locations where there is a risk of eye injuries, such as punctures, abrasions,
contusions or burns from contact with flying particles, hazardous substances, projectiles or
injurious light rays that are inherent in the work or environment, shall be safeguarded by means
of face or eye protection. Suitable screens or shields isolating the hazardous exposure may
be considered adequate safeguarding for nearby members. The Department shall provide and
require that members wear approved face and eye protection suitable for the hazard and in
accordance with previously cited national standards (29 CFR 1910.133; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1).
Body protection may be required for members whose work exposes parts of their bodies that are
not otherwise protected from hazardous or flying substances or objects. Clothing appropriate for
the work being done shall be worn. Loose sleeves, tails, ties, lapels, cuffs or other loose clothing
that can be entangled in moving machinery shall not be worn. Clothing saturated with flammable
liquids, corrosive substances, irritants or oxidizing agents shall either be removed and not worn
until properly cleaned, or shall be destroyed (29 CFR 1910.132; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1).
Hand protection shall be required for members whose work involves unusual and excessive
exposure of hands to cuts, burns, harmful physical or chemical agents or radioactive materials
that are encountered and capable of causing injury or impairment.
Hand protection (e.g., gloves) shall not be worn where there is a danger of the hand protection
becoming entangled in moving machinery or materials. Use of hand protection around smooth-
surfaced rotating equipment does not constitute an entanglement hazard if it is unlikely that the
hand protection will be drawn into the danger zone.
Wristwatches, rings or other jewelry should not be worn while working with or around machinery
with moving parts in which such objects may be caught or around electrical equipment(29 CFR
1910.138; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1).
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
Appropriate foot protection shall be required for members who are exposed to foot injuries
from electrical hazards; hot, corrosive or poisonous substances; falling objects; or crushing or
penetrating actions; or who are required to work in abnormally wet locations. Footwear that is
defective or inappropriate to the extent that its ordinary use creates the possibility of foot injuries
shall not be worn. Footwear shall be appropriate for the hazard and shall comply with recognized
national standards (29 CFR 1910.136; 620 I.A.C. 1-1-1).
PPE exists to provide the member with an envelope of protection from multiple hazards and
repeated exposures. For structural firefighting, PPE is a system of components designed to work
as an ensemble. Typical firefighting PPE consists of a hood, helmet, jacket, trousers, gloves,
wristlets and footwear. A program for selection, care and maintenance of PPE consists of the
The PPE selection process should be conducted through a labor-management committee utilizing
members from labor and representatives from management.
Prior to procurement,a risk assessment may be performed to include expected hazards,frequency
of use, past experiences, geographic location and climatic conditions. The selection process
should evaluate comparative information on all ensemble elements to ensure they will interface
and perform based on the risk assessment. The process should consider the following:
(a) PPE performance expectations, to include thermal and physiological effects
(b) Style and design for user comfort and wear performance
(c) Construction for quality, durability and garment life
(d) Manufacturer ability to meet performance demand requirements, technical
information, service, warranty and customer support needs
There are two primary types of PPE inspection:
Routine inspection - Each firefighter shall conduct a routine inspection of his/her issued PPE
each time the elements are exposed or are suspected of having been exposed to damage or
(a) Coat, trouser, gloves and hood should be checked for the following:
1. Soiling
2. Contamination from hazardous materials or biological agents
3. Physical damage, such as:
(a) Rips, tears and cuts
(b) Damaged/missing hardware and closure systems
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
(c) Thermal damage, such as charring, burn holes and melting
(d) Damaged or missing reflective trim
(e) Shrinkage
(f) Loss of elasticity or flexibility at openings
(b) Helmets should be checked for the following:
1. Soiling
2. Contamination from hazardous materials or biological agents
3. Physical damage to the shell, such as:
(a) Cracks, crazing (small cracks), dents and abrasions
(b) Thermal damage to the shell, such as bubbling, soft spots, warping or
4. Physical damage to ear flaps, such as:
(a) Rips, tears and cuts
(b) Thermal damage, such as charring, burn holes and melting
5. Damaged or missing components of suspension and retention systems
6. Damaged or missing components of the goggle system including:
(a) Discoloration
(b) Crazing (small cracks)
(c) Scratches to goggle lens, limiting visibility
7. Damaged or missing reflective trim
(c) Footwear should be checked for the following:
1. Soiling
2. Contamination from hazardous materials or biological agents
3. Physical damage, such as:
(a) Cuts, tears and punctures
(b) Thermal damage, such as charring, burn holes and melting
(c) Exposed or deformed steel toe, steel midsole and shank
(d) Loss of water resistance
Advanced inspection-Advanced inspection of PPE ensembles and elements shall be conducted
a minimum of every 12 months or whenever routine inspections indicate a problem may exist.
Advanced inspections shall only be conducted by trained and certified members or a
manufacturer-approved vendor certified to conduct advanced inspections. All findings from
advanced inspections shall be documented on an inspection form. Universal precautions shall
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
be observed, as appropriate, when handling elements. Advanced inspections shall include, at a
minimum, the inspection criteria outlined in the NFPA.
The following rules and restrictions shall apply to the cleaning and decontamination of PPE:
(a) Soiled and contaminated PPE elements shall not be taken home,washed in the home
or washed in public laundries unless the business is dedicated to handling firefighting
protective clothing.
(b) Commercial dry cleaning shall not be used.
(c) The Department will examine the manufacturer's label and user information for specific
cleaning instructions.
(d) Chlorine bleach or chlorinated solvents shall not be used to clean or decontaminate
PPE elements.
(e) Scrubbing or spraying with high-velocity water jets, such as a power washer,shall not
be used.
(f) All contract cleaning or decontamination businesses shall demonstrate procedures
for cleaning and decontamination that do not compromise the performance of PPE
ensembles and elements. Department standards identify and define three primary
types of cleaning: routine, advanced and specialized.
1. Routine cleaning - After each use, any elements that are soiled shall receive
routine cleaning. It is the firefighter's responsibility to routinely clean his/her PPE
ensemble or elements using the following process:
(a) When possible, initiate cleaning at the incident scene.
(b) Brush off any dry debris.
(c) Gently rinse off debris with a water hose.
(d) If necessary, scrub gently with a soft bristle brush and rinse off again if
necessary. Spot clean utilizing a utility sink.
(e) Inspect for soiling and contamination and repeat the process if necessary.
(f) All elements shall be air-dried in an area with good ventilation. Do not dry
in direct sunlight or use a machine dryer.
2. Advanced cleaning - Should routine cleaning fail to render the elements clean
enough to be returned to service, advanced cleaning is required. In addition,
elements that have been issued, used and soiled shall undergo advanced
cleaning every six months, at a minimum.
(a) The department's Health and Safety Officer (HSO) shall manage all
advanced cleaning utilizing a qualified contract cleaner.
(b) Advanced cleaning will be coordinated with the HSO by either the crew or
by the individual. Loaner PPE will be provided for any member scheduled
to work.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
(c) Station laundering machines shall not be used to clean PPE elements.
3. Specialized cleaning - PPE elements that are contaminated with hazardous
materials or biological agents shall undergo specialized cleaning as necessary
to remove the specific contaminants.
(a) The PPE elements that are contaminated or suspected to be contaminated
shall be isolated, tagged, bagged and removed from service until
they undergo specialized cleaning to remove the specific contaminant.
All bagged PPE shall include the member's name, company and
shift. Universal precautions shall be observed when handling known
or suspected contaminated PPE elements. For more information on
decontamination of PPE after exposure, refer to the Communicable
Diseases Policy.
(b) The department's HSO shall manage all specialized cleaning and will
utilize a qualified contract cleaner. The Department, if possible, shall
identify the suspected contaminant and consult the manufacturer for an
appropriate decontamination agent and process.
The department's HSO shall manage all PPE repairs utilizing a manufacturer-recognized repair
facility. All elements shall be subject to an advanced or specialized cleaning before any repair
work is done. Loaner PPE is available to members while repairs are being made.
All PPE ensembles or elements shall be issued through the department's HSO. All fittings shall
be completed by the HSO and/or by a manufacturer's representative.
• Members shall only use department-issued PPE.
• Members shall minimize the public's exposure to soiled or contaminated PPE and
avoid wearing PPE to non-fire related emergencies.
• Members shall not wear PPE inside station living quarters or other department
The parameters for the storage of all PPE ensembles or elements include the following:
(a) PPE shall not be stored in direct sunlight or exposed to direct sunlight when it is not
being worn.
(b) PPE shall be clean, dry and well ventilated before storage.
(c) PPE shall not be stored in airtight containers unless the container is new and unused.
(d) PPE shall not be stored at temperatures below 40 degrees F or above 180 degrees F.
(e) PPE shall be stored in a protective case or bag to prevent damage if stored in
compartments or trunks.
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
(f) PPE shall not be subjected to sharp objects, tools or other equipment that could
damage the ensemble or elements.
(g) PPE shall not be stored inside living quarters or with personal belongings, or taken or
transported within the passenger compartment of personal vehicles unless it is stored
in a protective case or bag.
(h) PPE shall not be stored in contact with hydraulic fluids, solvents, hydrocarbons,
hydrocarbon vapors or other contaminants.
The Training Coordinator shall be responsible for the following:
(a) Upon issue, all members shall be provided training on this policy along with the
manufacturer's written instructions on the care, use and maintenance of their PPE,
including any warnings issued by the manufacturer.
(b) New firefighters shall receive training in the care, use and maintenance of their PPE
before participating in live fire training or operations.All other firefighters shall receive
training as needed when PPE ensembles or elements are upgraded or changed.
The Department shall maintain or require contracted vendors to maintain records on all structural
firefighting ensembles or elements to include:
(a) The name of the member to whom the element is issued.
(b) The date and condition of the element when issued.
(c) The manufacturer, model name or design.
(d) The manufacturer's identification number, lot number or serial number.
(e) The month and year of manufacture.
(f) The dates and findings of all advanced inspections.
(g) The dates of advanced cleaning, specialized cleaning or decontamination, and by
whom it was performed.
(h) The date of any repairs, the person who repaired the PPE and a brief description of
the repair.
(i) The date the element was removed from service (retirement).
(j) The date and method the element was disposed.
All PPE ensembles and elements that are worn or damaged to the extent that the Department
deems that it is not possible or cost effective to repair shall be retired. All PPE ensembles and
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Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Personal Protective Equipment
elements that are no longer useful for emergency operations but are not contaminated, defective
or damaged shall be retired.
Retired PPE ensembles and elements shall be destroyed or disposed of by the Department in a
manner ensuring that they will not be used in any firefighting or emergency activities, including
training. Retired PPE may only be used for training when that training does not include live fire.
Any PPE used for training shall be clearly marked: "Training only. No live fire."
If any member of the Jeffersonville Fire Department suffers a serious injury or death while wearing
PPE, the following procedure should be followed:
(a) The PPE will immediately be removed from service.
(b) Custody of the PPE will be maintained by the Fire Chief or the authorized designee,
and the PPE shall be kept in a secure location with controlled, documented access.
(c) All PPE shall be non-destructively tagged and stored only in paper or cardboard
containers to prevent further degradation or damage. Plastic airtight containers shall
not be used.
(d) The PPE shall be made available to the department's investigation team (see the Line-
of-Duty Death and Serious Injury Investigations Policy)or outside experts as approved
by the Fire Chief or the authorized designee, to determine the condition of the PPE.
(e) The Fire Chief or the authorized designee shall determine the retention period for
storage of the PPE.
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Policy Jeffersonville Fire Department
1005 Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Reporting for Duty
This policy describes the department's expectations of its employees when reporting for duty, to
ensure that all members are fully capable of functioning in their capacity.
1005.2 POLICY
It is the policy of this department to identify the expectations required of its members when
reporting for duty in order to provide efficient and quality services to the community and to provide
for the safety of its members.
All members should be punctual and be ready to immediately perform their duties at 0700.
Members that are not present at 0700,will be considered AWOL and subject to disciplinary action.
That member will immediately lose the first half of their shift (0700-1900). Time will be deducted
from the members sick time.
1005.4 RELIEF
Members are required to remain on-duty until relieved. Upon entering the station, it is the member's
responsibility to contact the member being relieved and receive a briefing. Members staying
beyond their assigned shift for a tardy member, and whom wish to be compensated, shall notify
the Battalion Chief.
Company Officers shall remain on-duty until change-of-crew unless they are relieved or otherwise
directed by a Battalion Chief. Company Officers may not be absent from their place of assignment
without the specific permission of a Battalion Chief.
Upon reporting for duty, all members should prepare themselves and their gear to be immediately
available to respond to calls for service. This should include, but is not limited to, placing personal
protective equipment (PPE) on the member's assigned apparatus.
All members should don the appropriate uniform prior to the start of their work assignments and
be properly attired at all times when representing the Department. Each member should wear
the appropriate uniform or protective equipment that has been approved for the activity being
All members should keep their persons, uniforms, desks, cars, beds and lockers in a neat and
clean condition. If a persistent problem is noticed, the member should be notified immediately.
Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2023/08/14,All Rights Reserved. ***DRAFT*** Reporting for Duty- 1
Published with permission by Jeffersonville Fire Department
Jeffersonville Fire Department
Jeffersonville Fire Department Policy Manual
Reporting for Duty
Members should notify their Company Officer at his/her duty assignment location as soon as
practicable of any inability to report for duty at the time required. If members are unable to make
contact with the Company Officer at the duty station, members should notify the duty Battalion
Upon receipt of an emergency recall, without delay, members should secure and/or stabilize their
home and family,and report for duty at the appropriate work location. Members shall recognize the
potential for emergency recall and take measures in advance to properly prepare their families.
Except when otherwise instructed, members should travel to their normal work assignment once
they have received the notice of recall. Members shall not leave their duty assignments until
properly relieved. Members shall follow the procedures detailed in the Emergency Recall Policy.
Any Company Officer may relieve a member under his/her command from duty, when, in
the Company Officer's judgment, an alleged offense committed is sufficiently serious to warrant
immediate action. A report of such action shall be immediately made to the appropriate Battalion
Chief, followed by written charges and documentation in accordance with department procedures.
Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2023/08/14,All Rights Reserved. ***DRAFT*** Reporting for Duty-2
Published with permission by Jeffersonville Fire Department